author: Gonzalez year: 2012 title: A revision and phylogenetic analysis of the spider genus Aysenia Tullgren (Araneae: Anyphaenidae, Amaurobioidinae); subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Amaurobioidini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Aysenia unspecified, unspecified species name: elongatag_female unspecified, unspecified morphology: Prosoma length 0.88 mm, width 0.48 mm, narrowed in front, slightly wider at leg III (Fig. 1b). Length of tibia/metatarsus: leg I, 0.40/0.30 mm; leg II, 0.34/0.34 mm; leg III, 0.22/0.20 mm; leg IV, 0.32/0.20 mm. Palpal tarsus length 0.28 mm. Chelicerae strong, with thick anterior bristles, three contiguous teeth on retromargin, and three very small teeth on promargin. Sternum length 0.54 mm, width 0.34 mm. Spines: femora legs I-IV d 1-1-1. Leg I, tibia v 2-2-0; metatarsus v 2bas. Leg II, tibia r1; metatarsus v r1-r1-0, p 1. Leg III, tibia apparently 0; metatarsus v 1ap and apical group of thick setae. Leg IV, tibia v p1-p1-p1; metatarsus v p1-2-comb (preening comb not in a definite line). Opisthosoma length 1.94 mm, spiracle-epigastrium 1.18 mm, spiracle close to spinnerets. Color in ethanol (Fig. 1a): Prosoma brown, legs pale yellow, darker distally. Opisthosoma pale yellow on the back with two longitudinal reticulated dark brown bands confluent at the hind-end; sides with longitudinally arranged, scattered short stripes of the same color; venter brown uniform. Epigyne (Fig. 3a): lateral lobes separate, median field and copulatory openings in epigastric fold, all weakly sclerotized. Spermathecae irregular, contiguous, copulatory ducts contorted. Accessory bulbs voluminous (Fig. 3a, Ramírez 2003: fig. 22c-d). author: Ramírez year: 2003d title: The Spider Subfamily Amaurobioidinae (Araneae, Anyphaenidae): a Phylogenetic Revision at the generic level subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Amaurobioidini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Aysenia unspecified, unspecified species name: elongatar_female unspecified, unspecified morphology: Total length 2.67 mm. Carapace length 1.00 mm, width 0.50 mm, slightly wider on leg III (fig. 22A). Length of tibia/metatarsus: leg I, 0.42/0.32 mm; leg II, 0.35/0.28 mm; leg III, 0.23/0.18 mm; leg IV, 0.37/0.25 mm. Palpal tarsus length 0.20 mm. Chelicerae strong, with thick anterior bristles, three contiguous teeth on retromargin, promargin not seen, three very small teeth according to Tullgren (1902). Sternum length 0.57 mm, width 0.33 mm. Spines (those on femora and legs III-IV hardly visible, tentative): femora all d 1-1-1. Leg I, tibia v 2-2-0 (x-p1-x displaced prolaterally, fig. 22B); metatarsus v 2bas. Leg II, tibia r1-r1-0 or r1; metatarsus v r1-r1-0, p 1. Leg III, tibia apparently 0 (all scored as missing entries); metatarsus v 1ap and apical group of thick setae. Leg IV, tibia v p1-p1-p1; metatarsus v p1-2-comb (preening comb not in a definite line). Abdomen length 1.61 mm, width 0.55 mm, spiracle close to spinnerets. Color: types badly faded. Abdomen described by Tullgren (1902: 57): “The color seems to have been greenish-yellow on the back with two longitudinal reticulated brown-violet bands confluent at the hind-end. On the sides there are longitudinally arranged scattered short stripes of the same color. The venter is one-colored light yellow-brown.” Epigyne (fig. 22C, D): lateral lobes separate, median field and copulatory openings in epigastric fold, all weakly sclerotized. Spermathecae irregular, contiguous, copulatory ducts contorted. Accessory bulbs voluminous. author: Gonzalez year: 2012 title: A revision and phylogenetic analysis of the spider genus Aysenia Tullgren (Araneae: Anyphaenidae, Amaurobioidinae) subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Amaurobioidini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Aysenia unspecified, unspecified species name: huayun_female unspecified, unspecified morphology: Prosoma length 2.02 mm, width 1.08 mm, slightly constricted between legs I and II (Fig. 12b). Length of tibia/metatarsus: leg I, 1.22/1.02 mm; leg II, 1.12/0.94 mm; leg III, 0.62/0.60 mm; leg IV, 0.96/0.80 mm. Palpal tarsus length 0.54 mm. Chelicerae strong, with thick anterior bristles (Fig. 12d), three contiguous teeth on retromargin, distal one compressed, and three teeth on promargin, middle tooth larger. Sternum length 1.04 mm, width 0.62 mm. Spines: leg I, femur d 1-1-1; tibia v 0-p1-2; metatarsus v 0-2-p1-p1. Leg II, femur = leg I; tibia p 1ap; metatarsus v 2-p1-p1 or v 2-2-p1, p d1. Leg III, femur d 1-1-1, p 1ap; tibia v 2ap or 0-r1-2; metatarsus v 2-0-2, p 0-1-1, r 1ap, d 2ap. Leg IV, femur d 1-1-1; tibia v 2-2-p1, p v1bas, r 0-d1-d1-0 or v p1-p1-2, p v1-v1-0-0, r 0-d1-0-0; metatarsus d 2ap, v 2-p1-2, p 1ap, r d1-d1-0 or v p1-p1-2, r d1bas. Prolateral spines on tibia leg IV short and thick. Leg III oriented forward. Opisthosoma length 4.12 mm, spiracle-epigastrium 2.32 mm, spiracle-spinnerets 0.48 mm. Color in ethanol (Fig. 12a): Prosoma reddish brown, lighter towards posterior region, ocular region dark. Chelicerae reddish brown. Legs yellowish brown with coxae and trochanters slightly lighter. Sternum brown. Opisthosoma grayish brown, with four pale yellow dorsal spots, two largest in the middle and four patches on posterior end, all covered by white hairs. Venter pale yellow uniform. Epigyne (Fig. 13): Median field and copulatory openings in epigastric fold. Lateral lobes separate, posterior half strongly sclerotized, with depressions. Copulatory ducts not coiled, ducts of accessory bulbs short, convergent. Spermathecae irregular, contiguous. author: Gonzalez year: 2012 title: A revision and phylogenetic analysis of the spider genus Aysenia Tullgren (Araneae: Anyphaenidae, Amaurobioidinae) subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Amaurobioidini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Aysenia unspecified, unspecified species name: grismadoi_female unspecified, unspecified morphology: Unknown. author: Gonzalez year: 2012 title: A revision and phylogenetic analysis of the spider genus Aysenia Tullgren (Araneae: Anyphaenidae, Amaurobioidinae) subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Amaurobioidini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Aysenia unspecified, unspecified species name: izquierdoi_female unspecified, unspecified morphology: Prosoma length 1.06 mm, width 0.64 mm, slightly narrowed in front, wider on leg III. Length of tibia/metatarsus: leg I, 0.52/0.44 mm; leg II, 0.50/0.40 mm; leg III, 0.24 mm; leg IV, 0.40/0.30 mm. Palpal tarsus length 0.24 mm. Chelicerae strong, with thick anterior spines (Fig. 15b), three contiguous teeth on retromargin, and three teeth on promargin, middle tooth larger. Sternum length 0.56 mm, width 0.42 mm. Spines: leg I, femur d 1bas; tibia v p1ap, p d1-v1-d1-0; metatarsus v p1-0. Leg II, femur d 1-1-0; tibia = 0; metatarsus = 0. Leg III, femur = 0; tibia = 0; metatarsus = 0. Leg IV, femur d 1bas; tibia v 2ap, p 2-v1-0; metatarsus d p1ap, v p1-p1-p1, p 1ap. Prolateral spines on tibia leg IV short and thick (Fig. 16e). Leg III oriented forward. Opisthosoma length 1.78 mm, spiracle-epigastrium 0.82 mm, spiracle-spinnerets 0.22 mm. Color in ethanol (Fig. 15a): Prosoma brown reddish, darker distally, ocular region dark. Chelicerae brown reddish. Legs brown yellowish with femora and tibiae slightly darker. Sternum pale brown. Opisthosoma dark brown, almost black, with two pale yellow dorsal patches covered by white hairs. Venter grayish uniform. Epigyne (Fig. 16a-e): Median field and copulatory openings in epigastric fold. Lateral lobes separate, posterior half strongly sclerotized, with depressions. Copulatory ducts coiled. Accessory bulbs with long, convergent ducts. Spermathecae irregular, contiguous. author: Soto year: 2012 title: Revision and phylogenetic analysis of the spider genus Philisca Simon (Araneae: Anyphaenidae, Amaurobioidinae) subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Gayennini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Philisca unspecified, unspecified species name: ingens_female unspecified, unspecified morphology: Total length 12.77 mm. Prosoma length 6.65 mm, width 4.79 mm, wider between legs II-III. Tibia/metatarsus length: leg I, 5.13/4.67 mm; leg II, 4.33/4.13 mm; leg III, 3.27/3.60 mm; leg IV, 4.53/5.20 mm. Chelicerae with three teeth on promargin (middle tooth larger), three on retromargin. Sternum length 3.20 mm, width 2.47 mm. Spines: leg I, femur d 1-1-1, p d2ap or d1ap; tibia v 2-p1-2; metatarsus v 2bas. Leg II, femur d 1-1-1, p d2ap; tibia v 2-2-r1-2; metatarsus v 2bas. Leg III, femur d 1-1-1, p and r d1ap; patella r d1; tibia v 2-2-2, p d1-1, r 1-1 or 1-0; metatarsus v 2-2-2, d 2ap, p d1-1-1 and r d1-1-1 or d1-0-1. Leg IV, femur d 1-1-1, p and r d1ap; patella r d1; tibia v 2-2-2, p d1-1 and r d1-d1-1; metatarsus v 2-2-2, d 0-p1-2 or 1-p1-2, p and r d1-1-1. Color in ethanol as male, see below (Fig. 6d). Opisthosoma length 5.32 mm, epigastrium-spiracle 2.40 mm, spiracle-spinnerets 0.80 mm. Epigyne large, not much translucent (Fig. 6e, f), ventrally a single plate with anterior notch, LL separated in dorsal view. MF smooth, heart-shaped, close to the epigastric furrow. Anterior pouch wide, with short lumen. Ducts of AB long. Spermathecae large (Fig. 6f). The holotype presented the following differences in spines: leg II, femur p d1ap; tibia v 2-2-2, p 0-1; metatarsus v p1-0. Leg III, tibia d r1-0-1-0; metatarsus d 0-p1-2. author: Soto year: 2012 title: Revision and phylogenetic analysis of the spider genus Philisca Simon (Araneae: Anyphaenidae, Amaurobioidinae) subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Gayennini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Philisca unspecified, unspecified species name: accentifera_female unspecified, unspecified morphology: Total length 5.60 mm. Prosoma length 2.53 mm, width 1.73 mm, wider between legs II-III. Tibia/metatarsus length: leg I, 1.17/1.03 mm; leg II, 1.13/1.07 mm; leg III, 0.97/1.13 mm; leg IV, 1.40/1.63 mm. Chelicerae with three teeth on promargin (middle tooth larger), four on retromargin. Sternum length 1.20 mm, width 0.97 mm. Spines: leg I, femur d 1-1-1, p d2ap or d1ap; tibia v p1-2-2; metatarsus v 2bas. Leg II, femur d 1-1-1, p d2ap; tibia v 0-2-2; metatarsus v 2bas or 2-p1. Leg III, femur d 1-1-1, p and r d1ap; patella r d1; tibia v p1-2-2, p d1-1, r 1-d1-1; metatarsus v 2-2-2, d 0-p1-2, p and r d1-d1-1. Leg IV, femur d 1-1-1, p and r d1ap; patella r d1; tibia v p1-2-2, p d1-1 and r d1-d1-1; metatarsus v 2-2-2, d 0-p1-2, p and r d1-1-1. Color in ethanol (Fig. 14a): Prosoma reddish brown, almost uniform. Legs slightly paler than prosoma and with black spots. Sternum brown, darker than dorsal prosoma. Opisthosoma whitish with black spots, in parts forming transverse bars in the dorsal habitus. Opisthosoma length 3.47 mm, epigastrium-spiracle 1.83 mm, spiracle-spinnerets 0.40 mm. Epigyne (Fig. 14a, b) is small, sclerotized, translucent. MF heart-shaped. Anterior pouch short, with squared lumen. Ducts of AB long, with conspicuous gland ducts. The holotype presented the following differences in spines: leg I, tibia v 0-2-p1. Leg II, femur p d1ap; tibia v 0-r1-p1. Leg III, tibia v p1-p1-2; metatarsus v 2-0-2. author: Soto year: 2012 title: Revision and phylogenetic analysis of the spider genus Philisca Simon (Araneae: Anyphaenidae, Amaurobioidinae) subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Gayennini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Philisca unspecified, unspecified species name: robusta_female unspecified, unspecified morphology: Total length 9.44 mm. Prosoma length 3.99 mm, width 3.19 mm. Tibia/metatarsus length: leg I, 2.26/2.13 mm; leg II, 2.26/2.13 mm; leg III, 1.86/2.00 mm; leg IV, 2.53/3.06 mm. Chelicerae with three teeth (middle tooth larger) on promargin and three on retromargin (basal tooth larger). Sternum length 2.00 mm, width 1.60 mm. Spines: leg I, femur d 1-1-1, p 2ap; tibia v 0-2-p1; metatarsus v 2bas. Leg II, femur d 1-1-1, p and r 1ap; tibia v 0-r1-2 or 0-2-2, p 0-1 or 0; metatarsus v 2bas or 2-p1-0, p 1-0. Leg III, femur d 1-1-1, p and r d1ap; patella r d1; tibia v 0-p1-2 or p1-p1-2, d r1bas, p and r d1-1; metatarsus v 2-p1-2, d 0-p1-2, p and r d1-1-1. Leg IV, femur d 1-1-1, p and r d1ap; patella r 1; tibia v p1-2-2, d r1-0-1, p and r 1-1; metatarsus v 2-2-2, d 0-p1-2, p and r d1-1-1. Opisthosoma length 5.05 mm, epigastrium-spiracle 2.39 mm, spiracle-spinnerets 0.80 mm. Color in ethanol (Fig. 27): Prosoma and chelicerae reddish brown. Sternum brown. Legs yellowish brown. Opistosoma light yellowish brown, with dorsal and ventral brown pattern. Epigyne large, very sclerotized and weakly translucent (Fig. 33a). MF heart-shaped. MF smooth, heart-shaped, close to the epigastric furrow. Anterior pouch wide, with short lumen. AB at the sides of the spermathecae. Spermathecae separated by a diameter (Fig. 33b). Females and immatures have thick setae on the base of ALS (Fig. 31a). author: Soto year: 2012 title: Revision and phylogenetic analysis of the spider genus Philisca Simon (Araneae: Anyphaenidae, Amaurobioidinae) subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Gayennini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Philisca unspecified, unspecified species name: viernes_female unspecified, unspecified morphology: Total length 8.38 mm. Prosoma length 4.12 mm, width 2.93 mm, wider between legs II-III. Tibia/metatarsus length: leg I, 2.13/1.67 mm; leg II, 2.00/1.53 mm; leg III, 1.33/2.13 mm; leg IV, 2.13/3.00 mm. Chelicerae with three teeth (middle tooth larger) on promargin and four on retromargin (apical tooth smaller). Sternum length 1.93 mm, width 1.53 mm. Spines: leg I, femur d 1-1-1, p 2ap. Leg II, femur d 1-1-1, p 1ap; metatarsus v 2bas. Leg III, femur d 1-1-1, p d1ap or 0-d1-d1, r d1ap; patella r d1; tibia v p1-2-2, p and r d1-1; metatarsus v 2-p1-2 or 2-2-2, d 0-p1-2, p and r d1-1-1. Leg IV, femur d 1-1-1, p and r d1ap; patella r d1; tibia v p1-2-2, p 1-1, r d1-1-1; metatarsus v 2-2-2, d 0-p1-2, p and r d1-1-1. Opisthosoma length 4.26 mm, epigastrium-spiracle 2.40 mm, spiracle-spinnerets 0.47 mm. Color in ethanol: Prosoma and chelicerae reddish brown. Sternum brown. Legs yellowish brown. Opistosoma light yellowish brown, with dorsal and ventral brown pattern (Figs 1f, 28). Epigyne small, very sclerotized and weakly translucent (Fig. 33c, d). MF smooth, heart-shaped, close to the epigastric furrow. Anterior pouch wide, with lumen shorter than wide. AB placed anteriorly from the spermathecae, with long ducts. Spermathecae far apart (Fig. 33d). author: Soto year: 2012 title: Revision and phylogenetic analysis of the spider genus Philisca Simon (Araneae: Anyphaenidae, Amaurobioidinae) subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Gayennini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Philisca unspecified, unspecified species name: robinson_female unspecified, unspecified morphology: Total length 6.92 mm. Prosoma length 2.67 mm, width 2.07 mm, wider between legs II-III. Tibia/metatarsus length: leg I, 1.50/1.23 mm; leg II, 1.33/1.27 mm; leg III, 1.13/1.40 mm; leg IV, 1.67/2.03 mm. Chelicerae with three teeth (middle tooth larger) on promargin, three on retromargin (basal tooth larger). Sternum length 1.40 mm, width 1.10 mm. Spines: leg I, femur d 1-1-1, p 2ap; tibia v 2-2-p1; metatarsus v 2bas. Leg II, femur d 1-1-1, p d1ap; tibia v 2-2-2; metatarsus v 2bas, p d1. Leg III, femur d 1-1-1, p and r d1ap; patella r d1; tibia v p1-p1-r1-2, p and r d1-1; metatarsus v 2-2-2, d 0-p1-2, p and r d1-1-1. Leg IV, femur d 1-1-1, p and r d1ap; patella r d1; tibia v p1-2-2, p 1-1, r 1-1-1; metatarsus v 2-2-2, d 0-p1-2, p and r d1-1-1. Color in ethanol (Fig. 21): the entire specimen has a striped appearance. Prosoma and legs reddish brown, almost uniform, both with dark brown spots. Sternum brown, paler in the center. Opisthosoma yellowish brown, venter with dark brown marking with general "w" form (Fig. 21c). Opisthosoma length 3.99 mm, epigastrium-spiracle 2.17 mm, spiracle-spinnerets 0.37 mm. Epigyne small, sclerotized, translucent (Fig. 32c, d). MF smooth, heart-shaped, close to the epigastric furrow. Anterior pouch wide, with short lumen. Ducts of AB long, with conspicuous gland ducts. author: Soto year: 2012 title: Revision and phylogenetic analysis of the spider genus Philisca Simon (Araneae: Anyphaenidae, Amaurobioidinae) subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Gayennini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Philisca unspecified, unspecified species name: pizarroi_female unspecified, unspecified morphology: Total length 8.25 mm. Prosoma length 3.53 mm, width 2.40 mm, wider between legs II-III. Tibia/metatarsus length: leg I, 2.07/1.80 mm; leg II, 2.00/1.73 mm; leg III, 1.53/1.67 mm; leg IV, 2.27/2.53 mm. Chelicerae with three teeth (middle tooth larger) on promargin, three on retromargin. Sternum length 1.62 mm, width 1.33 mm. Spines: leg I, femur d 1-1-1, p 2ap, r d1ap; tibia v 2-2-2, p 1-1, r 0-v1; metatarsus v 2bas, p and r 0-1-d1. Leg II, femur d 1-1-1, p 0-d1-2ap, r d1ap; tibia v 2-2-2, p d1-1, r 0-1; metatarsus v 2bas, p and r 0-1-d1. Leg III, femur d 1-1-1, p 0-d1-2, r 0-d1-d1; patella r d1; tibia v p1-2-2 or 2-2-2, p d1-1, r 1-d1-1; metatarsus v 2-2-2, d 0-p1-2, p and r d1-1-1 or 0-1-1. Leg IV, femur d 1-1-1, p 0-d1-d1ap, r d1ap; patella r d1; tibia v 2-2-2, p 1-1, r 1-d1-1; metatarsus v 2-2-2, d 0-p1-2, p and r d1-1-1. Color in ethanol (Fig. 24): Prosoma and legs are reddish brown, with brown spots. Prosoma in dorsal view with lateral bands of brown. Sternum same color as prosoma but paler in the center. Opisthosoma is yellowish brown with dark brown spots. Opisthosoma length 4.53 mm, epigastrium-spiracle 2.73 mm, spiracle-spinnerets 0.43 mm. Epigyne is small, sclerotized and translucent (Fig. 32e, f). MF smooth, heart-shaped, close to the epigastric furrow. Anterior pouch wide, with short lumen. AB anterior to spermathecae, with long ducts. author: Soto year: 2012 title: Revision and phylogenetic analysis of the spider genus Philisca Simon (Araneae: Anyphaenidae, Amaurobioidinae) subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Gayennini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Philisca unspecified, unspecified species name: atrata_female unspecified, unspecified morphology: Total length 5.59 mm. Prosoma length 1.83 mm, width 1.27 mm, wider between legs II-III. Tibia/metatarsus length: leg I, 0.87/0.67 mm; leg II, 0.83/0.63 mm; leg III, 0.63/0.70 mm; leg IV, 1.03/0.93 mm. Chelicerae with three teeth on promargin (middle tooth bigger than others), three little teeth on retromargin. Sternum length 0.88 mm, width 0.75 mm. Spines: leg I, femur d 1-1-1, p d2ap; tibia v 0-p1-0; metatarsus v 2bas. Leg II, femur d 1-1-1, p d1ap; tibia v p1ap; metatarsus v 2bas. Leg III, femur d 1-1-1, p and r d1ap; patella r d1; tibia v p1-p1-2, p and r d1-1; metatarsus v 2-p1-2, d 0-p1-2, p 0-d1-1 and r d1-0-1. Leg IV, femur d 1-1-1, p and r d1ap; patella r d1; tibia v p1-p1-2, p d1-1 and r 1-d1-1; metatarsus v 2-p1-2, d 0-p1-2, p and r d1-1-1. Color in ethanol (Fig. 18): as in male, see below. Opisthosoma length 3.99 mm, epigastrium-spiracle 2.03 mm, spiracle-spinnerets 0.42 mm. Epigyne (Fig. 32a, b) small, weakly sclerotized, translucent. MF heart-shaped. Anterior pouch deep, longer than wide. Ducts of AB long. author: Ramírez year: 2004c_2003 title: Description of the females of Oxysoma itambezinho Ramírez and Monapia tandil Ramírez, and their effects on the generic relationships of Gayennini (Araneae, Anyphaenidae, Amaurobioidinae); The Spider Subfamily Amaurobioidinae (Araneae, Anyphaenidae): a Phylogenetic Revision at the generic level subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Gayennini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Oxysoma unspecified, unspecified species name: itambezinho_female unspecified, unspecified morphology: Total length 9.37 mm. Carapace length 3.80 mm, width 2.42 mm. Eyes, AME 0.10 mm, ALE 0.18 mm, PME 0.14 mm, PLE 0.16 mm. Chelicerae small with an anterior spine close to the base, three teeth on promargin, two on retromargin. Sternum length 2.12 mm, width 1.28 mm. Legs long and thin, length of tibia/metatarsus: leg I, 4.72/3.84 mm, leg II, 4.64/3.76 mm, leg III, missing, leg IV 4.85/4.60 mm. Spines: leg I, femur d 1-1-1, p and r 0-d1-d1; tibia v 2-2-2, p and r 1-1; metatarsus v 2bas, p and r 0-1-0-1, d 0-p1-2. Leg II, femur d 1-1-1, p 0-d1-d1-d1, r 0-d1-d1; tibia v 2-2-2, p d1-d1, r 0-1; metatarsus v 2bas, p 1-0, r 0-1-0-1, d 0-p1-0-2. Leg III, missing. Leg IV, femur d 1-1-1, p d1ap, r 0-d1-d1; tibia v 2-2-2, p and r 1-1, d r1-0-1-0; metatarsus v 2-2-1, p and r d1-1-1, d 0-p1-2. Abdomen length 5.82 mm, width: 1.94 mm, distance spiracle-epigastrium 2.20 mm, spiracle-spinnerets 1.52 mm. Color (Fig. 5): Light brown with brownish pattern on carapace. Abdomen pale with dark dots and a few dark spots. Legs yellowish-brown with some dark spots and dots. Sternum pale. Venter pale with a few dark dots, line of small dark spots at each side, from epigastrium to tracheal spiracle and at the end of the abdomen. Epigynum (Figs. 6-7): Anterior pouch small, lateral lobes separated. Median field not depressed. Copulatory ducts thin and sinuous. Spermathecae spherical. author: Ramírez year: 1999 title: New Species And Cladistic Reanalysis of the Spider genus Monapia (Araneae, Anyphaenidae, Amaurobioidinae) subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Gayennini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Monapia unspecified, unspecified species name: fierro_female unspecified, unspecified morphology: Total length 6.00 mm. Carapace 2.88 mm long, 2.10 mm wide, wider on coxae leg III. Length of tibiae/metatarsi: leg I 2.06/1.72 mm; leg II 1.80/1.60 mm; leg III 1.54/1.58 mm; leg IV 2.20/2.56 mm. Palpal tarsus 1.00 mm long. Sternum 1.50 mm long. Spines: leg I: Femur d 1-1-1, p 0-0-1-d1, r 1ap; tibia with two lines of ventral spines, 4 or 6 prolateral, 5 retrolateral, (most commonly 2-2-2-2-0-2), p 1-1, r 0-1; metatarsus v 2bas, p and r 1, d 0-p1-2. Leg II: Femur d 1-1-1, p and r 0-1-1; tibia v 2-2-2-0-2 or 2-2-2-2-2, p 1-1, r 0-1; metatarsus = leg I. Leg III: Femur = leg II; patella r 1, d 1ap; tibia v p1-2-2, p and r 1-1, d r1-1; metatarsus v 2-0-2, p and r 1-1, d 2-p1-2. Leg IV: Femur d 1-1-1, p and r 1ap; patella r 1, d 1ap; tibia = leg III; metatarsus v 2-2-2, p and r 1-1, d 2-p1-2. Palp: Femur d 0-0-1-2, p 1ap; patella d 1-1; tibia p 2-2, d 1-1; tarsus v p2ap, p 1-1, r 1-0, d 2bas. Color: light brown, legs with brown spots, dorsum with brown pattern as in Fig. 25, sternum with three spots on each side, abdomen ventrally with three longitudinal brown stripes from epigastric furrow to the spiracle. Epigynum with central depression, lateral lobes with internal border sinuous, almost touching on middle (Figs. 4, 29); median field elevated below anterior pouch, central depression prolonged in small foldings above central depression. Anterior pouch with twofold cavity (Figs. 5, 30). Accesory bulbs with vertical ducts. Central epigynal depression often occupied by hard plug (Fig. 4). author: Ramírez year: 1999_2003 title: New Species And Cladistic Reanalysis of the Spider genus Monapia (Araneae, Anyphaenidae, Amaurobioidinae); The Spider Subfamily Amaurobioidinae (Araneae, Anyphaenidae): a Phylogenetic Revision at the generic level subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Gayennini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Monapia unspecified, unspecified species name: carolina_female unspecified, unspecified morphology: Total length 6.38 mm. Carapace 2.80 mm long, 2.00 mm wide, wider on coxae leg III. Abdomen 3.88 mm long. Length of tibiae/metatarsi: leg I 1.92/1.58 mm; leg II 1.70/1.44 mm; leg III 1.44/1.48 mm; leg IV 2.10/2.40 mm. Palpal tarsus 0.94 mm long. Sternum 1.50 mm long. Spines as in M. fierro, but usually 2-2-2-2-2-0-2 ventral spines on tibia leg I. Color: light brown with brown spots and patches (Fig. 31), legs with brown spots at spine bases, and ventral spot lines on femora: one retrolateral on legs I and II, two on leg III, and one prolateral on leg IV; abdomen ventrally light, with short median band of brown spots. Epigynum with separate lateral lobes, median area elevated above anterior pouch, central depression deep, extended forward in central pouch (Fig. 33). Anterior pouch twofold, with conical cavities directed to each side (Fig. 34), accesory bulbs with ducts vertical to oblique. author: Ramírez year: 1999_2003 title: New Species And Cladistic Reanalysis of the Spider genus Monapia (Araneae, Anyphaenidae, Amaurobioidinae); The Spider Subfamily Amaurobioidinae (Araneae, Anyphaenidae): a Phylogenetic Revision at the generic level subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Gayennini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Monapia unspecified, unspecified species name: angusta_female unspecified, unspecified morphology: Carapace damaged, bowed, ≈2.50 mm long, ≈1.70 mm wide. Abdomen elongated, deformed. Length of tibiae/metatarsi: leg I 3.40/2.48 mm; leg II 2.26/1.64 mm; leg III 1.28/1.20 mm; leg IV 3.32/2.56 mm. Palps long (Fig. 20), palpal tarsus 1.30 mm long. Sternum 1.44 mm long. Spines: Chelicerae with 1 strong basal anterior. Leg I: Femur d 1-1-1, p 0-0-v1-d1 and and an apical oblique line of thick setae, r 1ap; tibia v 2-2-2-2-0, d r1-1 setae; metatarsus v 2-2-2-0-0, d p1-p1-r1-0-2. Leg II: Femur d 1-1-1, p 0-1-1, r 1ap; tibia v 2-r1-2-r1-0, p 1-1, d r1-1 setae; metatarsus v 2-r1-r1, p 1-0, d p1-2. Leg III: Femur = leg II; tibia v p1-p1, p 0-1, d r1-1; metatarsus v 2-0-p1, d p1-2. Leg IV: Femur d = leg I; tibia v 2-p1-r1, p and r 1-1, d r1-1; metatarsus v 2-p1-p1, p 1-1, r 0-1, d 2-2-2 or 2-p1-2-2. Palp: Femur with ventral and prolateral lines of several spines, d 0-0-1-1-1, p 0-1; patella p 2-3, d 1-1; tibia with a ventral line of slender spines, p 3-1-d1-0-0, d 1-1-0; tarsus v 2-2-2, d p2bas. Color (immature from Castillos, Fig. 21): yellow, with dark reddish-brown spots on legs and dorsum; abdomen with dorsal white guanine reticulum under cuticle. Epigynum with lateral lobes widely separated, median field depressed in the center and behind the lateral lobes, folded in its anterior half and elevated over the anterior pouch (Fig. 22). Anterior pouch with spherical cavity; the opening is prolonged on each side in the anterior border of the median field. Spermathecae oval, accessory bulbs with long and sinuous ducts (Fig. 23). author: Ramírez year: 1999 title: New Species And Cladistic Reanalysis of the Spider genus Monapia (Araneae, Anyphaenidae, Amaurobioidinae) subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Gayennini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Monapia unspecified, unspecified species name: charrua_female unspecified, unspecified morphology: Total length 6.63 mm. Carapace 2.52 mm long, 1.68 mm wide, wider between coxae legs II-III. Length of tibiae/metatarsi: leg I missing; leg II 2.16/1.76 mm; leg III 1.40/1.24 mm; leg IV 2.72/2.72 mm. Palpal tarsus 0.90 mm long. Sternum 1.50 mm long. Spines (female from Rosario del Tala): leg I: Femur d 1-1-1, p 0-0-d1-1-d1 and an apical oblique line of thick setae (Fig. 7), r 0-d1-d1; tibia v 2-2-2-2-0, p and r 1-1; metatarsus v 2-2-2-0, p and r 1-0, d 0-p1-2. Leg II: Femur d 1-1-1, p and r 0-1-1; tibia v 2-r1-2-0-2, p 1-1, r 1-v1; metatarsus v 2bas, p d1-1-0-1, r d1-v1-0-1, d p1-2. Leg III: Femur d 1-1-1, p 0-1-1, r 1ap; tibia v p1-p1-2, p and r d1-1, d r1-1; metatarsus v 2-0-2, p and r d1-1-1, d p1-2. Leg IV: Femur d 1-1-1, p and r 1ap; patella r 1; tibia v p1-2-2, p and r 1-1, d r1-1; metatarsus v 2-2-2, p, r and d = leg III. Palp: Femur ventrally with median line of 8 spines, d 0-0-1-p2, p 1ap; patella p 2-0, d 1-0-1; tibia p 2-2, d 1-1; tarsus v 2ap, p 1-1, r 1-0, d 2bas. Color: yellow with brown spots on the dorsal axis of body and sparse spots on dorsum (Fig. 8) and legs. Chelicerae with anterior longitudinal brown spot. Epigynum with anterior pouch wide, almost hemispherical, lateral lobes separate, median depression large, extended behind the anterior pouch (Fig. 12), usually occupied by a massive plug. Copulatory ducts with thick walls, accesory bulb with long duct parallel to margin of lateral lobes (Fig. 13). author: Ramírez year: 2004c_1999 title: Description of the females of Oxysoma itambezinho Ramírez and Monapia tandil Ramírez, and their effects on the generic relationships of Gayennini (Araneae, Anyphaenidae, Amaurobioidinae); New Species And Cladistic Reanalysis of the Spider genus Monapia (Araneae, Anyphaenidae, Amaurobioidinae) subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Gayennini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Monapia unspecified, unspecified species name: tandil_female unspecified, unspecified morphology: Total length 7.45 mm. Carapace length 3.00 mm, width 2.30 mm. Eyes, AME 0.08 mm, ALE 0.14 mm, PME 0.12 mm, PLE 0.14 mm. Chelicerae with three teeth on promargin, two on retromargin. Sternum length 1.58 mm, width 1.18 mm. Length of tibiae/metatarsus: leg I 3.60/1.70 mm, leg II 2.80/1.38 mm, leg III 2.05/0.86 mm, leg IV 3.00/1.30 mm. Spines: leg I, femur, d 1-1-1, p 0-(d1-1), r 0-d1-d1; tibia v 2-2-2, p and r d1-1; metatarsus v 2 bas, p and r 1-0, d0-p1-2. Leg II = leg I. Leg III, femur = leg I, tibia v 2-2-2, p and r d1-1, d r1-0-1-0, metatarsus v 2-p1-2, p and r d1-1-1, d 0-p1-2. Leg IV, femur d1-1-1, p and r 0-d1-d1, patella r d1, tibia = leg III, metatarsus v 2-2-2, p and r d1-1-1, d 0-p1-2. Abdomen length 4.40 mm, width 2.40 mm, distance spiracle-epigastrium 3.70 mm, spiracle-spinnerets 0.60 mm. Color: Light brown with brown pattern on carapace and abdomen (Fig. 8). Legs with brown dots on coxae and femur; tibia, tarsus and metatarsus darker. Sternum light brown, venter light brown with dark lateral lines. Epigyne (Figs. 8, 9) with large anterior transversal pouch, with unpaired median lumen. Anterior part of median field prominent, posterior part well depressed, containing the copulatory openings, covered by hardened secretion plug. Lateral lobes separated. Copulatory ducts thick, leading to spherical spermathecae. author: Ramírez year: 1999 title: New Species And Cladistic Reanalysis of the Spider genus Monapia (Araneae, Anyphaenidae, Amaurobioidinae) subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Gayennini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Monapia unspecified, unspecified species name: guenoana_female unspecified, unspecified morphology: Total length 6.95 mm. Carapace 2.38 mm long, 1.46 mm wide, wider on coxa leg II. Length of tibiae/metatarsi: leg I 2.96/1.54 mm; leg II 1.60/1.04 mm; leg III 0.90/0.68 mm; leg IV 2.76/2.08 mm. Palpal tarsus 0.80 mm long. Sternum 1.38 mm long. Spines: Chelicerae with 1 strong basal anterior. Leg I (Fig. 14): Femur d 1-1-1, p 1 ap, v 2-2-2-2ap or 2-2-2-2-r1-r1-r1ap; tibia ventrally with a prolateral line of 10 or 11, and a retrolateral of 13 or 14; metatarsus v 2-2-2-0, p y r 1 ap. Leg II: Femur d 1-1-1, p and r 1 ap; tibia v r1-r1-r1-2-0; metatarsus v 2-r1-r1, p 0-1-d1, r d1ap. Leg III: Femur = leg II; tibia v p1-p1-0, p 1-1, r 0-1, d r1-0-1; metatarsus v r1-0, d 2ap, r 1ap. Leg IV: Femur d 1-1-1, p 0-1; tibia v p1-2-r1, p and r 1-1, d r1-0-1; metatarsus v 2-p1-0, p 2-0-1, r 1-1-2. Palp: Femur ventrally with median line of 4 or 7, d 0-0-1-1, p 1ap; patella d 1ap, p 2bas; tibia p 3-2, d 1-1; tarsus d 2bas, p 1, v 2ap. Color: yellow, with dorsal pattern of brown spots (Figs. 1, 2) and two dark parallel patches at each side of spinnerets. Legs with spots as follows: femora legs I-IV d 1-1-1-1, leg III p v1ap; patellae legs I-IV d 3-1, leg III v p1 wide; tibiae legs I-III d 1bas, leg IV d 1-1, p 0-1, r 1-0; metatarsi legs I-III d 1-1, leg IV with a longitudinal band, basally wider. The terminal dark spots on abdomen and the lines on hind metatarsus are conspicuous from above when the spider is at resting position (Fig. 2). Epigynum with anterior pouch wide, lateral lobes separate, median area depressed behind the anterior pouch (Fig. 18), copulatory openings usually occupied by one plug each. Copulatory ducts with thick walls, duct of the accesory bulb curved in a transversal plane (Fig. 19). author: Werenkraut year: 2009 title: A revision and phylogenetic analysis of the spider genus Coptoprepes Simon (Araneae: Anyphaenidae, Amaurobioidinae) subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Amaurobioidini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Coptoprepes unspecified, unspecified species name: ecotono_female unspecified, unspecified morphology: Prosoma length 1.82 mm, width 1.29 mm. Tibia/metatarsus length: leg I, 0.93/0.80 mm; leg II, 0.83/0.78 mm; leg III, 0.72/0.86 mm; leg IV, 1.11/1.31 mm. Chelicerae with four teeth on retromargin, four on promargin. Sternum length 1.05 mm, width 0.76 mm. Spines: leg I, femur d 1-1-1, p 2ap; tibia v 2-2-2; metatarsus v 2bas. Leg II, femur d 1-1-1, p d1ap; tibia v r1-r1-p1; metatarsus v 2bas. Leg III, femur d 1-1-1, p and r 0-d1-d1; patella r d1; tibia v p1-p1-2, p 1-d1-1-0, r d1-1, d r1bas; metatarsus v 2-0-p1 plus apical comb, p and r d1-1-1, d 0-p1-2. Leg IV, femur d 1-1-1, p and r d1ap; patella r d1; tibia v p1-2-2, p and r 1-d1-1-0, d r1bas; metatarsus v 2-2-p1 plus apical comb, p and r d1-1-1, d 0-p1-2. Color in ethanol (Fig. 6): Prosoma brown, legs brown, darker distally. Opisthosoma pale brown, dorsal pattern brown, including posterior chevrons. Opisthosoma length 2.55 mm, epigastrium-spiracle 1.19 mm, spiracle-spinnerets 0.15 mm. Epigyne: Lateral lobes separate, median field not sclerotized (Fig. 7g). Copulatory openings very close to epigastric furrow. Copulatory ducts slightly wrapped. Ducts of accessory bulbs short. Spermathecae with convoluted chambers (Figs. 7h, 24a-c). author: Werenkraut year: 2009 title: A revision and phylogenetic analysis of the spider genus Coptoprepes Simon (Araneae: Anyphaenidae, Amaurobioidinae) subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Amaurobioidini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Coptoprepes unspecified, unspecified species name: bellavista_female unspecified, unspecified morphology: Prosoma length 2.10 mm, width 1.37 mm. Length of tibia/metatarsus: leg I, 0.98/0.85 mm; leg II, 0.88/0.82 mm; leg III, 0.78/0.90 mm; leg IV, 1.25/1.42 mm. Chelicerae with five teeth on retromargin, four on promargin. Sternum length 1.05 mm, width 0.83 mm. Spines: leg I, femur d 1-1-1, p 2ap; tibia v 2-2-p1; metatarsus v 2 bas. Leg II, femur d 1-1-1, p 1ap; tibia v r1-r1-p1; metatarsus v 2 bas. Leg III, femur d 1-1-1, p and r 0-d1-d1; patella r d1; tibia v p1-p1-2, p 1-d1-1-0, r 1-d1-1-0 or 0-d1-1-0, d r1bas; metatarsus v 2-0-comb, p and r d1-1-1, d 0-p1-2. Leg IV, femur d 1-1-1, p and r d1ap; patella r d1; tibia v p1-2-2, p and r 1-d1-1-0, d r1bas; metatarsus v 2-2-2 plus apical comb, p d1-1-1, r d1-0-1, d 0-2-2. Color in ethanol (Fig. 9): Prosoma brown, legs brown, darker distally. Opisthosoma pale brown with dorsal pattern brown, with weakly defined posterior chevrons. Opisthosoma length 2.70 mm, epigastrium-spiracle 1.32 mm, spiracle-spinnerets 0.18 mm. Epigyne: Trapezoidal sclerotized patch, mostly anterior to internal ducts. Lateral lobes separate, posterior half not sclerotized except at the limits with the median field. Median field weakly sclerotized (Fig. 10g). Copulatory openings very close to epigastric furrow. Copulatory ducts not wrapped. Ducts of accessory bulbs short. Spermathecae with convoluted chambers, fertilization ducts well separated from posterior margin of epigyne (Figs. 10h, 24d-f). author: Werenkraut year: 2009 title: A revision and phylogenetic analysis of the spider genus Coptoprepes Simon (Araneae: Anyphaenidae, Amaurobioidinae) subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Amaurobioidini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Coptoprepes unspecified, unspecified species name: casablanca_female unspecified, unspecified morphology: Prosoma length 2.27 mm, width 0.82 mm. Length of tibia/metatarsus: leg I, 1.00/0.92 mm; leg II, 0.98/0.87 mm; leg III, 0.80/1.02 mm; leg IV, 1.20/1.50 mm. Chelicerae with five (right) or six (left) teeth on retromargin, five on promargin. Sternum length 1.17 mm, width 0.90 mm. Spines: leg I, femur d 1-1-1, p 2ap; tibia v 2-2-p1 or 2-2-0; metatarsus v 2bas. Leg II, femur d 1-1-1, p d1ap; tibia v r1-r1-p1; metatarsus v 2bas. Leg III, femur d 1-1-1, p 0-d1-d1, r d1ap; patella r d1; tibia v p1-p1-2, p 1-d1-1-0, r d1-1, d r1bas; metatarsus v 2-2-0 plus apical comb, p and r d1-1-1, d 0-2-2. Leg IV, femur d 1-1-1, p and r d1ap; patella r d1; tibia v p1-2-2, p and r 1-d1-1-0, d r1bas; metatarsus v 2-2-0 plus apical comb, p and r d1-1-1, d 0-2-2. Color in ethanol (Fig. 12): Prosoma and legs dark brown, femora with paler ventral distal spots, patellae and tibiae with longitudinal paler bands. Abdomen dark brown, with paler muscle insertions, two pairs of dorsal lateral patches of white hairs; venter paler, with four longitudinal lines of pale spots. Opisthosoma length 3.23 mm, epigastrium-spiracle 1.55 mm, spiracle-spinnerets 0.33 mm. Epigyne: Lateral lobes separated from median field, concave, continued in pouch to copulatory openings, close to epigastric furrow. Median field weakly sclerotized, slightly elevated (Fig. 13g). Copulatory ducts not wrapped. Ducts of accessory bulbs short. Spermathecae near spherical, with ample lumen (Figs. 13h, 24g-i). author: Werenkraut year: 2009 title: A revision and phylogenetic analysis of the spider genus Coptoprepes Simon (Araneae: Anyphaenidae, Amaurobioidinae) subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Amaurobioidini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Coptoprepes unspecified, unspecified species name: contulmo_female unspecified, unspecified morphology: Unknown. author: Werenkraut year: 2009 title: A revision and phylogenetic analysis of the spider genus Coptoprepes Simon (Araneae: Anyphaenidae, Amaurobioidinae) subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Amaurobioidini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Coptoprepes unspecified, unspecified species name: eden_female unspecified, unspecified morphology: Prosoma length 3.03 mm, width 1.93 mm. Tibia/metatarsus length: leg I, 1.49/1.34 mm; leg II, 1.41/1.31 mm; leg III, 1.24/1.57 mm; leg IV, 1.80/2.26 mm. Chelicerae with five or six teeth on retromargin, four or five on promargin (right side with more teeth). Sternum length 1.51 mm, width 1.21 mm. Spines: leg I, femur d 1-1-1, p 2ap; tibia v p1-2-p1; metatarsus v 2 bas. Leg II, femur d 1-1-1, p d1ap; tibia v 0-r1-p1, p 0-1 or 0; metatarsus v 2 bas. Leg III, femur d 1-1-1, p and r 0-d1-d1; patella r d1; tibia v p1-2-2 (median pair not well paired), d r1 bas, p and r 1-d1-1-0; metatarsus v 2-2-comb, d 0-p1-2, p and r d1-1-1. Leg IV, femur d 1-1-1, p 0-d1-d1, r d1 ap; patella r d1; tibia v p1-2-2, d 2 bas, p and r 1-d1-1-0; metatarsus v 2-2-p1 plus apical comb, d 0-2-2, p and r d1-1-1. Color in ethanol (Fig. 17): Brown uniform, venter of opisthosoma paler. Opisthosoma length 3.79 mm, epigastrium-spiracle 1.54 mm, spiracle-spinnerets 0.39 mm. Epigyne: Central area anterior to median field not sclerotized. Lateral lobes separated from median field, concave, continued in pouch to copulatory openings, close to epigastric furrow. Median field posteriorly sclerotized, slightly elevated (Fig. 18a). Copulatory ducts slightly wrapped on transversal-oblique axes. Ducts of accessory bulbs well defined. Spermathecae irregular, connate, with ample lumen (Figs. 18b, 24j-l). author: Werenkraut year: 2009 title: A revision and phylogenetic analysis of the spider genus Coptoprepes Simon (Araneae: Anyphaenidae, Amaurobioidinae) subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Amaurobioidini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Coptoprepes unspecified, unspecified species name: recinto_female unspecified, unspecified morphology: Prosoma length 2.05 mm, width 1.37 mm, wider between legs II-III. Tibia/metatarsus length: leg I, 1.65/0.89 mm; leg II, 0.93/0.89 mm; leg III, 0.8/0.97 mm; leg IV, 1.22/1.47 mm. Chelicerae with four teeth on promargin, six on retromargin. Sternum length 1.15 mm, width 0.89 mm. Spines: leg I, femur d 1-1-1, p 2ap; tibia v 2-2-0 or r1-2-0; metatarsus v 2bas. Leg II, femur d 1-1-1, p d1ap; tibia v r1-r1-p1; metatarsus v 2bas. Leg III, femur d 1-1-1, p 0-d1-d1, r d1 ap; patella r d1; tibia v 0-p1-2 or p1-p1-2, d r1bas, p 1-d1-1-0, r d1-1; metatarsus v 2-0-0 plus apical comb, d 0-2-2, p and r d1-1-1. Leg IV, femur d 1-1-1, p d1ap, r d1ap; patella r d1; tibia v p1-2-2, d r1bas, p and r 1-d1-1-0; metatarsus v 2-2-0 plus apical comb, d 0-2-2, p and r d1-1-1. Color in ethanol (Fig. 20): As in male, but in poor condition. Opisthosoma length 3.40 mm, epigastrium-spiracle approximately 1.60 mm, spiracle-spinnerets 0.33 mm, in poor condition. Epigyne (Fig. 21g): Ventrally a single plate with a posterior notch, lateral lobes well separated in posterior-dorsal view, their limits with median field parallel. Copulatory ducts running in ectal arcs. Ducts of accessory bulbs short. Spermathecae with convoluted chambers (Fig. 21h). author: Ramírez year: 1995a title: A phylogenetic analysis of the subfamilies of Anyphaenidae (Arachnida, Araneae) subfamily name: Malenellinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: unknown unspecified, unspecified genus name: Malenella unspecified, unspecified species name: nana_female unspecified, unspecified morphology: Total length 4 mm. Carapace 1.50 mm long, 1.23 mm wide. Length of tibiae/metatarsi: leg I 1.17/1 mm; leg II 0.75/0.72 mm; leg III 0.53/0.67 mm; leg IV 0.93/0.90 mm. Eyes as in Fig. 58, AME much smaller than other eyes. Chelicerae with 3-4 promarginal and 4 retromarginal (2 basal smaller) teeth. Labium short, apically rounded (Fig. 59). Thoracic groove hardly visible. Palpal tarsi thick, bearing dorsal patch of blunt hairs (Fig. 67, 68). Tracheal spiracle 1/4 distance between spinnerets and epigastric furrow, origin of lateral tracheae slightly advanced from spiracle (Fig. 1). AMS with one major ampullate gland spigot, adjacent nubbin (Fig. 48) and ≈16 piriform gland spigots; PMS with one minor ampullate and ≈7 piriform gland spigots (Fig. 49); PLS with ≈20 piriform gland spigots with elongated bases (Fig. 43). Epigynum with broad central depression and prominent posterior margin (Fig. 61). Internal genitalia with short, thick, curved copulatory ducts, leading to subespherical spermathecae, with internal projections (Fig. 62). Claw tufts composed of curved lamelliform setae, sides directed dorsoventrally (Figs 20, 23), aligned in two rows on each side. Spines: leg I (Fig. 60): Femur 0-0-1-1-2. Tibia v 2-2-0, p1-1. Metatarsus v 2-2-0-0, d 2ap, p and r 1-1. Leg II: Femur = leg I. Tibia v 1r-1r-0, p0-1. Metatarsus v 2-2-1, p1-1, r 0-1, d 2ap. Leg III: Femur = leg I. Tibia v 1p or O. Metatarsus v 0-2-1, p1-1, r lap, d 2ap. Leg IV: Femur = leg I. Tibia v 2ap, r lap. Metatarsus v 0-2-1, p, r 1-1, d 2ap. Palp: Femur d 0-0-1-1. Tibia p 2-0, d 1-1. Tarsus p 2bas, r 2-1. Trichobothria in two rows on tibiae, one row on metatarsi and tarsi. Colour light green, fading in alcohol to white or cream. author: Izquierdo year: 2008 title: Two new spider species of the genera Aysenia and Aysenoides from southern Chile and Argentina: description and phylogenetic relationships (Araneae: Anyphaenidae, Amaurobioidinae) subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Amaurobioidini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Aysenia unspecified, unspecified species name: barrigai_female unspecified, unspecified morphology: #Prosoma length 2.87 mm, width 1.67 mm, wider in front. Length of tibia/metatarsus: leg I, 1.30/0.80 mm; leg II, 0.97/0.83 mm; leg III, 0.73/0.70 mm; leg IV, 1.30/0.98 mm. Length of palpal tarsus 0.63 mm. Chelicerae very strong, with two teeth on retromargin, three on promargin. Length of sternum 1.48 mm, width 0.80 mm. Spines: leg I, femur d 1-1-1, p 1ap; tibia v 2-2-2 (x-p1-x slightly displaced to prolateral); metatarsus v 2-r1-0; leg II, femur = leg I; tibia v r1-r1-2; metatarsus v 2-r1-2 or v 2-r1p1, p 0-1-0; leg III, femur d 1-1-1, p 1ap; tibia v r 1ap, p 0-d1, r 0-d1; metatarsus v 2-0-2, p 0-1-1, r 1ap, d 2ap. Leg IV, femur d 1-1-1; tibia v p1-p1-2; metatarsus v 2-2-2, p 1ap, d r 1ap. Leg III directed forward. Femur legs I-III narrow, leg IV strong. Color in ethanol (Figs 2-4): As in male, except central region of dorsal shield of prosoma red-orange. Opisthosoma length 3.99 mm, epigastrium-spiracle 2.73 mm, spiracle-spinnerets 0.30 mm. Epigyne: Lateral lobes slightly sclerotized, their limits with median field well defined (Fig. 5). Copulatory ducts difficult to distinguish, apparently not coiled. Ducts of accessory bulbs long. Spermathecae with apparently two or three chambers (Figs 10-11).