Supplementary Materials
This PDF file includes:
- fig. S1. Cartoon illustrating APs and BPs in embryonic mouse and fetal human neocortex.
- fig. S2. Presence of the novel, human-specific C-terminal sequence in modern but not ancestral ARHGAP11B.
- fig. S3. Reconstruction of the ancestral splice donor site.
- fig. S4. Ancestral ARHGAP11B nucleotide sequence.
- fig. S5. Ancestral ARHGAP11B protein sequence.
- fig. S6. Modern but not ancestral ARHGAP11B increases Tbr2+ progenitors in mouse developing neocortex.
- fig. S7. Neither modern nor ancestral ARHGAP11B affects the abundance of mitotic APs in mouse developing neocortex.
- fig. S8. ARHGAP11B-A217T mutant, like modern ARHGAP11B, lacks GAP activity and increases BPs in the mouse developing neocortex.
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