Supplementary Materials

This PDF file includes:

  • fig. S1. In vivo assessment of modality responses following NaV1.8 deletion.
  • Legends for movies S1 to S8

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Other Supplementary Material for this manuscript includes the following:

  • movie S1 (.avi format). Neuronal activation assessed by GCaMP6s fluorescence in vitro.
  • movie S2 (.avi format). Frequency-dependent (0.5 Hz) changes in neuronal activation assessed by GCaMP3 fluorescence.
  • movie S3 (.avi format). Frequency-dependent (1 Hz) changes in neuronal activation assessed by GCaMP3 fluorescence.
  • movie S4 (.avi format). Frequency-dependent (10 Hz) changes in neuronal activation assessed by GCaMP3 fluorescence.
  • movie S5 (.avi format). Neuronal activation assessed by GCaMP3 fluorescence in vivo.
  • movie S6 (.avi format). Neuronal activation following FCA treatment assessed by GCaMP3 fluorescence in vivo.
  • movie S7 (.avi format). Neuronal activation before PGE2 treatment assessed by GCaMP3 fluorescence in vivo.
  • movie S8 (.avi format). Neuronal activation following PGE2 treatment assessed by GCaMP3 fluorescence in vivo.

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