# author: Izquierdo year: 2008 title: Two new spider species of the genera Aysenia and Aysenoides from southern Chile and Argentina: description and phylogenetic relationships (Araneae: Anyphaenidae, Amaurobioidinae) subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Amaurobioidini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Aysenoides unspecified, unspecified species name: nahuel_female unspecified, unspecified morphology: #Prosoma length 2.73 mm, width 1.33 mm. Length of tibia/metatarsus: leg I, 1.30/1.17 mm; leg II, 1.23/1.13 mm; leg III, 0.87/0.93 mm; leg IV, 1.40/1.23 mm. Chelicerae strong, with three teeth on retromargin, three on promargin. Length of sternum 1.43 mm, with 0.80 mm. Spines: Femur leg I, d 1-1-1, p 2ap; tibia v 2-2-2 (x-p1-x slightly displaced to prolateral); metatarsus v 2bas. Leg II, femur d 1-1-1, p 1ap; tibia v r1-1-2, p 1ap; metatarsus v 2 ap. Leg III, femur d 1-1-1, p and r 1ap; tibia d p1-2-0, v 2ap, r 1-0-1; metatarsus d 0-2-2, v 2-0-2, p 1-1-1, r 1 ap. Leg IV, femur d 1-1-1, r 1ap; tibia v p1-p1-2, r 0-1-1; metatarsus d r1-p1-2, v 2-p1-2, p 1ap, r 1ap. Third legs directed forward. Opisthosoma length 3.73 mm, epigastrium-epigastrium 1.80 mm, spiracle-spinnerets 0.33 mm. Color in ethanol (Figs 12-14): as in male. Epigyne: Simple plate, limit between lateral lobes and median field fading beyond copulatory openings (Fig. 15). Spermathecae spherical, accessory bulbs divergent (Figs 21-22).# author: Laborda year: 2013 title: New species of the spider genera Aysenia and Aysenoides from Chile and Argentina: description and phylogenetic relationships (Araneae: Anyphaenidae, Amaurobioidinae) subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Amaurobioidini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Aysenia unspecified, unspecified species name: paposo_female unspecified, unspecified morphology: Prosoma length 1.97 mm, width 0.97 mm, wider at chelicerae bases and at leg III. Length of tibia/metatarsus: leg I, 0.83/0.70 mm; leg II, 0.83/0.67 mm; leg III, 0.50/0.53 mm; leg IV, 0.87/0.67 mm. Chelicerae strong, with thick anterior bristles, three teeth on retromargin, three on promargin. Length of sternum 0.93 mm, width 0.60 mm. Spines: leg I, femur d 1-1-1, p d1ap; tibia v 2-2-2 (the x-p1-x displaced to prolateral), p 1-1; metatarsus v 2bas, p 0-d1-0. Leg II, femur = leg I; tibia v r1-r1-2, p 1-0-1; metatarsus v 2-r1-0, p 0-d1-0. Leg III, femur d 1-1-1; tibia v 2ap; d 2-p1-0; metatarsus v 2-r1-2 (x-r1-x advanced); p 0-1-0; r 1ap; d 0-p1-2. Leg IV, femur =leg III; tibia v p1-p1-2, r 0-d1-d1; metatarsus v 2-p1-2, p 0-1-1, r d1-0-1; d 0-p1-2. Third legs directed forward. Opisthosoma length 2.67 mm, spiracle-epigastrium 1.37 mm, spiracle-spinnerets 0.17 mm. Color in ethanol (Figs 2a, b): as in male. Epigyne: Lateral lobes elevated, slightly sclerotized, their limits with median field well defined (Fig. 2d). Copulatory ducts coiled. Accessory bulbs with long ducts. Spermathecae irregular, separate (Fig. 2c). author: Laborda year: 2013 title: New species of the spider genera Aysenia and Aysenoides from Chile and Argentina: description and phylogenetic relationships (Araneae: Anyphaenidae, Amaurobioidinae) subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Amaurobioidini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Aysenoides unspecified, unspecified species name: simoi_female unspecified, unspecified morphology: Prosoma length 2.17 mm, width 1.20 mm, narrowed in front (Fig. 7a). Length of tibia/metatarsus: leg I, 1.10/1.03 mm; leg II, 0.97/0.90 mm; leg III, 0.63/0.70 mm; leg IV, 1.10/0.87 mm. Chelicerae strong, three teeth on retromargin, three on promargin. Length of sternum 1.10 mm, with 0.70 mm. Spines: leg I, femur d 1-1-1, p d2ap; tibia v 2-2-2 (the x-p1-x slightly displaced to prolateral) p 1bas (displaced to ventral); metatarsus v 2bas. Leg II, femur d 1-1-1, p d1ap; tibia v r1-2-2 (x-p1-x less developed), p 1ap; metatarsus v 2bas. Leg III, femur = leg II; tibia v 0-2-r1 or 0-p1-r1, p 1-1-0, r 1-1-0; metatarsus v 2-0-2, p 0-d1-1, r 0-d1-1, d 2ap. Leg IV, femur d 1-1-1; tibia v p1-p1-2; metatarsus v 2-p1-2, p 2ap, r d1-d1-d1. Third legs directed forward. Opisthosoma length 2.33 mm, spiracle-epigastrium 1.00 mm, spiracle-spinnerets 0.17 mm. Color in ethanol (Fig. 7a, b): as in male. Epigyne: Flat, slightly sclerotized, limits between lateral lobes and median field unclear. Two posterior, central pouches with openings directed laterally (Fig. 7d). Spermathecae spherical, accessory bulbs voluminous, contiguous (Fig. 7c). author: Rubio year: 2014 title: Taxonomic revision of the American spider genus Arachosia (Araneae: Anyphaenidae) subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Gayennini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Arachosia unspecified, unspecified species name: kapiipeoi_female unspecified, unspecified morphology: Total length 8.06 mm. Carapace length 3.36 mm, width 2.52 mm. Chelicerae with three promarginal and two retromarginal teeth. Length of tibia/metatarsus: leg I, 2.17/1.89 mm; leg II, 2.10/1.71 mm; leg III, 1.68/1.54 mm; leg IV, 2.80/2.66 mm. Spines: leg I, femur d 1-1-1, p 0-1-2 (asymmetric, on left 2ap), r 0-d1-d1; tibia v 2-2-2, p 1-d1(bristle)-1, r d1bas(bristle); metatarsus v 2bas. Leg II, femur d 1-1-1, p 0-d1-2, r 0-d1-d1; tibia v 2-2-2, p 1-d1(bristle)-1, r d1bas(bristle); metatarsus v 2bas. Leg III, femur d 1-1-1, p 0-d1-2 and r 0-d1-d1; patella d 1-1, r 1; tibia v 2-2-2 (asymmetric, on right 2-2-3), p and r 1-d1-1, d r1-1; metatarsus v 2-0-2, p d1-1-d1, r 1-1, d r1-1-0-2. Leg IV, femur d 1-1-1, p 0-d1-2, r 1ap; patella d 1-1, r 1; tibia v 2-2-2, p and r 1-d1-1, d r1-1; metatarsus v 2-2-2, p and r 0-1-1, d 2-p1-0-2. Abdomen length 5.18 mm, width 2.59 mm. Spiracle-epigastrium 1.68 mm, spiracle-spinnerets 1.96 mm. Carapace pale brown, with a dorsal median dark brown stripe; margins of carapace with dark brown discontinuous band. Clypeus dark brown, chelicerae yellow with mesal dark brown band in front (black in nature, as in Fig. 72A). Coxae, endites, labium, and sternum pale yellow. Legs pale brown with few dark dots. Scopulae on tarsus-metatarsus legs I-IV, and distal tibia legs I-II. Abdomen grayish brown, with dark median band in dorsal side, ventrally without band. Anterior edge of abdomen with a dense bunch of setae. Epigyne: APmf transverse, U-shaped, on the posterior half of spermathecae (see also Fig. 45D). MP M-shaped (see also Figs. 45D, 49D). CD short, with one incomplete loop (Fig. 45D-F); ducts of AB long, ending near the anterior edge of the spermathecae (Figs. 1F, 45D, 49F). author: Rubio year: 2014 title: Taxonomic revision of the American spider genus Arachosia (Araneae: Anyphaenidae) subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Gayennini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Arachosia unspecified, unspecified species name: proseni_female unspecified, unspecified morphology: Total length 9.62 mm. Carapace length 3.25 mm, width 2.59 mm. Chelicerae with three promarginal and two retromarginal teeth. ALE larger than AME. Length of tibia/metatarsus: leg I, 2.17/1.61 mm; leg II, 2.17/1.75 mm; leg III, 2.03/1.68 mm; leg IV, 2.94/2.66 mm. Spines as in male, except: tibia legs I and II d, p and r without spines; femur leg II p 0-d1-2. Abdomen length 6.72 mm, width 3.22 mm. Spiracle-epigastrium 2.62 mm, spiracle-spinnerets 2.24 mm. Color pattern as in male, but more pigmented, brown. Metatarsus legs I and II with scopulae. Epigyne: APmf transverse, wide, at the half of spermathecae (Figs. 64D, 66D). MP wide, medium. CD short, with one loop; ducts of AB thin, almost reaching the anterior edge of the spermathecae (Fig. 64D-E). author: Aisen year: in press title: A revision and phylogenetic analysis of the spider genus Oxysoma Nicolet (Araneae: Anyphaenidae, Amaurobioidinae) subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Gayennini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Oxysoma unspecified, unspecified species name: macrocuspis_female unspecified, unspecified morphology: Total length 6.92 mm. Carapace length 2.83 mm, width 2.17 mm. Tibia/metatarsus length: leg I, 2.63/2.17 mm; leg II, 2.23/1.80 mm; leg III, 1.57/1.43 mm; leg IV, 2.23/2.13 mm. Palpal tarsus length 1.10 mm. Chelicerae with three teeth on promargin, two on retromargin. Sternum length 1.60 mm, width 1.17 mm. Spines: leg I, femur d 1-1-1, p (1-d1)ap, r d1ap; patella d 1-0-1ap bristles; tibia v 2-2-2, p and r 1-1, d r1-0-1-0 bristles; metatarsus v 2bas, p 1-0, r 0-1-0, d 0-(p1-r1)-2. Leg II, femur d 1-1-1, p and r 0-d1-d1 or d1; patella, tibia and metatarsus = leg I. Leg III, femur = leg II; patella d 1-0-1ap bristle, r d1; tibia v p1-2-2 or 2-2-2 with the retrolateral spine from the first pair very small, p and r 1-1, d r1-0-1-0; metatarsus v 2-p1-2 (or 2-2-2) and an apical group of hairs, p and r 0-1-1, d 0-(p1-r1)-2. Leg IV, femur d 1-1-1, p 0-d1-d1, r d1ap; patella = leg III; tibia v p1-2-2, p and r d1-1-1, d r1-0-1-0; metatarsus v 2-2-2 and an apical group of hairs, p and r d1-1-1, d 0-(p1-r1)-2. Opisthosoma length 3.60 mm, width 1.03 mm, distance epigastrium-spiracle 1.63 mm, distance spiracle-spinnerets 0.70 mm. Color in ethanol (Fig. 21): As in male, but darker, with dots and stripe patterns more marked, light spots at the sides of the fovea evident, and ventral brown patch on opisthosoma well-defined. Sides of opisthosoma with diffuse stripe that converge with dorsal light patch. Epigyne (Figs 24, 35d-f, 38e): Anterior border partially surrounding apodemes, median field small. Anterior pouch with a deep, cubical simple lumen, with straight posterior end and parallel prolonged anterior margins. Lateral lobes separated. Copulatory ducts long, with a slight anterior-posterior loop; copulatory openings posterior to anterior pouch. Ducts of accessory bulbs short. Bennett’s glands on interior side of spermathecae, ventrally displaced (Fig. 24c, d). author: Aisen year: in press title: A revision and phylogenetic analysis of the spider genus Oxysoma Nicolet (Araneae: Anyphaenidae, Amaurobioidinae) subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Gayennini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Oxysoma unspecified, unspecified species name: kuni_female unspecified, unspecified morphology: Total length 6.78 mm. Carapace length 2.77 mm, width 2.33 mm. Tibia/metatarsus length: leg I, 3.20/2.67 mm; leg II, 2.73/2.33 mm; leg III, 1.87/1.73 mm; leg IV, 2.67/2.80 mm. Palpal tarsus length 1.17 mm. Chelicerae with three teeth on promargin, two on retromargin. Sternum length 1.63 mm, width 1.20 mm. Spines: leg I, femur d 1-1-1, p (1-d1)ap, r d1ap; patella d 1-0-1ap bristles; tibia v 2-2-2, p and r 1-1, d r1-0-1-0 bristles; metatarsus v 2bas, p and r 1-0, d 0-p1-0-2. Leg II, femur d 1-1-1, p and r d1ap; patella and tibia = leg I; metatarsus v 2bas, p (d1-1) bas, r 1-0, d 0-p1-0-2. Leg III, femur d 1-1-1, p and r 0-d1-d1; patella = leg I; tibia v p1-2-2, p and r d1-1, d r1-0-1-0; metatarsus v 2-p1-2 and an apical group of hairs, p and r (d1-1)bas-1, d 0-p1-0-2. Leg IV, femur d 1-1-1, p 0-d1-d1, r d1ap; patella 1-0-1ap bristles, r d1; tibia v p1-2-2, p and r 1-1, d r1 bristle-0-1-0; metatarsus v 2-2-2 and an apical group of hairs, p and r d1-1-1, d 0-p1-0-2. Opisthosoma length 3.80 mm, width 2.17 mm, distance epigastrium-spiracle 1.57 mm, distance spiracle-spinnerets 0.90 mm. Color in ethanol (Fig. 26): As in male, with denser cover of dark dots on legs, especially on femora. Opisthosoma paler than in male, without ventral patches, with few ventral small brown dots. Epigyne (Figs 30, 35g-i, 38g): Median field small. Anterior pouch with a simple lumen that slightly narrows towards the posterior end, with parallel anterior margins. Lateral lobes separated. Copulatory ducts long, with a very pronounced curvature continuing the border of spermathecae; copulatory openings at the sides of anterior pouch opening. Ducts of accessory bulbs short. Bennett’s glands on mesal side of spermathecae (Fig. 30c, f). author: Aisen year: in press title: A revision and phylogenetic analysis of the spider genus Oxysoma Nicolet (Araneae: Anyphaenidae, Amaurobioidinae) subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Gayennini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Oxysoma unspecified, unspecified species name: losruiles_female unspecified, unspecified morphology: Total length 6.12 mm. Carapace length 2.47 mm, width 1.87 mm. Tibia/metatarsus length: leg I, 2.40/1.93 mm; leg II, 2.00/1.67 mm; leg III, 1.47/1.33 mm; leg IV, 1.87/2.07 mm. Palpal tarsus length 1.03 mm. Chelicerae with three teeth on promargin, two on retromargin. Sternum length 1.33 mm, width 1.10 mm. Spines: leg I, femur d 1-1-1, p (1-d1)ap, r d1ap; patella d 1-0-1ap bristles; tibia v 2-2-2, p and r 1-1, d r1-0-1-0 bristles; metatarsus v 2bas, p and r 1-0, d 0-p1-0-2. Leg II, femur d 1-1-1, p and r 0-d1-d1; patella, tibia and metatarsus = leg I. Leg III, femur = leg II; patella = leg I; tibia v p1-2-2 or p1-p1-2, p and r d1-1, d r1-0-1-0; metatarsus v 2-0-2 and an apical group of hairs (fewer than in O. longiventre), p and r d1-1-1, d 0-p1-0-2. Leg IV, femur d 1-1-1, p 0-d1-d1, r d1ap; patella 1-0-1ap bristles, r d1; tibia v p1-2-2, p and r d1-1, d r1-0-1-0; metatarsus v 2-2-2 and an apical group of hairs (fewer than in O. longiventre), p and r d1-1-1, d 0-p1-0-2. Opisthosoma length 3.73 mm, width 2.33 mm, distance epigastrium-spiracle 1.73 mm, distance spiracle-spinnerets 0.70 mm. Color in ethanol (Fig. 32): As in male, but darker. Sternum with brown dots at the base of coxae legs I-II. Legs with higher density of brown dots, tibiae almost completely dark brown. Opisthosoma darker, with one ventral patch from epigastrium to tracheal spiracle. Epigyne (Figs 35j-l, 38f): Median field very small. Anterior pouch with a distended entrance, with small, triangular, simple lumen, anterior margins very short. Lateral lobes separated. Copulatory ducts long, with first half forming an approximately 45° angle with the epigastric furrow, from copulatory openings until they turn backwards; copulatory openings at the sides of median field, posterior to anterior pouch opening. Ducts of accessory bulbs long. Bennett’s glands on interior side of spermathecae (Fig. 35l). author: Ramírez year: 2003 title: The Spider Subfamily Amaurobioidinae (Araneae, Anyphaenidae): a Phylogenetic Revision at the generic level subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Amaurobioidini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Amaurobioides unspecified, unspecified species name: Maritima_female unspecified, unspecified morphology: Total length 15.45 mm. Carapace length 5.45 mm, width 4.26 mm, wider on legs II-III. Leg III, length of tibia 2.50 mm, metatarsus 2.67 mm; leg IV, length of tibia 3.23 mm. Sternum length 3.50 mm, width 2.07 mm. Abdomen length 10.00 mm, width 6.25 mm, spiracle-epigastrium 4.40 mm, spiracle-spinnerets 1.10 mm. Spines: leg I, femur d 1-1-1, p d1ap; tibia v 2-2-2; metatarsus v 2bas. Leg II, femur = leg I; tibia v r1-2-2 or 2-2-2, p 1-1; metatarsus v 2-(p1-r1)-0 or 2-r1-0, p 1-0. Leg III, femur d 1-1-1, p and r 0-d1-d1; tibia v 0-2-2, p and r 1-0-1-0; metatarsus v 2-2-2, p d1-1-1, r 0-1-1, d 2ap. Leg IV, femur d 1-1-1, p and r d1ap; tibia v p1-2-2 (plus r1 supernumerary), r d1ap or 0-d1-d1; metatarsus v 2-p1-2 or 2-p1-r1, p and r 0-1-1, d 2ap. Epigyne: lateral lobes separate, anterior margin elevated. Median field slightly sclerotized. Copulatory ducts irregular, contorted before reaching spermathecae, ducts of accessory bulbs long, thick, diverging (fig. 18A). author: Ramírez year: 2003 title: The Spider Subfamily Amaurobioidinae (Araneae, Anyphaenidae): a Phylogenetic Revision at the generic level subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Amaurobioidini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Amaurobioides unspecified, unspecified species name: Africana_female unspecified, unspecified morphology: Total length 14.00 mm. Carapace length 4.92 mm, width 3.60 mm, wider on leg II. Length of tibia/metatarsus: leg I, 2.83/2.50 mm; leg II, 2.67/2.10 mm; leg III, 2.37/2.10 mm; leg IV, 2.60/2.33 mm. Palpal tarsus length 1.50 mm. Chelicerae very strong, with three teeth on retromargin. Sternum length 2.83 mm, width 1.77 mm. Spines, all short: leg I, femur d 1-1-1, p d1ap; tibia v 2-2-2; metatarsus v 2-r1-0. Leg II, femur = leg I; tibia v r1-2-2, p 0-1; metatarsus v 2-r1-0, p 1. Leg III, femur = leg I; tibia v p1-p1-2, p 1-d1-1 or 0-1, r d1-1; metatarsus v 2-0-1, p and r 0-1-1, d 2ap. Leg IV, femur d 1-1-1 or d 1-0-1; tibia v p1-p1-2, p 0, r d1-1; metatarsus v 2-0-1 or 2-r1-1, p and r 0-1-1, d 2ap. Abdomen length 9.44 mm, width 5.32 mm. Spiracle-epigastrium 5.19 mm, spiracle-spinnerets 1.07 mm. Epigyne (fig. 18E, F): lateral lobes separate, depressed on anterior margin, prolonged in V-shaped marks on elevated median field. Copulatory ducts irregular, contorted before reaching spermathecae, ducts of accessory bulbs long, thick, converging; some of their gland ducts discharging before expansion of bulb. author: Ramírez year: 2003 title: The Spider Subfamily Amaurobioidinae (Araneae, Anyphaenidae): a Phylogenetic Revision at the generic level subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Amaurobioidini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Axyracrus unspecified, unspecified species name: Elegans_female unspecified, unspecified morphology: Total length 6.25 mm. Carapace length 2.93 mm, width 1.77 mm, wider on leg II. Length of tibia/metatarsus: leg I, 1.43/1.27 mm; leg II, 1.33/1.23 mm; leg III, 0.99/1.02 mm; leg IV, 1.60/1.40 mm. Palpal tarsus length 0.69 mm. Chelicerae strong, with two teeth on retromargin, basal one largest. Sternum length 1.40 mm, width 0.90 mm. Spines: leg I, femur d 1-1-1, p d1ap; tibia v 2-2-2; metatarsus v 2bas. Leg II, femur = leg I; tibia v r1-2-2, p 0 or 0-1. Metatarsus = leg I. Leg III, femur d 1-1-1, p and r d1ap; tibia v 0-p1-2, p 0-1, r d1-1; metatarsus v 2-0-2, p and r 0-d1-1, d 2ap or 0-p1-2. Leg IV, femur d 1-1-1, r d1ap; tibia v p1-p1-2, r d1-1; metatarsus v 2-p1-2, p 1ap or 0-d1-1, r 1ap, d r1ap or 2ap. Abdomen length 3.60 mm, width 1.90 mm, spiracle-epigastrium 1.87 mm, spiracle-spinnerets 0.18 mm. Color: brown with dark brown pattern (fig. 21A); ocular area much darker, legs I and II darker from tibia to tarsus; sternum, endites, and labium dark brown, venter brown. Epigyne: see generic description. author: Ramírez year: 2003 title: The Spider Subfamily Amaurobioidinae (Araneae, Anyphaenidae): a Phylogenetic Revision at the generic level subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Amaurobioidini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Aysenia unspecified, unspecified species name: Segestrioides_female unspecified, unspecified morphology: Total length 8.10 mm. Carapace elevated, cephalic area flat; length 2.93 mm, width 1.57 mm, wider behind chelicerae. Length of tibia/metatarsus: leg I, 0.90/0.79 mm; leg II, 0.67/0.77 mm; leg III, 0.62/0.66 mm; leg IV, 1.02/0.99 mm. Palpal tarsus length 0.69 mm. Chelicerae very strong, with two teeth on retromargin, fang short, thick (fig. 23G). Sternum length 1.27 mm, width 0.73 mm. Spines: femora legs I-IV d 1-1-1. Leg I, tibia v r1-r1-2, p v1-1-0 (these are the ventrals displaced); metatarsus v 2-0. Leg II, tibia v r1-r1-r1, p 0-d1; metatarsus v 2bas, p 1. Leg III, tibia v r1ap, p and r d1; metatarsus v 2-0-2, p 0-d1-1, r 1ap, d 2ap. Leg IV, tibia v p1-p1-2; metatarsus v 2-p1-2, p and r 1ap, d r1ap. Scopulae on tarsi legs I and II, and metatarsus leg II, denser on prolateral faces. Leg III oriented forward (fig. 23F). Femora legs I-III narrow, leg IV very strong. Abdomen length 5.30 mm, width 2.33 mm, spiracle-epigastrium 3.13 mm, spiracle-spinnerets 0.30 mm. Color: carapace dark brown, ocular area almost black. Legs brown, legs I and II darker. Sternum uniform brown, endites and labium dark brown. Abdomen grayish brown with cream pattern, venter grayish uniform. Epigyne (fig. 23D, E): lateral lobes well sclerotized, separate, elevated above median field. Copulatory ducts very long, coiled. author: Ramírez year: 2003 title: The Spider Subfamily Amaurobioidinae (Araneae, Anyphaenidae): a Phylogenetic Revision at the generic level subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Amaurobioidini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Aysenia unspecified, unspecified species name: Cylindrica_female unspecified, unspecified morphology: Total length 4.75 mm. Carapace length 1.43 mm, width 0.75 mm, wider on leg II. Length of tibia/metatarsus: leg I, 0.63/0.52 mm; leg II, 0.59/0.51 mm; leg III, 0.33/0.38 mm; leg IV, 0.66/0.47 mm. Palpal tarsus length 0.28 mm. Chelicerae (fig. 24D) very strong, with three teeth on retromargin, basal one larger; fang short, thick. Sternum length 0.73 mm, width 0.47 mm. Spines: femora legs I-IV d 1-1-1. Leg I, tibia v 2-2-2 (the x-p1-x displaced to prolateral, fig. 24E), p d1-0-1-0; metatarsus v 2-r1 (the basal pair advanced), p 1. Leg II, tibia v r1-r1-2, p 0-d1; metatarsus = leg I. Leg III, tibia v r1ap; metatarsus v 0-r1-0-2 or 0-r1-r1-2, p and r 1ap, d p1ap. Leg IV, tibia v p1-p1-2; metatarsus v 2-2-2, p and r 1ap, d p1ap. Femora legs I-III narrow, leg IV strong. Abdomen length 2.80 mm, width 0.47 mm, spiracle-epigastrium 2.00 mm, spiracle-spinnerets 0.24 mm. Color: carapace pale brown, with bright cuticle, cephalic area darker. Legs, femora brownish violet with grayish longitudinal stripes; patella and tarsus leg I grayish, leg II pale gray, leg III cream; leg IV, patella and tarsus cream, tibia brownish violet, distally cream. Abdomen brownish violet, dark, with three whitish dorsal spots, covered by white hairs, two patches of white hairs on posterior end. Leg coxae pale, sternum, labium, endites, and venter dark. Epigyne (fig. 24F, G): lateral lobes widely separated, slightly elevated above median field. Copulatory ducts not coiled. author: Ramírez year: 2003 title: The Spider Subfamily Amaurobioidinae (Araneae, Anyphaenidae): a Phylogenetic Revision at the generic level subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Amaurobioidini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Aysenia unspecified, unspecified species name: Araucana_female unspecified, unspecified morphology: Carapace length 2.27 mm, width 1.17 mm, wider at chelicerae bases and at leg III. Length of tibia/metatarsus: leg I, 1.00/0.93 mm; leg II, 0.93/0.83 mm; leg III, 0.53/0.70 mm; leg IV, 1.00/0.80 mm. Palpal tarsus length 0.53 mm. Chelicerae very strong, with 3-4 teeth on retromargin, increasing in size to basal. Sternum length 1.03 mm, width 0.72 mm. Spines: leg I, femur d 1-1-1, p d1ap; tibia v 2-2-2 (the x-p1-x slightly displaced to prolateral), p 1-d1-1-0; metatarsus v 2-r1-0 (the basal pair advanced), p 1-0. Leg II, femur = leg I; tibia v r1-r1-2, p d1-1; metatarsus = leg I. Leg III, femur d 1-1-1, p and r d1ap; tibia v 0-p1-2, p d1-0, d r1bas; metatarsus v 2-0-2, p 0-d1-1, r 1ap, d 0-p1-2. Leg IV, femur d 1-1-1; tibia v p1-p1-2, r d1-1; metatarsus v 2-2-2, p 0-d1-1 or 1ap, r d1-0-1, d 0-p1-2. Leg III oriented forward. Femora legs I-III narrow, leg IV strong. Color: dark brown, cephalic area paler, ocular area almost black. Legs dark brown, patellae and dorsum of tibiae, metatarsi, and tarsi legs III-IV pale gray. Abdomen digested behind epigastrium, tracheae exposed. Epigyne (fig. 25D, E): lateral lobes slightly elevated, arched, copulatory ducts moderately coiled. author: Ramírez year: 2003 title: The Spider Subfamily Amaurobioidinae (Araneae, Anyphaenidae): a Phylogenetic Revision at the generic level subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Amaurobioidini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Aysenoides unspecified, unspecified species name: Terricola_female unspecified, unspecified morphology: Total length 4.55 mm. Carapace length 2.03 mm, width 1.08 mm, wider on leg II. Length of tibia/metatarsus: leg I, 1.02/0.91 mm; leg II, 0.87/0.81 mm; leg III, 0.58/0.66 mm; leg IV, 1.00/0.77 mm. Palpal tarsus length 0.41 mm. Chelicerae with three teeth on retromargin, basal one largest. Sternum length 1.06 mm, width 0.64 mm. Spines: leg I, femur d 1-1-1, p d1ap; tibia v 2-2-0-2 (the x-p1-x displaced prolaterally); metatarsus v 2-2-0 (the x-p1-x displaced prolaterally). Leg II, femur = leg I; tibia v 2-2-0-2, p 0-1; metatarsus v 2-r1-0. Leg III, femur = leg I; tibia v r1ap or 0-p1-r1, p and r d1-1; metatarsus v 2-0-2 or r1-0-2, p and r 0-d1-1, d 2ap. Leg IV, femur d 1-1-1; tibia v p1-p1-2; metatarsus v 2-p1-2, p and r 1ap, d r1ap. Leg III directed forward. Femora legs I-III narrow, leg IV strong. Abdomen (slightly bowed ventrally) length 2.50 mm, width 1.07 mm. Color: carapace grayish, legs pale gray with brownish violet spots, legs I and II darker. Leg coxae pale, endites, labium, and sternum dark. Abdomen brownish violet with yellow dorsal pattern, venter brownish violet uniform. Epigyne (fig. 27D, E): lateral lobes anteriorly curved, widely separate, closer posteriorly, limiting T-shaped median field. Limit between lateral lobes and median field unclear close to copulatory openings. Spermathecae spherical, copulatory ducts heavily sclerotized. author: Ramírez year: 2003 title: The Spider Subfamily Amaurobioidinae (Araneae, Anyphaenidae): a Phylogenetic Revision at the generic level subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Amaurobioidini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Aysenoides unspecified, unspecified species name: Colecole_female unspecified, unspecified morphology: Total length 5.30 mm. Carapace length 1.87 mm, width 0.93 mm, wider at leg II. Length of tibia/metatarsus: leg I, 0.88/0.81 mm; leg II, 0.74/0.69 mm; leg III, 0.43/0.51 mm; leg IV, 0.90/0.69 mm. Palpal tarsus length 0.39 mm. Chelicerae with 3 strong teeth on retromargin, basal one larger. Sternum length 0.97 mm, width 0.58 mm. Spines: leg I, femur d 1-1-1, p d1ap; tibia v 2-2-2 (the x-p1-x slightly displaced prolaterally); metatarsus v 2bas. Leg II, femur = leg I; tibia v r1-r1-2, p 0-1; metatarsus = leg I. Leg III, femur d d1-d1-d1, p and r d1ap; tibia v r1ap, p d1-1 or 0-1, r 0-1; metatarsus v r1-0-2, p 0-d1-1, r 1ap, d 0-p1-2. Leg IV, femur d 1-1-1; tibia v 0-p1-2, r 0-1; metatarsus v 2-p1-2, p 1ap, r d1-0-1, d 2ap. Leg III directed forward. Femora legs II and III narrow, leg IV very strong. Abdomen length 3.40 mm, width 1.27 mm, spiracle-epigastrium 2.10 mm, spiracle-spinnerets 0.16 mm. Color: carapace and legs grayish, posterior legs paler. Abdomen yellow with grayish stripes; dorsum with median stripe on anterior half, two lateral ones; epigastrium grayish, venter with median stripe from epigyne to spinnerets. Dark arch-shaped mark surrounding spinnerets ventrally and laterally. Epigyne (fig. 28E, F): median field sclerotized, longitudinal median ridge close to lateral pouches. Limit between lateral lobes and median field unclear anterior to copulatory openings. Two lateral pouches with openings directed forward, apparently formed by elevated margins of lateral lobes. Spermathecae spherical, accessory bulbs voluminous, contiguous. author: Ramírez year: 2003 title: The Spider Subfamily Amaurobioidinae (Araneae, Anyphaenidae): a Phylogenetic Revision at the generic level subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Amaurobioidini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Aysenoides unspecified, unspecified species name: Parvus_female unspecified, unspecified morphology: Total length 4.80 mm. Carapace length 1.90 mm, width 1.20 mm, wider on legs II-III. Length of tibia/metatarsus: leg I, 1.10/0.88 mm; leg II, 0.94/0.81 mm; leg III, 0.86/0.63 mm; leg IV, 1.07/0.92 mm. Palpal tarsus length 0.48 mm. Chelicerae with two teeth on retromargin. Sternum length 1.00 mm, width 0.68 mm. Spines: leg I, femur d 1-1-1, p d1ap; tibia v 2-2-2 (the x-p1-x slightly displaced prolaterally); metatarsus v 2bas. Leg II, femur = leg I; tibia v r1-r1-2, p 0-1; metatarsus = leg I. Leg III, femur = leg I; tibia v 0-p1-r1, p d1-1, r 0-1; metatarsus v 2-0-2 and some distal thick setae, p and r 0-d1-1, d 0-p1-2. Leg IV, femur d 1-1-1; tibia v p1-p1-2, r 0-1; metatarsus v r1-r1-2, p 1ap, r d1-0-1, d r1ap. Spines on tibiae and metatarsi legs I and II long, thick. Leg III directed forward. Abdomen length 2.87 mm, width 1.50 mm, spiracle-epigastrium 1.70 mm, spiracle-spinnerets 0.10 mm. Color: carapace and legs grayish, posterior legs paler. Abdomen pale gray with dorsal pattern grayish violet, venter grayish violet uniform. Epigyne (figs. 29A, 30C-E) flat, lateral lobes separate, median field narrow, slightly rugose, weakly sclerotized. Copulatory ducts short, spermathecae spherical. author: Ramírez year: 2003 title: The Spider Subfamily Amaurobioidinae (Araneae, Anyphaenidae): a Phylogenetic Revision at the generic level subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Amaurobioidini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Coptoprepes unspecified, unspecified species name: Flavopilosus_female unspecified, unspecified morphology: Total length 5.35 mm. Carapace length 2.23 mm, width 1.50 mm, wider on legs II-III. Length of tibia/metatarsus: leg I, 1.03/0.63 mm; leg II, 0.94/1.00 mm; leg III, 0.97/1.08 mm; leg IV, 1.30/1.63 mm. Palpal tarsus length 0.64 mm. Chelicerae with 5 teeth on promargin and 5 or 6 denticles on retromargin. Sternum length 1.17 mm, width 0.93 mm. Spines: leg I, femur d 1-1-1, p 2ap; tibia v r1-2-0 or 0-2-0; metatarsus v 2bas. Leg II, femur d 1-1-1, p d1ap; tibia v 0-r1-p1; metatarsus v 2bas. Leg III, femur d 1-1-1, p and r d1ap; patella r 1; tibia v p1-p1-2, p 1-d1-1-0, r d1-1, d r1bas; metatarsus v 2-2-comb, p and r d1-1-1, d 0-p1-2. Leg IV, femur d 1-1-1, p and r d1ap; patella r 1; tibia v p1-2-2, p and r 1-d1-1-0, d r1bas; metatarsus = leg III, but d 0-2-2. Dorsal, long, thin, erect bristles on patellae (d 1-0-1) and tibiae (d r1-0-1). Abdomen length 3.17 mm, width 1.70 mm, spiracle-epigastrium 1.50 mm, spiracle-spinnerets 0.22 mm. Color: grayish uniform, darker dorsally (fig. 35A). Epigyne (fig. 36D, E): lateral lobes separate, slightly projecting above epigastric fold. Copulatory ducts irregular. Spermathecae fused to each other. author: Ramírez year: 2003 title: The Spider Subfamily Amaurobioidinae (Araneae, Anyphaenidae): a Phylogenetic Revision at the generic level subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Amaurobioidini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Coptoprepes unspecified, unspecified species name: Nahuelbuta_female unspecified, unspecified morphology: Total length 5.30 mm. Carapace length 2.03 mm, width 1.43 mm, wider on leg II. Length of tibia/metatarsus: leg I, 0.92/0.84 mm; leg II, 0.83/0.80 mm; leg III, 0.72/0.89 mm; leg IV, 1.10/1.07 mm. Palpal tarsus length 0.57 mm. Chelicerae with five teeth on promargin, seven denticles on retromargin. Sternum length 1.08 mm, width 0.87 mm. Metatarsi legs III and IV with preening comb. Spines: leg I, femur d 1-1-1, p 2ap; tibia v 2-2-0; metatarsus v 2bas. Leg II, femur d 1-1-1, p d1ap; tibia v r1-r1-2; metatarsus = leg I. Leg III, femur d 1-1-1, p 0-d1-d1 or d1ap, r d1ap or 0; patella r 1; tibia v p1-p1-2, p 1-d1-1-0, r d1-1, d r1bas; metatarsus v 2-0-comb, p and r d1-1-1, d 0-p1-2. Leg IV, femur d 1-1-1, p and r d1ap; patella r 1; tibia v p1-2-2, p and r 1-d1-1-0, d r1bas; metatarsus v 2-2-comb, p and r d1-1-1, d 0-2-2. Dorsal bristles as in C. flavopilosus. Abdomen (with cuticle partially detached) length 3.55 mm. Color: holotype quite faded; other specimens with carapace, legs, sternum, mouthparts brown, abdomen dark grayish, dorsum paler, cardiac area dark. Epigyne (fig. 38F-H) displaced posteriorly, in ventral view only visible as elevation of epigastrium. Lateral lobes separate in posterior view. Copulatory ducts contorted, asymmetrical, spermathecae contiguous, lumen small. author: Ramírez year: 2003 title: The Spider Subfamily Amaurobioidinae (Araneae, Anyphaenidae): a Phylogenetic Revision at the generic level subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Amaurobioidini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Coptoprepes unspecified, unspecified species name: Campanensis_female unspecified, unspecified morphology: Total length 3.17 mm. Carapace length 1.40 mm, width 1.02 mm, wider between legs II and III. Length of tibia/metatarsus: leg I, 0.72/0.61 mm; leg II, 0.66/0.59 mm; leg III, 0.57/0.63 mm; leg IV, 0.98/1.07 mm. Palpal tarsus length 0.41 mm. Chelicerae with three teeth on promargin, four on retromargin. Sternum length 0.81 mm, width 0.61 mm. Spines: leg I, femur d 1-1-1, p d1ap; tibia v 2-2-0; metatarsus v 2bas. Leg II = leg I. Leg III, femur d 1-1-1, p and r d1ap; patella r 1; tibia v p1-p1-2, p 1-d1-1-0, r d1-1, d r1bas; metatarsus v 2-0-1 (and apical preening comb, fig. 40), p and r d1-1-1, d 0-p1-2. Leg IV, femur = leg III; tibia v p1-2-2, p and r 1-d1-1-0, d r1bas; metatarsus v 2-2-1, p and r d1-1-1, d 0-p1-2. Abdomen length 1.87 mm, width 1.07 mm, spiracle-epigastrium 1.00 mm, spiracle-spinnerets 0.16 mm. Color: grayish, spotted in dark brown. Sternum and mouthparts dark brown, leg coxae paler. Abdomen with dark dorsum, darker on cardiac area, with three pairs of paler spots covered by whitish hairs, spots in two posterior pairs closer to each other. Venter grayish, slightly paler than dorsum. Epigyne (fig. 41C, D) partially displaced posteriorly, lateral