function [h,p,ci,stats] = ttest2(x,y,alpha,tail,vartype) %TTEST2 Two-sample T-test with pooled or unpooled variance estimate. % H = TTEST2(X,Y) performs a T-test of the hypothesis that two % independent samples, in the vectors X and Y, come from distributions % with equal means, and returns the result of the test in H. H==0 % indicates that the null hypothesis ("means are equal") cannot be % rejected at the 5% significance level. H==1 indicates that the null % hypothesis can be rejected at the 5% level. The data are assumed to % come from normal distributions with unknown, but equal, variances. X % and Y can have different lengths. % % H = TTEST2(X,Y,ALPHA) performs the test at the significance level % (100*ALPHA)%. % % H = TTEST2(X,Y,ALPHA,TAIL) performs the test against the alternative % hypothesis specified by TAIL: % 'both' -- "means are not equal" (two-tailed test) % 'right' -- "mean of X is greater than mean of Y" (right-tailed test) % 'left' -- "mean of X is less than mean of Y" (left-tailed test) % % H = TTEST2(X,Y,ALPHA,TAIL,'unequal') performs the test assuming that % the two samples come from normal distributions with unknown and unequal % variances. This is known as the Behrens-Fisher problem. TTEST2 uses % Satterthwaite's approximation for the effective degrees of freedom. % % [H,P] = TTEST2(...) returns the p-value, i.e., the probability of % observing the given result, or one more extreme, by chance if the null % hypothesis is true. Small values of P cast doubt on the validity of % the null hypothesis. % % [H,P,CI] = TTEST2(...) returns a 100*(1-ALPHA)% confidence interval for % the true mean of the difference X-Y. % % [H,P,CI,STATS] = TTEST2(...) returns a structure with the following fields: % 'tstat' -- the value of the test statistic % 'df' -- the degrees of freedom of the test % 'sd' -- the pooled estimate of the population standard deviation % (for the equal variance case) or a vector containing the unpooled % estimates of the population standard deviations (for the unequal % variance case) % % See also TTEST, RANKSUM. % References: % [1] E. Kreyszig, "Introductory Mathematical Statistics", % John Wiley, 1970, section 13.4. (Table 13.4.1 on page 210) % Copyright 1993-2004 The MathWorks, Inc. % $Revision: $ $Date: 2004/01/24 09:37:10 $ if nargin < 2, error('stats:ttest2:TooFewInputs','Requires at least two input arguments'); end [m1 n1] = size(x); [m2 n2] = size(y); if (m1 ~= 1 && n1 ~= 1) || (m2 ~= 1 && n2 ~= 1) error('stats:ttest2:InvalidData','X and Y must be vectors.'); end x = x(~isnan(x)); y = y(~isnan(y)); if nargin < 3 || isempty(alpha) alpha = 0.05; elseif numel(alpha) ~= 1 || alpha <= 0 || alpha >= 1 error('stats:ttest2:BadAlpha','ALPHA must be a scalar between 0 and 1.'); end if nargin < 4 || isempty(tail) tail = 0; else if ischar(tail) tail = strmatch(lower(tail), {'left','both','right'}) - 2; if isempty(tail) error('stats:ttest2:BadTail',... 'TAIL must be ''both'', ''right'', or ''left''.'); end end end if nargin < 5 || isempty(vartype) vartype = 1; else if ischar(vartype) vartype = strmatch(lower(vartype), {'equal','unequal'}); if isempty(vartype) error('stats:ttest2:BadVarType',... 'VARTYPE must be ''equal'' or ''unequal''.'); end end end nx = length(x); ny = length(y); s2x = var(x); s2y = var(y); difference = mean(x) - mean(y); if vartype == 1 % equal variances dfe = nx + ny - 2; sPooled = sqrt(((nx-1) .* s2x + (ny-1) .* s2y) ./ dfe); se = sPooled .* sqrt(1./nx + 1./ny); ratio = difference ./ se; if (nargout>3), stats = struct('tstat', ratio, 'df', dfe, 'sd', sPooled); end elseif vartype == 2 % unequal variances s2xbar = s2x ./ nx; s2ybar = s2y ./ ny; dfe = (s2xbar + s2ybar) .^2 ./ (s2xbar.^2 ./ (nx-1) + s2ybar.^2 ./ (ny-1)); se = sqrt(s2xbar + s2ybar); ratio = difference ./ se; if (nargout>3), stats = struct('tstat', ratio, 'df', dfe, 'sd', sqrt([s2x s2y])); end else error('stats:ttest2:BadVarType',... 'VARTYPE must be ''equal'' or ''unequal'', or 1 or 2.'); end % Compute the correct p-value for the test, and confidence intervals % if requested. if tail == 0 % two-tailed test p = 2 * tcdf(-abs(ratio),dfe); if nargout > 2 spread = tinv(1 - alpha ./ 2, dfe) .* se; ci = [(difference - spread) (difference + spread)]; end elseif tail == 1 % right one-tailed test p = tcdf(-ratio,dfe); if nargout > 2 spread = tinv(1 - alpha, dfe) .* se; ci = [(difference - spread), Inf]; end elseif tail == -1 % left one-tailed test p = tcdf(ratio,dfe); if nargout > 2 spread = tinv(1 - alpha, dfe) .* se; ci = [-Inf, (difference + spread)]; end else error('stats:ttest2:BadTail',... 'TAIL must be ''both'', ''right'', or ''left'', or 0, 1, or -1.'); end % Determine if the actual significance exceeds the desired significance if p <= alpha, h = 1; elseif p > alpha h = 0; else % isnan(p) must be true h = NaN; end