Oct 26, 2015 README.txt for Supplementary Data package to Ardell and Hou (2015) * Contents -------- ** README.txt This file. ** tCE-Nov5-2014.3.fas tRNAdb-CE v.8 data reannotated for 3' ends (on the basis of codes in the descriptions) and function using TFAM 1.4 with the Silva model (provided in this supplement). ** silva.coveam TFAM model file based on the analysis of Silva et al. (2006) for reannotation of bacterial tRNA gene sequences with anticodon templates CAT into the three classes: Met-elongators, fMet-initiators, lysidinylated Ile-elongators. ** model_cca.pl Perl script to generate the structural reannotation of 3’ends of tRNAdb-CE v.8 data based on tRNAdb-CE v.8-annotated 5’ends using the dynamic programming algorithm described in Ardell and Hou (2015). This script takes Fasta data on standard input and augments it as Fasta format to standard output. Along with bacterial and archaeal-specific TFAM runs, this script is one of the steps required to generate the provided file tCE-Nov5-2014.3.fas from tRNAdb-CE v.8 data. Please see the file CCA-HEATMAP-TAX-BROWSER/cca_mss.html for a detailed explanations of the “warnings” generated by this script, on how to use them to compute whether a tRNA gene templates CCA, and for statistics on reannotations. ** compute_heatmap.pl Perl script to regenerate the javascript-based taxonomic heatmap-browser from primary datafile tCE-Nov5-2014.3.fas. To do this, use the command: compute_heatmap.pl tCE-Nov5-2014.3.fas > CCA-HEATMAP-TAX-BROWSER/Ardell_Hou.html To generate the input files to phyloT and iTol use the commands: perl compute_heatmap.pl -I tCE-Nov5-2014.3.fas > NCBI_tax_IDs_data.txt perl -F, -ane 'print "$F[0]\n";' NCBI_tax_IDs_data.txt > phyloT_input_NCBI_taxIDs.txt perl -F, -ane 'print "$F[0],$F[3]\n" if (@F > 2);' NCBI_tax_IDs_data.txt > iTol_input_CCA_Ini.txt perl -F, -ane 'print "$F[0],$F[2]\n" if (@F > 2);' NCBI_tax_IDs_data.txt > iTol_input_CCA_All.txt perl -F, -ane 'print "$F[0],$F[1]\n" if (@F > 2);' NCBI_tax_IDs_data.txt > iTol_input_Genome_Size.txt You must also add the NCBI Taxonomic IDs in the color definition file but removing the prefix "INT" perl -ne 'if (/INT(\d+)/){print "$1\n"}' iTol_color_definitions.txt >> NCBI_tax_IDs_data.txt ** iTol_color_definitions.txt Color definitions for clades to generate Figure 1 in Ardell and Hou ** phyloT.tre Phylogenetic tree of NCBI taxon IDs from NCBI Taxonomy used to upload to iTol to generate Figure 1 in Ardell and Hou ** CCA-HEATMAP-TAX-BROWSER/ Directory containing javascript-based taxonomic heatmap-browser of the manuscript results *** Ardell_Hou.html Open this file from wihin this directory using a javascript-capable web browser. Tested in Safari 8.0.8 and Chrome 45.0.2454.99 (64-bit) *** jQuery.js *** jquery.treeTable.css *** jquery.treeTable.js *** toggle-collapse-dark.png *** toggle-collapse-light.png *** toggle-expand-dark.png *** toggle-expand-light.png These files need to be in the same directory as the Ardell_Hou.html file when viewing that file for the taxonomic browser to work.