lobes widely separate, copulatory openings near epigastric fold. Copulatory ducts long, convoluted, fused with those of opposite side though in part of their length. Spermathecae contiguous, lumen small, fertilization ducts separate from posterior border. author: Ramírez year: 2003 title: The Spider Subfamily Amaurobioidinae (Araneae, Anyphaenidae): a Phylogenetic Revision at the generic level subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Amaurobioidini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Coptoprepes unspecified, unspecified species name: Valdiviensis_female unspecified, unspecified morphology: Total length 4.66 mm. Carapace length 1.77 mm, width 1.17 mm, wider at leg III. Length of tibia/metatarsus: leg I, 1.07/0.82 mm; leg II, 0.89/0.81 mm; leg III, 0.74/0.90 mm; leg IV, 1.17/1.37 mm. Palpal tarsus length 0.59 mm. Chelicerae with three teeth on promargin, four on retromargin. Sternum length 1.17 mm, width 0.75 mm. Spines: leg I, femur d 1-1-1, p 2ap; tibia v 2-2-p1; metatarsus v 2bas. Leg II, femur d 1-1-1, p d1ap; tibia v r1-r1-p1; metatarsus = leg I. Leg III, femur d 1-1-1, p 0-d1-d1, r d1ap; patella r 1; tibia v p1-p1-2, p 1-d1-1-0, r d1-1, d r1bas; metatarsus v 2-0-comb, p and r d1-1-1, d 0-p1-2. Leg IV, femur d 1-1-1, p and r d1ap; patella r 1; tibia v p1-2-2, p and r 1-d1-1-0, d r1bas; metatarsus = leg III, but v 2-2-comb. Dorsal bristles as in C. flavopilosus, but tibiae d 1ap. Abdomen length 2.83 mm, width 1.60 mm, spiracle-epigastrium 2.25 mm, spiracle-spinnerets 0.17 mm. Color: grayish, abdomen slightly darker on cardiac area and several chevrons extending to spinnerets. Epigyne (fig. 42D, E) partially displaced posteriorly, lateral lobes separate, copulatory openings close to epigastric fold. Spermathecae contiguous, lumen small, copulatory ducts fused with those of opposite side though in part of their length. author: Ramírez year: 2003 title: The Spider Subfamily Amaurobioidinae (Araneae, Anyphaenidae): a Phylogenetic Revision at the generic level subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Amaurobioidini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Gamakia unspecified, unspecified species name: Hirsuta_female unspecified, unspecified morphology: Total length 4.92 mm. Carapace length 2.10 mm, width 1.47 mm, wider on legs II-III. Length of tibia/metatarsus: leg I, 1.20/1.00 mm; leg II, 1.13/0.83 mm; leg III, 0.90/1.05 mm; leg IV, 1.28/1.28 mm. Palpal tarsus length 0.52 mm. Chelicerae with 6 teeth on retromargin, slightly decreasing in size to basal. Sternum length 1.05 mm, width 0.80 mm. Spines: leg I, femur d 1-1-1, p d2 ap, r d1ap; tibia v 2-2-2 or 2-2-p1, p d1-1; metatarsus v 2bas, p d1 or 0. Leg II, femur d 1-1-1, p 0-d1-d2 or d2ap, r 0-d1-d1; tibia v 2-2-2, p d1-1, r 0-1; metatarsus p v 2bas, 0-d1-0-1, r d1-0. Leg III, femur d 1-1-1, p and r 0-d1-d1; patella r d1; tibia v p1-p1-2, p and r 1-d1-1-0, d r1bas; metatarsus v 2-p1-2, p and r d1-d1-1, d 0-p1-2. Leg IV, femur d 1-1-1, p 0-d1-d1, r d1ap; patella r d1; tibia = leg III or v p1-2-2; metatarsus = leg III or v 2-2-2. Abdomen length 3.00 mm, width 1.90 mm, spiracle-epigastrium 1.67 mm, spiracle-spinnerets 0.22 mm. Color: carapace gray, ocular area darker, eyes bordered black. Legs, femora pale gray with darker spots, darker from patella to tarsus. Sternum gray, darker on margins. Endites brown, labium dark brown. Abdomen cream with gray pattern, venter with irregular gray spots. Epigyne: see generic description. author: Ramírez year: 2003 title: The Spider Subfamily Amaurobioidinae (Araneae, Anyphaenidae): a Phylogenetic Revision at the generic level subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Amaurobioidini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Negayan unspecified, unspecified species name: Tridentata_female unspecified, unspecified morphology: Total length 4.12 mm. Carapace length 1.65 mm, width 1.15 mm, wider on leg III. AME smaller than ALE (fig. 48C). Length of tibia/metatarsus: leg I, 0.83/0.70 mm; leg II, 0.77/0.67 mm; leg III, 0.70/0.80 mm; leg IV, 1.08/1.27 mm. Palpal tarsus length 0.43 mm. Chelicerae with two teeth on retromargin (variable, fig. 48B). Sternum length 0.92 mm, width 0.72 mm. Spines (quite strong): leg I, femur d 1-1-1, p 2ap; tibia v 2-2-0; metatarsus v 2bas. Leg II, femur d 1-1-1, p d1 ap, r 0 or d1ap; tibia v 2-2-0 or 2-2-p1, p 0-1; metatarsus v 2bas, p 1-0. Leg III, femur d 1-1-1, p and r d1ap; patella r d1; tibia v p1-p1-2, p 1-d1-1-0, r d1-1, d r1bas; metatarsus v 2-0-2, p and r d1-1-1, d 0-p1-2. Leg IV, femur = leg III; patella r d1; tibia v p1-2-2, p and r 1-d1-1-0, d r1bas; metatarsus = leg III, but v 2-2-2. Dorsal, long, thin, erect bristles on patellae (d 1-0-1) and tibiae (d r1-0-1). Abdomen length 2.30 mm, width 1.33 mm, spiracle-epigastrium 1.12 mm, spiracle-spinnerets 0.17 mm. Color: carapace pale brown with two longitudinal brown bands (fig. 48A). Sternum pale with lateral brown bands. Abdomen pale with dorsal brown pattern, three ventral lines of specks. Epigyne (fig. 48D, E): lateral lobes slightly projecting over epigastric furrow, projections concave, close to each other. Copulatory ducts coiled about 360°, spermathecae with contorted lumen. author: Ramírez year: 2003 title: The Spider Subfamily Amaurobioidinae (Araneae, Anyphaenidae): a Phylogenetic Revision at the generic level subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Amaurobioidini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Negayan unspecified, unspecified species name: Paduana_female unspecified, unspecified morphology: Total length 6.92 mm. Carapace length 3.17 mm, width 2.17 mm, wider on legs II-III. Length of tibia/metatarsus: leg I, 1.60/1.45 mm; leg II, 1.55/1.37 mm; leg III, 1.37/1.53 mm; leg IV, 2.04/2.47 mm. Chelicerae with two teeth on retromargin. Spines: leg I, femur d 1-1-1, p 2ap; tibia v 2-2-2; metatarsus v 2bas. Leg II, femur d 1-1-1, p d1ap; tibia v p1-2-2; metatarsus v 2bas, p 1-0. Leg III, femur d 1-1-1, p 0-d1-d1, r d1ap; patella 0; tibia v p1-2-2, p 1-d1-1-0, r d1-1, d r1bas; metatarsus v 2-2-(2+thick setae), p and r d1-1-1, d 0-2-2. Leg IV, femur d 1-1-1, p and r d1ap; patella 0; tibia v 2-2-2, p and r 1-d1-1-0, d r1bas; metatarsus = leg III. Abdomen length 4.10 mm, width 2.25 mm. Spiracle-epigastrium ca. 1.90 mm, spiracle-spinnerets ca. 0.60 mm. Color: holotype faded. Female from Magallanes, Estancia Gazy Harbour (AMNH): carapace brown, darker toward ocular area, margins dark. Legs brown, with some dark spots, more distinct on legs III and IV. Endites, labium, and sternum dark brown. Abdomen cream with dark dorsal pattern brownish violet, venter cream, with large violet patch anterior of tracheal spiracle, prolonged to epigastric furrow in three lines of dots; epigastrium dark between pulmonary plates and epigyne. Epigyne (fig. 49C-F): median field wide, elevated, lateral lobes elevated posteriorly. author: Ramírez year: 2003 title: The Spider Subfamily Amaurobioidinae (Araneae, Anyphaenidae): a Phylogenetic Revision at the generic level subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Amaurobioidini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Negayan unspecified, unspecified species name: Coccinea_female unspecified, unspecified morphology: Total length 3.13 mm. Carapace length 1.27 mm, width 0.92 mm, wider on legs II-III. Length of tibia/metatarsus: leg I, 0.73/0.60 mm; leg II, 0.65/0.57 mm; leg III, 0.57/0.60 mm; leg IV, 0.90/1.02 mm. Palpal tarsus length 0.37 mm. Chelicerae with four teeth on promargin, four on retromargin, basal one slightly larger. Sternum length 0.70 mm, width 0.58 mm. Spines (those of tibiae and metatarsi leg I, leg II relatively long, thick): leg I, femur d 1-1-1, p d1ap; tibia v 2-2-0; metatarsus v 2bas. Leg II, femur = leg I; tibia v 2-2-0, p 0-1; metatarsus v 2bas, p 0-1. Leg III, femur d 1-1-1, p and r d1ap; patella r 0; tibia v p1-p1-2, p and r d1-1, d r1bas; metatarsus v 2-0-comb, p and r d1-d1-1 or 0-d1-1, d 0-p1-2. Leg IV, femur = leg III; patella r d1; tibia = leg III, but v p1-2-2; metatarsus = leg III, but v 2-p1-comb. Abdomen length 1.93 mm, width 1.20 mm, spiracle-epigastrium 0.93 mm, spiracle-spinnerets 0.13 mm. Color: carapace pale brown with dark brown band at each side, margins almost black. Legs pale brown with dark brown spots. Chelicerae with basal two-thirds dark, basal pale patch, endites and labium dark, sternum with central pale patch. Abdomen dorsally brownish violet, with small pale dots, two pale anterior patches, some chevrons at posterior end, fusing on pale spot above spinnerets. Venter with dark rectangle anterior of spiracle, prolonged to epigastric furrow in median band plus some asymmetrical spots; epigastrium dark between pulmonary plates and epigyne. Epigyne (fig. 51C, D): median field triangular, slightly elevated, copulatory ducts complex, difficult to observe, colied along oblique axes; copulatory openings not seen. author: Ramírez year: 2003 title: The Spider Subfamily Amaurobioidinae (Araneae, Anyphaenidae): a Phylogenetic Revision at the generic level subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Amaurobioidini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Selknamia unspecified, unspecified species name: Minima_female unspecified, unspecified morphology: Total length 4.83 mm. Carapace length 2.23 mm, width 1.60 mm, wider on legs II-III. Length of tibia/metatarsus: leg I, 1.12/0.92 mm; leg II, 1.00/0.87 mm; leg III, 0.83/1.00 mm; leg IV, 1.30/1.53 mm. Palpal tarsus length 0.40 mm. Chelicerae with three teeth on retromargin, median one slightly smaller. Sternum length 1.13 mm, width 0.98 mm. Spines: leg I, femur d 1-1-1 thin bristles, p d1ap; tibia v 2-2-0; metatarsus v 2bas. Leg II, femur d 1-1-1 or 1-1-0 thin bristles, p d1ap; tibia v 2-2-0, p 0-1 or d1-1; metatarsus = leg I. Leg III, femur d 1-1-1, p d1ap or 0; patella 0; tibia v p1-2-2, p 1-d1-1-0, r d1-1; metatarsus v 2-2-comb, p and r d1-1-1, d 0-p1-2. Leg IV, femur d 1-1-1, r d1ap or 0; patella 0; tibia v p1-2-2, p and r 1-d1-1-0; metatarsus = leg III. Abdomen length 2.80 mm, width 1.45 mm, spiracle-epigastrium 1.08 mm, spiracle-spinnerets 0.12 mm. Color: grayish brown almost uniform. Abdomen with two paler bands at sides of cardiac area, diffusing posteriorly. Epigyne: see generic description. author: Ramírez year: 2003 title: The Spider Subfamily Amaurobioidinae (Araneae, Anyphaenidae): a Phylogenetic Revision at the generic level subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Amaurobioidini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Josa unspecified, unspecified species name: Lutea_female unspecified, unspecified morphology: Total length 10.08 mm. Carapace length 3.50 mm, width 2.83 mm, wider on legs II-III. Length of tibia/metatarsus: leg I, 2.25/2.75 mm; leg II, 2.20/2.05 mm; leg III, 1.80/1.90 mm; leg IV, 2.15/2.32 mm. Chelicerae unmodified, with two teeth on retromargin (fig. 55D). Spines: leg I, femur d 1-1-1, p 0-d1-(1-d1) or 0-d1-d1; tibia v 2-2-2; metatarsus v 2bas. Leg II, femur = leg I; tibia v 2-2-2, p 0-1; metatarsus v 2bas, d p1bas. Leg III, femur d 1-1-1, p and r 0-d1-d1; patella rd1; tibia v 2-2-2 or p1-2-2, p and r 1-d1-1-0; metatarsus v 2-0-2, p and r 1-d1-1, d 0-p1-2. Leg IV, femur d 1-1-1, p 0-d1-d1, r d1ap; patella r d1; tibia = leg III; metatarsus v 2-2-2, p and r 1-d1-1, d 0-p1-2. Abdomen length 6.58 mm, width 4.67 mm, spiracle-epigastrium 2.86 mm, spiracle-spinnerets 1.35 mm. Color: carapace grayish with dark median longitudinal band, slightly darker on cephalic area, ocular area dark gray, clypeus with white hairs. Legs gray with dorsal dark longitudinal stripes as: legs I and II, tibiae d 3-1-1 short; metatarsi d 1-1, basal long. Leg III, leg IV tibiae d p2-r2-r1 short; metatarsi = leg I. Abdomen yellowish with grayish dorsal pattern, venter with grayish median longitudinal band. Epigyne (fig. 55A-C): median field wide, oval in posterior view. Lateral lobes approaching each other, limiting narrow notch between two rounded projections, each with anterior depression. Copulatory ducts long, coiled. Ducts of accessory bulbs long, converging. author: Ramírez year: 2003 title: The Spider Subfamily Amaurobioidinae (Araneae, Anyphaenidae): a Phylogenetic Revision at the generic level subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Amaurobioidini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Josa unspecified, unspecified species name: Riveti_female unspecified, unspecified morphology: Total length 12.40 mm. Carapace length 5.05 mm, width 3.46 mm, wider between legs II and III. Length of tibia/metatarsus: leg I, 2.73/2.27 mm; leg II, 2.73/2.27 mm; leg III, 2.27/2.53 mm; leg IV, 3.30/3.78 mm. Palpal tarsus length 1.63 mm. Chelicerae with two teeth on retromargin (fig. 56F). Sternum (fig. 56G) length 2.50 mm, width 1.83 mm. Spines: leg I, femur d 1-1-1, p 2ap; tibia v 0-2-2 or p1-2-2 or 2-2-2; metatarsus v 2bas. Leg II, femur d 1-1-1, p d1ap; tibia v r1-2-2 or 2-2-2, p 0 or 0-1; metatarsus v 2bas. Leg III, femur d 1-1-1, p and r 0-d1-d1 or p d1-d1-d1; patella d d1; tibia v 2-2-2 (the r1bas smaller), p and r 1-d1-1-0, d r1bas; metatarsus v 2-2-2, p and r d1-1-1, d 0-2-2. Leg IV, femur d 1-1-1, p 0-d1-d1, r d1ap; patella r d1; tibia and metatarsus = leg III. Dorsal long, thin, erect bristles on patellae (d 1-0-1) and tibiae (d r1-0-1). Abdomen length 7.95 mm, width 4.50 mm, spiracle-epigastrium 3.60 mm, spiracle-spinnerets 1.83 mm. Color (from several specimens): carapace grayish with darker sides, legs grayish, coxae pale, sternum grayish, paler at center, mouthparts dark. Abdomen with pattern of grayish spots on paler background, dorsal pattern variable, often with anterior dark bands on cardiac area, one anterior band at each side, several chevrons extending to spinnerets; venter variable from pale to dark, may have diffuse median longitudinal dark band. Epigyne (fig. 56H-J): median fieldwide, sclerotized, trapezoidal in posterior view, ventral angles rounded. Lateral lobes close to each other, forming narrow notch between posterior projections, shallow depression anterior to each projection of lateral lobes. Copulatory ducts very long, coiled. Ducts of accessory bulbs long, converging. author: Ramírez year: 2003 title: The Spider Subfamily Amaurobioidinae (Araneae, Anyphaenidae): a Phylogenetic Revision at the generic level subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Amaurobioidini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Josa unspecified, unspecified species name: Personata_female unspecified, unspecified morphology: Total length 4.73 mm. Carapace length 2.38 mm, width 2.02 mm, wider between legs II and III. Posterior eye row recurved, AME larger than ALE (fig. 57A, B). Length of tibia/metatarsus: leg I, 2.08/1.63 mm; leg II, 2.06/1.83 mm; leg III, 1.45/1.45 mm; leg IV, 1.78/1.70 mm. Chelicerae with two teeth on retromargin. Sternum length 1.48 mm, width 1.20 mm. Spines: leg I, femur d 1-1-1, p 0-2-d1; tibia v 2-2-0; metatarsus v 2bas. Leg II, femur d 1-1-1, p 0-d1-d1; tibia and metatarsus = leg I. Leg III, femur d 1-1-1, p 0-d1-d1, r d1ap; patella 0; tibia v 2-2-2, r d1-1 or d1-0, d r1bas; metatarsus v 2-0-2, p and r d1-1, d 0-2. Leg IV, femur d 1-1-1, p d1ap; patella 0; tibia v 2-2-2, p d1(small)-1, r 1-d1-1-0, d r1bas; metatarsus v 2-0-2, p and r d1-1-0-1, d 1-2. Abdomen length 2.35 mm, width 1.18 mm, spiracle-epigastrium 1.35 mm, spiracle-spinnerets 0.60 mm. Color in alcohol: carapace and abdomen yellow, eyes bordered black. Chelicerae with anterior face dark gray, sternum and mouthparts yellow. Legs yellow with dorsal longitudinal lines dark gray: patellae, d 2bas, short; tibiae, d p2bas extending up to one-third or one-fourth of tibial length, d r2bas extending up to onehalf of tibial length, d 2bas short, d 1, and d r1. Metatarsi leg III, leg IV with apical bundle of white hairs on each side. Epigyne (fig. 57C-F) weakly sclerotized, spermathecae visible through cuticle; two posterior depressions, oriented forward. Lateral lobes separate, limiting shallow notch at posterior border of epigyne. Median field wide, oval in posterior view. Copulatory ducts very long, coiled. Ducts of accessory bulbs long, converging. Lumen of spermatheca elongate, coiled along with coils of copulatory duct. Fertilization ducts long, also coiled. author: Ramírez year: 2003 title: The Spider Subfamily Amaurobioidinae (Araneae, Anyphaenidae): a Phylogenetic Revision at the generic level subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Amaurobioidini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Josa unspecified, unspecified species name: Calilegua_female unspecified, unspecified morphology: Total length 6.25 mm. Posterior eye row recurved. Carapace length 2.80 mm, width 2.17 mm, wider between legs II and III. Length of tibia/metatarsus: leg I, 1.70/1.57 mm; leg II, 1.67/1.50 mm; leg III, 1.50/1.47 mm; leg IV, 1.90/2.03 mm. Palpal tarsus length 0.90 mm. Chelicerae unmodified, with four teeth on promargin, three on retromargin. Sternum length 1.87 mm, width 1.10 mm. Spines (all tibiae d r1-0-1 bristles): leg I, femur d 1-1-1, p 0-d1-1-1, r 0-d1-d1; tibia v 2-2-2; metatarsus v 2bas. Leg II, femur d 1-1-1, p and r 0-d1-d1; tibia = leg I (the v p1bas thinner; one additional spine close to the xr1-x on left leg); metatarsus v 2bas. Leg III, femur = leg II; tibia v 2-2-2, p 1-d1-1-0 or d1-1, r 1-d1-1-0; metatarsus v 2-0-2, p and r d1-1-0-1, d 0-p1-2. Leg IV, femur d 1-1-1, p 0-d1-d1, r d1ap; tibia = leg III; metatarsus v 2-p1-2, p and r d1-1-0-1-0, d p1-2. Color: yellowish white, legs darkening distally, abdomen with white guanine reticulum, less dense along median lines of dorsum and venter. Ocular area black, many white hairs on clypeus, margin of carapace, dorsum of coxae, and sides of abdomen. Epigyne (figs. 54C, D, 58C, D): median field wide, oval in posterior view, lateral lobes with oblique posterior borders, projecting over median field, limiting rectangular notch. Copulatory ducts long, coiled, ducts of accessory bulb long, converging. Lumen of spermatheca irregular, partially coiled along with coils of copulatory ducts. Fertilization ducts long. author: Ramírez year: 2003 title: The Spider Subfamily Amaurobioidinae (Araneae, Anyphaenidae): a Phylogenetic Revision at the generic level subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Amaurobioidini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Josa unspecified, unspecified species name: Nigrifrons_female unspecified, unspecified morphology: Total length 5.27 mm. Carapace length 2.24 mm, width 1.62 mm, wider between legs II and III. Anterior eye row procurved, AME slightly smaller than ALE, posterior eye row slightly recurved. Length of tibia/metatarsus: leg I, 1.10/0.98 mm; leg II, 1.08/0.98 mm; leg III, 0.88/0.92 mm; leg IV, 1.22/1.28 mm. Chelicerae with two teeth on retromargin. Spines: leg I, femur d 1-1-1, p 2ap; tibia v 2-2-2; metatarsus v 2bas. Leg II, femur d 1-1-1, p 2ap, r d1ap; tibia v r1-r1-2; metatarsus v 2bas. Leg III, femur d 1-1-1, p 0-d1-d1, r d1ap; patella r d1; tibia v p1-p1-2, p 1-d1-1-0, r d1-1, d r1-1 (bristles); metatarsus v 2-0-2, p d1-1-1, r 0-1-1, d 0-p1-2. Leg IV, femur d 1-1-1, p and r d1ap; patella r d1; tibia v p1-2-2, p and r 1-d1-1-0, d r1-1 (bristles); metatarsus v 2-0-2, p and r d1-1-1, d 0-p1-r1. Abdomen length 3.06 mm, width 1.78 mm, spiracle-epigastrium 1.04 mm, spiracle-spinnerets 0.69 mm. Color: pale yelow, carapace with pale brown diffuse lateral bands, ocular area black, clypeus with white hairs. Chelicerae dark gray and black, sternum pale, labium dark brown. Abdomen with dark brownish violet dorsal pattern (fig. 59A), and three posterior black marks, epigastrium with reddish spots at sides of epigyne, venter with brownish violet band from epigastrium to spinnerets. Epigyne (fig. 59C-G) projecting posteriorly, epigastrium sclerotized in two patches lateral and anterior of epigyne. Epigynal posterior border formed by projecting lateral lobes, each with depressed area and notch in between. Median field and copulatory openings hidden in epigastric fold, visible only after dissection. Median field flattened, sclerotized, with two lobes directed backward (fig. 59E-G). Copulatory ducts coiled, most anterior loop with ample lumen (probably functioning as reservoir), lumen of spermathecae tortuous, ducts of accessory bulbs long, slender, converging. author: Ramírez year: 2003 title: The Spider Subfamily Amaurobioidinae (Araneae, Anyphaenidae): a Phylogenetic Revision at the generic level subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Gayennini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Gayenoides unspecified, unspecified species name: Molles_female unspecified, unspecified morphology: Total length 10.65 mm. Carapace length 4.05 mm, width 2.93 mm, wider on legs II-III. Length of tibia/metatarsus: leg I, 2.80/2.40 mm; leg II, 2.63/2.33 mm; leg III, 2.10/2.27 mm; leg IV, 2.97/3.46 mm. Palpal tarsus length 1.25 mm. Chelicerae unmodified, with two teeth on retromargin. Sternum length 2.10 mm, width 1.60 mm. Spines: leg I, femur d 1-1-1, p 2ap; tibia v 2-2-2; metatarsus v 2bas. Leg II, femur d 1-1-1, p 0-d1-d1; tibia v r1-2-2, p 0-1; metatarsus v 2bas. Leg III, femur d 1-1-1, p and r 0-d1-d1; patella r 1; tibia v p1-p1-2, p 1-d1-1-0, r d1-1, d r1bas; metatarsus v 2-2-2, p and r d1-1-1, d 0-p1-2. Leg IV, femur d 1-1-1, p 0-d1-d1, r d1ap; patella r 1; tibia v p1-2-2, p and r 1-d1-1-0, d r1bas; metatarsus = leg III. Abdomen length 5.72 mm, width 3.05 mm, spiracle-epigastrium 2.57 mm, spiracle-spinnerets 0.77 mm. Color (fig. 65A): carapace reddish brown, with lateral dark stripes. Chelicerae reddish brown. Legs pale grayish, with very dark dots at dorsal and lateral spine bases, some spots on patellae and tibiae. Sternum grayish, with tenuous dark spots in front of coxae legs I-III, median dark spot. Abdomen yellow with dark spots, anterior half of cardiac area gray, two large spots at insertions of posterior dorsoventral muscles, several median spots extending extending to anal tubercle. Venter pale with a few dark dots. Epigyne (fig. 65F, G): median field rectangular. Copulatory ducts joining at posterior margin. author: Ramírez year: 2003 title: The Spider Subfamily Amaurobioidinae (Araneae, Anyphaenidae): a Phylogenetic Revision at the generic level subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Gayennini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Gayenoides unspecified, unspecified species name: Losvilos_female unspecified, unspecified morphology: Total length 13.30 mm. Carapace length 5.72 mm, width 4.00 mm, wider on legs II-III. Length of tibia/metatarsus: leg I, 3.72/3.13 mm; leg II, 3.46/3.00 mm; leg III, 2.77/2.90 mm; leg IV, 3.86/4.40 mm. Palpal tarsus length 1.67 mm. Chelicerae unmodified, with three teeth on retromargin. Sternum length 2.93 mm, width 2.07 mm. Spines: leg I, femur d 1-1-1, p 2ap; tibia v p1-2-2; metatarsus v 2bas. Leg II, femur d 1-1-1, p 0-d1-d1, r d1; tibia v r1-2-2, p 0-1; metatarsus v 2bas. Leg III, femur d 1-1-1, p and r 0-d1-d1; patella r 1; tibia v p1-2-2, p 1-d1-1-0, r d1-1, d r1bas; metatarsus v 2-2-2, p and r d1-1-1, d 0-p1-2. Leg IV, femur d 1-1-1, p 0-d1-d1, r d1ap; patella r 1; tibia v p1-2-2, p and r 1-d1-1-0, d r1bas; metatarsus = leg III. Abdomen length 7.70 mm, width 4.40 mm, spiracle-epigastrium 3.70 mm, spiracle-spinnerets 1.45 mm. Color (fig. 64A): carapace brown, reddish to cephalic area, with lateral diffuse dark bands. Chelicerae reddish brown. Legs pale grayish with dark dots at dorsal and lateral spine bases, some spots on patellae and tibiae. Sternum grayish, slightly darker on margins. Abdomen pale gray with dark spots, anterior third of cardiac area gray, posterior third pale, rest of dorsum with diffuse pattern of dark spots. Venter pale with small spots, more concentrated on median stripe. Epigyne (fig. 66F, G): median field elevated, small, short, with ample anterior pouch of hemispheric lumen; two diverging ridges anterior of and at sides of anterior pouch. Copulatory ducts short. author: Ramírez year: 2003 title: The Spider Subfamily Amaurobioidinae (Araneae, Anyphaenidae): a Phylogenetic Revision at the generic level subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Gayennini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Arachosia unspecified, unspecified species name: Praesignis_female unspecified, unspecified morphology: Total length 6.65 mm. Carapace length 2.67 mm, width 2.00 mm. Chelicerae with two teeth on retromargin. Length of tibia/metatarsus: leg I, 1.30/1.17 mm; leg II, 1.28/1.18 mm; leg III, 1.07/1.08 mm; leg IV, 1.52/1.67 mm. Spines: leg I, femur d 1-1-1, p 0-d1-(1d1), r 0-d1-d1; tibia v 2-2-2, d r1-1 bristles; metatarsus v 2bas. Leg II, femur = leg I; tibia v 2-2-2, p 0-1, d r1-1 bristles; metatarsus = leg I. Leg III, femur = leg I or p (2-d1)ap; patella r d1; tibia v p1-2-2, p 1-d1-1, r d1-1, d r1-1; metatarsus v 2-0-2, p and r d1-d1-1, d 0-p1-2. Leg IV, femur d 1-1-1, p (1-d1)ap, r d1ap; patella r d1; tibia v p1-2-2, p and r 1-d1-1, d r1-1; metatarsus v 2-2-2 or 2-r1-2, p and r d1-d1-1, d 0-p1-2. Abdomen length 4.12 mm, width 2.43 mm. Spiracle-epigastrium 1.50 mm, spiracle-spinnerets 1.27 mm. Color: type faded, anterior part of dorsal abdominal stripe remains. In fresh specimens (fig. 67A), pattern similar to that of male, but paler: lateral stripes on carapace narrow, on abdomen discontinuous; venter pale. Entire abdomen with white guanine reticulum. Legs yellow with brownish violet dots. Epigyne (figs. 69B, 71C): anterior pouch transverse, inverted U-shaped, with double lumen. Copulatory ducts long, thin, ducts of accessory bulbs long, parallel. author: Ramírez year: 2003 title: The Spider Subfamily Amaurobioidinae (Araneae, Anyphaenidae): a Phylogenetic Revision at the generic level subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Gayennini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Arachosia unspecified, unspecified species name: Honesta_female unspecified, unspecified morphology: Total length 8.25 mm. Carapace length 3.23 mm, width 2.57 mm. Chelicerae with three teeth on retromargin (fig. 74E). Length of tibia/metatarsus: leg I, 1.83/1.57 mm; leg II, 1.86/1.63 mm; leg III, 1.63/1.60 mm; leg IV, 2.30/2.43 mm. Palpal tarsus length 1.03 mm. Sternum length 1.67 mm, width 1.27 mm. Spines: leg I, femur d 1-1-1, p 0-p1-2, r 0-p1-p1; tibia v 2-2-2; metatarsus v 2bas. Leg II, femur = leg I; tibia v 2-2-2, p 1-0-1-0; metatarsus v 2 bas, p 1 or 0. Leg III, femur = leg I; patella r d1; tibia v 2-2-2, p and r 1-d1-1, d r1-1-0; metatarsus v 2-0-2 (right 2-0-1), p and r d1-1-0-1, d p1-2. Leg IV, femur = leg I; patella r d1; tibia = leg III; metatarsus v 2-2-2, p and r d1-1-0-1, d p1-2. Abdomen length 4.92 mm, width 2.79 mm. Spiracle-epigastrium 1.33 mm, spiracle-spinnerets 1.73 mm. Color (slightly faded): pale brown, carapace and abdomen with dorsal median dark band, margins of carapace with dark line. Sternum with margins dark. Femora with dark dots. Some specimens darker, with dark brown areas at sides of abdomen, median dark band from spiracle (or epigastrium) to spinnerets. Epigyne (fig. 74F): median field hourglass-shaped, anterior half larger, wider; anterior pouch wide, transverse, forming cavities at lateral ends. Epigastric muscle insertions deeply depressed. Copulatory ducts long, thin, ducts of accessory bulbs long, parallel. author: Ramírez year: 2003 title: The Spider Subfamily Amaurobioidinae (Araneae, Anyphaenidae): a Phylogenetic Revision at the generic level subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Gayennini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Arachosia unspecified, unspecified species name: Bergi_female unspecified, unspecified morphology: Carapace length 3.60 mm, width 2.83 mm. Ocular diameters: AME 0.13 mm, ALE 0.19 mm, PME 0.15 mm, PLE 0.15 mm. Chelicerae with two teeth on retromargin. Length of tibia/metatarsus: leg I, 2.37/2.07 mm; leg II, 2.17/1.97 mm; leg III, 1.80/1.77 mm; leg IV, 3.00/3.00 mm. Spines: leg I, femur d 1-1-1, p 2ap, r 0-d1-d1 or d1; tibia v 2-2-2, p 1-d1-1; metatarsus v 2bas. Leg II, femur d 1-1-1, p d2ap, r 0-d1-d1; tibia = leg I; metatarsus = leg I. Leg III, femur = leg II; patella r d1; tibia v p1-2-2 or 2-2-2, p and r 1-d1-1, d r1-(1 bristle); metatarsus v 2-0-2, p and r d1-1-0-1, d 0-p1-2. Leg IV, femur d 1-1-1, p 0-d1-d2 or d2ap, r d1ap; patella r d1; tibia = leg III; metatarsus v 2-2-2 p and r p1-1-0-1, d 0-p1-2. Metatarsus leg III with scopula. Abdomen length 6.40 mm, width 2.43 mm. Anterior spinnerets with thick setae. Spiracle-epigastrium 2.07 mm, spiracle-spinnerets 2.40 mm. Color as in male. Epigyne (figs. 69A, 75C, D): anterior pouch transverse, wide, M-shaped. Copulatory ducts long, ducts of accessory bulbs long, sinuous. author: Ramírez year: 2003 title: The Spider Subfamily Amaurobioidinae (Araneae, Anyphaenidae): a Phylogenetic Revision at the generic level subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Gayennini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Sanogasta unspecified, unspecified species name: Maculatipes_female unspecified, unspecified morphology: Total length 6.00 mm. Carapace length 2.30 mm, width 1.73 mm, wider on legs II-III. Length of tibia/metatarsus: leg I, 1.50/1.33 mm; leg II, 1.50/1.33 mm; leg III, 1.23/1.33 mm; leg IV, 1.70/1.97 mm. Palpal tarsus length 0.73 mm. Chelicerae with two teeth on retromargin. Sternum length 1.20 mm, width 0.97 mm. Spines: leg I, femur d 1-1-1, 2ap; tibia v 2-2-2; metatarsus v 2bas. Leg II, femur d 1-1-1, p d1ap; tibia v r1-2-2 or 2-2-2, p 0-1; metatarsus v 2bas, p 1-0. Leg III, femur d 1-1-1, p and r d1ap; patella r d1; tibia v p1-2-2, p 1-0-1-0 or 0-d1-1-0, r d1-1 or 0-1, d r1-0-(1 bristle)-0; metatarsus v 2-p1-2 or 2-0-2, p and r d1-1-1, d 0-p1-2. Leg IV, femur, patella = leg III; tibia v p1-2-2, p and r 1-d1-1-0, d r1-0-(1 bristle)-0; metatarsus v 2-2-2, p and r d1-1-1, d 0-p1-2. Abdomen length 3.15 mm, width 1.60 mm, spiracle-epigastrium 1.03 mm, spiracle-spinnerets 0.77 mm. Color: pale grayish, with grayish brown dorsal pattern. Sternum with gray spot in front of coxae legs I-III, small posterior spot. Epigyne (figs. 78D, E, 80A-C): opening of anterior pouch facing backward. author: Ramírez year: 2003 title: The Spider Subfamily Amaurobioidinae (Araneae, Anyphaenidae): a Phylogenetic Revision at the generic level subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Gayennini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Sanogasta unspecified, unspecified species name: Alticola_female unspecified, unspecified morphology: Total length 6.30 mm. Carapace length 2.52 mm, width 1.78 mm, wider on legs II-III. Length of tibia/metatarsus: leg I, 1.49/1.34 mm; leg II, 1.49/1.32 mm; leg III, 1.25/1.30 mm; leg IV, 1.62/2.18 mm. Chelicerae unmodified, with two teeth on retromargin. Spines: leg I, femur d 1-1-1, p 2ap; tibia v 2-2-p1 (most females with v 2-2-2); metatarsus v 2bas. Leg II, femur d 1-1-1, p d1ap; tibia v r1-2-2, p 0-1; metatarsus v 2bas, p 1-0. Leg III, femur d 1-1-1, p 0-d1-d1, r d1ap; patella rd1; tibia v p1-2-2, p 1-d1-1-0, r d1-1, d r1bas; metatarsus v 2-p1-2, p and r d1-1-1, d 0-p1-2. Leg IV, femur d 1-1-1, p and r d1ap; patella dr1; tibia v p1-2-2, p and r 1-d1-1-0, d r1bas; metatarsus v 2-2-2, p and r d1-1-1, d 0-p1-2. Abdomen length 4.00 mm, width 1.10 mm. Color: pale grayish with gray pattern, as in S. maculatipes. Epigyne (fig. 80D, E): very similar to that of S. maculatipes, anterior pouch more advanced. author: Ramírez year: 2003 title: The Spider Subfamily Amaurobioidinae (Araneae, Anyphaenidae): a Phylogenetic Revision at the generic level subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Gayennini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Sanogasta unspecified, unspecified species name: Mandibularis_female unspecified, unspecified morphology: Total length 6.00 mm. Carapace length 2.23 mm, width 1.67 mm, wider on legs II-III. Length of tibia/metatarsus: leg I, 1.37/1.30 mm; leg II, 1.33/1.27 mm; leg III, 1.07/1.17 mm; leg IV, 1.50/1.83 mm. Palpal tarsus length 0.72 mm. Chelicerae strong, with four teeth on promargin, three on retromargin, apical one slightly smaller. Sternum length 1.17 mm, width 0.92 mm. Spines: leg I, femur d 1-1-1, p (1-d1)ap; tibia v 2-2-2; metatarsus v 2bas. Leg II, femur d 1-1-1, p d1ap; tibia v r1-2-2, p 0-1; metatarsus v 2bas, p 1-0. Leg III, femur d 1-1-1, p and r d1ap; patella r d1; tibia v p1-p1-2, p and r d1-1, d r1bas; metatarsus v 2-p1-2, p and r d1-1-1, d 0-p1-2. Leg IV, femur = leg III; patella r d1; tibia v p1-2-2, p 1-d1-1-0, r d1-1, d r1bas; metatarsus v 2-2-2, p and r d1-1-1, d 0-p1-2. All tibiae with d r1-0-1-0 bristles, except legs III and IV, where basal bristles replaced by spines. Abdomen length 3.70 mm, width 2.33 mm, spiracle-epigastrium 1.40 mm, spiracle-spinnerets 1.00 mm. Color: yellowish cream with grayish spots. Sternum and venter pale. Epigyne (figs. 78F, G, 80F, G): similar to that of S. maculatipes, anterior pouch larger, closer to epigastric furrow. author: Ramírez year: 2003 title: The Spider Subfamily Amaurobioidinae (Araneae, Anyphaenidae): a Phylogenetic Revision at the generic level subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Gayennini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Sanogasta unspecified, unspecified species name: Maculosa_female unspecified, unspecified morphology: Total length 7.45 mm. Carapace length 2.73 mm, width 1.93 mm, wider on legs II-III. Length of tibia/metatarsus: leg I, 1.52/1.20 mm; leg II, 1.32/1.20 mm; leg III, 1.13/1.25 mm; leg IV, 1.55/0.95 mm. Palpal tarsus length 0.82 mm. Chelicerae unmodified, with two teeth on retromargin. Sternum length 1.52 mm, width 1.07 mm. Spines: leg I, femur d 1-1-1, p (1-d1)ap, r d1ap; tibia v 2-2-2; metatarsus v 2bas. Leg II, femur d 1-1-1, p 0-d1-(1-d1), r 0-d1-d1; tibia v r1-2-2; metatarsus v 2bas. Leg III, femur d 1-1-1, p and r 0-d1-d1; patella r d1; tibia v p1-p1-2, p and r 1-d1-1-0 or r 1-d1-1-0, d r1bas; metatarsus v 2-0-2, p and r d1-1-0-1, d 0-p1-2. Leg IV, femur d 1-1-1, p 0-d1-d1, r d1ap; patella r d1; tibia v p1-2-2, p and r 1-d1-1-0, d r1bas; metatarsus v 2-2-2, p and r d1-1-0-1, d 0-p1-2. Abdomen length 4.52 mm, width 2.83 mm, spiracle-epigastrium 2.30 mm, spiracle-spinnerets 0.83 mm. Color (cf. figs. 76B, 77B): carapace grayish, margins dark. Legs pale gray with grayish spots, coxae pale. Endites and labium grayish, sternum pale with darker sides. Abdomen grayish, darker to posterior end, dorsal pattern on cream background, cardiac area dark, venter pale with small dark dots, forming median band. Epigyne (figs. 82D, 83D-K): anterior pouch small, close to epigastric furrow, opening facing backward. Copulatory openings in deep depressions, in epigastric furrow, hidden by membrane (fig. 82D). Ducts of accessory bulbs short, ventral. author: Ramírez year: 2003 title: The Spider Subfamily Amaurobioidinae (Araneae, Anyphaenidae): a Phylogenetic Revision at the generic level subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Gayennini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Sanogasta unspecified, unspecified species name: Backhauseni_female unspecified, unspecified morphology: Total length 6.90 mm. Carapace length 3.07 mm, width 2.17 mm, wider on legs II-III. Length of tibia/metatarsus: leg I, 1.70/1.53 mm; leg II, 1.70/1.57 mm; leg III, 1.63/1.73 mm; leg IV, 2.33/2.73 mm. Palpal tarsus length 0.92 mm. Chelicerae with two teeth on retromargin. Sternum length 1.60 mm, width 1.20 mm. Spines: leg I, femur d 1-1-1, p 0-d1-2, r 0-d1-d1; tibia v 2-2-2, p 0-1; metatarsus v 2bas. Leg II, femur = leg I; tibia v r1-r1-2, p 0-1 or 1-0-1-0; metatarsus = leg I. Leg III, femur = leg I; patella r d1; tibia v p1-2-2, p and r 1-d1-1-d1, d r1bas; metatarsus v 2-2-2, p and r d1-1-1, d 0-p1-2. Leg IV, femur d 1-1-1, p 0-d1-d1, r d1ap; patella r d1; tibia = leg III; metatarsus = leg III or d 2ap. Abdomen length 4.25 mm, width 2.25 mm, spiracle-epigastrium 1.57 mm, spiracle-spinnerets 1.00 mm. Color: pale gray with darker pattern. Legs with small dots at bases of lateral and dorsal spines. Femora with ventral longitudinal dark spot. Patellae with dark spots p and r 1-0-1-0. Sternum, labium, and endites pale. Abdomen with dark cardiac area, continued in two dark stripes (fig. 77F), venter with three longitudinal bands from epigastrium to tracheal spiracle. Epigyne and spermathecae (figs. 84C, 85C-E) very similar to those of S. minuta, anterior pouch very close to epigastric furrow, hidden between lateral lobes. author: Ramírez year: 2003 title: The Spider Subfamily Amaurobioidinae (Araneae, Anyphaenidae): a Phylogenetic Revision at the generic level subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Gayennini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Sanogasta unspecified, unspecified species name: X-signata_female unspecified, unspecified morphology: Total length 4.10 mm. Carapace length 1.70 mm, width 1.18 mm, wider on legs II-III. Length of tibia/metatarsus: leg I, 0.75/0.65 mm; leg II, 0.75/0.65 mm; leg III, 0.50/0.72 mm; leg IV, 0.92/1.13 mm. Palpal tarsus length 0.47 mm. Chelicerae unmodified, with two teeth on retromargin. Sternum length 0.92 mm, width 0.70 mm. Spines: leg I, femur d 1-1-1, p d1ap; tibia v 2-2-p1; metatarsus v 2bas. Leg II, femur = leg I; tibia v r1-2-p1; metatarsus v 2bas. Leg III, femur d 1-1-1, p and r d1ap; patella r 1; tibia v p1-p1-2, p 1-d1-1-0, r d1-1, d r1bas; metatarsus v 2-0-2 and an apical group of thick setae, p and r d1-1-1, d p1-2. Leg IV, femur = leg III; patella r 1; tibia v p1-2-2, p 1-d1-1-0, r d1-1, d r1bas; metatarsus v 2-p1-2 and an apical group of thick setae, p and r d1-1-1, d p1-2. Abdomen length 2.43 mm, width 1.50 mm, spiracle-epigastrium 0.92 mm, spiracle-spinnerets 0.42 mm. Color: carapace and legs pale gray with darker pattern. Abdomen cream with dorsal gray pattern, venter with a few dark dots, recurved transverse mark anterior of tracheal spiracle. Epigyne (fig. 85G, H): posterior margin projecting over epigastric furrow, with two contiguous pouches where copulatory openings lie. Insertions of epigastric muscles superficial. Copulatory ducts arising contiguously. Ducts of accessory bulbs very short, ventral. author: Ramírez year: 2003 title: The Spider Subfamily Amaurobioidinae (Araneae, Anyphaenidae): a Phylogenetic Revision at the generic level subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Gayennini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Sanogasta unspecified, unspecified species name: Minuta_female unspecified, unspecified morphology: Total length 6.65 mm. Carapace length 2.63 mm, width 1.90 mm, wider on legs II-III. Length of tibia/metatarsus: leg I, 1.33/1.15 mm; leg II, 1.27/1.17 mm; leg III, 1.10/1.20 mm; leg IV, 1.53/2.17 mm. Palpal tarsus length 0.77 mm. Chelicerae with two teeth on retromargin. Sternum length 2.67 mm, width 1.93 mm. Spines: leg I, femur d 1-1-1, p 2ap; tibia v 2-2-2; metatarsus v 2bas. Leg II, femur = leg I; tibia v r1-2-2; metatarsus v 2 bas. Leg III, femur d 1-1-1, p and r d1ap; patella r 1; tibia v p1-p1-2, p 1-d1-1-0, r d1-1, d r1bas; metatarsus v 2-0-2, p and r d1-1-0-1, d 0-p1-2. Leg