Fascin regulates nuclear actin during Drosophila oogenesis

Supplemental Materials

This article contains the following supporting material:

  • Supplemental Materials
  • Movie 5 - Movie 5: Cherry-Fascin localizes to nuclear GFP-Actin rods. Movie of confocal stack of the UAS mCherry-Fascin/GFP-Actin 5C; oskGAL4/+ S8 follicle shown in Figure 5E-F. The left side is anti-GFP and the right side is anti-dsRed. Scale bar = 50 μm.
  • Movie 2 - Movie 2: DNase I and anti-Actin C4 co-label structured nuclear actin. Movie of the confocal stack of the wild-type follicles shown in Figure 2A-A ″. The left stack is the merged image: anti-Actin C4 = red and DNase I = green. The middle stack is Anti-Actin C4, and the right stack is DNase I in white. Scale bar = 50 μm.
  • Movie 3 - Movie 3: Live imaging of GFP-Actin 5C. Movie of S8 follicle with GFP-Actin 5C expressed in the germline via matGAL4; images collected every 5 s for ∼ 8 min. Scale bar = 10 μm.
  • Movie 1 - Movie 1: Endogenous nuclear actin during early follicle development. Movie of confocal stack of wild-type follicles shown in Figure 1A. Anti-Actin C4 = green. WGA = magenta. Scale bar = 50 μm.
  • Movie 4 - Movie 4: FRAP of nuclear GFP-Actin rod. Movie of FRAP experiment shown in Figure 3, images were collected every 2 s for ∼3 min. Yellow box marks the area of photobleaching. Scale bar = 10 μm.