Files in this Data Supplement:
Fig. S1 (Absence of PDCD2L and distribution of PRMT3), S2 (Ribosomal proteins from the small subunit in PDCD2L immunoprecipitates), S3 (Kinetics of GFP-PDCD2L nuclear accumulation following leptomycin B treatment), S4 (PDCD2L NES mutant association with PRMT3 and RPS2), S5 (Validation of PDCD2L-null cells), S6 (Kinetics of pre-rRNA processing in PDCD2L-null cells), and S7 (Upregulation of factors involved in late maturation of the 40S ribosomal subunit in PDCD2L-null cells)
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Table S1 (Proteins detected in GFP-PRMT3 purification showing a SILAC ratio >2.0 and a minimum of 2 unique peptides)
Table S2 (Proteins detected in GFP-PDCD2L purification showing a SILAC ratio >2.0 and a minimum of 2 unique peptides)
Table S3 (Proteins detected in GFP-PDCD2 purification showing a SILAC ratio >2.0 and a minimum of 2 unique peptides)