IV, femur = leg III; patella r 1; tibia v p1-2-2, p 1-1, r 1-d1-1-0, d r1bas; metatarsus v 2-2-2, p and r d1-1-1, d 0-p1-2. Abdomen length 4.00 mm, width 2.60 mm, spiracle-epigastrium 1.77 mm, spiracle-spinnerets 0.83 mm. Color: pale grayish with dark pattern. Sternum pale. Venter with line of small dots anterior of tracheal spiracle. Epigyne (figs. 84A, B, 86C, D): anterior pouch small, very close to epigastric furrow, reduced between lateral lobes. Copulatory ducts arising contiguously. Ducts of accessory bulbs very short, ventral. author: Ramírez year: 2003 title: The Spider Subfamily Amaurobioidinae (Araneae, Anyphaenidae): a Phylogenetic Revision at the generic level subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Gayennini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Sanogasta unspecified, unspecified species name: Puma_female unspecified, unspecified morphology: Total length 6.12 mm. Carapace flattened, without thoracic groove, length 2.47 mm, width 1.50 mm, wider at leg II. Length of tibia/metatarsus: leg I, 1.35/1.13 mm; leg II, 1.18/0.98 mm; leg III, 0.83/0.82 mm; leg IV, 1.55/1.22 mm. Palpal tarsus length 0.60 mm. Chelicerae unmodified, with two teeth on retromargin. Sternum length 1.57 mm, width 0.82 mm. Spines: leg I, femur d 1-1-1, p 0-d1-2, r d1ap; tibia v 2-2-2; metatarsus v 2bas. Leg II = leg I. Leg III, femur d 1-1-1, p and r 0-d1-d1; tibia v p1-2-2, p v1-v1 + 0-1-0 bristle, r d1-1, d r1-0-1 bristles; metatarsus v 2-0-2, p 1-1, r 1-1, d 0-(p1 bristle)-2. Leg IV, femur d 1-1-1, p and r d1ap; tibia v p1-2-2, p v1-v1-0 + 0-1-0 bristle, r 1-d1-1, d r1-0-1 bristles; metatarsus v 2-2-2 or 2-p1-2, p 0-v1-0-v1, r d1-1-1, d 0-(p1 bristle)-0-2 (the p1ap is a bristle). Prolateral spines on tibiae legs III and IV ventrally displaced. Abdomen length 3.65 mm, width 1.47 mm, spiracle-epigastrium 1.90 mm, spiracle-spinnerets 0.73 mm. Color: grayish brown uniform (fig. 76E), paler on venter, abdomen darkening posteriorly, membranous base of anterior spinnerets dark. Epigyne (figs. 86G, H, 87): anterior pouch advanced, longitudinal, without definite cavity. Copulatory ducts arising contiguously. Ducts of accessory bulbs very short, ventral. Spermathecae ovate, anteriorly acute. author: Ramírez year: 2003 title: The Spider Subfamily Amaurobioidinae (Araneae, Anyphaenidae): a Phylogenetic Revision at the generic level subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Gayennini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Sanogasta unspecified, unspecified species name: Tenuis_female unspecified, unspecified morphology: Total length 4.12 mm. Carapace without thoracic groove, flattened, elongate, length 1.37 mm, width 0.80 mm, wider on legs II-III. AME larger than ALE, with ocular cones visible through cuticle, black. Length of tibia/metatarsus: leg I, 0.78/0.55 mm; leg II, 0.53/0.38 mm; leg III, 0.33/0.32 mm; leg IV, 0.95/0.60 mm. Palpal tarsus length 0.32 mm. Chelicerae unmodified, with two teeth on retromargin. Sternum length 0.95 mm, width 0.52 mm. Spines (all tibiae with d r1-0-1 bristles): leg I, femur d 1-1-1, p 2ap, r d1ap; tibia v 2-2-2; metatarsus v 2bas (0-2-0-0). Leg II, femur d 1-1-1, p d1ap, r 0-d1-d1; tibia v r1-r1-2; metatarsus = leg I. Leg III, femur d 1-1-1, p and r 0-d1-d1; tibia v p1-p1-2, p v1-v1 + 0-1-0 bristle, r d1, d r1-0-1 bristles; metatarsus v 2-0-1, p 0-1, r 0-d1-1, d r1ap. Leg IV, femur d 1-1-1, p and r d1ap; tibia v p1-2-2, p v1-v1-0 bristles + 0-1-0 bristle, r 0-d1-1 bristles, d r1-0-1 bristles; metatarsus v 2-0-1, p d1-1, r 0-d1-0-d1 bristles, d 0-p1-0-2 bristles. Prolateral spines on tibiae legs III and IV ventrally displaced. Abdomen length 2.70 mm, width 1.27 mm, spiracle-epigastrium 1.08 mm, spiracle-spinnerets 0.83 mm. Color: uniforma pale grayish brown. Epigyne (fig. 88C-E): anterior pouch small, close to epigastric furrow, with transverse elevation limiting depressed area anterior of pouch. Insertions of epigastric muscles superficial. Copulatory ducts arising contiguously. Ducts of accessory bulbs very short, ventral. author: Ramírez year: 2003 title: The Spider Subfamily Amaurobioidinae (Araneae, Anyphaenidae): a Phylogenetic Revision at the generic level subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Gayennini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Sanogasta unspecified, unspecified species name: Approximata_female unspecified, unspecified morphology: Total length 11.50 mm. Carapace length 5.45 mm, width 4.00 mm, wider on legs II-III. Length of tibia/metatarsus: leg I, 3.72/3.72 mm; leg II, 3.59/3.72 mm; leg III, 3.00/4.00 mm; leg IV, 3.86/5.72 mm. Palpal tarsus length 1.90 mm. Chelicerae unmodified, with two teeth on retromargin. Sternum length 3.13 mm, width 2.17 mm. Spines: leg I, femur d 1-1-1, p 0-d1-2, r 0-d1-d1; tibia v 2-2-2 or 2-2-p1; metatarsus v 2-2-0. Leg II, femur = leg I; tibia v 2-2-p1 or 2-2-2 (the r1ap very small), p 0-1; metatarsus v 2-2-0 (the x-r1-x more apical). Leg III, femur d 1-1-1, p and r 0-d1-d1; patella r d1; tibia v 2-2-2, p and r v1-d1-1-0, d r1-0-1-0; metatarsus v 2-2-2, p and r d1-1-0-1, d 0-p1-2. Leg IV, femur d 1-1-1, p 0-d1-d1, r d1ap; patella r d1; tibia and metatarsus = leg III. Abdomen length 6.38 mm, width 3.19 mm, spiracle-epigastrium 2.70 mm, spiracle-spinnerets 1.60 mm. Color: grayish, with darker pattern (fig. 89), sternum grayish, slightly darker at margins. Venter pale. Epigyne (figs. 90, 91D, E): anterior pouch close to epigastric furrow. Insertions of epigastric muscles very deep, associated with triangular sclerotized areas. Median field with pair of shallow depressions on epigastric furrow. Copulatory ducts short, thick. Ducts of accessory bulbs very short, oriented forward. author: Ramírez year: 2003 title: The Spider Subfamily Amaurobioidinae (Araneae, Anyphaenidae): a Phylogenetic Revision at the generic level subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Gayennini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Sanogasta unspecified, unspecified species name: Pehuenche_female unspecified, unspecified morphology: Total length 7.60 mm. Carapace length 3.72 mm, width 2.57 mm, wider on legs II-III. Length of tibia/metatarsus: leg I, 2.10/1.87 mm (left smaller, regenerated); leg II, 2.00/1.90 mm; leg III, 1.63/1.83 mm; leg IV, 2.30/2.70 mm. Palpal tarsus length 1.00 mm. Chelicerae unmodified, with two teeth on retromargin. Sternum length 1.87 mm, width 1.40 mm. Spines: leg I, femur d 1-1-1, p 2ap; tibia v 2-2-p1; metatarsus v 2bas. Leg II, femur d 1-1-1, p 0-d1-2, r d1; tibia v r1-2-2 or 0-2-2, p 0-1; metatarsus = leg I. Leg III, femur d 1-1-1, p and r 0-d1-d1; patella r 1; tibia v p1-2-2, p and r d1-1, d r1bas; metatarsus v 2-0-2, p and r d1-1-1, d 0-p1-2. Leg IV, femur d 1-1-1, p 0-d1-d1, r d1ap; patella r 1; tibia v p1-2-2, p and r 1-d1-0-1, d r1bas; metatarsus v 2-2-2, p and r d1-1-1, d 0-p1-2. Abdomen length 4.39 mm, width 2.23 mm, spiracle-epigastrium 1.70 mm, spiracle-spinnerets 0.63 mm. Color: carapace grayish, with dark dorsal pattern. Legs pale grayish with dark spots. Endites brown, labium dark brown. Sternum with dark brown spots at margins, center pale. Abdomen with dense, dark dorsal pattern, venter pale, with median band of small spots, a few dots at sides. Epigyne (fig. 92C, D): anterior pouch close to epigastric furrow. Insertions of epigastric muscles superficial. Copulatory ducts short, thick. Ducts of accessory bulbs very short, oriented forward. author: Ramírez year: 2003 title: The Spider Subfamily Amaurobioidinae (Araneae, Anyphaenidae): a Phylogenetic Revision at the generic level subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Gayennini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Philisca unspecified, unspecified species name: Hahni_female unspecified, unspecified morphology: Total length 9.05 mm. Carapace (fig. 94B, C) length 4.00 mm, width 2.77 mm, wider on legs II-III. Length of tibia/metatarsus: leg I, 2.50/2.07 mm; leg II, 2.30/2.00 mm; leg III, 1.70/1.87 mm; leg IV, 2.33/2.63 mm. Palpal tarsus length 1.12 mm. Chelicerae unmodified, with three teeth on retromargin, basal one larger (fig. 96A). Sternum length 1.93 mm, width 1.53 mm. Spines: leg I, femur d 1-1-1, p 2ap; tibia v p1-2-2; metatarsus v 2bas. Leg II, femur = leg I; tibia v 0-2-2; metatarsus = leg I. Leg III, femur d 1-1-1, p 0-d1-(1-d1), r d1ap; patella r d1; tibia v 0-2-2, p and r d1-1; metatarsus v 2-p1-p1 and group of apical hairs, p and r d1-1-1, d 0-p1-2. Leg IV, femur d 1-1-1, p 0-d1-d1, r d1ap; patella r d1; tibia v p1-2-2, p d1-1, r 1-d1-0-1-0; metatarsus = leg III, but v 2-2-p1. Abdomen length 5.30 mm, width 3.33 mm, spiracle-epigastrium 3.03 mm, spiracle-spinnerets 0.50 mm. Color: carapace and legs brown. Sternum dark brown with pale center, endites and labium dark. Abdomen yellow, cardiac area violet, dorsum with brown spots, venter with some diffuse dark spots. Epigyne (fig. 94D, E): anterior pouch with deep cavity, median field rectangular, slightly elevated. Insertions of epigastric muscles superficial. Ducts of accessory bulbs short, converging. author: Ramírez year: 2003 title: The Spider Subfamily Amaurobioidinae (Araneae, Anyphaenidae): a Phylogenetic Revision at the generic level subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Gayennini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Philisca unspecified, unspecified species name: Ornata_female unspecified, unspecified morphology: Total length 7.18 mm. Carapace wide in front (fig. 97A, C), length 3.20 mm, width 2.37 mm, wider on legs II-III. Length of tibia/metatarsus: leg I, 2.33/2.13 mm; leg II, 2.27/2.10 mm; leg III, 1.57/1.77 mm; leg IV, 2.20/2.53 mm. Palpal tarsus length 0.92 mm. Chelicerae strong, with three similar teeth on retromargin. Sternum length 1.55 mm, width 1.18 mm. Scopulae on legs I and II not reaching tibiae. Spines (shorter on legs I and II): leg I, femur d 1-1-1, p (1-d1)ap; tibia v p1-2-2 or p1-2-p1; metatarsus v (p1-r1)bas. Leg II, femur d 1-1-1, p d1ap; tibia v 0-2-2, p 0-1 or 0; metatarsus v (p1-r1)bas, p 1-0. Leg III, femur d 1-1-1, p and r d1ap; patella r d1; tibia v 0-p1-2, p and r 1-1; metatarsus v 2-2-2, p d1-1-1, r d1-0-1, d 0-p1-2. Leg IV, femur, patella and tibia = leg III; metatarsus v 2-2-2, p and r d1-1-1, d 0-p1-2. Abdomen length 4.12 mm, width 2.40 mm, spiracle-epigastrium 1.90 mm, spiracle-spinnerets 0.40 mm. Color: yellow, cephalic area and chelicerae reddish brown. Sternum pale brown, center paler. Dorsum of abdomen with anterior lateral gray areas and three pairs of small gray spots at posterior half, closing posteriorly; some specimens with white guanine reticulum at sides. Epigyne (fig. 98E, F) small, weakly sclerotized, translucent. Margins of lateral lobes arched, median field heart-shaped, anterior pouch in deep notch. Ducts of accessory bulbs long, with conspicuous gland ducts. author: Ramírez year: 2003 title: The Spider Subfamily Amaurobioidinae (Araneae, Anyphaenidae): a Phylogenetic Revision at the generic level subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Gayennini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Philisca unspecified, unspecified species name: Huapi_female unspecified, unspecified morphology: Total length 5.05 mm. Carapace length 2.10 mm, width 1.48 mm, wider on legs II-III. Length of tibia/metatarsus: leg I, 1.17/1.00 mm; leg II, 0.98/0.88 mm; leg III, 0.80/0.90 mm; leg IV, 1.18/1.33 mm. Palpal tarsus length 0.58 mm. Chelicerae unmodified, with three teeth on retromargin, basal one largest. Sternum length 1.17 mm, width 0.88 mm. Spines: leg I, femur d 1-1-1, p 2ap; tibia v 2-2-2; metatarsus v 2bas. Leg II, femur d 1-1-1, p d1ap; tibia v r1-2-2, p 0-1; metatarsus v 2bas, p 1. Leg III, femur d 1-1-1, p and r d1ap; patella r d1; tibia v 0-p1-2 or p1-p1-2, p and r d1-1-0, d r1bas; metatarsus v 2-0-p1 and apical group of hairs, p and r d1-1-1, d 0-p1-2. Leg IV, femur = leg III; patella r d1; tibia v p1-p1-2, p and r d1-1, d r1bas; metatarsus v 2-p1-p1 and apical group of hairs, p and r d1-1-1, d 0-p1-2. Abdomen length 3.07 mm, width 1.80 mm, spiracle-epigastrium 1.70 mm, spiracle-spinnerets 0.25 mm. Color (fig. 99A): yellowish with grayish brown pattern. Legs with gray spots, patellae with spot on each side, tibiae with several basal spots and pair of apical spots. Margins of sternum and labium dark brown, endites brown. Abdomen yellow with white guanine reticulum, dorsum with park pattern, venter with median band dark brown from epigastrium to tracheal spiracle, two lateral lines of small spots. Anterior spinnerets different from those of males, slightly thickened at bases, without modified hairs. Epigyne weakly sclerotized, median field heart-shaped, ducts of accessory bulbs long, stright, slightly converging. Lateral lobes contiguous posteriorly (but slightly separate in some females, fig. 99D). author: Ramírez year: 2003 title: The Spider Subfamily Amaurobioidinae (Araneae, Anyphaenidae): a Phylogenetic Revision at the generic level subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Gayennini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Philisca unspecified, unspecified species name: Puconensis_female unspecified, unspecified morphology: Total length 6.50 mm. Carapace length 2.80 mm, width 2.03 mm, wider on legs II-III. Diameter AME one-third of ALE. Length of tibia/metatarsus: leg I, 1.65/1.33 mm; leg II, 1.62/1.33 mm; leg III, 1.27/1.25 mm; leg IV, 1.73/1.83 mm. Palpal tarsus length 0.75 mm. Chelicerae unmodified, with two teeth on retromargin. Sternum length 1.50 mm, width 1.08 mm. Spines: leg I, femur d 1-1-1, p (1-d1)ap; tibia v 2-2-2; metatarsus v 2bas. Leg II, femur = leg I; tibia v 2-2-2, p d1-1; metatarsus v 2bas, p 1-0. Leg III, femur d 1-1-1, p and r 0-d1-d1; patella r 1; tibia v p1-2-2, p and r d1-1, d r1bas; metatarsus v 2-2-2, p and r d1-1-1, d 0-p1-2. Leg IV, femur d 1-1-1, p and r d1ap; patella r 1; tibia v p1-2-2 or 2-2-2, p and r d1-1 or 1-d1-0-1-0, d r1bas; metatarsus = leg III. Abdomen length 3.72 mm, width 2.23 mm, spiracle-epigastrium 1.77 mm, spiracle-spinnerets 0.33 mm. Color: carapace grayish, ocular area almost black, two lateral bands and margins dark. Legs grayish with many dark spots. Sternum with two lateral dark bands, made of spots in front of coxae. Abdomen yellow with dark spots, cardiac area dark, pair of dark spots behind median transverse line of dorsum, several diffuse chevrons on posterior third. Venter with a few dark spots, mostly anterior of tracheal spiracle. Epigyne (fig. 103D, E): lateral lobes close to each other, median field elongate. Opening of anterior pouch almost circular, lumen deep. author: Ramírez year: 2003 title: The Spider Subfamily Amaurobioidinae (Araneae, Anyphaenidae): a Phylogenetic Revision at the generic level subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Gayennini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Tomopisthes unspecified, unspecified species name: Horrendus_female unspecified, unspecified morphology: Total length 18.00 mm. Carapace length 8.11 mm, width 6.25 mm, wider on legs II-III. Length of tibia/metatarsus: leg I, 6.12/3.72 mm; leg II, 6.00/5.05 mm; leg III, 4.66/4.60 mm; leg IV, 5.60/6.00 mm. Palpal tarsus length 2.50 mm. Chelicerae unmodified, with two teeth on retromargin. Sternum length 4.39 mm, width 3.10 mm. Spines: leg I, femur d 1-1-1, p (1-d1)ap, r 0-d1-d1; tibia v 2-2-2, p and r 0-1; metatarsus v 2bas, p and r 1-0. Leg II, femur d 1-1-1, p 0-d1-(1-d1), r 0-d1-d1; tibia and metatarsus = leg I. Leg III, femur d 1-1-1, p 0-d1-(1-d1), r 0-d1-d1; patella r d1; tibia v 2-2-2, p and r d1-1; metatarsus v 2-2-2, p and r d1-1-1, d 0-p1-2. Leg IV, femur d 1-1-1, p 0-d1-d1, r d1ap; patella r d1; tibia and metatarsus = leg III. Abdomen length 10.00 mm, width 6.00 mm, spiracle-epigastrium 4.90 mm, spiracle-spinnerets 1.33 mm. Color (fig. 104A): carapace and chelicerae reddish brown, legs pale brown with brown spots, metatarsi and tarsi reddish brown. Sternum and mouthparts reddish brown. Abdomen brown with pattern of cream dots. Epigyne (fig. 107F, G): copulatory openings close to anterior end of furrow separating lateral lobes and median field. Ducts of accessory bulbs short, connected very close to copulatory openings. author: Ramírez year: 2003 title: The Spider Subfamily Amaurobioidinae (Araneae, Anyphaenidae): a Phylogenetic Revision at the generic level subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Gayennini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Tomopisthes unspecified, unspecified species name: Varius_female unspecified, unspecified morphology: Total length 11.30 mm. Carapace length 5.05 mm, width 3.65 mm, wider on legs II-III. Length of tibia/metatarsus: leg I, 3.27/2.77 mm; leg II, 3.17/2.77 mm; leg III, 2.60/2.67 mm; leg IV, 3.40/3.86 mm. Palpal tarsus length 1.67 mm. Chelicerae unmodified, with two teeth on retromargin. Sternum length 2.63 mm, width 1.97 mm. Spines: leg I, femur d 1-1-1, p 0-d1-(1-d1), r 0-d1-d1; tibia v 2-2-2; metatarsus v 2bas. Leg II, femur = leg I; tibia v r1-2-2; metatarsus v 2bas, p d1-0. Leg III, femur d 1-1-1, p and r 0-d1-d1; patella r d1; tibia v p1-2-2, p and r d1-1, d r1bas; metatarsus v 2-2-2, p and r d1-1-1, d 0-p1-2. Leg IV, femur d 1-1-1, p 0-d1-d1, r d1ap; patella, tibia and metatarsus = leg III. Abdomen length 6.52 mm, width 3.85 mm, spiracle-epigastrium 2.67 mm, spiracle-spinnerets 0.65 mm. Color (figs. 104B, 108A): carapace grayish with dark spots, reddish to cephalic area. Legs pale grayish with dark spots. Sternum brown, darker on margins. Abdomen yellow with dark grayish pattern, venter paler, with small spots, mainly on median band. Epigyne (fig. 108E, F): median field ample in posterior view, weakly sclerotized, rugose. Copulatory ducts short. Ducts of accessory bulbs slightly converging. author: Ramírez year: 2003 title: The Spider Subfamily Amaurobioidinae (Araneae, Anyphaenidae): a Phylogenetic Revision at the generic level subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Gayennini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Tomopisthes unspecified, unspecified species name: Pusillus_female unspecified, unspecified morphology: Total length 6.10 mm. Carapace length 2.80 mm, width 2.07 mm, wider on legs II-III. AME small, ALE large, anterior eye row slightly protruding (fig. 110A). Length of tibia/metatarsus: leg I, 1.60/1.35 mm; leg II, 1.53/1.32 mm; leg III, 1.25/1.30 mm; leg IV, 1.65/1.87 mm. Palpal tarsus length 0.85 mm. Chelicerae with two teeth on retromargin. Sternum length 1.37 mm, width 1.13 mm. Spines: leg I (fig. 112C), femur d 1-1-1, p (1-d1)ap; tibia v p1-2-2 or 0-2-2, p 0-1 or 0; metatarsus v 2bas. Leg II, femur d 1-1-1, p and r d1ap; tibia v 0-2-2, p d1-1; metatarsus v 2bas, p 1-0. Leg III, femur d 1-1-1, p 0-d1-d1, r d1ap; patella r d1; tibia v p1-p1-2, p and r d1-1, d r1bas; metatarsus v 2-2-2 or 2-0-2, p and r d1-1-1, d 0-p1-2. Leg IV, femur = leg III; patella r d1; tibia = leg III or v p1-2-2; metatarsus v 2-2-2 or 2-p1-2, p and r d1-1-1, d 0-p1-2. Abdomen length 3.33 mm, width 1.75 mm, spiracle-epigastrium 1.37 mm, spiracle-spinnerets 0.60 mm. Color (fig. 109): carapace grayish with dark spots, ocular area very dark. Legs pale grayish with dark spots. Sternum grayish, darker on margins. Abdomen yellow with contrasting dark grayish dorsal pattern, cardiac area dark, followed by two oblique dark spots; sides covered with small spots, venter pale, with small spots, mainly on wide median band. Epigyne (fig. 110D-F): anterior pouch wide, cavity on each side. Copulatory openings close to anterior end of furrow separating lateral lobe and median field. Ducts of accessory bulbs short, connected close to copulatory openings. author: Ramírez year: 2003 title: The Spider Subfamily Amaurobioidinae (Araneae, Anyphaenidae): a Phylogenetic Revision at the generic level subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Gayennini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Araiya unspecified, unspecified species name: Pallida_female unspecified, unspecified morphology: Total length 5.85 mm. Carapace length 2.43 mm, width 1.90 mm, wider on legs II-III. Length of tibia/metatarsus: leg I, 1.90/1.53 mm; leg II, 1.63/1.37 mm; leg III, 1.28/1.18 mm; leg IV, 1.58/1.58 mm. Palpal tarsus length 0.78 mm. Chelicerae with two teeth on retromargin. Sternum length 1.25 mm, width 0.98 mm. Spines: leg I (fig. 112A), femur d 1-1-1, p 0-0-1-d1r, r d1ap; tibia v 2-2-2, p 1-d1-0-1-0, r d1-1; metatarsus v 2bas, p and r 1-0, d p1. Leg II, femur d 1-1-1, p and r d1ap; tibia v 2-2-2, p and r d1-1; metatarsus = leg I. Leg III, femur = leg II; patella r d1; tibia v p1-p1-2, p and r 1-1, d r1-0-1-0; metatarsus v 2-0-2, p and r 1-1, d 0-p1-2. Leg IV, femur = leg II; patella r d1; tibia and metatarsus = leg III. Abdomen length 3.46 mm, width 2.39 mm, spiracle-epigastrium 1.67 mm, spiracle-spinnerets 0.43 mm. Color: carapace yellow with reddish sides. Legs, sternum, mouthparts yellow. Abdomen yellow with underlying white guanine reticulum, dorsum with four red chevrons on posterior half. Venter pale. Epigyne (figs. 111B, 113F-H): anterior pouch with deep cavity, lateral lobes separate. Copulatory ducts short. Ducts of accessory bulbs slightly converging. author: Ramírez year: 2003 title: The Spider Subfamily Amaurobioidinae (Araneae, Anyphaenidae): a Phylogenetic Revision at the generic level subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Gayennini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Araiya unspecified, unspecified species name: Coccinea_female unspecified, unspecified morphology: Total length 4.65 mm. Carapace length 2.03 mm, width 1.62 mm, wider on legs II-III. Length of tibia/metatarsus: leg I, 1.47/1.05 mm; leg II, 1.38/1.17 mm; leg III, 1.08/1.00 mm; leg IV, 1.30/1.32 mm. Palpal tarsus length 0.70 mm. Chelicerae with two teeth on retromargin. Sternum length 1.05 mm, width 0.90 mm. Spines: leg I (fig. 112B), femur d 1-1-1, p 0-0-1-d1, r d1ap; tibia v 2-2-2, p 1-1 or 1-(1-d1), r 1-1; metatarsus v 2bas, p and r d1-0. Leg II, femur d 1-1-1, p and r d1ap; tibia v 2-2-2, p and r 1-1; metatarsus v 2bas, p and r d1-0, d p1-0. Leg III, femur = leg II; patella r d1; tibia v p1-p1-2, p and r d1-1, d r1-0-1-0; metatarsus v 2-0-2, p and r 0-1-0-1, d 0-p1-2. Leg IV, femur = leg II; patella and tibia = leg III; metatarsus v 2-0-2, p 1-1, r d1-1-1, d 0-p1-2. Abdomen length 2.65 mm, width 1.90 mm, spiracle-epigastrium 1.05 mm, spiracle-spinnerets 0.30 mm. Color: carapace reddish, with yellow margins and yellow median band from thoracic groove to posterior margin. Legs, sternum, mouthparts yellow. Abdomen yellow with red pattern at sides, cardiac area, and several chevrons extending to anal tubercle. Venter yellow, with some reddish spots anterior of and at sides of tracheal spiracle. Epigyne (fig. 114E, F): anterior pouch very wide, without cavity, V-shaped, reaching posterior margin. Lateral lobes separate. Spermathecae heavily sclerotized, fused in part to copulatory ducts. Ducts of accessory bulbs long, slightly converging. author: Ramírez year: 2003 title: The Spider Subfamily Amaurobioidinae (Araneae, Anyphaenidae): a Phylogenetic Revision at the generic level subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Gayennini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Oxysoma unspecified, unspecified species name: Punctatum_female unspecified, unspecified morphology: Total length 9.30 mm. Carapace flattened, thoracic groove not evident, in depressed area, length 3.17 mm, width 2.30 mm, wider on legs II-III. Length of tibia/metatarsus: leg I, 5.90/4.65 mm; leg II, 4.26/3.50 mm; leg III, 2.47/2.20 mm; leg IV, 3.72/3.65 mm. Palpal tarsus length 1.37 mm. Chelicerae with two teeth on retromargin. Sternum length 1.73 mm, width 1.23 mm. Spines: leg I, femur d 1-1-1, p 0-d1-1-d1, r 0-d1-d1; tibia v 0-2-2-2, p and r 0-d1-1, d r1-1 (all basals displaced apically); metatarsus v 2bas, p and r d1bas, d 0-p1-0-2. Leg II = leg I. Leg III, femur = leg I; patella 0; tibia = leg I; metatarsus v 2-p1-0 and an apical group of hairs, p and r d1-0-1, d 0-p1-2. Leg IV, femur d 1-1-1, p 0-d1-1-d1, r d1ap; patella 0; tibia = leg I; metatarsus v 2-2-0 and an apical group of hairs, p and r d1-1-1, d 0-p1-2. Abdomen length 6.65 mm, width 2.26 mm, spiracle-epigastrium 3.17 mm, spiracle-spinnerets 1.83 mm. Color (cf. fig. 115A, B): yellow with dark dots, grayish spots. Venter yellow. Spinnerets as in figure 117B-D. Epigyne (fig. 117A, 118D): anterior pouch forming circular or oval opening, with margins prolonged anteriorly, parallel, close to each other; lumen double, small. Median field elongate, narrow. Lateral lobes fused behind median field, continued in unsclerotized area, wrinkled, forming posterior margin of epigyne. Anterior margin of epigyne with two arched ridges limiting depressed areas. Copulatory ducts long, sinuous, describing internal posterior ample loop, on epigastric fold. author: Ramírez year: 2003 title: The Spider Subfamily Amaurobioidinae (Araneae, Anyphaenidae): a Phylogenetic Revision at the generic level subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Gayennini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Oxysoma unspecified, unspecified species name: Longiventre_female unspecified, unspecified morphology: Total length 8.11 mm. Carapace length 3.30 mm, width 2.33 mm, wider on legs II-III. Length of tibia/metatarsus: leg I, 2.87/2.27 mm; leg II, 2.53/1.97 mm; leg III, 1.80/1.53 mm; leg IV, 2.37/2.43 mm. Palpal tarsus length 1.10 mm. Chelicerae with two teeth on retromargin. Sternum length 1.67 mm, width 1.23 mm. Spines: leg I, femur d 1-1-1, p (1-d1)ap, r d1ap; tibia v 2-2-2, p and r 1-1; metatarsus v 2bas, p and r 1-0, d 0-p1-2. Leg II, femur d 1-1-1, p and r 0-d1-d1; tibia and metatarsus = leg I. Leg III, femur = leg II; patella r d1; tibia v p1-2-2, p and r d1-1, d r1-0-1-0; metatarsus v 2-0-2 and an apical group of hairs, p and r d1-1-1 or 0-d1-1, d 0-p1-2. Leg IV, femur d 1-1-1, p 0-d1-d1, r d1ap; patella r d1; tibia = leg III; metatarsus v 2-2-2, p and r d1-1-1, d 0-p1-2. Abdomen length 4.92 mm, width 2.66 mm, spiracle-epigastrium 2.27 mm, spiracle-spinnerets 0.80 mm. Color (fig. 115C): as in male, but very dark spots on anterior face of patellae legs I-III, on bases of dorsal spines of metatarsi legs I and II, and apical retrolateral corner of coxae. Abdomen with dorsal stripe and anterior dot less marked, ventral stripe narrower. Epigyne (fig. 120E): median field small, anterior pouch with margins prolonged, with double cavity, lateral lobes separate, copulatory ducts long, sinuous. author: Ramírez year: 2003 title: The Spider Subfamily Amaurobioidinae (Araneae, Anyphaenidae): a Phylogenetic Revision at the generic level subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Gayennini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Oxysoma unspecified, unspecified species name: Saccatum_female unspecified, unspecified morphology: Total length 2.07 mm. Carapace length 3.99 mm, width 3.07 mm, wider on legs II-III. Length of tibia/metatarsus: leg I, 4.66/3.72 mm; leg II, 3.86/3.17 mm; leg III, 2.90/2.57 mm; leg IV, 3.40/3.40 mm. Palpal tarsus length 1.77 mm. Chelicerae with two teeth on retromargin. Sternum length 2.03 mm, width 1.50 mm. Spines: leg I, femur d 1-1-1, p 0-d1-1-d1, r 0-d1-d1 or d1ap; tibia v 2-2-2, p and r d1-1, d r1-0-1-0; metatarsus v 2bas, p and r d1-0, d 0-p1-2. Leg II, femur d 1-1-1, p and r 0-d1-d1; tibia and metatarsus = leg I. Leg III, femur = leg II or r d1ap; patella r d1; tibia = leg I; metatarsus v 2-0-2 and an apical group of hairs, p and r 0-d1-1, d 0-p1-2. Leg IV, femur d 1-1-1, p and r d1ap; patella r d1; tibia = leg I; metatarsus v 2-2-2, p 0-d1-1, r d1-1-1, d 0-p1-2. Abdomen length 5.32 mm, width 3.06 mm, spiracle-epigastrium 3.13 mm, spiracle-spinnerets 0.83 mm. Color (cf. fig. 122B): carapace pale grayish with brown spots. Legs pale grayish with brownish violet dots, plus spots on femora and patellae. Sternum pale. Dorsum of abdomen yellow with some guanine reticulum, dark dots, densely grouped on posterior sides, venter yellow with white guanine reticulum. Epigyne (figs. 123A, B, 124G, H): anterior pouch elongate, with deep cavity, apparently on independent plate, limited by furrows from rest of median field. Lateral lobes separate, median field widened posteriorly. Copulatory ducts long, sinuous, with ample posterior loop. author: Ramírez year: 2003 title: The Spider Subfamily Amaurobioidinae (Araneae, Anyphaenidae): a Phylogenetic Revision at the generic level subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Gayennini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Tasata unspecified, unspecified species name: Parcepunctata_female unspecified, unspecified morphology: Total length 6.65 mm. Carapace length 2.43 mm, width 2.00 mm, wider on legs II-III. Length of tibia/metatarsus: leg I, 2.27/1.87 mm; leg II, 1.93/1.63 mm; leg III, 1.17/1.32 mm; leg IV, 1.73/2.03 mm. Palpal tarsus length 0.87 mm. Chelicerae with four teeth on promargin and three on retromargin, apical one largest. Sternum length 1.37 mm, width 1.05 mm. Spines: leg I, femur d 1-1-1, p 0-d1-1-d1, r 0-d1-d1; tibia v 2-2-2, p and r 1-1; metatarsus v 2bas, p and r 1-0, d 0-p1-2. Leg II = leg I. Leg III, femur d 1-1-1, p and r 0-d1-d1; patella 0 or rd1; tibia v p1-2-2 or 2-2-2, p and r 1-1, d r1-0-1-0 bristles; metatarsus v 2-0-2 and an apical group of hairs, p d1-1-1 or p 0-1-1, r d1-1-1, d p1-2. Leg IV, femur d 1-1-1, p 0-d1-d1, r d1ap; patella r d1; tibia v p1-2-2, p and r d1-1, d r1-0-1-0 bristles; metatarsus v 2-p1-2 and an apical group of hairs, p and r d1-1-1, d 0-p1-2. Abdomen length 4.39 mm, width 3.06 mm, spiracle-epigastrium 1.90 mm, spiracle-spinnerets 0.77 mm. Color: grayish yellow with small dots dark gray, small violet spots. Sternum pale. Abdomen with dark anterior dot. Venter with three lines of small spots from epigastric furrow to tracheal spiracle. Epigyne (figs. 127C, 135A): lateral lobes separate, median field slightly elevated; anterior pouch wide, with cavity extending at sides. Copulatory ducts visible through cuticle, similar to those of T. variolosa. author: Ramírez year: 2003 title: The Spider Subfamily Amaurobioidinae (Araneae, Anyphaenidae): a Phylogenetic Revision at the generic level subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Gayennini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Tasata unspecified, unspecified species name: Variolosa_female unspecified, unspecified morphology: Total length 10.30 mm. Carapace length 3.60 mm, width 2.90 mm. Chelicerae (fig. 128E) with six small teeth on retromargin (right retromargin abnormal, with two additional denticles behind the other six). Sternum length 1.90 mm, width 1.40 mm. Length of tibia/metatarsus: leg I, 4.66/3.72 mm; leg II, 3.99/3.19 mm; leg III, 2.53/2.33 mm; leg IV, 3.17/3.23 mm. Spines: leg I, femur d 1-1-1, p 0-d1-d1, r d1ap; tibia v 2-2-2, p and r 1-1; metatarsus v 2bas, p and r 1-0, d p1-0-2. Leg II = leg I. Leg III, femur d 1-1-1, p and r 0-d1-d1; patella 0; tibia v p1-2-2, p and r 1-1, d r1-0-1-0; metatarsus v 2-2-2, p and r 1-1, d p1-2. Leg IV, femur d 1-1-1, p and r d1ap; patella r d1; tibia = leg III; metatarsus v 2-2-2, p and r d1-1-1, d 0-p1-2. Abdomen length 6.65 mm, width 4.80 mm. Spiracle-epigastrium 2.87 mm, spiracle-spinnerets 1.53 mm. Color (fig. 125A): yellow, with dark small dots, small reddish brown spots. Chelicerae with longitudinal anterior dark line. Abdomen paler (ovigerous), with anterior dark dot. Venter pale. Epigyne (fig. 128F, G) on sclerotized area with rectangular anterior border, anterior pouch wide, almost without cavity, median field slightly elevated behind and at sides of anterior pouch. author: Ramírez year: 2003 title: The Spider Subfamily Amaurobioidinae (Araneae, Anyphaenidae): a Phylogenetic Revision at the generic level subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Gayennini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Tasata unspecified, unspecified species name: Unipunctata_female unspecified, unspecified morphology: Carapace length 2.80 mm, width 2.45 mm. Length of tibia/metatarsus: leg I, 3.90/3.50 mm; leg II, 3.40/3.10 mm; leg III, 2.35/2.1 mm; leg IV, 3.00/3.40 mm. Chelicerae with two teeth on retromargin. Spines: leg I, femur d 1-1-1, p 0-d1-d1, r d1ap; tibia v 2-2-2, p and r 1-1; metatarsus v 2bas, p and r 1-0, d 0-p1-0-2. Leg II = leg I. Leg III, femur d 1-1-1, p and r d1ap; patella 0; tibia v 0-2-2, p and r 1-1, d r1-0-1-0; metatarsus v 2-0-2, p 0-d1-1, r d1-1-1, d 0-p1-2. Leg IV, femur = leg III; patella r d1; tibia v p1-2-2, p and r 1-1, d r1-0-1-0; metatarsus v 2-2-2, p and r d1-1-1, d 0-p1-2. Color (fig. 129B): quite faded, yellow. Legs with small, elongate, brownish violet spots at base of some tibial spines, including ventrals. Abdomen with anterior dark dot, lateral stripes of white guanine reticulum. Sternum and venter pale. Chelicerae with anterior longitudinal brown line. Epigyne (fig. 129G, H): lateral lobes close to each other anterior of anterior pouch, which has triangular opening. Copulatory ducts describing ample loop before entering spermathecae. author: Ramírez year: 2003 title: The Spider Subfamily Amaurobioidinae (Araneae, Anyphaenidae): a Phylogenetic Revision at the generic level subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Gayennini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Tasata unspecified, unspecified species name: Taim_female unspecified, unspecified morphology: Abdomen extremely elongate, legs very long, including leg III. Total length 7.58 mm. Carapace length 2.50 mm, width 1.87 mm, wider on legs II-III. Length of tibia/metatarsus: leg I, 2.87/2.50 mm; leg II, 2.80/2.43 mm; leg III, 1.90/1.83 mm; leg IV, 2.63/2.93 mm. Palpal tarsus length 1.00 mm. Chelicerae with four teeth on promargin, three on retromargin, apical one smaller. Sternum length 1.27 mm, width 1.07 mm. Spines (long on anterior legs): leg I, femur d 1-1-1, p 0-d1-1-0-d1, r 0-d1-d1; tibia v 2-p1-2-0-2 (x-p1-x-x-x abnormal, absent in other female and male), p d1-d1-1-0 or d1-1, r d1-1; metatarsus v 2bas, p and r d1-1-0, d 0-p1-0-2. Leg II, femur d 1-1-1, p and r 0-d1-d1; tibia v 2-2-2, p and r d1-1; metatarsus = leg I. Leg III, femur = leg II; patella r d1; tibia v 2-2-2, p and r 1-1, d r1-0-1-0; metatarsus v 2-2-2, p and r d1-1-1, d 0-p1-2. Leg IV = leg III. Abdomen length 5.45 mm, width 2.00 mm, spiracle-epigastrium 2.40 mm, spiracle-spinnerets 1.57 mm. Color as in male. Epigyne (not sclerotized, dissected from immature, similar to that of mature female, fig. 130F, G): lateral lobes separate, anterior pouch ample. Copulatory openings close to epigastric furrow, copulatory ducts thin (most probably because of being unsclerotized), ducts of accessory bulbs long (but short in adult female). Spermathecae unmodified, spherical (collapsed in clove oil). author: Ramírez year: 2003 title: The Spider Subfamily Amaurobioidinae (Araneae, Anyphaenidae): a Phylogenetic Revision at the generic level subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Gayennini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Tasata unspecified, unspecified species name: Chiloensis_female unspecified, unspecified morphology: Total length 7.71 mm. Carapace length 3.13 mm, width 2.43 mm, wider on legs II-III. Length of tibia/metatarsus: leg I, 3.86/2.93 mm; leg II, 3.59/2.67 mm; leg III, 2.17/1.83 mm; leg IV, 2.70/2.50 mm. Palpal tarsus length 1.20 mm. Chelicerae with two teeth on retromargin. Sternum length 1.57 mm, width 1.20 mm. Spines: leg I, femur d 1-1-1, p 0-0-d1-1-d1, r 0-d1-d1; tibia v 2-2-2, p and r 1-1; metatarsus v 2bas, p and r 1-0, d 2ap. Leg II = leg I. Leg III, femur d 1-1-1, p and r 0-d1-d1; tibia v p1-2-2, p and r d1-1, d r1-1; metatarsus v 2-0-p1 and group of apical hairs, p and r 0-1-1, d 0-p1-r1-2. Leg IV, femur d 1-1-1, p and r d1ap; patella r 1; tibia = leg III; metatarsus v 2-p1-p1 and group of apical hairs, p and r d1-1-1, d 0-p1-2. Abdomen length 4.52 mm, width 2.00 mm, spiracle-epigastrium 2.07 mm, spiracle-spinnerets 0.80 mm. Color: yellow with small brown dots on legs I and II, patellae legs III and IV with dorsal apical spot. Dorsum with pattern of darker dots, abdomen with white guanine reticulum on sides, and ventral median dark band from epigastrium to tracheal spiracle. Epigyne (fig. 132F, G): lateral lobes separate, median field rugose, slightly elevated at sides of anterior pouch. Anterior pouch wide, surrounded by U-shaped suture, posterior border reaching epigastric furrow. Margins of lateral lobes continued into semicircular anterior carinae. Copulatory ducts surrounding spermathecae. author: Ramírez year: 2003 title: The Spider Subfamily Amaurobioidinae (Araneae, Anyphaenidae): a Phylogenetic Revision at the generic level subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Gayennini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Tasata unspecified, unspecified species name: Centralis_female unspecified, unspecified morphology: Total length 5.20 mm. Carapace length 1.93 mm, width 1.45 mm, wider on legs II-III. AME 2/3 ALE. Length of tibia/metatarsus: leg I, 1.97/1.75 mm; leg II, 1.57/1.38 mm; leg III, 1.03/1.15 mm; leg IV, 1.62/1.83 mm. Palpal tarsus length 0.70 mm. Chelicerae with five small teeth on retromargin. Sternum length 1.03 mm, width 0.85 mm. Spines: leg I, femur d 1-1-1, p (1-d1)ap, r d1ap; tibia v 2-2-2, p and r d1-1; metatarsus v 2bas, p and r 1-0, d 0-p1-2. Leg II, femur d 1-1-1, p and r d1ap; tibia and metatarsus = leg I. Leg III, femur d 1-1-1, p and r 0-d1-d1; patella r d1; tibia v p1-2-2, p and r d1-1, d r1-0-1-0; metatarsus v 2-2-2, p and r d1-1-1, d 0-p1-2. Leg IV, femur = leg II; patella r d1; tibia and metatarsus = leg III. Abdomen length 3.17 mm, width 2.27 mm, spiracle-epigastrium 1.50 mm, spiracle-spinnerets 0.53 mm. Color: carapace pale grayish with dark ocular area and lateral dark stripes with some radial darker lines. Legs pale grayish with many dark dots on femora, spots on other segments. Sternum grayish with center yellow. Abdomen yellow, dorsum with tenuous median longitudinal pattern, venter yellow with some dark dots. Epigyne (fig. 134C): lateral lobes well separated, projecting anteriorly at sides of pouch; anterior pouch wide, deeply notched, median field slightly elevated at sides of the anterior pouch. author: Ramírez year: 2003 title: The Spider Subfamily Amaurobioidinae (Araneae, Anyphaenidae): a Phylogenetic Revision at the generic level subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Gayennini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Phidyle unspecified, unspecified species name: Punctipes_female unspecified, unspecified morphology: Total length 6.65 mm. Carapace length 2.90 mm, width 2.23 mm, wider on legs II-III. Length of tibia/metatarsus: leg I, 3.27/2.53 mm; leg II, 2.87/1.97 mm; leg III, 2.00/1.87 mm; leg IV, 2.53/2.73 mm. Palpal tarsus length 0.73 mm. Chelicerae unmodified, with two teeth on retromargin. Sternum length 1.50 mm, width 1.17 mm. Spines: leg I, femur d 1-1-1, p and r 0-d1-d1; tibia v 2-2-2, p and r d1-1, d r1-0-1-0; metatarsus v 2bas, p and r d1-1-1, d 0-p1-2. Leg II, femur d 1-1-1, p 0-0-d1-1-d1, r 0-d1-d1; tibia = leg I; metatarsus = leg I. Leg III, femur = leg II; patella r d1; tibia = leg I; metatarsus = leg I, but v 2-p1-2. Leg IV, femur d 1-1-1, p 0-d1-d1, r d1ap; patella r d1; tibia = leg I; metatarsus = leg I, but v 2-2-2. Abdomen length 4.25 mm, width 2.65 mm, spiracle-epigastrium 1.67 mm, spiracle-spinnerets 0.73 mm. Color (fig. 136): pale grayish yellow, with dark small spots. Legs with small spots at bases of spines and setae, dorsal apical spot on tarsi. Sternum with small spot in front of each coxae, those of coxa leg IV contiguous. Abdomen with dorsal pattern of dark spots, dots, pale stripe surrounding cardiac area and dorsal pattern. Venter with small spots, two larger at sides of tracheal spiracle. Epigyne: see generic description. author: Ramírez year: 2003 title: The Spider Subfamily Amaurobioidinae (Araneae, Anyphaenidae): a Phylogenetic Revision at the generic level subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Gayennini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Arachosia unspecified, unspecified species name: Striata_female unspecified, unspecified morphology: Total length 5.30 mm. Carapace length 2.17 mm, width 1.60 mm. Length of tibia/metatarsus: leg I, 1.12/0.97 mm; leg II, 1.17/1.00 mm; leg III, 1.05/1.05 mm; leg IV, 1.37/1.63 mm. Chelicerae with three teeth on retromargin. Spines: leg I, femur d 1-1-1, p 0-d1-2, r 0-d1-d1; tibia v 2-2-2; metatarsus v 2bas. Leg II = leg I. Leg III, femur = leg I; patella r d1; tibia v p1-2-2, p 1-d1-1, r d1-1, d r1-1; metatarsus v 2-0-2, d 0-p1-2, p and r d1-1-1. Leg IV, femur = leg I; patella r d1; tibia = leg III; metatarsus v 2-p1-2, d 0-p1-2, p and r d1-1-1. Abdomen length 2.83 mm, width 1.67 mm. Spiracle-epigastrium 1.10 mm, spiracle-spinnerets 0.80 mm. Color (lectotype faded; from MCTP 0481): yellowish brown, with median dorsal brown band on carapace and abdomen, ocular area darker. Chelicerae brown, with darker anterior distal area. Sternum with three dark patches in front of coxae legs I-III. Legs yellow with brown dots, mostly on femora and tibiae. Abdomen with brown ventral longitudinal band, brown dots on sides. Epigyne (fig. 73): anterior pouch transverse, shallow. Copulatory ducts relatively short, ducts of accessory bulbs long, arched. author: Ramírez year: 2003 title: The Spider Subfamily Amaurobioidinae (Araneae, Anyphaenidae): a Phylogenetic Revision at the generic level subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Amaurobioidini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Amaurobioides unspecified, unspecified species name: Chilensis_female unspecified, unspecified morphology: Total length ca. 8.68 mm (abdomen deteriorated). Carapace length 3.48 mm, width 2.22 mm, wider at leg II. Length of tibia/metatarsus: leg I, 1.75/1.70 mm; leg II, 1.70/1.62 mm; leg III, 1.30/1.40 mm; leg IV, 1.65/1.65 mm. Chelicerae strong, with three teeth on retromargin. Sternum length 1.91 mm, width 1.11 mm. Spines (six females): femora legs I-IV d 1-1-1, p d1ap or p 0. Leg I tibia v 2-2-2; metatarsus v 2bas. Leg II, tibia v 2-2-2, p 0-1; metatarsus v 2bas, p 1-0. Leg III, tibia v 0-p1-2 or p1-2-2, p 1-d1-1 or d1-1 or 0-1, r d1-1 or 0-1; metatarsus v 2-0-1 or 2-p1-1, p d1-1-1 or 0-d1-1, r 0-d1-1, d 0-p1-2. Leg IV, tibia v p1-p1-2, r d1-1 or 0; metatarsus v p1-p1-1 or 2-p1-1, p 0-d1-1 or 1ap, r d1-0-1 or 1ap, d r1ap. Abdomen badly preserved, spiracle-epigastrium 2.77 mm, spiracle-spinnerets 0.43 mm. Color: type with abdomen totally faded. Fresh specimens are very similar to those of A. maritima (Forster, 1970: fig. 463). Epigyne (fig. 20B, C): lateral lobes separate, elevated at anterior margin. Median field weakly sclerotized. Copulatory ducts irregular, contorted before reaching spermathecae, ducts of accessory bulbs short, thick, diverging. author: Gonzalez year: 2012 title: A revision and phylogenetic analysis of the spider genus Aysenia Tullgren (Araneae: Anyphaenidae, Amaurobioidinae); subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Amaurobioidini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Aysenia unspecified, unspecified species name: elongata_male unspecified, unspecified morphology: Prosoma length 0.94 mm, width 0.56 mm, narrowed in front, slightly wider on leg III (Fig. 2b). Length of tibia/metatarsus: leg I, 0.74/0.50 mm; leg II, 0.52/0.38 mm; leg III, 0.28/0.24 mm; leg IV, 0.40/0.36 mm. Palpal tarsus length 0.32 mm. Chelicerae strong, with thick anterior bristles, three contiguous teeth on retromargin, and three very small teeth on promargin. Sternum length 0.52 mm, width 0.36 mm. Spines: femora legs I-IV d 1-1-1. Leg I, tibia v 2-2-0; metatarsus v 2bas. Leg II, tibia v r1 or r1-r1-0; metatarsus v r1-0-0, p 1-0-0 or v r1-0-0, p1. Leg III, tibia apparently 0; metatarsus v 1ap and apical group of thick setae. Leg IV, tibia v p1-p1-p1; metatarsus v p1-p1-p1, d r1ap. Opisthosoma length 1.76 mm, spiracle-epigastrium 1.04 mm, spiracle close to spinnerets. Color in ethanol (Fig. 2a): As in female. Palp (Fig. 3a-c): Tibia short, width/length 0.32, RTA long, acute, wider at base. Cymbial conductor wide. Tegulum basal. Sperm duct with two conspicuous loops at anterior dorsal margin. Embolus long. Median apophysis apical, small and hook-shaped. Primary conductor with canal, heavily sclerotized in apical region. Secondary conductor well defined, without canal, separated from the apical tegulum by a suture. Paramedian apophysis with three cusps (Fig. 4c-d), one large, close to the median apophysis (rPMA), one small slightly sclerotized, close to the primary conductor (pPMA) and a small sclerotized one in between (iPMA). author: Gonzalez year: 2012 title: A revision and phylogenetic analysis of the spider genus Aysenia Tullgren (Araneae: Anyphaenidae, Amaurobioidinae) subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Amaurobioidini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Aysenia unspecified, unspecified species name: huayun_male unspecified, unspecified morphology: Unknown. author: Gonzalez year: 2012 title: A revision and phylogenetic analysis of the spider genus Aysenia Tullgren (Araneae: Anyphaenidae, Amaurobioidinae) subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Amaurobioidini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Aysenia unspecified, unspecified species name: grismadoi_male unspecified, unspecified morphology: Prosoma length 1.68 mm, width 0.98 mm, narrowed in front (Fig. 10b). Tibia/metatarsus length: leg I, 1.58/1.28 mm; leg II, 1.16/1.00 mm; leg III, missing; leg IV, 1.16/0.94 mm. Chelicerae strong, with thick anterior bristles (Fig. 10d), three contiguous teeth on retromargin and three on promargin. Sternum length 0.88 mm, width 0.64 mm. Spines: leg I, femur d 1-1-1, p d1ap; tibia v 2-r1-2, p d1-0-v1-d1-0; metatarsus v 2-r1, p 0-d1-0-d1. Leg II, femur = leg I; tibia v r1-r1-2, p 0-d1-1-0; metatarsus v 2-r1, p 0-d1-d1. Leg III, femur = leg I. Leg IV, femur d 1-1-1; tibia v p1-p1-2, r 0-1-1; metatarsus d 2ap, v p1-p1-2, p 0-1-1, r d1-0-1. Opisthosoma length 2.28 mm, spiracle-epigastrium 1.16 mm, spiracle-spinnerets 0.30 mm. Color in ethanol (Fig. 10a): Prosoma brown, ocular region slightly darker. Chelicerae brown. Legs yellowish brown with coxae and trochanters slightly lighter. Labium and sternum dark brown. Opisthosoma brownish violet, with two pale yellow dorsal spots, covered by white hairs. Venter dark brown. Palp (Fig. 11a-c): Tibia short, width/length 0.48, RTA shorter, acute, wider at base. Cymbium relatively small. Cymbial conductor wide. Tegulum basal. Embolus with basal process flat, short, wide. Median apophysis apical, small and hook-shaped, behind the cusps of the APM and slightly sclerotized. Primary conductor with canal, heavily sclerotized in apical region. Paramedian apophysis with two cusps, slightly sclerotized, pPMA closer to median apophysis, rPMa close to tegulum (Fig. 11b). Secondary conductor with hook-shaped process. author: Gonzalez year: 2012 title: A revision and phylogenetic analysis of the spider genus Aysenia Tullgren (Araneae: Anyphaenidae, Amaurobioidinae) subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Amaurobioidini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Aysenia unspecified, unspecified species name: izquierdoi_male unspecified, unspecified morphology: Prosoma length 1.28 mm, width 0.82 mm. Prosoma narrowed in front (Fig. 17b). Tibia/metatarsus length: leg I, 0.70/0.55 mm; leg II, 0.67/0.52 mm; leg III, 0.33/0.32 mm; leg IV, 0.50/0.35 mm. Chelicerae strong, with thick anterior bristles (Fig. 18e), three contiguous teeth on retromargin and three on promargin. Sternum length 0.76 mm, width 0.40 mm. Spines: femora legs I-IV d 1bas. Leg I, tibia v 0-0-p1-2, p 1-1; metatarsus v p1ap, p v1-0. Leg II, tibia v 2ap, p 0-0-1-0; metatarsus v p1ap. Leg III, femur = leg I. Leg IV, tibia v 2ap, p 2-v1-0; metatarsus d p1ap, v p1-p1-p1, p 1ap. Prolateral spines on tibia leg IV short and thick. Opisthosoma length 1.50 mm, spiracle-epigastrium 0.52 mm, spiracle-spinnerets 0.12 mm. Color in ethanol (Fig. 17a): Prosoma dark brown. Chelicerae brown. Legs yellowish brown with coxae and trochanters slightly lighter. Labium and sternum dark brown. Opisthosoma dark brown, almost black, with two pale yellow dorsal spots covered by white hairs. Venter dark brown. Palp (Fig. 18a-c): Tibia short, width/length 0.60. RTA long, acute, wider at base. Cymbial conductor wide. Tegulum basal. Embolus long. Median apophysis apical, hook-shaped. Large primary conductor with canal, more sclerotized in apical region. Paramedian apophysis with two sclerotized cusps, pPMA closer to primary conductor, short rPMa close to tegulum (Fig. 18b). author: Soto year: 2012 title: Revision and phylogenetic analysis of the spider genus Philisca Simon (Araneae: Anyphaenidae, Amaurobioidinae) subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Gayennini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Philisca unspecified, unspecified species name: doilu_male unspecified, unspecified morphology: Total length 11.97 mm. Prosoma length 5.45 mm, width 4.26 mm. Length of tibia/metatarsus: leg I, 6.12/4.79 mm; leg II, 5.05/4.26 mm; leg III, 2.39/2.53 mm; leg IV, 3.72/3.46 mm. Chelicerae very strong (Fig. 34e), with two teeth on retromargin (basal tooth larger) and three on promargin (apical one very large). Sternum length 2.93 mm, width 1.87 mm. Spines: leg I, femur d 1-1-1, p 2ap. Leg II, femur d 1-1-1, p d2ap. Leg III, femur d 1-1-1, p and r d1ap or 0; patella r d1; tibia v 1-2ap or 0-2ap, p 0-1, r d1-1; metatarsus v 2-0-2, p and r d1-2ap. Leg IV, femur d 3-2-1 or 2-2-1, r d1ap or 0; patella r d1; tibia v 2ap or p1ap, r d1-1; metatarsus v 2-p1-p1-2 or 2-0-0-2, d 2ap, p 1ap, r d1-1. Opisthosoma length 6.38 mm, spiracle-epigastrium 2.80 mm, spiracle-spinnerets 0.53 mm. Color in ethanol (Fig. 7): Prosoma and chelicerae reddish brown with white pubescence. Sternum brown. Legs brown with black spots, leg I darker than the others. Opistosoma light brown, with dorsal and ventral brown pattern. Femur IV in dorsal view with 2-4 spines at base. Palp (Fig. 8): Tibia width/length 0.28. Embolus short, anterior margin longitudinally flattened, slightly projecting in a ridge; basal process flattened, rounded (Fig. 8). MA long, with one big branch at base (Fig. 8h). PMA long and sinuous. Sperm duct without apical or retrolateral loop. pPMA simple, wide. Conductor complex, with canal, dentate prolateral ridge absent, prolateral portion with triangular, flattened projection; retrolateral portion thin, projecting in acute peak. author: Soto year: 2012 title: Revision and phylogenetic analysis of the spider genus Philisca Simon (Araneae: Anyphaenidae, Amaurobioidinae) subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Gayennini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Philisca unspecified, unspecified species name: ingens_male unspecified, unspecified morphology: Total length 12.90 mm. Prosoma length 6.38 mm, width 4.66 mm. Length of tibia/metatarsus: leg I, 6.65/6.38 mm; leg II, 5.99/5.85 mm; leg III, 4.79/3.46 mm; leg IV, 5.99/6.38 mm. Chelicerae have clear modifications (Fig. 34g) with three teeth (middle tooth larger) on promargin, three on retromargin. Endites with protuberance at each external angle. Sternum length 3.00 mm, width 2.33 mm. Spines: leg I, femur d 1-1-1, p d2ap; tibia v 2-2-2; metatarsus v 2bas. Leg II, femur d 1-1-1, p d1ap; tibia v 2-2-2; metatarsus v 2bas, p 1-0. Leg III, femur d 1-1-1, p and r d1ap; patella r d1; tibia v 2-2-2, p d1-1, r d1-1-1; metatarsus v 2-2-2, d 0-p1-2, p and r d1-1-1. Leg IV, femur d 1-1-1, p and r d1ap; patella r d1; tibia v 2-2-2, p d1-1, r d1-d1-0-1; metatarsus v 2-2-2, d 0-p1-2, p and r d1-1-1. Opisthosoma length 6.12 mm, spiracle-epigastrium 3.13 mm, spiracle-spinnerets 1.00 mm. Color in ethanol (Fig. 11): Prosoma, chelicerae and mouthparts reddish brown, darker in front. Sternum and legs reddish-yellow, speckled black on the underside and at the base of some spines. Abdomen yellow, reddish speckled in black. Tibia width/length 0.17. Embolus thin, cylindrical, base of embolus with anterior longitudinal projecting ridge. MA long, flattened, without branches, thinner on its ventral margin (Fig. 12h). PMA long, wide, triangular, pPMA simple. Sclerotized triangular area present from the sperm duct to the base of MA. Conductor conspicuous, with canal weakly developed, ending in peak, on rounded projection, directed backwards (Fig. 12). author: Soto year: 2012 title: Revision and phylogenetic analysis of the spider genus Philisca Simon (Araneae: Anyphaenidae, Amaurobioidinae) subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Gayennini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Philisca unspecified, unspecified species name: accentifera_male unspecified, unspecified morphology: Total length 4.60 mm. Prosoma length 2.23 mm, width 1.67 mm. Length of tibia/metatarsus: leg I, 1.67/1.43 mm; leg II, 1.57/1.47 mm; leg III, 1.13/1.37 mm; leg IV, 1.57/1.83 mm. Chelicerae present modification (internal superior margins projecting) (Fig. 35a), are robust, with three on promargin (middle tooth larger) and three teeth on retromargin. Sternum length 1.07 mm, width 0.97 mm. Spines: leg I, femur d 1-1-1, p d2ap, r d1ap; tibia v p1-2-2 or 0-2-2; metatarsus v 2bas-p1. Leg II, femur d 1-1-1, p and r d1ap; tibia v 0-r1-2 or 0-2-2; metatarsus v 2-p1-0. Leg III, femur d 1-1-1, p and r d1ap; patella r d1; tibia v 0-2-2, p and r d1-1; metatarsus v 2-2-2, d 0-p1-2, p and r d1-d1-1. Leg IV, femur d 1-1-1, p and r d1ap; patella r d1; tibia v p1-2-2, d r1-1, p d1-1 and r d1-d1-1; metatarsus v 2-2-2, d 0-p1-2, p and r d1-d1-1. Opisthosoma length 2.40 mm, spiracle-epigastrium 1.30 mm, spiracle-spinnerets 0.20 mm. Color in ethanol as in female (Fig. 15). Palp (Fig. 16): Tibia width/length 0.51. Cymbial conductor wide. Embolus large, cylindrical, rounded (Fig. 16). MA long, with series of thin branches (Fig. 16h). PMA wide and triangular, pPMA simple. Conductor small, canal is present, limited to tip, ending in longitudinally ridged peak, on rounded projection directed backward. author: Soto year: 2012 title: Revision and phylogenetic analysis of the spider genus Philisca Simon (Araneae: Anyphaenidae, Amaurobioidinae) subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Gayennini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Philisca unspecified, unspecified species name: viernes_male unspecified, unspecified morphology: #Total length 7.45 mm. Prosoma length 3.60 mm, width 2.66 mm. Length of tibia/metatarsus: leg I, 2.60/2.20 mm; leg II, 2.47/2.33 mm; leg III, 1.87/2.40 mm; leg IV, 2.60/3.33 mm. Chelicerae and endites with clear modifications (Figs 29; 35e). Chelicerae with three teeth (middle tooth larger) on promargin, three or four on retromargin. Sternum length 1.93 mm, width 1.47 mm. Spines: leg I, femur d 1-1-1, p d2ap; metatarsus v 2bas-p1. Leg II, femur d 1-1-1, p d2ap or d1ap, r d1ap; metatarsus v 2bas-p1 or 2-2-0. Leg III, femur d 1-1-1, p and r d1ap; patella r d1; tibia v p1-p1-2, p and r d1-1; metatarsus v 2-2-2, d 0-p1-2, p and r d1-1-1. Leg IV, femur d 1-1-1, p and r d1ap; patella r d1; tibia v p1-2-2, p d1-1, r d1-d1-0-1; metatarsus v 2-2-2, d 0-p1-2, p and r d1-1-1. Opisthosoma length 3.73 mm, spiracle-epigastrium 1.87 mm, spiracle-spinnerets 0.47 mm. Color in ethanol (Fig. 29): Prosoma and chelicerae reddish brown. Sternum brown. Legs yellowish brown. Opistosoma light yellowish brown, with dorsal and ventral brown pattern. Palp (Fig. 30): Tibia width/length 0.36. Embolus long, thin and cylindrical. MA long and flattened, with a few thin small branches (Fig. 30h). PMA long and wide, triangular, pPMA not simple. Conductor large and complex, with vestigial canal, ending in longitudinally ridged peak, on rounded projection, directed backwards (Fig. 30). All adults and immatures have a group of thick setae on the base of ALS (Fig. 31b).# author: Soto year: 2012 title: Revision and phylogenetic analysis of the spider genus Philisca Simon (Araneae: Anyphaenidae, Amaurobioidinae) subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Gayennini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Philisca unspecified, unspecified species name: robinson_male unspecified, unspecified morphology: #Total length 5.59 mm. Prosoma length 2.40 mm, width 1.83 mm. Length of tibia/metatarsus: leg I, 1.60/1.40 mm; leg II, 1.47/1.43 mm; leg III, 1.07/1.30 mm; leg IV, 1.53/1.83 mm. Chelicerae modified (internal superior margins projecting) (Fig. 35c), with three teeth (middle tooth larger) on promargin, three on retromargin. Sternum length 1.28 mm, width 1.03 mm. Spines: leg I, femur d 1-1-1, p 2ap; tibia v 2-2-2; metatarsus v 2bas, p d1. Leg II, femur d 1-1-1, p d1ap; tibia v 2-2-2, p 0-v1 or 0; metatarsus v 2-p1-0, p 0-d1-0. Leg III, femur d 1-1-1, p and r d1ap; patella r d1; tibia v p1-2-2, p and r d1-1; metatarsus v 2-2-2, d 0-p1-2, p and r d1-1-1. Leg IV, femur d 1-1-1, p and r d1ap; patella r d1; tibia v p1-2-2 or 2-2-2, p 1-1, r 1-1-1; metatarsus v 2-2-2, d 0-p1-2, p and r d1-1-1. Opisthosoma length 2.87 mm, spiracle-epigastrium 1.73 mm, spiracle-spinnerets 0.30 mm. Color in ethanol as for female described above (Fig. 22). Palp (Fig. 23): Tibia width/length 0.48, Embolus normal, thin and cylindrical (Fig. 23). MA long, with few small thin branches at base (Fig. 23f, h). PMA long and wide, pPMA simple. Conductor normal and well developed, canal vestigial, limited to tip, ending in longitudinally ridged peak, on rounded projection directed backward. All adults and immatures have a group of thick setae on the base of ALS.# author: Soto year: 2012 title: Revision and phylogenetic analysis of the spider genus Philisca Simon (Araneae: Anyphaenidae, Amaurobioidinae) subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Gayennini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Philisca unspecified, unspecified species name: pizarroi_male unspecified, unspecified morphology: Total length 5.87 mm. Prosoma length 2.80 mm, width 2.07 mm. Length of tibia/metatarsus: leg I, 2.47/2.33 mm; leg II, 2.40/2.27 mm; leg III, 1.53/2.13 mm; leg IV, 2.20/3.00 mm. Chelicerae have modifications (Fig. 35d) with three teeth (middle tooth larger) on promargin, three on retromargin. Sternum length 1.37 mm, width 1.12 mm. Spines: leg I, femur d 1-1-1, p 2ap, r d1ap; tibia v 2-2-2 or p1-2-2, p and r 0-1; metatarsus v 2bas-p1, p and r 1-d1. Leg II, femur d 1-1-1, p 0-1-d2 or 0-1-d1, r d1ap; tibia v 2-2-2, p d1-1, r 0-1; metatarsus v 2bas-p1, p and r 0-1-d1. Leg III, femur d 1-1-1, p and r 0-d1-d1; patella r d1; tibia v 2-2-2, d r1bas, p d1-1, r d1-1-1; metatarsus v 2-p1-2 or 2-2-2, d 0-p1-2, p and r d1-1-1. Leg IV, femur d 1-1-1, p and r d1ap; patella r d1; tibia v 2-2-2, d r1bas, p d1-1, r d1-d1-0-1; metatarsus v 2-2-2, d 0-p1-2, p and r d1-11. Opisthosoma length 3.13 mm, spiracle-epigastrium 1.80 mm, spiracle-spinnerets 0.42 mm. Color in ethanol as in female (Fig. 25). Palp (Fig. 26): Tibia width/length 0.41. Embolus normal, thin and cylindrical. MA long and flattened, with a few thin branches in the middle-apical zone (Fig. 26h). PMA long and wide, triangular, pPMA simple. Conductor normal and well developed, with clear and distinct canal, ending in longitudinally ridged peak, on rounded projection, directed backwards (Fig. 26g, h). author: Soto year: 2012 title: Revision and phylogenetic analysis of the spider genus Philisca Simon (Araneae: Anyphaenidae, Amaurobioidinae) subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Gayennini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Philisca unspecified, unspecified species name: atrata_male unspecified, unspecified morphology: Total length 3.46 mm. Prosoma length 1.53 mm, width 1.13 mm. Length of tibia/metatarsus: leg I, 1.03/0.97 mm; leg II, 1.00/0.90 mm; leg III, 0.67/0.75 mm; leg IV, 1.03/1.23 mm. Chelicerae modified (Fig. 35b), more robust than in female, with three on promargin (middle tooth bigger than others), three teeth on retromargin. Sternum length 0.83 mm, width 0.62 mm. Spines: leg I, femur d 1-1-1, p d2ap; tibia v 0-2-2; metatarsus v 2-2-2. Leg II, femur d 1-1-1, p d2ap; tibia v 0-2-2; metatarsus v 2-p1-p1. Leg III, femur d 1-1-1, p and r d1ap; patella r d1; tibia v p1-p1-2, p d1-1, r 1-d1-1; metatarsus v 2-p1-2, d 0-p1-2, p d1-d1-1, r d1-1-1. Leg IV, femur d 1-1-1, p and r d1ap; patella r d1; tibia v p1-p1-2, p d1-1 and r d1-d1-1; metatarsus v 2-p1-2, d 0-p1-2, p and r d1-d1-1. Opisthosoma length 1.70 mm, spiracle-epigastrium 0.78 mm, spiracle-spinnerets 0.23 mm. Color in ethanol (Fig. 19): Prosoma dark reddish brown, almost uniform. Legs reddish brown with dark spots. Sternum brown, paler than prosoma. Opisthosoma dark brown, with small white spots dorsally (Fig. 19a). Palp (Fig. 20): Tibia width/length 0.6, Embolus large, cylindrical, rounded (Fig. 20g). MA long, with series of thin branches (Fig. 20h). PMA long and sinuous, pPMA simple, wide. Conductor canal vestigial, limited to tip, ending in longitudinally ridged peak, on rounded projection, directed backwards. author: Ramírez year: 2004c_2003 title: Description of the females of Oxysoma itambezinho Ramírez and Monapia tandil Ramírez, and their effects on the generic relationships of Gayennini (Araneae, Anyphaenidae, Amaurobioidinae); The Spider Subfamily Amaurobioidinae (Araneae, Anyphaenidae): a Phylogenetic Revision at the generic level subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Gayennini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Oxysoma unspecified, unspecified species name: itambezinho_male unspecified, unspecified morphology: Total length 8.65 mm. Carapace length 3.40 mm, width 2.13 mm. Legs very long, thin, length of tibia/metatarsus: leg I 7.45/6.65 mm; leg II 5.45/4.79 mm; leg III 3.33/2.77 mm; leg IV 5.05/5.19 mm. Chelicerae small, with one anterior spine close to base, two teeth on retromargin. Sternum length 1.67 mm, width 1.10 mm. Spines: leg I, femur d 1-1-1, p 0-d1-1-d1, r 0-d1-d1; tibia v 2-2-2 (basals advanced), p 0-v1-1-0, d r1-1; metatarsus v 2bas, p and r 0-1-1, d 0-2-2 (retrolateral advanced). Leg II = leg I. Leg III, femur d 1-1-1, p 0-d1-1-d1, r d1ap; patella 0; tibia v p1-2-2, p d1-1, r 0-1, d r1-1; metatarsus v 2-0-p1 and an apical group of hairs, p and r 0-1-1, d 0-p1-2. Leg IV, femur d 1-1-1, p d1ap, r 0-d1-d1; patella 0; tibia v 2-2-2, p and r d1-1, d r1-1; metatarsus v 2-2-p1 and an apical group of hairs, p and r d1-1-1, d 0-p1-2. Legs I and II with many long hairs, curved backward, on metatarsi, tibiae. Abdomen length 5.32 mm, width 1.73 mm, spiracle-epigastrium 3.72 mm, spiracle-spinnerets 1.86 mm. Color (fig. 118I): Yellow with grayish dorsal pattern. Legs pale grayish with dark dots and few small black spots. Sternum pale. Venter pale with small dark spots, line of small spots at each side, from epigastrium to tracheal spiracle, median stripe from tracheal spiracle to spinnerets. Epigastrium and adjacent posterior area violet. Palp (fig. 118E-H): tibia long, width/length 0.39. Cymbium narrow, retrolateral margin with evident basal notch. Embolus not associated with canal on secondary conductor, basal process thick, with small membranous area. Base of median apophysis thick. Base of paramedian apophysis with protuberance followed by oblique, rugose ridge, forming hollow under tegulum; tip elongate, recurved, distally sinuous. Primary conductor thick, low, transverse. Secondary conductor divided by membranous area prolateral of wide canal (fig. 118H); prolateral portion large, rounded, directed backward; retrolateral portion with apical, flat projection, bearing small peak where canal ends; area around median apophysis less sclerotized, granulate. Heavily sclerotized black area at base of canal, may be part of sperm duct. author: Ramírez year: 1999 title: New Species And Cladistic Reanalysis of the Spider genus Monapia (Araneae, Anyphaenidae, Amaurobioidinae) subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Gayennini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Monapia unspecified, unspecified species name: fierro_male unspecified, unspecified morphology: Total length 5.41 mm. Carapace 2.52 mm long, 1.90 mm wide. Abdomen 2.80 mm long. Length of tibiae/metatarsi: leg I 1.98/1.70 mm; leg II 1.68/1.48 mm; leg III 1.40/1.40 mm; leg IV 1.98/2.20 mm. Spines distributed as in female but weaker. Color: as in female. Cymbium with slight retrolateral basal notch. Copulatory bulb (Figs. 26-28) with paramedian apophysis short and thick, embolus short and thick, with basal membrane extending half of its length, retrolateral portion of secondary conductor with long and thin tip and small ventro-basal peak. There is a thin pointed sclerite of uncertain homology arising behind the median apophysis. author: Ramírez year: 1999_2003 title: New Species And Cladistic Reanalysis of the Spider genus Monapia (Araneae, Anyphaenidae, Amaurobioidinae); The Spider Subfamily Amaurobioidinae (Araneae, Anyphaenidae): a Phylogenetic Revision at the generic level subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Gayennini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Monapia unspecified, unspecified species name: carolina_male unspecified, unspecified morphology: Total length 5.32 mm. Carapace length 2.63 mm, width 2.03 mm. Length of tibia/metatarsus: leg I, 1.97/1.70 mm; leg II, 1.70/1.50 mm; leg III, 1.50/1.50 mm; leg IV, 2.07/2.47 mm. Chelicerae slightly narrower than those of female. Sternum length 1.47 mm, width 1.10 mm. Spines: leg I, femur d 1-1-1, p 0-0-1-d1, r 1ap; tibia with two rows of ventral spines, six prolateral, five retrolateral, approximately 2-2-2-2-p1-2 (left) and 2-2-2-p1-0-2 (right), p and r 1-1; metatarsus v 2bas, p and r 1, d 0-p1-2. Leg II, femur d 1-1-1, p and r 0-d1-d1; tibia v 2-2-2-0-2, p and r 1-1; metatarsus = leg I. Leg III, femur = leg II; patella r d1; tibia v 2-2-2 (the r1bas smaller), p and r 1-1; metatarsus v 2-0-2, p and r d1-1-1, d 0-p1-2. Leg IV, femur d 1-1-1, p and r 1ap; patella and tibia = leg III; metatarsus v 2-2-2, p and r d1-1-1, d 0-p1-2. Abdomen length 2.73 mm, width 1.63 mm, spiracle-epigastrium 1.07 mm, spiracle spinnerets 0.43 mm. Color as in female. Palp (fig. 139A-D): tibia width/length 0.79. Retrolateral margin of cymbium with slight basal notch. Sperm duct with anterior ventral loop not evident. Embolus thick, sinuous. Apex of paramedian apophysis thin, hook-shaped. Primary conductor triangular. Secondary conductor divided by membranous area with blunt lobe close to retrolateral portion; prolateral portion curved, flattened; canal wide, crossed by diagonal sclerotized stripe; retrolateral portion with thick base, long, flattened apex; retrolateral portion separated from anterior margin of tegulum by suture, prolateral portion separated by membranous area. author: Ramírez year: 1999_2003 title: New Species And Cladistic Reanalysis of the Spider genus Monapia (Araneae, Anyphaenidae, Amaurobioidinae); The Spider Subfamily Amaurobioidinae (Araneae, Anyphaenidae): a Phylogenetic Revision at the generic level subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Gayennini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Monapia unspecified, unspecified species name: angusta_male unspecified, unspecified morphology: Total length ca. 6.15 mm. Carapace length 2.17 mm, width 1.37 mm. Length of tibia/metatarsus: leg I, 3.86/3.10 mm; leg II, 2.53/1.97 mm; leg III, 1.35/1.10 mm; leg IV, 3.59/2.67 mm. Chelicerae small, narrow, anterior face with black spot, thick spine close to clypeus. Sternum length 1.25 mm, width 0.87 mm. Spines: leg I, femur d 1-1-1, p 0-0-v1-d1 and an oblique apical line of thick bristles, r 1ap; tibia v 2-2-2-2-0, d r1-1 bristles; metatarsus v 2-2-2(probably the p and r displaced)-0-0, d 2-p1-r1-0-2. Leg II, femur d 1-1-1, p and r d1ap; tibia v 2-r1-2-r1-2 (both x-r1-x-r1-x are probably the r d1-1 displaced), p d1-1, d r1-1 bristles; metatarsus v 2-r1(probably the r displaced)-r1-0, p 1-0, d p1-2. Leg III, femur d 1-1-1, p 0-d1-d1, r d1ap; tibia v p1-p1-0, p and r d1-1, d r1-1; metatarsus v 2-0-1 or 2bas, p 0-d1-1, r 0-v1-v1, d p1-2. Leg IV, femur d 1-1-1; tibia v 2-2-2, p and r d1-1, d r1-1; metatarsus v 2-(p1-r1)-1, p d1-1-1, r d1-1-1 (very large), d 0-p1-2. Abdomen length ca. 2.40 mm, width 0.90 mm (wrinkled and curved), spiracle-epigastrium ca. 0.80 mm, spiracle spinnerets ca. 0.73 mm. Color as in female. Palp (fig. 139E-H): tibia very long, width/length 0.38. Copulatory bulb partially distended (specimen recently moulted). Sperm duct passing through anterior ventral margin of tegulum. Embolus very thick, suddenly narrowed distally, medial ventral portion not sclerotized. Paramedian apophysis poorly developed, tip curved, hook-shaped. Primary conductor absent. Secondary conductor totally divided by membranous area, both portions well separated from anterior margin of tegulum, prolateral portion quite reduced; base of retrolateral portion thin, deeply notched; area corresponding to canal wide, not sclerotized. author: Ramírez year: 1999 title: New Species And Cladistic Reanalysis of the Spider genus Monapia (Araneae, Anyphaenidae, Amaurobioidinae) subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Gayennini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Monapia unspecified, unspecified species name: charrua_male unspecified, unspecified morphology: Total length 4.12 mm. Carapace 1.98 mm long, 1.28 mm wide. Abdomen 2.30 mm long. Length of tibiae/metatarsi: leg I 2.40/2.02 mm; leg II 1.80/1.54 mm; leg III 1.18/1.04 mm; leg IV 2.06/2.22 mm. Spines: leg I: Femur d 1-1-1, p 0-0-d1-1-d1 and an apical oblique line of thick setae, r d1ap; tibia v 2-2-2-2-0, p and r 1-1; metatarsus v 2-2-2-0, p and r 1-0, d 0-p1-2. Leg II: Femur d 1-1-1, p 0-d1-d1, r d1ap; tibia v 2-r1-2-0, p and r d1-1; metatarsus v 2-r1-r1, p and r d1-1, d 0-p1-2. Leg III: Femur = leg II; tibia v p1-p1-2, p and r d1-1, d r1-1; metatarsus v 2-0-2, p and r 0-d1-1, d 0-p1-2. Leg IV: Femur d 1-1-1, p and r d1ap; patella r 1; tibia v p1-2-2, p and r d1-1, d r1-1; metatarsus v 2-2-2, p and r d1-1-1, d 0-p1-2. Palp: Femur d 0-0-1-2, p d1ap; patella p d2, d 1-0-1; tibia p 2-2, d r1-1; cymbium p 1-1-1, d 2-0. Color: as in female but darker. Copulatory bulb (Figs. 9-11) with paramedian apophysis sinuous, embolus long and thick, retrolateral portion of secondary conductor fused to tegulum. author: Ramírez year: 2004c_1999 title: Description of the females of Oxysoma itambezinho Ramírez and Monapia tandil Ramírez, and their effects on the generic relationships of Gayennini (Araneae, Anyphaenidae, Amaurobioidinae); New Species And Cladistic Reanalysis of the Spider genus Monapia (Araneae, Anyphaenidae, Amaurobioidinae) subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Gayennini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Monapia unspecified, unspecified species name: tandil_male unspecified, unspecified morphology: Total length about 5.60 mm. Carapace 2.50 mm long, 1.80 mm wide, wider on coxae leg III. Abdomen badly preserved, about 3.10 mm long. Length of tibiae/metatarsi: leg I 3.46/3.03 mm; leg II 2.73/2.30 mm; leg III 1.97/1.70 mm; leg IV 2.87/2.97 mm. Spines: leg I: Femur d 1-1-1, p and r 0-1-1; tibia v 2-2-2, p and r 1-1; metatarsus v 2bas, p and r 1, d 0-p1-2. Leg II = leg I. Leg III: Femur d 1-1-1, p 0-0-1-1-1, r 0-1-1; tibia v p1-2-2, p and r 1-1, d 0-1; metatarsus v2-p1-2, p and r d1-1-1, d 0-p1-2. Leg IV: Femur d 1-1-1, p 1ap, r 0-1-1; patella r 1; tibia and metatarsus = leg III. Palp: Femur d 0-0-1-p3; patella d 1ap; tibia p 2-2, d 1-1; cymbium p 0-1-1. Color: light brown with brown pattern on carapace as in Fig. 35, legs with brown spots, tibiae legs III and IV darker, with two longitudinal light lines; sternum with one oval brown patch in front to each coxae legs I-III, and median longitudinal line; abdomen light gray, with brownish-violet anterior median patch, several inverted "V" through the median line, the three posterior darker, and a very dark patch upon the anal tubercle. Cymbium with slight retrolateral basal notch (Fig. 36). Copulatory bulb (Figs. 37-39) with paramedian apophysis short and thick, prolateral portion of secondary conductor without groove, displaced towards the base of embolus and bearing small denticles. There is a thin, curved and pointed sclerite of uncertain homology arising behind the median apophysis. author: Ramírez year: 1999 title: New Species And Cladistic Reanalysis of the Spider genus Monapia (Araneae, Anyphaenidae, Amaurobioidinae) subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Gayennini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Monapia unspecified, unspecified species name: guenoana_male unspecified, unspecified morphology: Total length 3.20 mm. Carapace 1.80 mm long, 1.16 mm wide. Abdomen 2.08 mm long. Length of tibiae/metatarsi: leg I 2.84/1.78 mm; leg II 1.54/1.02 mm; leg III 0.80/0.64 mm; leg IV 2.48/1.88 mm. Spine arrangement similar to female, but much weaker. Ventral foreleg spines thin and not erect. Color: as in female; some individuals have dark first tibiae. Copulatory bulb (Figs. 15-17) with paramedian apophysis sinuous, embolus short and thick, with basal membrane extending half of its length, retrolateral portion of secondary conductor small, with a ventro-basal peak, prolateral portion without groove, displaced towards the base of embolus. author: Werenkraut year: 2009 title: A revision and phylogenetic analysis of the spider genus Coptoprepes Simon (Araneae: Anyphaenidae, Amaurobioidinae) subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Amaurobioidini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Coptoprepes unspecified, unspecified species name: ecotono_male unspecified, unspecified morphology: Prosoma length 1.86 mm, width 1.36 mm, narrower in front than in female. Tibia/metatarsus length: leg I, 1.06/0.91 mm; leg II, 0.92/0.84 mm; leg III, 0.64/0.68 mm; leg IV, 1.17/1.27 mm. Chelicerae slightly smaller than those of female, with four teeth on retromargin, three on promargin (promargin observed from MACN-Ar 2227). Sternum length 1.05 mm, width 0.78 mm. Spines: leg I, femur d 1-1-1, p 2ap; tibia v 0-2-p1; metatarsus v 2bas. Leg II, femur d 1-1-1, p d1ap; tibia v 0-r1-p1; metatarsus v 2bas. Leg III, femur d 1-1-1, p and r 0-d1-d1; patella r d1; tibia v p1-2-2, p 1-d1-1-0, r d1-1, d 0; metatarsus v 2-p1-2 plus apical comb, p and r d1-1-1, d 0-p1-2. Leg IV, femur d 1-1-1, p 0-d1-d1, r d1ap; patella r d1; tibia v 2-2-2, p and r 1-d1-1-0, d 0; metatarsus v 2-2-2 plus apical comb, p and r d1-1-1, d 0-2-2. Opisthosoma length 2.20 mm, spiracle-epigastrium 1.15 mm, spiracle-spinnerets 0.18 mm. Color in ethanol (Fig. 5): As in female, but paler, specimen faded (as well as male MACN-Ar 2227). Palp (Fig. 7): Tibia short, width/length 1.00, RTA reduced to short acute relict. Cymbial conductor wide. Tegulum only visible in retrolateral view. Sperm duct with conspicuous loop on anterior-dorsal margin. Embolus long, thin, basal process elongate, flat, transparent. Median apophysis thin, hook-shaped. Primary conductor with long canal, ventral border tiny, cuticular hair-like extensions, tip acute, elongate, directed forward. Secondary conductor well sclerotized, apical, without canal, contiguous to anterior-dorsal sperm duct loop. Paramedian apophysis absent, area only slightly sclerotized (Fig. 23a-c). author: Werenkraut year: 2009 title: A revision and phylogenetic analysis of the spider genus Coptoprepes Simon (Araneae: Anyphaenidae, Amaurobioidinae) subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Amaurobioidini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Coptoprepes unspecified, unspecified species name: bellavista_male unspecified, unspecified morphology: Prosoma length 2.07 mm, width 1.55 mm, narrower in front than in the female. Tibia/metatarsus length: leg I, 1.43/1.33 mm; leg II, 1.20/1.32 mm; leg III, 0.92/1.17 mm; leg IV, 1.28/1.70 mm. Chelicerae slightly smaller than those of female, with six (right) or seven (left) teeth on retromargin, four on promargin. Sternum length 1.13 mm, width 0.83 mm. Spines: leg I, femur d 1-1-1, p d1ap; tibia v 2-2-2; metatarsus v 2 bas. Leg II, femur d 1-1-1, p and r d1ap; tibia v r1-r1-2; metatarsus v 2 bas. Leg III, femur d 1-1-1, p 0-d1-d1 or d1ap, r d1ap; patella r d1; tibia v p1-p1-2, p 1-d1-1-0, r d1-1, d r1bas; metatarsus v 2-0-comb, p and r d1-1-1, d 0-p1-2. Leg IV, femur d 1-1-1, p and r d1ap; patella r d1; tibia v p1-2-2 or left 2-2-(p1-2), p 1-d1-1-0, r 1-d1-1-0 or left 1-d1-d1-1; metatarsus v 2-2-comb or left r1-2-p1-comb, p and r d1-1-1 or left p d1-1-1-0-1, d 0-p1-2 (left leg seemingly abnormal, not considered for scoring of dataset). Opisthosoma length 2.17 mm, spiracle-epigastrium 1.21 mm, spiracle-spinnerets 0.24 mm. Color in ethanol (Fig. 8): As in female, but paler, specimen slightly faded. Palp (Fig. 10): Tibia short, width/length 1.58, RTA longer than tibia, curved, compressed. Cymbial conductor wide. Tegulum displaced basally in ventral view, mostly visible in retrolateral view. Sperm duct with conspicuous loop on anterior-dorsal margin. Embolus long, with flat, rounded basal process. Median apophysis wide, truncate, translucent. Primary conductor with canal, ending in truncate sclerotized projection. Secondary conductor ventrally concave, well sclerotized, separated from anterior-dorsal sperm duct loop by a membranous stripe. Paramedian apophysis with prolateral-ventral cusp (pPMA, Fig. 23d-f) and a series of several short cusps (rPMA). author: Werenkraut year: 2009 title: A revision and phylogenetic analysis of the spider genus Coptoprepes Simon (Araneae: Anyphaenidae, Amaurobioidinae) subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Amaurobioidini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Coptoprepes unspecified, unspecified species name: casablanca_male unspecified, unspecified morphology: Prosoma length 2.10 mm, width 1.37 mm, narrower in front than in the female. Tibia/metatarsus length: leg I, 1.17/1.12 mm; leg II, 1.02/0.97 mm; leg III, 0.82/1.02 mm; leg IV, 1.17/1.42 mm. Chelicerae slightly smaller than those of female, with five teeth on retromargin, five on promargin. Sternum length 1.07 mm, width 0.85 mm. Spines: leg