"variable name","description" "Código_Escuela","four character school code" "DepositosPositivosInterv","number of positive containers (intervention period)" "AlgunoDepositoPositivoInterv","number of surveys in which at least one container was positive (intervention period)" "PupasInterv","number of pupae found (intervention period)" "denomInterv","number of surveys carried out (intervention period)" "Intervención","trial arm (character string prefixed by number)" "DepositosPositivosBaseline","number of positive containers (baseline period)" "AlgunoDepositoPositivoBaseline","number of surveys in which at least one container was positive (intervention period)" "denomBaseline","number of surveys carried out (intervention period)" "DenomPersonasMidpoint","number of people in the school (number of pupils at midpoint of study, plus number of teachers, plus 1 for additional staff)" "DengueInterv","binary variable indicating whether received dengue interventions (code 1) or not (code 0)" "DiarrhInterv","binary variable indicating whether received diarrhoea interventions (code 1) or not (code 0)" "BIInterv","Breteau Index (intervention period)" "BIBaseline","Breteau Index (baseline period)" "SIInterv","School Index (intervention period)" "SIBaseline","School Index (baseline period)" "PPInterv","Pupae per Person (intervention period)" "Municipio","municipio (character string prefixed by number)"