The Arabidopsis Malectin-Like/LRR-RLK IOS1 Is Critical for BAK1-Dependent and BAK1-Independent Pattern-Triggered Immunity

Peer Review Report

To add value to publications and provide information on the review process, The Plant Cell will publish Peer Review Reports, subject to author approval, for all articles by January 2017. Reviewer anonymity will be strictly maintained. The reports which will include the most substantive parts of decision letters, anonymous reviewer comments, and author responses; minor comments for revision and miscellaneous correspondence will not be published. The text of reviewer comments and author responses will be unedited except to correct typos and minor grammatical errors (where noticed and easily corrected), and to remove minor comments. This report is published as part of a pilot program, including a small set of articles, with the approval of all respective authors and reviewers, to introduce readers and authors to the concept and test the format.

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