I, femur d 1-1-1, p 2ap; tibia v 2-2-2; metatarsus v 2bas. Leg II, femur d 1-1-1, p d1ap; tibia r1-r1-p1 or r1-r1-2; metatarsus v 2bas. Leg III, femur d 1-1-1, p 0-d1-d1, r d1ap; patella r d1; tibia v p1-2-2, p 1-d1-1-0, r d1-1, d r1bas; metatarsus v 2-p1-0 plus apical comb, p and r d1-1-1, d 0-p1-2. Leg IV, femur d 1-1-1, p and r d1ap; patella r d1; tibia v p1-2-2, p 1-d1-1-0, r 1-d1-0-0, d r1bas; metatarsus v 2-2-0 plus apical comb, p and r d1-1-1, d 0-2-2. Opisthosoma length 2.43 mm, spiracle-epigastrium 1.32 mm, spiracle-spinnerets 0.20 mm. Color in ethanol (Fig. 11): As in female but slightly decolorated, the patches of white setae on abdomen on pale cuticle. Palp (Fig. 13): Tibia short, width/length 1.33, RTA shorter than tibia, compressed, curved. Cymbial conductor wide. Tegulum displaced basally in ventral view. Sperm duct with conspicuous loop on anterior-dorsal margin. Embolus thin, with flat rounded basal process. Median apophysis with large base and long, acute, hook-shaped tip. Primary conductor well sclerotized, with canal, ending in acute tip. Secondary conductor a broad concave ledge forming a canal, arising from sclerotized area continuous with anterior-dorsal margin of tegulum, dorsal side regularly covered with denticles not reaching the tip. Paramedian apophysis absent (Fig. 23g-i). author: Werenkraut year: 2009 title: A revision and phylogenetic analysis of the spider genus Coptoprepes Simon (Araneae: Anyphaenidae, Amaurobioidinae) subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Amaurobioidini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Coptoprepes unspecified, unspecified species name: contulmo_male unspecified, unspecified morphology: Prosoma length 1.97 mm, width 1.33 mm. Tibia/metatarsus length: leg I, 1.37/1.25 mm; leg II, 1.08/1.07 mm; leg III, 0.85/1.07 mm; leg IV, 1.25/1.52 mm. Chelicerae with six teeth on retromargin, five on promargin. Sternum length 1.08 mm, width 0.82 mm. Spines: leg I, femur d 1-1-1, p 2 ap; tibia v 2-2-2, p 1bas or 0; metatarsus v 2 bas. Leg II, femur d 1-1-1, p d1ap; tibia v r1-2-2; metatarsus v 2 bas. Leg III, femur d 1-1-1, p and r 0-d1-d1; patella r d1; tibia v p1-p1-2, d r1bas, p and r 1-d1-1-0; metatarsus v 2bas plus apical comb, p and r d1-1-1, d 0-p1-2. Leg IV, femur d 1-1-1, p and r d1ap; patella r d1; tibia v p1-2-2, d r1bas, p and r 1-d1-1-0; metatarsus v 2-2-0 plus apical comb, p and r d1-1-1, d 0-2-2. Opisthosoma length 2.07 mm, spiracle-epigastrium 1.16 mm, spiracle-spinnerets 0.19 mm, with weak dorsal anterior scutum. Color in ethanol brown uniform, opisthosoma slightly paler (Fig. 15). Palp (Fig. 16): Tibia short, width/length 1.64, RTA longer than tibia, curved, compressed. Cymbial conductor wide. Tegulum basal in ventral view, mostly visible in retrolateral view. Sperm duct with conspicuous loop on anterior-dorsal margin. Embolus long, thin, basal process flat, rounded. Median apophysis wide, transparent, truncate. Primary conductor well sclerotized, with wide canal, apex short, moderately acute. Secondary conductor ventrally convex, well sclerotized, separated from anterior-dorsal sperm duct loop by membranous stripe. Paramedian apophysis with prolateral cusp globose, two retrolateral projections near median apophysis (Fig. 23j-l). author: Werenkraut year: 2009 title: A revision and phylogenetic analysis of the spider genus Coptoprepes Simon (Araneae: Anyphaenidae, Amaurobioidinae) subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Amaurobioidini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Coptoprepes unspecified, unspecified species name: eden_male unspecified, unspecified morphology: Unknown. author: Werenkraut year: 2009 title: A revision and phylogenetic analysis of the spider genus Coptoprepes Simon (Araneae: Anyphaenidae, Amaurobioidinae) subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Amaurobioidini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Coptoprepes unspecified, unspecified species name: recinto_male unspecified, unspecified morphology: Prosoma length 1.92 mm, width 1.34 mm, anteriorly slightly narrower than in female. Length of tibia/metatarsus: leg I, 1.24/1.14 mm; leg II, 1.05/1.02 mm; leg III, 0.81/0.99 mm; leg IV, 1.18/1.45 mm. Chelicerae less robust than in female, with five teeth on retromargin, four on promargin. Sternum length 1.08 mm, width 0.84 mm. Spines: leg I, femur d 1-1-1, p 2ap; tibia v 2-2-p1; metatarsus v 2bas. Leg II, femur d 1-1-1, p d1ap; tibia v r1-r1-p1, p 0-1 or 0; metatarsus v 2bas. Leg III, femur d 1-1-1, p 0-d1-d1, r d1ap; patella r d1; tibia v p1-p1-2, d r1bas, p 1-d1-1-0, r d1-1; metatarsus v 2bas plus apical comb, d 0-2-2, p and r d1-1-1. Leg IV, femur d 1-1-1, p and r d1ap; patella r d1; tibia v p1-2-p1 or p1-2-2, d r1bas, p and r 1-d1-1-0; metatarsus v 2-2-0 plus apical comb, d 0-2-2, p and r d1-1-1. Opisthosoma length 2.22 mm, spiracle-epigastrium 1.29 mm, spiracle-spinnerets 0.11 mm. Color in ethanol (Fig. 19): Prosoma and legs dark brown, almost uniform, except coxae pale brown, and a pale apical patch ventrally on leg femora legs III and IV. Opisthosoma dark brown with paler pattern, dorsum with anterior lateral bands of white setae and posterior chevrons. Palp (Fig. 21): Tibia width/length 1.42, RTA long, about twice as long as tibia, curved, compressed. Cymbial conductor wide, conspicuous. Tegulum basal/retrolateral in ventral view. Sperm duct with two conspicuous loops on anterior-dorsal margin, small apical tegular sclerite with conical shape arising between both loops. Embolus long, thin, basal process ample, flattened, slightly projecting with rounded border. Median apophysis flat, concave, projecting anteriorly, with prolateral-dorsal acute projection. Primary conductor with canal, ending in acute sclerotized projection. Secondary conductor a small sclerotized cone, separated from anterior-dorsal sperm duct loop by membranous stripe. Paramedian apophysis reduced to sclerotized stripe connecting with base of median apophysis, with two rounded flat cusps (Fig. 23m-o). author: Ramírez year: 1995a title: A phylogenetic analysis of the subfamilies of Anyphaenidae (Arachnida, Araneae) subfamily name: Malenellinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: unknown unspecified, unspecified genus name: Malenella unspecified, unspecified species name: nana_male unspecified, unspecified morphology: Total length 3.60 mm. Carapace 1.45 mm long, 1.08 mm wide. Length of tibiae/metatarsi: leg I 1.3/1.08 mm; leg II 0.98/0.68 mm; leg III 0.52/0.67 mm; leg IV 0.88/0.85 mm. Chelicerae longer than in female (Fig. 63). Palp with three retrolateral tibial apophyses (Fig. 66), two almost dorsal and conical, one almost ventral, flattened; cymbium with rounded apex. Embolus short, stout, fused to tegulum, with adjacent hyaline conductor; median apophysis absent (Fig. 65). Spines as in female, but: palpal tibia d 1, cymbium r O. author: Izquierdo year: 2008 title: Two new spider species of the genera Aysenia and Aysenoides from southern Chile and Argentina: description and phylogenetic relationships (Araneae: Anyphaenidae, Amaurobioidinae) subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Amaurobioidini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Aysenia unspecified, unspecified species name: barrigai_male unspecified, unspecified morphology: #Prosoma length 2.30 mm, width 1.30 mm, more slender than in the female. Length of tibia/metatarsus: leg I, 1.30/1.25 mm; leg II, 1.33/1.18 mm; leg III, 0.93/1.00 mm; leg IV, 1.33/1.28 mm. Chelicerae smaller, less robust than in the female, with two teeth on retromargin, three on promargin. Length of sternum 1.23 mm, width 0.75 mm. Spines: leg I, femur d 1-1-1, p 1ap; tibia v 2-2-2 (x-p1-x slightly to prolateral), p 1-d1-1-0; metatarsus v 2-0-2 (r1-x-r1 slightly advanced and p1-x-x slightly to prolateral), p 0-1-0. Leg II, femur = leg I; tibia v r1-r1-2, p 0-d1-1; metatarsus v 2-r1-1 (r1-x-x slightly advanced), p 0-1-d1. Leg III, femur d 1-1-1, p and r 1ap; tibia d 2-2-0 (p1-p1-x slightly advanced) or p and r 1-1-0, v 0-r1-2; metatarsus v 2-r1-2 (r1-x-x slightly advanced) or v 2-0-2, p 1ap or p 0-1-1, r 0-1-1 or r 1ap, d 0-p1-2. Leg IV, femur d 1-1-1, r 1ap; tibia v p1-p1-2, r 0-d1-1; metatarsus v 2-p1-2 or v 2-p1-r1-p1-2, p 0-1-1, r 0-1-1 or r 1ap, d r1-r1-2. Opisthosoma length 2.65 mm, spiracle-epigastrium 1.25 mm, spiracle-spinnerets 0.22 mm. Color in ethanol (Figs 6-7): Cephalic region uniform brown-reddish margins, ocular area dark, reddishbrown. Chelicerae dark reddish-brown, cheliceral boss paler. Legs brown-yellowish with femur and tibia slightly darker. Labium and gnathocoxae reddish-brown, sternum light brown. Opisthosoma brown with cream pattern, spinnerets white. Venter pale, light cream. Palp: Tibia short, width/length 0.69, RTA long, acute, wider at base. Cymbial conductor wide. Tegulum basal. Sperm duct with two conspicuous loops on anterior-dorsal margin. Embolus short. Median apophysis apical, hook-shaped. Primary conductor with canal, heavily sclerotized in apical region. Paramedian apophysis with three cusps, two of them heavily sclerotized with common base, closer to median apophysis, third cusp close to primary conductor (Figs 8-9).# author: Izquierdo year: 2008 title: Two new spider species of the genera Aysenia and Aysenoides from southern Chile and Argentina: description and phylogenetic relationships (Araneae: Anyphaenidae, Amaurobioidinae) subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Amaurobioidini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Aysenoides unspecified, unspecified species name: nahuel_male unspecified, unspecified morphology: #Prosoma length 2.40 mm, width 1.53 mm. Length of tibia/metatarsus: leg I, 2.52/2.30 mm; leg II, 1.97/1.67 mm; leg III, 1.13/1.17 mm; leg IV, 1.72/1.60 mm. Chelicerae less robust than those of female, with two teeth on retromargin, three on promargin. Sternum length 1.35 mm, width 0.80 mm. Spines: leg I, femur d 1-1-1, p 2ap, r 0-1-0; tibia v 2-2-2 (x-p1-x slightly displaced to prolateral); metatarsus d p1-p1-0, p 1-1-0, v 2 bas. Leg II, femur = leg I except p1 ap; tibia p 1-d1-1, r 1-0-1, v (p1-r1)-(r1-p1) -2 [(p1-x)-(x-p1)-x less developed]; metatarsus = leg I except v 2-0-2. Leg III, femur d 1-1-1, p and r 0-1-1; tibia p 1-d1-1, r 1-d1-1, v 2-2-2; metatarsus d 0-p1-2, p and r 1-1-1, v 2-p1-2. Leg IV, femur d 1-1-1, p and r 1ap; tibia v p1-2-2 (x-r1-x slightly advanced), r 1-d1-1; metatarsus d r1-p1-2, p 0-1-1, r 1ap, v 2-2-2. Leg III directed forward. Opisthosoma length 3.38 mm, epigastrium-spiracle 1.75 mm, spiracle-spinnerets 0.20 mm. Color in ethanol (Figs 16-17): Prosoma reddish-brown, paler on dorsal region. Ocular region dark, chelicerae dark reddish-brown, sternum and labium light brown, gnathocoxae paler. Legs yellowish to cream, legs I and II darkening from tibiae to tarsi. Opisthosoma with dorsal pattern of cream to yellow chevrons on dark brown background, sides dark brown with cream longitudinal band. Palp: tibia long, width/length 0.57, RTA long, acute. Cymbial conductor wide. Sperm duct with two conspicuous loops at apical margin. Embolus with basal process short, hyaline. Median apophysis hyaline, slender, hook shaped. Primary conductor with canal, heavily sclerotized, fitting distal portion of embolus. Secondary conductor absent. Paramedian apophysis with one conspicuous cusp, protruding over retrolateral border of cymbium in ventral view.# author: Platnick year: 1978 title: Research note on Josa Alba Mello-Leitao (Araneae, Anyphaenidae) subfamily name: Anyphaeninae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Unknown. unspecified, unspecified genus name: Wulfila unspecified, unspecified species name: albus_male unspecified, unspecified morphology: Entire body, except for orange palpal tibia and tarsus, pale yellow. Total length 3.13 mm. Carapace 1.55 mm long, 1.12 mm wide; cephalic width 0.58 mm, clypeal height 0.07 mm. Eyes: diameters, AME 0.04 mm, ALE 0.09 mm, PME 0.07 mm, PLE 0.09 mm; anterior eye row 0.35 mm long, straight; posterior row 0.50 mm long, procurved; MOQ length 0.24 mm, front width 0.10 mm, back width 0.28 mm; interdistances,A ME-AME 0.03 mm, AME-ALE 0 .04 mm, PME-PME 0.13 mm, PME-PLE 0.08 mm, ALE-PLE 0.05 mm. Sternum 0.92 mm long, 0.67 mm wide. Chelicerae 0.54 mm long, with 5 promarginal teeth and 7 retromarginal denticles. Abdomen 1.87 mm long, 1.22 mm wide. Epigastric furrow 0.74 mm from tracheal spiracle, spiracle 0.70 mm from base of spinnerets. Tibial lengths and indices: leg I missing; leg II 1.73 mm, 7; leg III 0.96 mm, 13; leg IV 2.02 mm, 7. Ventral spination: tibiae leg I missing, leg II 2-2-0, leg III 2-1-0, leg IV 2-2-0; metatarsi leg I missing, legs II-IV 2-2-0. Coxae leg I with proximal, coxae leg II with proximal and distal spurs on venter. Palpus as in Figs. 1,2. author: Laborda year: 2013 title: New species of the spider genera Aysenia and Aysenoides from Chile and Argentina: description and phylogenetic relationships (Araneae: Anyphaenidae, Amaurobioidinae) subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Amaurobioidini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Aysenia unspecified, unspecified species name: paposo_male unspecified, unspecified morphology: Prosoma length 1.93 mm, width 1.03 mm, narrowed in front (Fig. 1a). Tibia/metatarsus length: leg I, 1.23/1.07 mm; leg II, 1.07/1.00 mm; leg III, 0.60/0.70 mm; leg IV, 1.13/0.83 mm. Chelicerae strong, with thick anterior bristles (Fig. 1a) three contiguous teeth on retromargin and three on promargin. Sternum length 0.93 mm, width 0.60 mm. Spines: leg I, femur d 1-1-1, p d1ap; tibia v 2-2-2 (the x-p1-x displaced to prolateral), p 1-1-1 or 1-0-1, r 1-0-1; metatarsus v 2-0-2, p d1-d1-0-1, r 0-1-0, d 0-p1-0. Leg II, femur = leg I; tibia v r1-r1-2, p d1-d1-d1; metatarsus v 2-0-2, p d1-d1-0-1 or 0-d1-0-1, d 0-1-0. Leg III, femur d 1-1-1; tibia v 2ap; d 2bas; metatarsus v 2-r1-2 (x-r1-x advanced); p 0-1-1; r 1ap; d 0-p1-2. Leg IV, femur = leg III; tibia v p1-p1-2, r 0-1-1; metatarsus v 2-2-2, p d1-1-1, r d1-0-1; d 0-p1-2. Third legs directed forward. Opisthosoma length 2.33 mm, spiracle-epigastrium 1.17 mm, spiracle-spinnerets 0.30 mm. Color in ethanol (Fig. 1a, b): Prosoma brown, ocular region slightly darker. Chelicerae brown. Legs yellowish brown with coxae and trochanters slightly lighter. Labium, gnathocoxae and sternum dark brown. Opisthosoma brownish violet, dark, with three whitish dorsal spots, covered by white hairs, two patches of white hairs on posterior end. Venter dark brown. Palp (Fig. 1a, b; 3a-c): tibia short, width/length 1.06, RTA sharp, long, thin. Cymbial conductor wide, triangular. Tegulum basal. Sperm duct with two loops at dorsal anterior margin. Embolous long, basal process flat, rounded. Median apophysis apical, thin, hook-shaped. Primare conductor long, with narrow apex. Secondary conductor rounded. Paramedian apophysis with three sclerotized cusps, close to median apophysis. author: Laborda year: 2013 title: New species of the spider genera Aysenia and Aysenoides from Chile and Argentina: description and phylogenetic relationships (Araneae: Anyphaenidae, Amaurobioidinae) subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Amaurobioidini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Aysenoides unspecified, unspecified species name: simoi_male unspecified, unspecified morphology: Prosoma length 1.83 mm, width 1.10 mm, narrowed in front (Fig. 6a). Tibia/metatarsus length: leg I, 1.80/1.57 mm; leg II, 1.30/1.03 mm; leg III, 0.73/0.83 mm; leg IV, 1.20/1.07 mm. Chelicerae less robust than those of female, with three or four teeth on retromargin, three on promargin. Sternum length 1.00 mm, width 0.67 mm. Spines: leg I, femur d 1-1-1, p d2ap, r 0-1-0; tibia v 2-2-2 (the x-p1-x displaced to prolateral), p 1-1-1 or 1-0-1(1bas displaced to ventral); metatarsus v 2bas, p 0-d1-0. Leg II, femur = leg I; tibia v r1-2-2, p d1-d1-1; metatarsus v 2bas, p d1-d1-0-1 or 0-d1-0-1. Leg III, femur d 1-1-1, p d1ap; tibia v 0-p1-2, r 0-d1-d1, p d1-d1-d1; metatarsus v 2-p1-2, p 0-1-1; r 0-1-0; d 0-1-0. Leg IV, femur = leg III; tibia v p1-p1-2, r 0-1-1; metatarsus v 2-p1-2, p 0-1-1, r d1-0-d1; d 0-p1-2. Third legs directed forward. Opisthosoma length 2.67 mm, spiracle-epigastrium 1.30 mm, spiracle-spinnerets 0.23 mm. Color in ethanol (Fig. 6a, b): Prosoma reddish-brown, paler on dorsal region. Ocular region dark, chelicerae reddish-brown. Sternum and labium light brown, gnathocoxae paler. Legs yellowish to cream. Opisthosoma with dorsal pattern of cream to yellow chevrons on dark brown background, sides dark brown with cream longitudinal band. Venter dark brown. Palp (Figs. 6c, d; 8a-c): Palp: tibia long, width/length 0.62, RTA long, acute. Cymbium relatively small, cymbial conductor wide. Sperm duct with two conspicuous loops at apical margin. Embolus with basal process short, hyaline. Median apophysis hyaline, slender, hook shaped. Primary conductor thin, hyaline. Secondary conductor triangular, with acute apex and membranous ventral area. Paramedian apophysis with two cusps, long heavily sclerotized, protruding over retrolateral border of cymbium in ventral view. author: Rubio year: 2014 title: Taxonomic revision of the American spider genus Arachosia (Araneae: Anyphaenidae) subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Gayennini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Arachosia unspecified, unspecified species name: kapiipeoi_male unspecified, unspecified morphology: Total length 6.76 mm. Carapace length 3.22 mm, width 2.59 mm. Chelicerae with three promarginal and two retromarginal teeth. Length of tibia/metatarsus: leg I, 2.52/2.17 mm; leg II, 2.24/1.89 mm; leg III, 1.61/1.61 mm; leg IV, 2.52/2.52 mm. Spines as in female, except: tibia legs I-II p and r 1-d1-1; metatarsus leg I p 1bas; femur leg IV r 0-d1-d1. Abdomen length 3.85 mm, width 1.96 mm. Spiracle-epigastrium 0.77 mm, spiracle-spinnerets 1.40 mm. Color as in female. Palp: tibia slightly longer than wide, width/length 0.80. Embolus short, basal process sclerotized, with an associated membranous area extended, no folded. Embolus protruding from C1. PMA thick, sinuous with short, blunt tip; MA curved. C1 with conspicuous canal accommodating the embolus, with a large prolateral projection. author: Rubio year: 2014 title: Taxonomic revision of the American spider genus Arachosia (Araneae: Anyphaenidae) subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Gayennini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Arachosia unspecified, unspecified species name: proseni_male unspecified, unspecified morphology: Total length 7.15 mm. Carapace length 3.15 mm, width 2.73 mm. Chelicerae with three promarginal and two retromarginal teeth. ALE larger than AME. Length of tibia/metatarsus: leg I, 2.66/2.24 mm; leg II, 2.48/2.17 mm; leg III, 2.24/1.89 mm; leg IV, 2.97/3.08 mm. Spines: leg I, femur d 1-1-1, p 0-d1-1-d1, r 0-d1-d1; patella d bristles 1-1, r 1; tibia v 2-2-2, p 1-0-1, r 1-d1-1, d r1-0-1; metatarsus v 2bas. Leg II, femur d 1-1-1, p and r 0-d1-1; patella d 1-1, r 1 (bristle); tibia v 2-2-2, p and r 1-d1-1, d r1-0-1; metatarsus v 2bas. Leg III, femur d 1-1-1, p 0-d1-2, r 0-d1-d1; patella d 1-1, r 1; tibia v 2-2-2, p and r 1-d1-1, d r1-1; metatarsus v 2-0-2, p and r 1-0-1, d 1-2. Leg IV, femur d 1-1-1, p 0-d1-2, r 0-d1-d1; patella d 1-1, r 1; tibia v 2-2-2, p and r 1-d1-1, d r1-1; metatarsus v 2-2-2, p and r d1-1-1, d 0-p1-0-2. Abdomen length 4.27 mm, width 2.10 mm. Spiracle-epigastrium 1.47 mm, spiracle-spinnerets 2.05 mm. Color in ethanol: carapace yellowish brown, without bands or patterns (as in Fig. 65A). Clypeus yellow, with aligned setae on inferior edge; chelicerae yellow. Coxae, labium, endites and sternum yellow. Legs pale brown with some dark dots. Tarsus and metatarsus legs I-VI weakly scopulated. Abdomen yellowish brown, without median band on dorsal side; ventrally yellow with diffuse brown band; anterior edge of abdomen with a dense bunch of brown and white setae. Palp (Figs. 64A-B, 65D-F): tibia slightly longer than wide, width/length 0.93. Embolus short and thin, basal process sclerotized, with an associated membranous area extended, not folded. PMA short and thick, with a small pPMA; MA short and curved (Fig. 67B-C). C1 with conspicuous canal accommodating the embolus and large, bulky prolateral projection. author: Aisen year: in press title: A revision and phylogenetic analysis of the spider genus Oxysoma Nicolet (Araneae: Anyphaenidae, Amaurobioidinae) subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Gayennini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Oxysoma unspecified, unspecified species name: macrocuspis_male unspecified, unspecified morphology: Total length 7.45 mm. Carapace length 3.13 mm, width 2.60 mm, wider than in female. Tibia/metatarsus length: leg I, 5.20/3.93 mm; leg II, 3.93/3.00 mm; leg III, 2.27/2.07 mm; leg IV, 3.00/3.40 mm. Chelicerae with three teeth on promargin, two on retromargin. Sternum length 1.73 mm, width 1.30 mm. Spines: leg I, femur d 1-1-1, p (1-d1)ap, r d1ap; patella d 1-0-1ap bristle; tibia v 2-2-2, p and r 1-1, d r1-0-1-0; metatarsus v 2bas, p and r 1-0, d 0-(p1-r1)-2. Leg II, femur d 1-1-1, p and r 0-d1-d1; patella, tibia and metatarsus = leg I. Leg III, femur = leg II; patella and tibia = leg I; metatarsus v 2-p1-p1 or 2-p1-2, p and r d1-1, d 0-(p1-r1)-2. Leg IV, femur d 1-1-1, p 0-d1-d1, r d1ap; patella d 1-0-1ap bristle, r d1; tibia v 2-2-2 or 2-(p1-r1)-2, p and r 1-1, d r1-0-1-0; metatarsus v 2-p1-1 or 2-2-2, p 1-d1, r 1-v1, d 2-(p1-r1)-0 or 2-(p1-r1)-2. Legs I-III with many long hairs curved backwards, from tibia to tarsus (denser on metatarsi and tarsi, fewer on leg III). Opisthosoma length 4.20 mm, width 2.30 mm, distance epigastrium-spiracle 2.03 mm, distance spiracle-spinnerets 0.87 mm. Color in ethanol (Fig. 20): Carapace pale yellow, with one median stripe and two laterals, formed by dark brown dots, plus two light spots at the sides of the fovea. Legs pale yellow, with brown dots; dark dots on anterior face of patellae legs I-III and on bases of prolateral spines of femur legs I-III, and base of most apical prolateral spine of femur leg IV. Sternum pale yellow. Opisthosoma: Dorsum cream with cardiac area brown, dark dots at sides. Two brown stripes flanking posterior part of the cardiac area continue backwards into diffuse light patch near the end. Venter with light brown patch from epigastrium to tracheal spiracle. Palp (Fig. 22): Cymbium with six apical thick setae, arranged in two triangles (Fig. 22a). Cymbial conductor narrow. Sperm duct with one loop approximating anterior ventral margin of tegulum, less pronounced loop before entering embolus, as in O. longiventre. Embolus very thin and long, with ample membranous basal area. Median apophysis thin, hook-shaped. Primary conductor with retrolateral portion continued into proximal, thin, weakly sclerotized area; both portions covered by regularly disposed denticles, as in O. longiventre. Paramedian apophysis with large ventral cusp, connected by ridge to a rounded retrolateral cusp (Fig. 23c, e). author: Aisen year: in press title: A revision and phylogenetic analysis of the spider genus Oxysoma Nicolet (Araneae: Anyphaenidae, Amaurobioidinae) subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Gayennini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Oxysoma unspecified, unspecified species name: kuni_male unspecified, unspecified morphology: Total length 5.67 mm. Carapace length 2.53 mm, width 2.23 mm, narrower than in female. Tibia/metatarsus length: leg I, 4.60/4.47 mm; leg II, 3.80/3.53 mm; leg III, 2.27/2.07 mm; leg IV, 3.00/3.47 mm. Chelicerae with three teeth on promargin, two on retromargin. Sternum length 1.43 mm, width 1.10 mm. Spines: leg I, femur d 1-1-1, p (1-d1)ap, r d1ap; patella d 1-0-1ap bristle; tibia v 2-2-2, p 1-1, r 0-1 or 1-1, d r1-0-1; metatarsus v 2bas, p and r 1-0, d 0-p1-0-2. Leg II, femur d 1-1-1, p and r 0-d1-d1; patella = leg I; tibia v 2-2-2, p and r 1-1, d r1-0-1; metatarsus = leg I. Leg III, femur = leg II; patella d 1-0-1ap tibia v 2-2-2, p and r d1-1, d r1bas or r1-0-1; metatarsus v 2-2-2 or 2-p1-2, p and r d1-1-1, d 0-p1-0-2. Leg IV, femur d 1-1-1, p 0-d1-d1, r d1ap; patella d 1-0-1ap bristle, r d1; tibia v p1-2-2, p and r 1-1, d r1-0-1-0; metatarsus v 2-2-2, p and r d1-1, d 0-p1-0-2. Opisthosoma length 3.53 mm, width 1.63 mm, distance epigastrium-spiracle 1.43 mm, distance spiracle-spinnerets 0.53 mm. Color in ethanol (Fig. 25): Carapace pale yellow, with one median stripe and five pairs of dark brown dots at the sides (three large, two small between the large ones). Legs pale yellow, with brown dots; dark dots on bases of spines of femur legs I-IV; dots decreasing in number and density towards tarsus. Sternum pale yellow. Opisthosoma: Dorsum cream with cardiac area brown, many small dark dots at sides. Two brown stripes flanking posterior part of cardiac area continue backwards until the end. Epiandrium with W-shaped dark patch. Venter with brown patch from epigastrium to tracheal spiracle (wider than in O. macrocuspis) and dots at sides, with two central light stripes formed by yellow dots; brown triangular patch from tracheal spiracle to spinnerets. Palp (Fig. 27): Cymbial conductor narrow. Sperm duct with one loop approximating anterior ventral margin of tegulum, less pronounced loop before entering embolus, with smaller curvature radius than in O. longiventre. Embolus very thin, long, with membranous basal area. Median apophysis thin, hook-shaped. Primary conductor with retrolateral portion connected by a weakly sclerotized area to flattened prolateral portion, ending in thin tip. Paramedian apophysis with acute ventral cusp, very close and connected by ridge to C-shaped retrolateral cusp, prolateral portion of retrolateral cusp with slight depression (Fig. 29d, e). author: Aisen year: in press title: A revision and phylogenetic analysis of the spider genus Oxysoma Nicolet (Araneae: Anyphaenidae, Amaurobioidinae) subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Gayennini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Oxysoma unspecified, unspecified species name: losruiles_male unspecified, unspecified morphology: Total length 6.52 mm. Carapace length 2.70 mm, width 2.23 mm, wider than in female. Tibia/metatarsus length: leg I, 3.40/3.20 mm; leg II, 2.80/2.20 mm; leg III, 2.07/1.80 mm; leg IV, 2.40/2.60 mm. Chelicerae with three teeth on promargin, two on retromargin. Sternum length 1.40 mm, width 1.10 mm. Spines: leg I, femur d 1-1-1, p (1-d1)ap, r d1ap or 0-d1-d1 with the medial spine small; patella d 1-0-1ap bristle; tibia v 2-2-2, p and r 1-1, d r1-0-1-0; metatarsus v 2bas, p and r 1-0, d 0-p1-0-2. Leg II, femur d 1-1-1, p and r 0-d1-d1; patella = leg I, tibia and metatarsus = leg I. Leg III, femur = leg II; patella d 1-0-1ap tibia v p1-2-2, p and r d1-1, d r1-0-1-0; metatarsus v 2-0-2, p and r d1-1-1, d 0-p1-0-2. Leg IV, femur d 1-1-1, p 0-d1-d1, r d1ap; patella d 1-0-1ap bristle, r d1; tibia v p1-p1-2 or 2-2-2 with the basal spines very small, p and r d1-1, d r1-0-1-0; metatarsus v 2-2-2, p d1-1-1 or d1-1-0, r d1-1-1 or d1bas, d 0-p1-0-2 or 0-p1-0. Opisthosoma length 3.73 mm, width 2.27 mm, distance epigastrium-spiracle 1.97 mm, distance spiracle-spinnerets 0.67 mm. Color in ethanol (Fig. 31): Carapace pale yellow, with one median stripe, paler near the eyes, and three pairs of dark brown diffuse dots at the sides. Legs pale yellow, with small brown dots on femur, patella and tibiae (less marked on tibiae). Sternum pale yellow. Opisthosoma: Dorsum cream covered with many small brown dots, with cardiac area paler than the rest. Stripe with irregular borders arising after cardiac area, getting denser and darker towards the anal tubercle, which is dark brown. Venter with very few brown dots. Palp (Fig. 33): Cymbial conductor narrow. Sperm duct with an U-shaped turn towards the distal margin of tegulum, narrower than on O. longiventre, with one loop approximating anterior ventral margin of tegulum, less pronounced loop before entering embolus. Embolus very thin and long, with membranous basal area. Median apophysis thin, hook-shaped. Conductor with retrolateral portion connected by a weakly sclerotized area to a flattened prolateral portion, ending in thin tip. Paramedian apophysis with shallow ventral cusp close to base, connected by ridge to sharp retrolateral cusp; ridge is slightly larger than in O. longiventre and runs almost parallel to the dorsal margin of tegulum, while in O. longiventre the ridge cross the margin (Fig. 33d, compare with Fig. 17d). author: Ramírez year: 2003 title: The Spider Subfamily Amaurobioidinae (Araneae, Anyphaenidae): a Phylogenetic Revision at the generic level subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Amaurobioidini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Amaurobioides unspecified, unspecified species name: Maritima_male unspecified, unspecified morphology: Spines as in female, except: leg I, femur d 1-1-1, p 0-d1-d1, r d1ap; tibia v 2-2-2-2 or 6 spines on each side, irregularly paired, p 1-2-1, r 1-0-1; metatarsus v 2bas, p d1-1-0, r 1, d p1. Leg II, femur = leg I; tibia v 2-2-2, p and r 1-1-1; metatarsus v 2-r1-0, p d1-1-0, r 1. Leg III, tibia v 2-2-2, p and r 1-d1-1. Leg IV, femur = leg I; tibia = leg III, but p 0-d1-1 or 1ap; metatarsus v 2-2-2, p 0-1-1, r d1-1-1. Palp (fig. 18B-D): tibia short, width/length 0.85, RTA very long, sharp, slightly concave ventrally. Cymbium with retrolateral notch where median apophysis fits, and short basal projection, opposing tibia. Sperm duct thick, suddenly narrowed in front of tegular notch. Embolus with basal process flat, well developed. Median apophysis small, thin, apical. Paramedian apophysis with three separate cusps, apical cusp concave, placed under median apophysis, median cusp conical, heavily sclerotized, ventral cusp flattened, weakly sclerotized. Primary conductor well developed, with conspicuous canal. Secondary conductor compressed, partly fused to anterior dorsal margin of tegulum. author: Ramírez year: 2003 title: The Spider Subfamily Amaurobioidinae (Araneae, Anyphaenidae): a Phylogenetic Revision at the generic level subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Amaurobioidini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Amaurobioides unspecified, unspecified species name: Africana_male unspecified, unspecified morphology: Total length 8.25 mm. Carapace length 3.60 mm, width 2.67 mm. Length of tibia/metatarsus: leg I, 2.97/2.83 mm; leg II, 2.93/2.73 mm; leg III, 2.47/2.23 mm; leg IV, 2.50/2.30 mm. Chelicerae smaller than those of female, teeth evenly spaced. Spines as in female, except: leg I, tibia p 1-0-1. Leg II, tibia v 2-2-2, p 1-d1-1; metatarsus v 2-2-0. Leg III, tibia v 2-2-2, p and r 1-d1-1; metatarsus v 2-r1-1 or 2-2-1, p and r d1-1-1. Leg IV, femur d 1-1-1, p d1ap; metatarsus v 2-r1-1, p and r d1-1-1. Palp: tibia short, width/length 1.07, RTA long, sharp, forming subtle angle at base. Cymbium with weak apical notch where median apophysis fits, and short, rounded basal projection opposing tibia. Copulatory bulb (fig. 18G-I): sperm duct thick, suddenly narrowed in front of tegular notch. Embolus with basal process flat, thin, striated longitudinally. Median apophysis long, apical. Paramedian apophysis with flattened portion close to median apophysis, wide, sclerotized, bearing three separate cusps, and weakly sclerotized portion close to primary conductor, projecting as flattened, triangular cusp. Primary conductor with open canal, bifurcating in elongate tips; canal ending on dorsal tip. Secondary conductor compressed, partly fused to anterior dorsal margin of tegulum, its membranous apex with vaguely defined canal. author: Ramírez year: 2003 title: The Spider Subfamily Amaurobioidinae (Araneae, Anyphaenidae): a Phylogenetic Revision at the generic level subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Amaurobioidini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Axyracrus unspecified, unspecified species name: Elegans_male unspecified, unspecified morphology: Total length 5.45 mm. Carapace length 2.67 mm, width 1.70 mm. Length of tibia/metatarsus: leg I, 2.20/1.93 mm; leg II, 2.03/1.83 mm; leg III, 1.47/1.50 mm; leg IV, 1.97/1.83 mm. Chelicerae smaller than those of female, vertical. Sternum length 1.37 mm, width 0.80 mm. Spines: leg I, femur d 1-1-1, p d1ap, r d1; tibia v 2-2-2, p 1-d1-1, r 0-1; metatarsus v 2-2-0, p d1-d1-d1, r d1. Leg II, femur = leg I or p 0-d1-d1. Tibia and metatarsus = leg I. Leg III, femur d 1-1-1, p and r 0-d1-d1; tibia v 2-2-2 or p1-2-2, p and r 1-d1-1-0; metatarsus v 2-2-2, p d1-d1-1, r 0-d1-1, d 0-p1-2. Leg IV, femur d 1-1-1, p and r d1ap or p 0; tibia v 2-2-2, p 1-0-1-0, r 1-d1-1-0; metatarsus v 2-2-2, p 0-d1-1, r d1-0-1, d 0-p1-2. Abdomen length 2.67 mm, width 1.50 mm, spiracle-epigastrium 1.50 mm, spiracle-spinnerets 0.15 mm. Color as in female but more heavily contrasting, anterior legs much darker from tibia to tarsus. Palp: see generic description. author: Ramírez year: 2003 title: The Spider Subfamily Amaurobioidinae (Araneae, Anyphaenidae): a Phylogenetic Revision at the generic level subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Amaurobioidini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Aysenia unspecified, unspecified species name: Segestrioides_male unspecified, unspecified morphology: Total length 5.00 mm. Carapace length 2.40 mm, width 1.37 mm (fig. 23A). Length of tibia/metatarsus: leg I, 1.05/1.00 mm; leg II, 1.05/0.97 mm; leg III, 0.73/0.82 mm; leg IV, 1.05/1.00 mm. Chelicerae smaller than those of female. Sternum length 1.08 mm, width 0.68 mm. Spines as in female, except: leg I, tibia v r1-r1-2 or r1-r1-p1, p d1-0-d1-0; metatarsus v 2-2-0, p 0-1-d1, d p1. Leg II, tibia v r1-r1-2; metatarsus v 2bas, p 0-1-d1. Leg III, tibia p d1 or d1-d1-0. Leg IV, metatarsus p 0-1-1. Abdomen length 2.60 mm, width 1.30 mm, spiracle-epigastrium 1.20 mm, spiracle-spinnerets 0.23 mm. Color as in female. Palp (fig. 23B, C): tibia short, width/length 0.93, RTA sharp, long. Cymbial conductor wide. Copulatory bulb extremely modified, distal region occupying ventral face, primary conductor covering tegulum. Sperm duct with two conspicuous loops at anterior dorsal margin, one at base of secondary conductor. Embolus very long, thin, basal process rounded. Median apophysis apical, hooked, tip pointing basally and retrolaterally. Primary conductor huge, crescent-shaped, projecting at both ends; canal area covered by thin projections. Secondary conductor flattened, partly fused to anterior margin of tegulum, without canal. Paramedian apophysis with three cusps, two heavily sclerotized, close to median apophysis, third one less sclerotized, flattened, close to primary conductor. author: Ramírez year: 2003 title: The Spider Subfamily Amaurobioidinae (Araneae, Anyphaenidae): a Phylogenetic Revision at the generic level subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Amaurobioidini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Aysenia unspecified, unspecified species name: Cylindrica_male unspecified, unspecified morphology: Total length 4.00 mm. Carapace length 1.47 mm, width 0.87 mm, wider at leg II. Length of tibia/metatarsus: leg I, 0.96/0.74 mm; leg II, 0.72/0.68 mm; leg III, 0.44/0.51 mm; leg IV, 0.77/0.61 mm. Chelicerae slightly smaller than those of female. Sternum length 0.77 mm, width 0.49 mm. Spines as in female, except: leg II, metatarsus v 2-2. Leg III, tibia v 2ap, p d1bas or 0, metatarsus p 0-d1-1. Leg IV, tibia v 0-p1-p1 or 0-(p1-r1)-p1, r d1-d1-d1; metatarsus p 0-d1-1. Abdomen length 2.17 mm, width 0.73 mm, spiracle-epigastrium 1.30 mm, spiracle-spinnerets 0.10 mm. Color (fig. 24A) as in female. Palp (fig. 24B, C): tibia short, width/length 0.93, RTA sharp, long. Cymbium relatively small, globose, cymbial conductor wide. Tegulum basal. Embolus with basal process flat, short, wide. Median apophysis apical, hook-shaped. Primary conductor heavily sclerotized, with sharp apex. Secondary conductor with short apical tip. Paramedian apophysis heavily sclerotized, forming longitudinal shallow ridge. author: Ramírez year: 2003 title: The Spider Subfamily Amaurobioidinae (Araneae, Anyphaenidae): a Phylogenetic Revision at the generic level subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Amaurobioidini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Aysenia unspecified, unspecified species name: Araucana_male unspecified, unspecified morphology: Total length ca. 4.25 mm. Carapace length 1.73 mm, width 1.07 mm. Length of tibia/metatarsus: leg I, 1.27/1.20 mm; leg II, 1.10/1.07 mm; leg III, 0.60/0.83 mm; leg IV, 1.10/0.90 mm. Chelicerae slightly smaller than those of female, with three teeth on retromargin. Sternum length 0.88 mm, width 0.64 mm. Spines as in female, except: leg I, tibia r 1-0-1-0; metatarsus v 2-2-0, r 1. Leg II, metatarsus v 2-2-0 or 2-2-1, p 0-1-0-1, r 1. Leg III, tibia v 2ap, p d1-1-0. Abdomen (deformed) length ca. 2.50 mm, spiracle-epigastrium 1.40 mm, spiracle-spinnerets 0.27 mm. Color as in female, except legs I and II pale gray from tibiae. Abdomen brownish violet, with whitish dorsal spots, two anteriors, two medians larger, two posteriors covered by whitish hairs. Sternum, labium, and endites dark. Palp (fig. 25A, B): tibia short, width/length 1.08, RTA sharp, long. Cymbial conductor large, triangular. Copulatory bulb greatly modified, distal region occupying ventral face. Tegulum basal. Sperm duct with two conspicuous loops at dorsal anterior margin. Embolus very long, basal process flat, rounded. Median apophysis apical, hook-shaped. Primary conductor with narrow apex. Secondary conductor with short apical tip. Paramedian apophysis with two heavily sclerotized cusps, close to median apophysis. author: Ramírez year: 2003 title: The Spider Subfamily Amaurobioidinae (Araneae, Anyphaenidae): a Phylogenetic Revision at the generic level subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Amaurobioidini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Aysenoides unspecified, unspecified species name: Terricola_male unspecified, unspecified morphology: Total length 4.00 mm. Carapace length 1.87 mm, width 1.07 mm. Length of tibia/metatarsus: leg I, 1.63/1.47 mm; leg II, 1.13/1.17 mm; leg III, 0.73/0.87 mm; leg IV, 1.23/1.03 mm. Chelicerae smaller than those of female. Sternum length 0.98 mm, width 0.64 mm. Spines as in female, except: leg I, tibia v 2-2-2, p 1-0-1-0. Leg II, tibia p 1-d1-1-0; metatarsus v 2-2-0, p d1. Leg III, tibia v 0-p1-r1; metatarsus v 2-2-2 or 2-r1-2. Leg IV, femur r d1ap; tibia v p1-2-2 or p1-p1-2, r 1-d1-1-0; metatarsus p 0-d1-1, r d1-d1-1. Abdomen length 2.13 mm, width 0.97 mm, spiracle-epigastrium 1.10 mm, spiracle-spinnerets 0.11 mm. Color as in female. Palp (fig. 27B, C): tibia width/length 0.58, RTA long, sharp. Cymbium relatively small, globose, cymbial conductor wide. Tegulum basal. Sperm duct with two conspicuous loops at dorsal anterior margin, one at base of secondary conductor. Embolus with basal process long, narrow. Median apophysis retrolateral, long, sinuous. Primary conductor with basal portion