Supplementary Materials

This PDF file includes:

  • fig. S1. Helicase activity is essential for processive replication by the T7 replisome.
  • fig. S2. Strong nucleosomal barrier affects the processivity of the T7 replisome.
  • fig. S3. Analysis of the nucleosomal pausing patterns formed during replication by exo+ and exo replisomes.
  • fig. S4. Analysis of time courses of replication through chromatin by the exo+ (A) or exo replisome (B) using the KinTek Explorer software.
  • fig. S5. Mapping of nucleosome positions after replication by the T7 replisome using restriction enzyme sensitivity assay.
  • fig. S6. Nucleosomes are not formed de novo during or after T7 replication.
  • fig. S7. Proposed role for exonuclease activity during replication through a nucleosome.
  • table S1. Sequences of oligonucleotides and DNA templates.

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