Supplementary Materials
This PDF file includes:
- fig. S1. Locations of the permanent GPS stations in Greenland.
- fig. S2. Monthly mean values of vertical GPS solutions after removing the annual, semiannual, and elastic vertical displacement.
- fig. S3. Elevation change rate during 1997–2015.
- fig. S4. Time series of GrIS mass loss rate.
- fig. S5. Ice thickness change since the LGM as represented by the Green1 VM-GPS.
- fig. S6. GIA rates.
- fig. S7. Landsat image of southeast Greenland.
- table S1. Location of GPS sites, data time span, observed uplift rates, predicted elastic uplift rates, and observed GIA uplift rate.
- table S2. 1D viscosity profiles for Greenland.
- table S3. 1D viscosity profiles assigned to each region in Greenland.
- table S4. Uncertainty of the scaling parameter caused by the load and Earth model parameters.
- table S5. Ratio of inferred scaling factor for the 3D viscosity profiles versus the 1D viscosity profile (VM-GPS).
- table S6. SLE mass change per basin since LGM.
- table S7. SLE mass change per basin during 1900–1983.
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