hyaline, without canal, not fitted to embolus; apical portion long, heavily sclerotized, with long canal, connected to basal portion by thin translucent vertical lamina. Secondary conductor triangular, with acute apex and membranous ventral area. Paramedian apophysis apparently with two cusps, one retrolateral, triangular, flat, another ventral, on primary conductor, long, narrow. author: Ramírez year: 2003 title: The Spider Subfamily Amaurobioidinae (Araneae, Anyphaenidae): a Phylogenetic Revision at the generic level subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Amaurobioidini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Aysenoides unspecified, unspecified species name: Colecole_male unspecified, unspecified morphology: Total length 5.45 mm. Carapace length 2.13 mm, width 1.15 mm. Length of tibia/metatarsus: leg I, 2.00/1.80 mm; leg II, 1.30/1.23 mm; leg III, 0.64/0.82 mm; leg IV, 1.27/1.13 mm. Chelicerae slightly narrower than those of female, with more evenly spaced teeth. Sternum length 1.09 mm, width 0.61 mm. Spines as in female, except: leg I, p 1-d1-1-0; metatarsus p d1-0 or 0-d1-0-1. Leg II, tibia p 1-d1-1-0, v r1-2-2; metatarsus p d1-d1-0-d1. Leg III, femur r 0-d1-d1; tibia v 0-r1-2 or 0-p1-2, r 1-d1-1-0; metatarsus v 2-0-2, p d1-d1-1, r 0-d1-1. Leg IV, femur r d1ap or 0; tibia v p1-2-2, r 1-d1-1-0. Abdomen length 3.27 mm, width 0.93 mm, spiracle-epigastrium 1.97 mm, spiracle-spinnerets 0.13 mm. Color as in female, with abdominal stripes darker, except median stripe, diffuse. Palp (figs. 26, 28A-C): tibia width/length 0.77, RTA very long, thin. Cymbium relatively small, globose, cymbial conductor wide. Tegulum basal. Sperm duct with two conspicuous loops at dorsal anterior margin, one at base of secondary conductor. Embolus with basal process long, narrow (fig. 26B). Median apophysis retrolateral, long, sinuous. Primary conductor with basal portion hyaline, without canal, not fitted to embolus (fig. 26A); apical portion long, heavily sclerotized, with long canal, connected to basal portion by thin translucent vertical lamina. Secondary conductor triangular, pointed, with ventral membranous area and dorsal patch of denticles (fig. 26C, D). Paramedian apophysis apparently with two cusps, one retrolateral, conical, curved, heavily sclerotized, another ventral, on primary conductor, narrow, small. author: Ramírez year: 2003 title: The Spider Subfamily Amaurobioidinae (Araneae, Anyphaenidae): a Phylogenetic Revision at the generic level subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Amaurobioidini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Aysenoides unspecified, unspecified species name: Parvus_male unspecified, unspecified morphology: Total length 3.99 mm. Carapace length 1.83 mm, width 1.17 mm. Length of tibia/metatarsus: leg I, 1.50/1.27 mm; leg II, 1.27/1.10 mm; leg III, 0.78/0.88 mm; leg IV, 1.23/1.10 mm. Chelicerae slightly narower than those of female. Sternum length 0.96 mm, width 0.68 mm. Spines as in female (but weaker), except: leg I, tibia p d1-1. Leg II, tibia v r1-2-2, p d1-1; metatarsus p d1-0. Leg III, tibia v p1-2-2 or p1-p1-2, p and r d1-1. Leg IV, tibia r d1-1; metatarsus p 0-d1-1, d 2ap. Abdomen (slightly bowed) length 2.07 mm, spiracle-epigastrium 1.11 mm, spiracle-spinnerets 0.13 mm. Color as in female, but abdominal pattern more heavily contrasting. Palp (figs. 29B-D, 30A, B): tibia width/length 0.70, RTA long, narrow. Cymbium relatively small, globose, cymbial conductor wide. Sperm duct with pronounced loop at dorsal anterior margin, secondary conductor absent. Embolus with basal process acute but greatly reduced (fig. 29D). Other apical sclerites crowded at bulb apex, small, difficult to observe. Median apophysis apical, triangular, hyaline. Primary conductor with basal portion short, with canal; apical portion curved, conical, without canal. Paramedian apophysis apparently with two flattened triangular cusps. author: Ramírez year: 2003 title: The Spider Subfamily Amaurobioidinae (Araneae, Anyphaenidae): a Phylogenetic Revision at the generic level subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Amaurobioidini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Coptoprepes unspecified, unspecified species name: Flavopilosus_male unspecified, unspecified morphology: Total length 4.40 mm. Carapace length 2.20 mm, width 1.50 mm (fig. 36A, B). Length of tibia/metatarsus: leg I, 1.33/1.27 mm; leg II, 1.17/1.17 mm; leg III, 0.96/1.23 mm; leg IV, 1.40/1.70 mm. Chelicerae slightly smaller than those of female, with 6 denticles on retromargin (fig. 36C). Sternum length 1.17 mm, width 0.83 mm. Spines as in female, except: leg I, tibia v 0-2-2. Leg II, tibia v r1-r1-2, p 0-1. Leg III, tibia p and r 1-d1-1-0. Leg IV, tibia v 2-2-2. Abdomen length 2.33 mm, width 1.30 mm, spiracle-epigastrium 1.20 mm, spiracle-spinnerets 0.20 mm. Color as in female. Palp (figs. 36F, G, 37): femur short, laterally compressed. Tibia very short, width/length 1.33, RTA flattened, tip concave dorsally. Cymbium relatively large, with apical retrolateral notch where median apophysis fits, cymbial conductor wide. Tegulum basal. Sperm duct with loop at dorsal anterior margin, close to base of secondary conductor (fig. 37B). Embolus with basal process ample, flattened, rounded. Median apophysis apical, wide, with apical projection long, curved. Primary conductor hyaline, tip simple. Secondary conductor well developed, apex acute, partially separate from tegulum by ventral membranous area. Paramedian apophysis with one triangular cusp, flattened, close to base of median apophysis; rounded, ventral protuberance, may also be part of paramedian apophysis. author: Ramírez year: 2003 title: The Spider Subfamily Amaurobioidinae (Araneae, Anyphaenidae): a Phylogenetic Revision at the generic level subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Amaurobioidini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Coptoprepes unspecified, unspecified species name: Nahuelbuta_male unspecified, unspecified morphology: Total length 4.12 mm. Carapace length 1.90 mm, width 1.37 mm. Length of tibia/metatarsus: leg I, 1.23/1.09 mm; leg II, 1.04/0.99 mm; leg III, 0.81/1.00 mm; leg IV, 1.17/1.47 mm. Chelicerae smaller than those of female. Sternum length 1.06 mm, width 0.78 mm. Spines as in female, except: leg I, tibia v 2-2-2. Leg II, tibia p 0-1. Abdomen (badly preserved) length ca. 2.00 mm. Color as in female. Palp (fig. 38A-D): femur short; tibia very short, width/length 1.39, RTA long, flattened, distally bent dorsally. Cymbium relatively large, with deep apical retrolateral notch where median apophysis and secondary conductor fit; cymbial conductor wide. Tegulum basal. Sperm duct with pronounced loop at dorsal anterior margin, between secondary conductor and median apophysis. Embolus with basal process ample, flattened, rounded. Median apophysis apical, sinuous, forming right angle, apex very thin. Primary conductor with deep canal, apical portion projecting as straight, heavily sclerotized prong, where canal ends. Secondary conductor conspicuous, heavily sclerotized, almost totally surrounded by membranous area (fig. 38B). Paramedian apophysis absent, or represented only by a longitudinal ridge close to base of median apophysis; rounded, ventral protuberance, may also be part of paramedian apophysis. author: Ramírez year: 2003 title: The Spider Subfamily Amaurobioidinae (Araneae, Anyphaenidae): a Phylogenetic Revision at the generic level subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Amaurobioidini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Coptoprepes unspecified, unspecified species name: Campanensis_male unspecified, unspecified morphology: Total length 3.00 mm. Carapace length 1.43 mm, width 0.97 mm. Length of tibia/metatarsus: leg I, 1.11/1.01 mm; leg II, 0.96/0.93 mm; leg III, 0.73/0.90 mm; leg IV, 1.11/1.37 mm. Chelicerae slightly narrower than those of female. Sternum length 0.83 mm, width 0.67 mm. Spines as in female, except: leg I, tibia v 2-2-2. Leg II, tibia v r1-r1-2. Leg IV, patella r 1. Abdomen length 1.60 mm, width 0.91 mm, spiracle-epigastrium 0.80 mm, spiracle-spinnerets 0.18 mm. Color as in female, but darker carapace, with paler central strip. Palp (figs. 39, 41A, B): femur short; tibia short, as wide as long, RTA absent. Cymbium relatively large, flattened, with deep apical retrolateral notch where median apophysis and secondary conductor fit; cymbial conductor wide. Tegulum basal. Sperm duct with pronounced loop at base of secondary conductor. Embolus with basal process ample, flattened, rounded. Median apophysis apical, large, heavily sclerotized, bifid, apical projection forming right angle (fig. 39B-D). Primary conductor huge, canal deep (fig. 39A-C), tip simple. Secondary conductor triangular (fig. 39B). Additional projection of tegulum near tip of primary conductor. Paramedian apophysis absent. author: Ramírez year: 2003 title: The Spider Subfamily Amaurobioidinae (Araneae, Anyphaenidae): a Phylogenetic Revision at the generic level subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Amaurobioidini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Coptoprepes unspecified, unspecified species name: Valdiviensis_male unspecified, unspecified morphology: Total length 4.12 mm. Carapace length 1.90 mm, width 1.27 mm. Length of tibia/metatarsus: leg I, 1.33/1.10 mm; leg II, 1.02/0.93 mm; leg III, 0.86/1.00 mm; leg IV, 1.23/1.47 mm. Chelicerae slightly narrower than those of female. Sternum length 1.00 mm, width 0.81 mm. Spines as in female, except: leg I, tibia v 2-2-2. Leg II, tibia p 0-1. Abdomen length 2.13 mm, width 1.17 mm, spiracle-epigastrium 0.37 mm, spiracle-spinnerets 0.16 mm. Color as in female. Palp (fig. 42A-C): femur short, flattened. Tibia short, width/length 1.06, RTA sharp, slender. Cymbium relatively large, with apical retrolateral notch where median apophysis fits; retrolateral margin basally extended into thin lamina; cymbial conductor wide. Tegulum basal/retrolateral. Sperm duct with pronounced loop at dorsal anterior margin, close to secondary conductor (fig. 42C). Embolus with basal process ample, flattened, rounded. Median apophysis apical, well developed, bifid, long, narrow projection forming straight angle, another projection long, thick, directed apically. Primary conductor with canal. Secondary conductor triangular with acute apex, with ventral membranous area, fused to anterior dorsal margin of tegulum. Paramedian apophysis reduced to sclerotized piece at base of median apophysis, slightly elevated in rounded mound. author: Ramírez year: 2003 title: The Spider Subfamily Amaurobioidinae (Araneae, Anyphaenidae): a Phylogenetic Revision at the generic level subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Amaurobioidini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Gamakia unspecified, unspecified species name: Hirsuta_male unspecified, unspecified morphology: Total length 4.79 mm. Carapace length 2.27 mm, width 1.50 mm. Length of tibia/metatarsus: leg I, 1.87/1.69 mm; leg II, 1.70/1.60 mm; leg III, 1.57/1.48 mm; leg IV, 1.67/2.03 mm. Chelicerae long, narrow, and vertical, anterior face with short, thick hairs; promargin with 7 teeth grouped at base, forming short, sinuous line, basals slightly smaller; fang long, sinuous. Endites with external angle prominent. Sternum length 1.10 mm, width 0.87 mm. Spines as in female, except: leg I, femur r 0-d1-d1; tibia v 2-2-2, p and r 1-d1-1-0; metatarsus v 2-0-2-0, p and r d1-0, d 2ap. Leg II, femur p and r 0-d1-2; tibia = leg I; metatarsus = leg I, but p d1-d1-0-0. Leg III, tibia v p1-2-2; metatarsus v 2-0-2. Leg IV, femur r 0-d1-d1; tibia v 2-2-2; metatarsus v 2-2-2. Abdomen length 2.50 mm, width 1.43 mm, spiracle-epigastrium 1.37 mm, spiracle-spinnerets 0.25 mm. Color as in female but darker in general, abdomen with denser pattern. Palp: see generic description. author: Ramírez year: 2003 title: The Spider Subfamily Amaurobioidinae (Araneae, Anyphaenidae): a Phylogenetic Revision at the generic level subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Amaurobioidini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Negayan unspecified, unspecified species name: Tridentata_male unspecified, unspecified morphology: Total length 3.59 mm. Carapace length 1.67 mm, width 1.30 mm, relatively wider than in female, but narrowed anteriorly. Length of tibia/metatarsus: leg I, 1.18/1.02 mm; leg II, 1.03/0.95 mm; leg III, 0.90/0.97 mm; leg IV, 1.30/1.48 mm. Chelicerae slightly smaller than those of female, with three teeth on retromargin, apical one smaller. Sternum length 0.97 mm, width 0.77 mm. Spines as in female, except: leg I, tibia v 2-2-2, p 0-1. Leg II, tibia = leg I. Leg III, tibia v p1-2-2, p and r 1-d1-1-0. Abdomen length 2.03 mm, width 1.17 mm, spiracle-epigastrium 1.12 mm, spiracle-spinnerets 0.50 mm. Color as in female. Palp (fig. 48F-H): RTA with narrow, sinuous tip. Median apophysis triangular, hyaline. Apical portion of primary conductor bifid, with thick curved tip where canal ends, and ventral prolateral elongate projection (fig. 48H). Paramedian apophysis with two triangular, flattened cusps, retrolateral cusp longer, curved, heavily sclerotized, ventral cusp close to base of primary conductor, weakly sclerotized. author: Ramírez year: 2003 title: The Spider Subfamily Amaurobioidinae (Araneae, Anyphaenidae): a Phylogenetic Revision at the generic level subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Amaurobioidini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Negayan unspecified, unspecified species name: Paduana_male unspecified, unspecified morphology: Total length 5.05 mm. Carapace length 2.67 mm, width 1.70 mm. Length of tibia/metatarsus: leg I, 1.87/1.77 mm; leg II, 1.80/1.70 mm; leg III, 1.07/1.63 mm; leg IV, 1.97/2.33 mm. Chelicerae slightly smaller than those of female. Sternum length 1.47 mm, width 1.00 mm. Spines as in female, except: leg I, femur r d1; tibia p 1-d1-1-0, r 1-0-1-0; metatarsus p 1. Leg II, femur r 0-d1-d1; tibia and metatarsus = leg I. Leg III, femur r 0-d1-d1; tibia v 2-2-2, p and r 1-d1-1-0; metatarsus d 0-p1-2. Leg IV, femur p 0-d1-d1. Abdomen length 2.67 mm, width 1.40 mm, spiracle-epigastrium 1.28 mm, spiracle-spinnerets 0.25 mm. Color as in female. Palp (fig. 50): RTA with apical constriction. Median apophysis hyaline, hook-shaped. Sperm duct wide, suddenly narrowed before reaching embolar base (fig. 50D). Apical portion of primary conductor with only one apical cusp, longitudinally striated, where canal ends. Paramedian apophysis with two cusps, retrolateral cusp heavily sclerotized, short, curved, ventral cusp close to base of primary conductor, rounded, flat, weakly sclerotized. author: Ramírez year: 2003 title: The Spider Subfamily Amaurobioidinae (Araneae, Anyphaenidae): a Phylogenetic Revision at the generic level subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Amaurobioidini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Negayan unspecified, unspecified species name: Coccinea_male unspecified, unspecified morphology: Total length 2.67 mm. Carapace length 1.20 mm, width 0.88 mm. Length of tibia/metatarsus: leg I, 0.80/0.68 mm; leg II, 0.72/0.67 mm; leg III, 0.58/0.67 mm; leg IV, 0.95/1.07 mm. Chelicerae smaller than those of female, with five teeth on retromargin. Sternum length 0.68 mm, width 0.58 mm. Spines as in female. Abdomen length 1.50 mm, width 0.80 mm, spiracle-epigastrium 0.63 mm, spiracle-spinnerets 0.13 mm. Color as in female, but wider dark bands on carapace, median pale band narrowing between eyes and thoracic groove. Anterior pale patches on abdomen extending in lateral oblique lines of pale dots. Palp (figs. 47, 51A, B): RTA with flattened tip, only slightly widened. Tegulum with ventral conical protuberance at end of tegular notch (fig. 47A). Median apophysis absent. Apical portion of primary conductor bifid, with thick tip where canal ends, and ventral/prolateral elongate projection (fig. 47C). Paramedian apophysis with two cusps connected by ridge, retrolateral cusp longer, curved, heavily sclerotized, ventral cusp close to base of primary conductor, weakly sclerotized. Base of primary conductor projecting anteriorly in globose lobe, weakly sclerotized, close to secondary conductor (fig. 47C). author: Ramírez year: 2003 title: The Spider Subfamily Amaurobioidinae (Araneae, Anyphaenidae): a Phylogenetic Revision at the generic level subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Amaurobioidini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Selknamia unspecified, unspecified species name: Minima_male unspecified, unspecified morphology: Total length 3.17 mm. Carapace slightly narrower in front than that of female, length 1.37 mm, width 0.95 mm. Length of tibia/metatarsus: leg I, 0.82/0.67 mm; leg II, 0.68/0.62 mm; leg III, 0.55/0.67 mm; leg IV, apparently regenerated. Chelicerae slightly narrower than those of female. Sternum length 0.75 mm, width 0.63 mm. Spines as in female, except: leg II, femur d 1-1-1 bristles; tibia p 0-1; metatarsus p 0-1. Leg III, femur p 0; tibia p d1-1, v p1-p1-2; metatarsus v 2-2-comb or 2-p1-comb. Leg IV, badly developed, apparently regenerated, with reduced spination. Abdomen length 1.60 mm, width 0.90 mm, spiracle-epigastrium 0.82 mm, spiracle-spinnerets 0.27 mm. Color: carapace grayish brown, legs paler. Sternum and mouthparts brown, darker than coxae. Abdomen grayish brown, dorsum yellow, dark grayish on cardiac area and several dark diffuse chevrons up to posterior end. Palp: see generic description. author: Ramírez year: 2003 title: The Spider Subfamily Amaurobioidinae (Araneae, Anyphaenidae): a Phylogenetic Revision at the generic level subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Amaurobioidini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Josa unspecified, unspecified species name: Lutea_male unspecified, unspecified morphology: Unknown. author: Ramírez year: 2003 title: The Spider Subfamily Amaurobioidinae (Araneae, Anyphaenidae): a Phylogenetic Revision at the generic level subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Amaurobioidini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Josa unspecified, unspecified species name: Riveti_male unspecified, unspecified morphology: Total length 8.40 mm. Carapace length 3.99 mm, width 2.87 mm. Length of tibia/metatarsus: leg I, 2.57/2.13 mm; leg II, 2.50/2.07 mm; leg III, 2.07/2.17 mm; leg IV, 2.83/3.17 mm. Chelicerae narrower than those of female. Sternum length 2.00 mm, width 1.47 mm. Spines as in female, except: leg I, femur r 0 or d1 or 0-d1-d1; tibia v 2-2-2, p 1-d1-1-0, r 1-0-1-0 or 1-0; metatarsus p 0 or d1. Leg II, femur p 0-d1-d1 or 0-d1-2, r d1 or 0-d1-d1; tibia v 2-2-2, p 1-d1-1-0, r 1-0-1-0; metatarsus p = leg I. Abdomen length 4.66 mm, width 2.28 mm, spiracle-epigastrium 1.63 mm, spiracle-spinnerets 0.94 mm. Color as in female, often darker, more heavily contrasting. Copulatory bulb (fig. 56A-E): median apophysis wide, with two tips, apical tip with ventral canal. Secondary conductor bifid just at apex. Paramedian apophysis heavily sclerotized, with one rounded cusp with sharp border, fused to tegulum and primary conductor. Embolus very long, apex describing complete loop between bulb and cymbium. author: Ramírez year: 2003 title: The Spider Subfamily Amaurobioidinae (Araneae, Anyphaenidae): a Phylogenetic Revision at the generic level subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Amaurobioidini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Josa unspecified, unspecified species name: Personata_male unspecified, unspecified morphology: Unknown. author: Ramírez year: 2003 title: The Spider Subfamily Amaurobioidinae (Araneae, Anyphaenidae): a Phylogenetic Revision at the generic level subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Amaurobioidini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Josa unspecified, unspecified species name: Calilegua_male unspecified, unspecified morphology: Total length 4.90 mm. Carapace length 2.37 mm, width 1.93 mm. Length of tibia/metatarsus: leg I, 1.93/1.77 mm; leg II, 1.90/1.83 mm; leg III, 1.53/1.53 mm; leg IV, 1.77/2.00 mm. Chelicerae small, vertical. Sternum length 1.30 mm, width 0.93 mm. Spines as in female, except: leg I, tibia v 2-2-2, p and r 1-d1-1-0, d r1-0-1; metatarsus v 2-2-0, p and r d1. Leg II, tibia and metatarsus = leg I. Leg III, tibia = leg I. Leg IV, tibia = leg I. Abdomen reduced by starving, length 2.50 mm, width 1.10 mm, spiracle-epigastrium 0.83 mm, spiracle-spinnerets 0.57 mm. Color as in female, but with small brownish violet spot above anal tubercle. Copulatory bulb (figs. 54A, B, 58A, B): median apophysis wide, apical tip narrow, basal tip represented only by ridge. Secondary conductor bifid apically, one tip blunt, another long, acute. Paramedian apophysis sclerotized, with short, bifid cusp, fused to tegulum, partially separated from conductor base by small membranous area. Embolus very long, apex describing complete loop between bulb and cymbium. author: Ramírez year: 2003 title: The Spider Subfamily Amaurobioidinae (Araneae, Anyphaenidae): a Phylogenetic Revision at the generic level subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Amaurobioidini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Josa unspecified, unspecified species name: Nigrifrons_male unspecified, unspecified morphology: Total length 4.73 mm. Carapace length 2.28 mm, width 1.84 mm. Length of tibia/metatarsus: leg I, 1.55/1.35 mm; leg II, 1.48/1.32 mm; leg III, 1.12/1.10 mm; leg IV, 1.50/1.55 mm. Chelicerae slightly narrower than those of female. Spines as in female, except: leg I, femur p d1ap or 2ap, r 0-d1-d1; tibia p and r 1-d1-1-0; metatarsus v 2-2-0. Leg II, femur p and r 0-d1-d1; tibia p and r 1-d1-1-0, v r1-2-2; metatarsus v 2-2-0, p d1, r d1 or 0. Leg III, femur = leg II; tibia v p1-2-2, r 1-d1-1-0, d r1-0-1; metatarsus d 0-2-2. Leg IV, femur = leg II; tibia = leg III; metatarsus v 2-p1-2, d 0-2-2. Abdomen length 2.45 mm, width 1.43 mm, spiracle-epigastrium 0.86 mm, spiracle-spinnerets 0.61 mm. Color: similar to female, lateral band on carapace sharper, band on venter narrower, extending anterior of spiracle to spinnerets. Palp (fig. 60): median apophysis large, concave. Secondary conductor very complex, one acute tip bearing canal, other tip bifid, much more developed, plus additional cusp on base. Paramedian apophysis absent, apparently reduced to shallow ridge parallel to tegular margin. Embolus very long, apex describing complete loop between bulb and cymbium. author: Ramírez year: 2003 title: The Spider Subfamily Amaurobioidinae (Araneae, Anyphaenidae): a Phylogenetic Revision at the generic level subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Gayennini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Gayenoides unspecified, unspecified species name: Molles_male unspecified, unspecified morphology: Total length 7.60 mm. Carapace length 3.75 mm, width 2.80 mm. Length of tibia/metatarsus: leg I, 3.85/3.35 mm; leg II, 3.13/2.90 mm; leg III, 2.30/2.50 mm; leg IV, 3.17/3.53 mm. Sternum length 2.00 mm, width 1.57 mm. Chelicerae longer than those of female, median promarginal tooth quite larger, closer to apical tooth. Spines as in female, except: leg II, metatarsus p 1-0. Leg III, tibia v p1-2-2 or p1-p1-2. Abdomen length 4.40 mm, width 2.00 mm, spiracle-epigastrium 1.57 mm, spiracle-spinnerets 0.60 mm. Color as in female (fig. 64B). Palp (fig. 65B-E): tibia long, width/length 0.55, cymbium with conspicuous notch at retrolateral basal margin. Copulatory bulb: paramedian apophysis with blunt cusp, two ridges at sides. author: Ramírez year: 2003 title: The Spider Subfamily Amaurobioidinae (Araneae, Anyphaenidae): a Phylogenetic Revision at the generic level subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Gayennini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Gayenoides unspecified, unspecified species name: Losvilos_male unspecified, unspecified morphology: Total length 11.15 mm. Carapace length 4.50 mm, width 3.50 mm. Length of tibia/metatarsus: leg I, 4.52/4.00 mm; leg II, 3.86/3.30 mm; leg III, 2.83/3.00 mm; leg IV, regenerated. Chelicerae longer than those of female, median promarginal tooth quite larger, closer to apical tooth. Sternum length 2.87 mm, width 1.83 mm. Spines as in female, except: leg II, femur p 0-p1-2; tibia v 0-2-2. Leg III, tibia v p1-p1-2 or p1-2-2. Leg IV, right absent, left regenerated, with abnormal spines. Abdomen length 6.12 mm, width 3.33 mm, spiracle-epigastrium 2.90 mm, spiracle-spinnerets 1.07 mm. Color as in female. Palp (fig. 66A-E): tibia long, width/length 0.48, cymbium with conspicuous notch at retrolateral basal margin, slightly advanced compared to that of G. molles. Copulatory bulb: embolus with basal process conspicuous (fig. 66C). Paramedian apophysis with retrolateral cusp squared, prolateral cusp with ventral peak. Primary conductor low, triangular. author: Ramírez year: 2003 title: The Spider Subfamily Amaurobioidinae (Araneae, Anyphaenidae): a Phylogenetic Revision at the generic level subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Gayennini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Arachosia unspecified, unspecified species name: Praesignis_male unspecified, unspecified morphology: Total length 2.70 mm. Carapace wide, globose, with thoracic groove depressed, length 2.80 mm, width 2.33 mm. Length of tibia/metatarsus: leg I, 2.17/1.93 mm; leg II, 2.03/1.83 mm; leg III, 1.60/1.47 mm; leg IV, 2.03/2.13 mm. Chelicerae small, narrow. Sternum length 1.38 mm, width 1.08 mm. Spines as in female, except: leg I, tibia p and r 1-d1-1-0, d r1-0-1-0; metatarsus p and r (d1-1)bas, d 0-p1-0-2. Leg II = leg I. Leg III, tibia = leg I, but v p1-2-2; metatarsus v 2-2-2. Leg IV, femur = leg I; tibia and metatarsus = leg III. Abdomen length 3.00 mm, width 1.73 mm, spiracle-epigastrium 1.27 mm, spiracle-spinnerets 0.77 mm. Color: carapace brown with three dark brown longitudinal stripes, one median, one on each margin, ocular area black, with median longitudinal brown spot. Clipeum with two dark stripes diverging toward chelicerae, and white triangle in between. Legs grayish with dark brown longitudinal lines, spots. Chelicerae with anterior internal dark spot, extending up to two-thirds of their length. Coxae, endites, and sternum yellow, labium brown. Abdomen yellow, with brownish violet pattern on sides, cardiac area, dorsoventral muscle insertions, plus several chevrons on posterior half, ending in spot above anal tubercle. Venter pale, with diffuse dark band from spiracle to spinnerets. Palp (figs. 71A, B, 72): tibia short, as long as wide, cymbium globose. Embolus thin, basal process flattened, weakly sclerotized, associated membranous area extended, folded. Paramedian apophysis simple, straight, parallel to median apophysis. Primary conductor absent. Secondary conductor large, striated obliquely, fused to anterior margin of tegulum; canal conspicuous, arising at base of paramedian apophysis. author: Ramírez year: 2003 title: The Spider Subfamily Amaurobioidinae (Araneae, Anyphaenidae): a Phylogenetic Revision at the generic level subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Gayennini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Arachosia unspecified, unspecified species name: Honesta_male unspecified, unspecified morphology: Total length 6.90 mm. Carapace globose, thoracic groove on depressed area, length 3.27 mm, width 2.70 mm. Length of tibia/metatarsus: leg I, 2.30/2.07 mm; leg II, 2.30/2.03 mm; leg III, missing; leg IV, 2.43/2.60 mm. Chelicerae slightly narrower than those of female. Sternum length 1.63 mm, width 1.27 mm. Spines as in female, except: leg I, femur d 1-1-1, p 0-d1-2, r 0-d1-d1; patella r d1, d 1-0-1; tibia v 2-2-2, p and r 1-d1-1-0, d r1-0-1-0; metatarsus v 2bas, p and r d1-1-0, d 0-p1-2. Leg II, femur = leg I or r 0-d1-2; patella, tibia and metatarsus = leg I. Leg III absent. Leg IV, femur, patella, and tibia = leg I; metatarsus v 2-2-2, p and r d1-1-1, d 0-p1-2. Abdomen length 3.59 mm, width 2.13 mm, spiracle-epigastrium 0.87 mm, spiracle-spinnerets 1.33 mm. Color: carapace brown with dark brown stripes (fig. 74A). Legs grayish, almost totally covered by brownish violet pattern. Abdomen brownish violet, dorsum yellow with median band brownish violet. Palps pale gray from femur to tibia, endites, labium, and sternum brownish violet, sternum with median cream patch. Chelicerae dark, with oblique dark band and pale apical internal area. Palp (fig. 74B-D): tibia short, width/length 0.88, cymbium globose. Embolus thin, basal process flattened, weakly sclerotized, associated membranous area ample, folded. Median apophysis short. Paramedian apophysis very short, apex close to tip of median apophysis. Secondary conductor large, striated obliquely, fused to anterior margin of tegulum, with conspicuous canal, arising at base of paramedian apophysis; prolateral portion with conspicuous finger-shaped apophysis (fig. 74D). Primary conductor absent. author: Ramírez year: 2003 title: The Spider Subfamily Amaurobioidinae (Araneae, Anyphaenidae): a Phylogenetic Revision at the generic level subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Gayennini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Arachosia unspecified, unspecified species name: Bergi_male unspecified, unspecified morphology: Carapace length 3.80 mm, width 2.97 mm. Ocular diameters: AME 0.14 mm, ALE 0.19 mm, PME 0.15 mm, PLE 0.15 mm. Chelicerae slightly smaller than those of female. Length of tibia/metatarsus: leg I, 3.17/3.10 mm; leg II, 2.83/2.77 mm; leg III, 2.27/2.10 mm; leg IV, 3.33/3.40 mm. Spines as in female, except: leg I, femur r 0-d1-d1; tibia d r1-1; metatarsus p and r d1-1-0-0, d p1-0. Leg II, tibia and metatarsus = leg I. Leg III, patella d 1-0-1; tibia = leg I. Leg IV, femur p d2ap; patella d 1-0-1; tibia = leg I. Metatarsus leg III with scopula. Abdomen length 5.00 mm, width 1.50 mm. Anterior spinnerets with thick setae. Spiracle-epigastrium 1.50 mm, spiracle-spinnerets 1.87 mm. Color (fig. 67B): pale brown, legs darkening distally, with small darker spots. Dorsal darker band diffuse on carapace, fading on abdomen. Three small brown spots between median band and margins of carapace. Abdomen with dark posterior dots, venter and sternum pale. Palp (figs. 75A, B, 70): tibia short, width/length 0.81, cymbium globose. Embolus thin, basal process flattened, weakly sclerotized, associated membranous area ample, folded. Paramedian apophysis very short, base flattened, close to median apophysis. Primary conductor triangular, flattened, arising from same sclerotized piece as paramedian apophysis. Secondary conductor large, fused to anterior margin of tegulum, with conspicuous canal arising close to base of paramedian apophysis; prolateral portion with conspicuous finger-shaped apophysis. author: Ramírez year: 2003 title: The Spider Subfamily Amaurobioidinae (Araneae, Anyphaenidae): a Phylogenetic Revision at the generic level subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Gayennini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Sanogasta unspecified, unspecified species name: Maculatipes_male unspecified, unspecified morphology: Total length 5.30 mm. Carapace length 2.40 mm, width 1.83 mm. Length of tibia/metatarsus: leg I, 2.67/2.60 mm; leg II, 2.50/2.67 mm; leg III, 1.83/1.87 mm; leg IV, 2.27/2.63 mm. Chelicerae slightly smaller than those of female. Sternum length 1.30 mm, width 1.10 mm. Spines as in female, except: leg I, tibia p 1-0-1-0 or 0. Leg II, femur p 0-d1-d1; tibia v 2-2-2, p 1-0-1-0. Leg III, femur p 0-d1-d1; tibia v 2-2-2, p and r 1-d1-1-0; metatarsus v 2-0-2. Leg IV, tibia = leg III. Abdomen length 3.00 mm, width 1.90 mm, spiracle-epigastrium 1.03 mm, spiracle-spinnerets 0.83 mm. Color as in female (figs. 76A, 77E). Palp (figs. 78A, B, 81D, E): tibia width/length 0.56, cymbium relatively large. Embolus thin, basal process small, acute (fig. 78A). Median apophysis vestigial, short. Paramedian apophysis long, thin, base membranous. Secondary conductor large, not fused to anterior margin of tegulum (fig. 78B), with conspicuous canal arising at base of paramedian apophysis; retrolateral portion with basal triangular prong. Anterior margin of tegulum compressed over base of secondary conductor. author: Ramírez year: 2003 title: The Spider Subfamily Amaurobioidinae (Araneae, Anyphaenidae): a Phylogenetic Revision at the generic level subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Gayennini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Sanogasta unspecified, unspecified species name: Alticola_male unspecified, unspecified morphology: Total length 6.12 mm. Carapace length 2.53 mm, width 2.00 mm. Length of tibia/metatarsus: leg I, 2.60/2.63 mm; leg II, 2.30/2.30 mm; leg III, 1.73/1.90 mm; leg IV, 2.23/2.50 mm. Chelicerae slightly smaller than those of female. Sternum length 1.43 mm, width 1.10 mm. Spines as in female, except: leg I, tibia p 1-0-1-0; metatarsus p 1-0. Leg II, femur r 0; tibia = leg I or p 1-d1-1-0. Leg III, tibia p and r 1-d1-1-0; metatarsus v 2-p1-2. Leg IV, tibia = leg III. Abdomen length 3.30 mm, width 2.00 mm, spiracle-epigastrium 1.37 mm, spiracle-spinnerets 0.83 mm. Color as in female. Palp (fig. 81A-C): very similar to that of S. maculatipes, often with longer paramedian apophysis. Tibia long, width/length 0.42, cymbium large. Secondary conductor partially fused to anterior margin of tegulum; retrolateral portion with basal rounded projection. author: Ramírez year: 2003 title: The Spider Subfamily Amaurobioidinae (Araneae, Anyphaenidae): a Phylogenetic Revision at the generic level subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Gayennini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Sanogasta unspecified, unspecified species name: Mandibularis_male unspecified, unspecified morphology: Total length 5.54 mm. Carapace length 2.67 mm, width 1.97 mm. Length of tibia/metatarsus: leg I, 3.37/3.37 mm; leg II, 2.67/2.70 mm; leg III, 1.70/1.90 mm; leg IV, 2.23/2.73 mm. Chelicerae (fig. 81G) strong, longer than those of female, with four teeth on promargin, three on retromargin; middle part of fang thickened. Spines as in female, except: leg II, femur p and r d1ap; tibia v r1-2-2 or 2-2-2 (the p1bas very small), p 0-1 or 0. Leg III, tibia v p1-2-2; metatarsus v 2-p1-2 or 2-2-2. Leg IV, tibia = leg III. Sternum length 2.67 mm, width 2.33 mm. Abdomen length 2.80 mm, width 1.90 mm, spiracle-epigastrium 0.93 mm, spiracle-spinnerets 0.87 mm. Color as in female, with some diffuse dots in median line on venter. Palp (fig. 81F): very similar to that of S. maculatipes. Tibia width/length 0.76. Median apophysis vestigial, conical, paramedian wide, sinuous. Secondary conductor not fused to anterior margin of tegulum, retrolateral portion with basal rounded projection. author: Ramírez year: 2003 title: The Spider Subfamily Amaurobioidinae (Araneae, Anyphaenidae): a Phylogenetic Revision at the generic level subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Gayennini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Sanogasta unspecified, unspecified species name: Maculosa_male unspecified, unspecified morphology: Total length 6.12 mm. Carapace length 2.77 mm, width 2.20 mm, relatively wider and more rounded than that of female. Length of tibia/metatarsus: leg I, 2.30/2.17 mm; leg II, 2.20/2.10 mm; leg III, 1.77/1.83 mm; leg IV, 2.17/2.60 mm. Chelicerae quite smaller than those of female. Sternum length 1.40 mm, width 1.08 mm. Spines as in female, except: leg I, femur r 0-d1-d1; tibia p and r 1-d1-1-0; metatarsus p d1-1-0-0, r 1. Leg II, femur p and r 0-d1-d1; tibia and metatarsus = leg I. Leg III, tibia v 2-2-2. Leg IV, femur r d d1ap or 0-d1-d1; tibia = leg III. Abdomen length 3.45 mm, width 1.97 mm, spiracle-epigastrium 1.53 mm, spiracle-spinnerets 0.77 mm. Color (cf. fig. 76D): as in female, but carapace with long dark patches on median band, plus four radial lines from thoracic groove to palps and hindlegs. Sternum with small dark spots in front of coxae legs I-III. Palp (figs. 82A-C, 83A-C): tibia short, width/length 0.92, cymbium relatively large. Embolus thin, basal process small, acute. Median apophysis very thin, closely associated with paramedian (fig. 82A). Apex of paramedian apophysis short, thin, sinuous. Primary conductor apparently absent, only low mound in that place. Secondary conductor not fused to anterior margin of tegulum, canal conspicuous, arising at base of paramedian apophysis (fig. 82B); retrolateral portion with internal conical projection, and external ridge. Anterior margin of tegulum compressed over base of secondary conductor. author: Ramírez year: 2003 title: The Spider Subfamily Amaurobioidinae (Araneae, Anyphaenidae): a Phylogenetic Revision at the generic level subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Gayennini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Sanogasta unspecified, unspecified species name: Backhauseni_male unspecified, unspecified morphology: Total length 6.65 mm. Carapace length 2.97 mm, width 2.33 mm. Length of tibia/metatarsus: leg I, 2.33/2.13 mm; leg II, 2.20/2.10 mm; leg III, 2.00/1.10 mm; leg IV, 2.67/3.13 mm. Chelicerae smaller than those of female. Sternum length 1.53 mm, width 1.20 mm. Spines as in female, except: leg I, femur p 2ap; tibia p and r 1-d1-1-0; metatarsus p d1-1-0. r 1. Leg II, femur p 0-d1-2 or 0-d1-d1; tibia v 2-2-2 (the p1bas smaller), p 1-d1-1-d1 or 1-d1-0-1, r 1-d1-1-0; metatarsus p and r d1-1-0. Leg IV, femur = leg II; tibia p and r 1-d1-1-d1. Abdomen length 3.85 mm, width 2.25 mm, spiracle-epigastrium 1.17 mm, spiracle-spinnerets 1.13 mm. Color similar to female (fig. 77G). Palp (figs. 61D, 84D, 85A, B): tibia short, width/length 0.87, cymbium relatively large. Copulatory bulb very similar to that of S. minuta. author: Ramírez year: 2003 title: The Spider Subfamily Amaurobioidinae (Araneae, Anyphaenidae): a Phylogenetic Revision at the generic level subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Gayennini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Sanogasta unspecified, unspecified species name: X-signata_male unspecified, unspecified morphology: Total length 4.15 mm. Carapace globose, length 2.00 mm, width 1.60 mm. Length of tibia/metatarsus: leg I, 1.52/1.35 mm; leg II, 1.47/1.37 mm; leg III, 1.18/1.28 mm; leg IV, 1.50/1.80 mm. Chelicerae small, vertical. Sternum length 1.02 mm, width 0.80 mm. Spines as in female, except: leg I, femur p 2ap; tibia v 2-2-2. Leg II, tibia v r1-2-2. Leg III, tibia v 0-p1-2 or p1-p1-2. Leg IV, metatarsus v 2-2-2. Abdomen length 2.17 mm, width 1.33 mm, spiracle-epigastrium 0.80 mm, spiracle-spinnerets 0.47 mm. Color: similar to female, mark anterior of spiracle diffuse. Palp (figs. 61E, 84E, F, 85F): tibia short, width/length 0.80, cymbium relatively large. Apical hematodocha rugose, prolonged between margin of tegulum and paramedian apophysis. Embolus thin, basal process triangular. Median apophysis thin, wide at base, narrow at apex. Tip of paramedian apophysis long, sinuous. Secondary conductor wide, thin, not fused to anterior margin of tegulum (fig. 84F); canal conspicuous, arising at base of paramedian apophysis; anterior border projecting, thin; retrolateral portion with rugose external projection, internal, conical projection. Anterior margin of tegulum compressed over base of secondary conductor. author: Ramírez year: 2003 title: The Spider Subfamily Amaurobioidinae (Araneae, Anyphaenidae): a Phylogenetic Revision at the generic level subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Gayennini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Sanogasta unspecified, unspecified species name: Minuta_male unspecified, unspecified morphology: Total length 5.70 mm. Carapace length 2.80 mm, width 2.07 mm. Length of tibia/metatarsus: leg I, 1.70/1.43 mm; leg II, 1.60/1.37 mm; leg III, 1.35/1.52 mm; leg IV, 1.83/2.07 mm. Chelicerae slightly smaller than those of female. Sternum length 1.32 mm, width 0.98 mm. Spines as in female, except: leg I, tibia p 1-0-1-0. Leg II, tibia = leg I. Leg III, femur p 0-d1-2, r 0-d1-d1; tibia v 2-2-2, p and r 1-d1-1-0; metatarsus v 2-p1- 2. Leg IV, femur p 0-d1-2; tibia p and r 1-d1-1- 0. Abdomen length 2.90 mm, width 1.40 mm, spiracle- epigastrium 1.00 mm, spiracle-spinnerets 0.50mm. Color as in female, but darker cardiac area. Palp (fig. 86A, B): tibia short, width/ length 0.93, cymbium relatively large. Embolus thin, basal process small, triangular. Median apophysis very thin, closely associated with paramedian. Apex of paramedian short, sinuous. Secondary conductor not fused to anterior margin of tegulum, canal conspicuous, arising at base of paramedian apophysis; retrolateral portion with external rectangular rugose projection. Anterior margin of tegulum compressed over base of secondary conductor. author: Ramírez year: 2003 title: The Spider Subfamily Amaurobioidinae (Araneae, Anyphaenidae): a Phylogenetic Revision at the generic level subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Gayennini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Sanogasta unspecified, unspecified species name: Puma_male unspecified, unspecified morphology: Total length 5.45 mm. Carapace with thoracic groove scarcely marked, length 2.43 mm, width 1.60 mm. Length of tibia/metatarsus: leg I, 1.73/1.40 mm; leg II, 1.35/1.13 mm; leg III, 0.98/0.95 mm; leg IV, 1.70/1.37 mm. Chelicerae small, vertical. Sternum length 1.47 mm, width 0.78 mm. Spines as in female, except: leg I, tibia p 1-d1-1-0, r 1-0-d1-0, d r1-0-1 bristles; metatarsus p d1. Leg II, tibia p 1-d1-1-0, r 1-0-d1-0, d r1-0-1 bristles; metatarsus p d1. Leg III, tibia, r 1-d1-0-1-0; metatarsus v 2-p1-2. Abdomen length 2.93 mm, width 1.33 mm, spiracle-epigastrium 1.50 mm, spiracle-spinnerets 0.58 mm. Color as in female. Palp (fig. 86E, F): tibia short, width/length 1.39, cymbium relatively large. Embolus thin, basal process small, triangular. Median apophysis very thin, short, closely associated with paramedian. Apex of paramedian apophysis short, sinuous, translucent. Secondary conductor not fused to anterior margin of tegulum; canal conspicuous, arising at base of paramedian apophysis; retrolateral portion with basal, conical projection. Anterior margin of tegulum compressed over base of secondary conductor. author: Ramírez year: 2003 title: The Spider Subfamily Amaurobioidinae (Araneae, Anyphaenidae): a Phylogenetic Revision at the generic level subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Gayennini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Sanogasta unspecified, unspecified species name: Tenuis_male unspecified, unspecified morphology: Total length 2.90 mm. Carapace without thoracic groove, length 1.22 mm, width 0.72 mm. AME projecting above clypeus. Length of tibia/metatarsus: leg I, 0.85/0.63 mm; leg II, 0.53/0.42 mm; leg III, 0.33/0.32 mm; leg IV, 0.82/0.57 mm. Chelicerae narrow, vertical. Sternum length 0.82 mm, width 0.45 mm. Spines as in female, except: leg I, tibia p 1-d1-1-0, r 1-0-v1-0; metatarsus p d1. Leg II, tibia p 1-d1-1-0; metatarsus p d1. Leg III, tibia, r 0-d1-1-0; metatarsus p and r 0-d1-0-1. Leg IV, metatarsus p and r d1-1, d r1-0-r1. Abdomen length 1.62 mm, width 0.60 mm, spiracle-epigastrium 0.70 mm, spiracle-spinnerets 0.93 mm. Color as in female. Palp (fig. 88F, G): tibia short, width/length 1.20, cymbium relatively large. Embolus thin, basal process small, triangular. Median apophysis very thin, closely associated with paramedian. Apex of paramedian apophysis short, sinuous. Secondary conductor not fused to anterior margin of tegulum; canal well defined, arising slightly distal to base of paramedian apophysis; retrolateral portion with rounded basal projection, external margin forming elevated, thin ridge. Anterior margin of tegulum pronounced, compressed over base of secondary conductor. author: Ramírez year: 2003 title: The Spider Subfamily Amaurobioidinae (Araneae, Anyphaenidae): a Phylogenetic Revision at the generic level subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Gayennini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Sanogasta unspecified, unspecified species name: Approximata_male unspecified, unspecified morphology: Total length 10.00 mm. Carapace length 4.80 mm, width 3.72 mm. Length of tibia/metatarsus: leg I, 4.39/4.79 mm; leg II, 4.12/4.39 mm; leg III, 3.23/4.26 mm; leg IV, 4.12/6.25 mm. Chelicerae slightly smaller than those of female. Sternum length 2.67 mm, width 1.93 mm. Spines as in female, except: leg I, tibia v 2-2-2, p and r 1-d1-1-0; metatarsus v 2-2-0 (both r advanced), p and r 1. Leg II, femur = leg I; tibia = leg I; metatarsus p d1-1-0, r 1. Leg IV, femur = leg III. Abdomen length 5.30 mm, width 2.50 mm, spiracle-epigastrium 2.10 mm, spiracle-spinnerets 1.30 mm. Color as in female. Sternum and coxae clothed with short hairs, some of them thicker. Palp (fig. 91A-C): tibia short, width/length 0.70, cymbium relatively large. Tegular notch short (fig. 91A). Embolus short, not associated with canal on conductor, basal process conspicuous, heavily sclerotized. Median apophysis short, hook-shaped. Apex of paramedian apophysis short. Secondary conductor partially fused to anterior margin of tegulum, wide, thin; canal vestigial, ending in low peak; prolateral portion with flattened, rounded projection pointing distally; retrolateral portion concave, with elevated ridge at external margin, small basal internal projection. Anterior margin of tegulum compressed over base of secondary conductor. author: Ramírez year: 2003 title: The Spider Subfamily Amaurobioidinae (Araneae, Anyphaenidae): a Phylogenetic Revision at the generic level subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Gayennini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Sanogasta unspecified, unspecified species name: Pehuenche_male unspecified, unspecified morphology: Total length 6.38 mm. Carapace length 2.90 mm, width 2.23 mm. Length of tibia/metatarsus: leg I, 2.53/2.30 mm; leg II, 2.67/2.23 mm; leg III, 1.73/1.93 mm; leg IV, 2.10/2.37 mm. Chelicerae slightly narrower than those of female. Sternum length 3.07 mm, width 2.33 mm. Spines as in female, except: leg I, tibia v 2-2-r1 or 2-2-0. Leg II, tibia p 0; metatarsus p d1-0. Leg III, metatarsus v 2-2-2. Abdomen length 3.72 mm, width 2.00 mm, spiracle-epigastrium 1.60 mm, spiracle-spinnerets 0.70 mm. Color as in female, but dorsum of abdomen yellow with dark brownish pattern. Palp (fig. 92A, B): tibia long, width/length 0.55. Tegular notch short. Embolus short, not associated with canal on conductor, with basal process small, superficial. Apex of paramedian apophysis short, hook-shaped. Secondary conductor small, not fused to anterior margin of tegulum, with canal reduced; retrolateral portion concave, posteriorly elevated. Anterior margin of tegulum compressed over base of secondary conductor. author: Ramírez year: 2003 title: The Spider Subfamily Amaurobioidinae (Araneae, Anyphaenidae): a Phylogenetic Revision at the generic level subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Gayennini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Philisca unspecified, unspecified species name: Hahni_male unspecified, unspecified morphology: Total length 7.70 mm. Carapace length 3.07 mm, width 2.27 mm. Length of tibia/metatarsus: leg I, 2.67/2.37 mm; leg II, 2.40/2.20 mm; leg III, 1.67/1.77 mm; leg IV, 2.20/2.47 mm. Chelicerae very long, fang long, thick; retromarginal teeth small, apical tooth separated from other two. Endites unmodified. Sternum length 1.55 mm, width 1.23 mm. Spines as in female, except: leg II, femur p d1ap. Leg III, femur p 0-d1-(1-d1) or p 0-d1-d1; tibia v 0-2-2, 0-p1-2 or p1-2-2; metatarsus v 2-p1-p1, 2-r1-p1 or 2-0-p1. Leg IV, metatarsus v 2-p1-p1 or 2-2-p1. Abdomen length 2.75 mm, width 1.70 mm, spiracle-epigastrium 1.57 mm, spiracle-spinnerets 0.28 mm. Color (fig. 94A): as in female, but abdomen with more heavily contrasting pattern, dorsal pattern and epigastrium violet (some specimens with a ventral band). Palp (figs. 93A, B, 95): tibia long, width/length 0.37, cymbium relatively small. Embolus very short, base globose, with longitudinal projecting ridge; basal process flattened, rounded. Median apophysis branched at base (fig. 93A, B). Paramedian apophysis wide, tip rounded. Primary conductor triangular, flattened, curved (fig. 93B). Secondary conductor small, canal vestigial, limited to tip, ending in small peak, on rounded projection directed backward; area basal to canal membranous; retrolateral portion wide, thin. Anterior dorsal margin of tegulum projecting as rounded lobe. author: Ramírez year: 2003 title: The Spider Subfamily Amaurobioidinae (Araneae, Anyphaenidae): a Phylogenetic Revision at the generic level subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Gayennini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Philisca unspecified, unspecified species name: Ornata_male unspecified, unspecified morphology: Total length 8.65 mm. Carapace very wide in front (fig. 97B, D), length 4.00 mm, width 3.13 mm. Legs very thin, especially the metatarsi. Length of tibia/metatarsus: leg I, 3.72/3.80 mm; leg II, 3.60/3.60 mm; leg III, 2.13/2.83 mm; leg IV, 3.10/3.33 mm. Chelicerae (figs. 96B, 97D) very strong, with internal superior margins projecting, three teeth on promargin, on elevation, and three on retromargin, basals contiguous. Endites with two protuberances at each external angle, most external larger. Sternum length 2.00 mm, width 1.57 mm. Spines as in female, except: leg I, tibia v p1-2-2. Leg II, femur p (1-d1)ap or d1ap; tibia v 0-2-2 or r1-2-2, p 0; metatarsus v (p1-r1)-p1-0. Abdomen length 4.50 mm, width 2.12 mm, spiracle-epigastrium 2.37 mm, spiracle-spinnerets 0.73 mm. Color: yellow, cephalic area, mouthparts, and chelicerae reddish brown. Sternum and coxa leg I orange. Legs yellow with gray patches, femora with one ventral apical patch, covering part of articulation membrane; patellae with one spot at each side; tibiae with several basal and pair of apical spots. Dorsum of abdomen with brownish violet pattern, venter with diffuse violet area, from epigastrium to tracheal spiracle. Palp (fig. 98A-D) with all segments long, thin, cymbium relatively small. Copulatory bulb small, central into cymbium, well separated from tibia. Tegular notch short. Embolus long, basal process flattened, rounded. Median apophysis long, quite straight, unbranched. Paramedian apophysis elongate, acute. Primary conductor wide, triangular, flattened. Secondary conductor with canal vestigial, limited to hook-shaped peak, on rounded projection directed backward; area basal to canal membranous; retrolateral portion wide, thin, elevated. author: Ramírez year: 2003 title: The Spider Subfamily Amaurobioidinae (Araneae, Anyphaenidae): a Phylogenetic Revision at the generic level subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Gayennini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Philisca unspecified, unspecified species name: Huapi_male unspecified, unspecified morphology: Total length 6.38 mm. Carapace very wide in front, ocular area slightly protruding, length 2.30 mm, width 1.57 mm. Length of tibia/metatarsus: leg I, 2.17/1.97 mm; leg II, 1.77/1.63 mm; leg III, 1.15/1.30 mm; leg IV, 1.63/1.87 mm. Chelicerae very strong (fig. 99C), with internal superior margins slightly protruding in ridges. Three teeth on promargin, median one very thick, on elevation, other two small; three teeth on retromargin, basal one largest. Endites unmodified. Sternum length 1.13 mm, width 0.95 mm. Spines as in female, except: leg II, tibia v 2-2-2. Leg III, femur p 0-d1-d1 or 0-d1-2; tibia v p1-2-2. Leg IV, tibia v p1-2-2. Abdomen length 2.77 mm, width 1.53 mm, spiracle-epigastrium 1.30 mm, spiracle-spinnerets 0.25 mm. Base of anterior spinnerets globose, covered by thick, short hairs. Color (fig. 99B): similar to female. Palp (figs. 61H, 93C-E, 99E, F): tibia long, width/length 0.47. Embolus short, flattened, base globose, with longitudinal flat projecting ridge; basal process flattened, rounded. Median apophysis with series of thin branches (fig. 93C). Triangular sclerotized stripe runs from sperm duct to base of median apophysis. Paramedian apophysis wide, curved at tip. Primary conductor triangular, slightly flattened. Secondary conductor small, canal vestigial, limited to tip, ending in longitudinally ridged peak, on rounded projection directed backward; area basal to canal membranous; retrolateral portion wide, thin, elevated. author: Ramírez year: 2003 title: The Spider Subfamily Amaurobioidinae (Araneae, Anyphaenidae): a Phylogenetic Revision at the generic level subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Gayennini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Philisca unspecified, unspecified species name: Puconensis_male unspecified, unspecified morphology: Total length 5.05 mm. Carapace relatively wider than that of female, length 2.67 mm, width 2.03 mm. Length of tibia/metatarsus: leg I, 2.73/2.33 mm; leg II, 2.43/2.17 mm; leg III, 1.73/1.73 mm; leg IV, 2.13/2.30 mm. Sternum length 1.33 mm, width 1.05 mm. Spines as in female, except: leg I, femur p 0-d1-(1-d1) or 0-d2-(1-d1), r 0-d1-d1 or d1ap; tibia p and r 1-d1-1; metatarsus p 1-0. Leg II, femur p 1-1-(1-d1), r 0-d1-d1; tibia = leg I. Leg III, tibia v 2-2-2, p and r 1-d1-0-1-0. Leg IV, femur p and r 0-d1-d1 or 0-0-d1; tibia = leg III. Abdomen length 2.40 mm, width 1.40 mm, spiracle-epigastrium 1.13 mm, spiracle-spinnerets 0.15 mm. Color: similar to female, but abdomen with very dark dorsal stripe, irregular, wider and darker at center of posterior half, sides dark, venter with line of spots along median line. Palp (fig. 103B, C): tibia long, width/length 0.74. Cymbium with retrolateral margin curved at base. Basal process of embolus projecting as flattened ridge, separated by ample ventral membranous area. Rectangular sclerotized stripe runs from sperm duct to base of median apophysis. Relict of primary conductor well developed, concave, with rounded tip. Secondary conductor small, rugose; prolateral portion with rounded projection; canal vestigial, base membranous; retrolateral portion thin, rugose. Median apophysis with large, median branch (fig. 103C). Paramedian apophysis bifid, retrolateral tip bent dorsally, prolateral curved ventrally. author: Ramírez year: 2003 title: The Spider Subfamily Amaurobioidinae (Araneae, Anyphaenidae): a Phylogenetic Revision at the generic level subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Gayennini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Tomopisthes unspecified, unspecified species name: Horrendus_male unspecified, unspecified morphology: Total length 16.90 mm. Carapace length 8.65 mm, width 6.00 mm. Length of tibia/metatarsus: leg I, 9.58/7.85 mm; leg II, 9.44/7.58 mm; leg III, 6.65/6.38 mm; leg IV, 7.58/8.11 mm. Chelicerae very long, strong (fig. 107A); teeth thick, those of retromargin widely spaced, basal tooth in front of apical promarginal tooth; fang thick, long. Sternum length 4.39 mm, width 3.19 mm. Spines as in female. Abdomen length 8.00 mm, width 4.66 mm, spiracle-epigastrium 4.00 mm, spiracle-spinnerets 0.60 mm. Color as in female. Palp (figs. 105A, B, 107B-E): tibia long, width/length 0.35. Cymbium relatively narrow, retrolateral margin with slight basal notch. Anterior dorsal margin of tegulum projecting as prolateral conical prong. Embolus with basal process lobate, separated by ample membranous ventral area. Median apophysis very long, pointing apically. Paramedian apophysis complex, with retrolateral cusp and fan-shaped tip. Primary conductor slightly wider than long, almost rectangular. Secondary conductor small (fig. 107E), rugose. Anterior dorsal margin of tegulum projecting, partially membranous (fig. 105A, arrow). author: Ramírez year: 2003 title: The Spider Subfamily Amaurobioidinae (Araneae, Anyphaenidae): a Phylogenetic Revision at the generic level subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Gayennini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Tomopisthes unspecified, unspecified species name: Varius_male unspecified, unspecified morphology: Total length 8.40 mm. Carapace length 5.05 mm, width 2.70 mm. Length of tibia/metatarsus: leg I, 3.20/2.70 mm; leg II, 2.80/2.50 mm; leg III, 2.23/2.27 mm; leg IV, 2.83/3.17 mm. Chelicerae slightly longer and narrower than those of female, teeth on retromargin more separated, fang long, thick. Sternum length 1.90 mm, width 1.50 mm. Spines as in female, except: leg II, tibia v 2-2-2. Abdomen length 4.80 mm, width 2.40 mm, spiracle-epigastrium 2.17 mm, spiracle-spinnerets 0.60 mm. Color as in female (fig. 108B). Palp (figs. 105C, D, 108C, D): tibia long, width/length 0.49. Cymbium relatively narrow. Embolus short, basal process lobate, thick, separated by ample, weakly sclerotized area (fig. 105C). Median apophysis short, relatively wide. Paramedian apophysis with complex base, flattened tip. Primary conductor small, triangular. Secondary conductor small, complex, quite modified. author: Ramírez year: 2003 title: The Spider Subfamily Amaurobioidinae (Araneae, Anyphaenidae): a Phylogenetic Revision at the generic level subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Gayennini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Tomopisthes unspecified, unspecified species name: Pusillus_male unspecified, unspecified morphology: Total length 6.25 mm. Carapace length 3.07 mm, width 2.23 mm. Length of tibia/metatarsus: leg I, 3.33/2.97 mm; leg II, 2.73/2.47 mm; leg III, 1.90/1.67 mm; leg IV, 2.30/2.60 mm. Chelicerae longer than those of female, fang long, thick. Sternum length 1.38 mm, width 1.25 mm. Spines as in female, except: leg I, tibia v 2-2-2, p d1-1 or 0-1, r d1-1. Leg II, femur p and r 0-d1-d1; tibia v 2-2-2, p d1-1, r d1-1 or 0-1; metatarsus p and r 1-0. Leg III, femur = leg II; tibia v 2-2-2; metatarsus v 2-2-2. Leg IV, tibia and metatarsus = leg III. Abdomen length 3.05 mm, width 1.85 mm, spiracle-epigastrium 1.50 mm, spiracle-spinnerets 0.27 mm. Color as in female. Palp (figs. 110B, C, 111A): tibia width/length 0.86. Retrolateral margin of cymbium with slight basal notch. Embolus with basal process lobate, separated by ample ventral membranous area. Median apophysis long. Apex of paramedian apophysis complex, with two curved tips, one ventral, one dorsal. Primary conductor strong, heavily sclerotized, conical, slightly flattened. Canal zone of secondary conductor with membranous area, with some tiny denticles. author: Ramírez year: 2003 title: The Spider Subfamily Amaurobioidinae (Araneae, Anyphaenidae): a Phylogenetic Revision at the generic level subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Gayennini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Araiya unspecified, unspecified species name: Pallida_male unspecified, unspecified morphology: Total length 4.65 mm. Carapace length 2.17 mm, width 1.77 mm. Length of tibia/metatarsus: leg I, 3.17/2.53 mm; leg II, 2.27/1.83 mm; leg III, 1.57/1.47 mm; leg IV, 1.83/1.83 mm. Chelicerae unmodified, slightly smaller than those of female. Sternum length 1.08 mm, width 0.92 mm. Spines as in female, except: leg I, patella r d1, d 1-0-1; tibia p and r 1-d1-1-0, d r1-0-1-0. Leg II, patella and tibia = leg I. Leg III, patella = leg I; metatarsus r d1-1-0-1. Leg IV, patella = leg I; metatarsus = leg III. Abdomen length 2.43 mm, width 1.43 mm, spiracle-epigastrium 1.23 mm, spiracle-spinnerets 0.43 mm. Color: carapace reddish brown, pattern as in A. coccinea. Legs reddish brown, trochanters, coxae, and base of femora yellow. Sternum yellow with reddish spots in front of coxae. Abdomen yellow, with underlying patches of guanine reticulum, except on ventral band; dorsum with violet area covering anterior two thirds, lightening posteriorly, continued in several diffuse chevrons. Palp (figs. 111C, D, 113D, E): tibia width/length 0.83. Embolus short, thick, not associated with canal on secondary conductor, basal process thick, rounded. Paramedian apophysis sinuous in ventral view, with prolateral protuberance before tip. Primary conductor curved, triangular (fig. 111D). Anterior border of secondary conductor wide, projecting, rugose; retrolateral portion with basal rugose projection. author: Ramírez year: 2003 title: The Spider Subfamily Amaurobioidinae (Araneae, Anyphaenidae): a Phylogenetic Revision at the generic level subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Gayennini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Araiya unspecified, unspecified species name: Coccinea_male unspecified, unspecified morphology: Total length 5.05 mm. Carapace length 2.47 mm, width 2.03 mm. Length of tibia/metatarsus: leg I, 3.72/2.93 mm; leg II, 2.77/2.27 mm; leg III, 1.85/1.37 mm; leg IV, 2.17/2.17 mm. Chelicerae unmodified, slightly smaller than those of female. Sternum length 1.20 mm, width 0.98 mm. Spines as in female, except: leg I, patella r d1, d 1ap; tibia p 1-1, r 1-d1-1-0, d r1-0-1-0. Leg II, patella and tibia = leg I. Leg III, patella = leg I; tibia v p1-2-2. Leg IV, patella = leg I; tibia v p1-2-2; metatarsus r d1-1-1. Abdomen length 2.70 mm, width 1.73 mm, spiracle-epigastrium 1.05 mm, spiracle-spinnerets 0.33 mm. Color as in female but darker, with two whitish spots at sides of cardiac area. Palp (fig. 114B-D): tibia short, width/length 0.86. Embolus short, thick, not associated with canal of secondary conductor; basal process thick, rounded. Paramedian apophysis long, thin, directed apically. Primary conductor short, concave, heavily sclerotized. Secondary conductor rotated, retrolateral portion (as seen in other Gayennini) placed apical, concave, projecting, prolateral portion placed basal, both portions separated by membranous area. author: Ramírez year: 2003 title: The Spider Subfamily Amaurobioidinae (Araneae, Anyphaenidae): a Phylogenetic Revision at the generic level subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Gayennini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Oxysoma unspecified, unspecified species name: Punctatum_male unspecified, unspecified morphology: Total length 9.18 mm. Carapace relatively wider than that of female, length 3.17 mm, width 2.43 mm. Length of tibia/metatarsus: leg I, 7.05/6.30 mm; leg II, 5.05/4.30 mm; leg III, 2.97/2.50 mm; leg IV, 4.26/4.12 mm. Chelicerae slightly smaller than those of female. Sternum length 1.67 mm, width 1.17 mm. Spines as in female, except patellae legs I-IV, r d1, d 1-0-1. Abdomen length 5.60 mm, width 1.75 mm, spiracle-epigastrium 2.40 mm, spiracle-spinnerets 1.73 mm. Color: similar to female, but darker. Palp (figs. 61F, 116A-C, 118A-C): tibia long, width/length 0.47, cymbium relatively large, retrolateral margin with median thick protuberance (fig. 118C). Tegulum relatively narrow. Embolus long, thin, base closely fitted to secondary conductor, basal process very small (fig. 116C). Median apophysis very long, thin, sinuous. Base of paramedian apophysis large, heavily sclerotized, with globose protuberance, forming hollow under tegulum; tip thin, elongate, recurved. Triangular sclerotized area runs from sperm duct to base of median apophysis. Primary conductor absent. Secondary conductor well developed, complex, anterior margin wide, flattened, striate, separated from anterior margin of tegulum by membranous area, much wider on retrolateral side; retrolateral portion continued in thin, weakly sclerotized area, covered by thin denticles. author: Ramírez year: 2003 title: The Spider Subfamily Amaurobioidinae (Araneae, Anyphaenidae): a Phylogenetic Revision at the generic level subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Gayennini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Oxysoma unspecified, unspecified species name: Longiventre_male unspecified, unspecified morphology: Total length 8.25 mm. Carapace wider than that of female, length 3.72 mm, width 2.73 mm. Length of tibia/metatarsus: leg I, 5.37/4.66 mm; leg II, 4.40/3.60 mm; leg III, 2.70/2.23 mm; leg IV, 3.27/3.36 mm. Chelicerae slightly smaller than those of female. Sternum length 1.83 mm, width 1.33 mm. Endites narrow, divergent. Spines as in female, except: leg III, metatarsus v 2-2-2 or 2-p1-2, p and r d1-1-1. Leg IV, tibia v 2-2-2. Legs I and II with many long hairs curved backward, on metatarsi, tibiae. Abdomen length 4.65 mm, width 2.13 mm, spiracle-epigastrium 2.10 mm, spiracle-spinnerets 0.73 mm. Color: carapace grayish yellow, pale, with one median stripe and two laterals, formed by brown dots. Legs pale grayish with brown dots, small spots. Sternum pale. Dorsum of abdomen cream with dark dots at sides, cardiac area brown, continued backward in two brown stripes. Venter with brown patch from epigastrium to tracheal spiracle. Palp (figs. 116D-F, 119B, C, 120A-D, 121): tibia short, width/length 0.80. Cymbium relatively large, with apical dorsal patch of thick, angled setae (fig. 119B, C). Sperm duct with one loop approximating anterior ventral margin of tegulum, less pronounced loop before entering embolus (fig. 121). Embolus very thin, not associated with canal on secondary conductor, basal process not evident, membranous area ample. Paramedian apophysis with ventral cusp close to base, connected by ridge to sharp tip (fig. 120D). Primary conductor at center of copulatory bulb, flattened, curved (fig. 116F). Secondary conductor with retrolateral portion continued into proximal, thin, weakly sclerotized area; both portions covered by regularly disposed denticles (fig. 116E). author: Ramírez year: 2003 title: The Spider Subfamily Amaurobioidinae (Araneae, Anyphaenidae): a Phylogenetic Revision at the generic level subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Gayennini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Oxysoma unspecified, unspecified species name: Saccatum_male unspecified, unspecified morphology: Total length 7.32 mm. Carapace length 3.33 mm, width 2.73 mm. Length of tibia/metatarsus: leg I, 4.52/3.72 mm; leg II, 3.99/3.13 mm; leg III, 2.60/2.30 mm; leg IV, 3.00/3.03 mm. Chelicerae slightly smaller than those of female. Sternum length 1.60 mm, width 1.27 mm. Spines as in female, except: leg II, femur = leg I. Leg IV, femur p 0-d1-d1; metatarsus v 2-p1-2. Abdomen length 3.99 mm, width 2.53 mm, spiracle-epigastrium 1.73 mm, spiracle-spinnerets 0.67 mm. Color: pale grayish with brownish violet spots, dots. Carapace with median band not reaching posterior margin, two lateral sinuous stripes. Femora with small spots, paler ventrally, other articles dark, with some pale longitudinal stripes. Sternum with dark spot in front of coxae legs I-III. Dorsum of abdomen densely dotted, darker on anterior margin of cardiac area, paler on median stripe, venter pale, with three lines of small spots anterior of tracheal spiracle. Palp (fig. 124A-F): tibia short, width/length 0.79, cymbium relatively large. Sperm duct with loop approximating anterior ventral margin of tegulum. Embolus long, thin, not associated with canal on secondary conductor, basal process thick, membranous area ample. Median apophysis long, thin. Paramedian apophysis elongate, forming basal angle. Primary conductor heavily sclerotized, conic. Secondary conductor divided by membranous area prolateral to wide canal; retrolateral portion weakly sclerotized, rounded, globose, striate, with denticles. Conspicuous, apical, flattened prong arising from apical curve of sperm duct (fig. 124E) seems to be part of secondary conductor. Heavily sclerotized black area at base of canal may be part of sperm duct. author: Ramírez year: 2003 title: The Spider Subfamily Amaurobioidinae (Araneae, Anyphaenidae): a Phylogenetic Revision at the generic level subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Gayennini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Tasata unspecified, unspecified species name: Parcepunctata_male unspecified, unspecified morphology: Total length 5.72 mm. Carapace length 2.73 mm, width 2.17 mm. Length of tibia/metatarsus: leg I, 3.33/3.20 mm; leg II, 3.00/2.30 mm; leg III, 1.73/1.67 mm; leg IV, 1.90/1.47 mm. Chelicerae slightly larger than those of female, fang long, thick, promarginal teeth distanced, retromarginals grouped. Sternum length 1.40 mm, width 1.03 mm. Spines as in female, except: leg III, patella r d1; tibia v p1-2-2, d r1-0-1-0 spines. Leg IV, tibia = leg III. Legs I and II with long hairs, curved backward, on metatarsi, tibiae. Abdomen length 3.06 mm, width 2.00 mm, spiracle-epigastrium 1.33 mm, spiracle-spinnerets 0.50 mm. Color: similar to female, but darker, reddish. Venter pale, epigastrium with violet spots bordering pulmonary plates. Palp (figs. 61G, 126, 127A, B): tibia width/length 0.68. Sperm duct with loop approximating anterior ventral margin of tegulum, pronounced spiral before reaching embolus. Embolus very thin, without basal process, membranous area extensive. Paramedian apophysis thick, elongate, with two cusps at tip, retrolateral cusp larger. Primary conductor wide, flattened, rounded. Secondary conductor small, ventral side weakly sclerotized, anterior prolateral border becoming membranous, covered by denticles (fig. 126D); retrolateral portion weakly sclerotized, rounded, continued basally in membranous area. author: Ramírez year: 2003 title: The Spider Subfamily Amaurobioidinae (Araneae, Anyphaenidae): a Phylogenetic Revision at the generic level subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Gayennini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Tasata unspecified, unspecified species name: Variolosa_male unspecified, unspecified morphology: Total length 7.32 mm. Carapace length 3.30 mm, width 2.63 mm. Length of tibia/metatarsus: leg I, 5.19/4.20 mm; leg II, 4.26/3.27 mm; leg III, 2.60/2.37 mm; leg IV, 3.30/3.36 mm. Chelicerae slightly larger than those of female, with five teeth on retromargin. Sternum length 1.67 mm, width 1.30 mm. Spines as in female, except: leg I, femur p 0-d1-1-d1, r 0-d1-d1; tibia d r1bas. Leg II = leg I. Leg III, metatarsus v 2-0-2, apicals shorter. Leg IV, metatarsus p 0-1-1. Abdomen length 4.00 mm, width 2.00 mm, spiracle- epigastrium 1.53 mm, spiracle-spinnerets 0.73 mm. Color as in female, but slightly darker. Palp (fig. 128A-D): tibia length/width 0.54. Copulatory bulb similar to that of T. parcepunctata. Paramedian apophysis with curved tip. Sperm duct with pronounced spiral before reaching embolus. Primary conductor concave, rounded. Secondary conductor large, anterior border slightly elevated, ventral side weakly sclerotized (fig. 128C). author: Ramírez year: 2003 title: The Spider Subfamily Amaurobioidinae (Araneae, Anyphaenidae): a Phylogenetic Revision at the generic level subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Gayennini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Tasata unspecified, unspecified species name: Unipunctata_male unspecified, unspecified morphology: Carapace length 2.60 mm, width 2.25 mm, wider on legs II-III. Length of tibia/metatarsus: leg I, 4.85/2.25 mm; leg II, 4.05/3.60 mm; leg III, 2.65/2.40 mm; leg IV, 3.40/3.70 mm. Chelicerae slightly longer and narrower than those of female. Spines as in female, except: leg I, tibia d r1-0-1-0. Leg II, femur r 0-d1-d1; tibia = leg I. Leg III, tibia v p1-2-2. Leg IV, femur = leg III. Color (fig. 129A) as in female. Palp (fig. 129C-E): tibia long, width/length 0.48. Sperm duct with loop approximating anterior ventral margin of tegulum, slight spiral before reaching embolus. Embolus very thin, without basal process, membranous area ample. Paramedian apophysis thick, elongate, with acute tip. Primary conductor concave, rounded. Secondary conductor large, prolateral portion with denticles on apical margin; retrolateral portion weakly sclerotized on proximal part, with tiny denticules on central concavity. author: Ramírez year: 2003 title: The Spider Subfamily Amaurobioidinae (Araneae, Anyphaenidae): a Phylogenetic Revision at the generic level subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Gayennini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Tasata unspecified, unspecified species name: Taim_male unspecified, unspecified morphology: Total length 8.25 mm. Carapace length 2.90 mm, width 2.10 mm. Length of tibia/metatarsus: leg I, 4.99/4.66 mm; leg II, 4.52/4.12 mm; leg III, 3.07/2.93 mm; leg IV, 4.12/4.39 mm. Left chelicera with two teeth on retromargin, apical one missing, right normal. Sternum length 1.50 mm, width 1.23 mm. Spines as in female, except: leg I, tibia v 2-2-2, p 1-1. Leg III, metatarsus v 2-r1-2. Abdomen length 5.60 mm, width 1.73 mm, spiracle-epigastrium 2.23 mm, spiracle-spinnerets 1.83 mm. Color (fig. 130A): carapace pale grayish with three longitudinal dark bands, one median, two laterals. Many white hairs covering clypeus, margins of carapace, its pale stripes, pale areas of sternum, coxae. Legs grayish with small dark dots, contrasting on femora. Sternum, labium, endites yellow, each with longitudinal stripe of irregular dark spots, darker on anterior, posterior ends of sternum. Dorsum of abdomen with white guanine reticulum (except on cardiac area and posterior end), wide grayish band, from posterior half of cardiac area to anal tubercle; sides grayish. Venter with white guanine reticulum, two longitudinal stripes from epigastrium to spinnerets, touching corners of tracheal spiracle. Epigastrium with two longitudinal spots, at internal margins of pulmonary plates. Palp (fig. 130B-E): tibia long, width/length 0.47. Sperm duct with loop approximating anterior ventral margin of tegulum, slight spiral before reaching the embolus. Embolus very thin, without basal process, membranous area ample, concave, projecting dorsally. Paramedian apophysis sinuous, with acute tip. Primary conductor concave, rounded, apex in contact with lobe on prolateral portion of secondary conductor. Prolateral portion of secondary conductor with denticles at apical margin; retrolateral portion with tiny denticles. author: Ramírez year: 2003 title: The Spider Subfamily Amaurobioidinae (Araneae, Anyphaenidae): a Phylogenetic Revision at the generic level subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Gayennini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Tasata unspecified, unspecified species name: Chiloensis_male unspecified, unspecified morphology: Total length 7.71 mm. Carapace length 3.33 mm, width 2.60 mm. Length of tibia/metatarsus: leg I, 6.12/4.92 mm; leg II, 5.65/4.26 mm; leg III, 3.46/2.60 mm; leg IV, 4.12/3.46 mm. Chelicerae as those of the female, right retromargin with three teeth (apical one smaller). Sternum length 1.63 mm, width 1.27 mm. Spines as in female, except: leg I, tibia d r1-0-1-0. Leg II, tibia = leg I. Leg III, femur p 0-d1-1-d1; patella r d1; metatarsus d 0-p1-2. Leg IV, metatarsus p 0-1-1. Abdomen length 4.52 mm, width 1.85 mm, spiracle-epigastrium 2.03 mm, spiracle-spinnerets 0.67 mm. Color as in female. Palp (fig. 132B-E): tibia width/length 0.75, cymbium relatively large. Sperm duct with loop approximating anterior ventral margin of tegulum, which projects over paramedian apophysis. Embolus very thin, base with transverse anterior striae (fig. 132E), basal process absent, membranous area prolonged in lobe. Median apophysis long. Paramedian apophysis with retrolateral curved tip, one ventral/prolateral shorter projection. Primary conductor absent, only sclerotized stripe remains. Secondary conductor with two lateral prongs, one at each side of end of canal; prolateral portion with rounded lobe fitting under embolus; canal ending in pointed projection, with prolateral, rugose prong; retrolateral portion large, weakly sclerotized, membranous at apical/retrolateral side, with basal elevated prong. author: Ramírez year: 2003 title: The Spider Subfamily Amaurobioidinae (Araneae, Anyphaenidae): a Phylogenetic Revision at the generic level subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Gayennini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Tasata unspecified, unspecified species name: Centralis_male unspecified, unspecified morphology: Total length 4.65 mm. Carapace length 2.13 mm, width 1.60 mm. Length of tibia/metatarsus: leg I, 2.97/2.27 mm; leg II, 1.87/1.67 mm; leg III, 1.22/1.30 mm; leg IV, 2.43/2.03 mm. Chelicerae slightly longer than those of female. Sternum length 1.13 mm, width 0.90 mm. Spines as in female, except: leg III, tibia v 2-2-2. Leg IV, tibia v 2-2-2. Abdomen length 2.17 mm, width 1.27 mm, spiracle-epigastrium 1.10 mm, spiracle-spinnerets 0.37 mm. Color as in female, but abdomen with white guanine reticulum, dorsal pattern grayish violet, wider behind cardiac area, with very dark anterior dot. Palp (figs. 133, 134A, B): tibia width/length 0.75. Sperm duct with loop approximating anterior ventral margin of tegulum, evident spiral loop before reaching embolus. Embolus with membranous ventral area, without basal process. Median apophysis with short splinters at base. Paramedian apophysis bifid, retrolateral tip pointed, prolateral tip flattened, rounded. Primary conductor elongate, pointed. Secondary conductor totally divided by narrow membranous area (fig. 133A); prolateral portion with two projections, one median bearing canal, another prolateral beak-shaped, arising from flattened process; canal not evident, because entire central area membranous; retrolateral portion complex, with internal concavity. author: Ramírez year: 2003 title: The Spider Subfamily Amaurobioidinae (Araneae, Anyphaenidae): a Phylogenetic Revision at the generic level subfamily name: Amaurobioidinae unspecified, unspecified tribe name: Gayennini unspecified, unspecified genus name: Phidyle unspecified, unspecified species name: Punctipes_male unspecified, unspecified morphology: Total length 5.05 mm. Carapace length 2.17 mm, width 1.73 mm. Length of tibia/metatarsus: leg I, 3.46/2.73 mm; leg II, 2.87/2.33 mm; leg III, 1.87/1.80 mm; leg IV, 2.40/2.53 mm. Chelicerae similar to those of female. Sternum length 1.22 mm, width 0.97 mm. Spines as in female, except: legs I and II, metatarsus v 2-r1-0. Leg III, leg IV, metatarsus v 2-(p1-2)-2 (normally 2-2-2). Abdomen length 2.83 mm, width 1.83 mm, spiracle-epigastrium 1.33 mm, spiracle-spinnerets 0.42 mm. Color as in female. Palp: see generic description.