Full Tom Day 3

0 Gene_Ontology 89 NA 89 0 1 NA NA NA 161232_r_at,102280_at,161787_f_at,92593_at,95292_at,98140_at,98993_at,99475_at,161134_at,93459_s_at,99439_at,97411_at,97909_at,103910_at,93445_at,96858_at,93228_at,98550_at,99777_s_at,93333_at,94788_f_at,95118_r_at,96710_at,99457_at,100062_at,101958_f_at,103064_at,103797_at,103821_at,160069_at,160496_s_at,92478_at,92647_at,95527_at,97095_at,101920_at,103207_at,92551_at,95612_at,162009_f_at,94376_s_at,96891_at,100225_f_at,102105_f_at,102134_f_at,161757_f_at,160518_at,98956_at,95611_at,101445_at,95732_at,160595_at,94534_at,99658_f_at,101001_at,102103_f_at,96916_at,96629_at,98922_at,161492_i_at,102047_at,95462_at,161038_at,98618_at,98999_at,104313_at,99513_at,95063_at,95456_r_at,102848_f_at,93439_f_at,94078_at,97492_at,99631_f_at,99660_f_at,162327_f_at,98072_r_at,101589_at,103944_at,101957_f_at,101004_f_at,92782_at,160377_at,95131_f_at,99111_at,103201_at,97393_at,103203_f_at,103204_r_at
1 biological_process 89 6769 89 6769 1 1 1 1 161232_r_at,102280_at,161787_f_at,92593_at,95292_at,98140_at,98993_at,99475_at,161134_at,93459_s_at,99439_at,97411_at,97909_at,103910_at,93445_at,96858_at,93228_at,98550_at,99777_s_at,93333_at,94788_f_at,95118_r_at,96710_at,99457_at,100062_at,101958_f_at,103064_at,103797_at,103821_at,160069_at,160496_s_at,92478_at,92647_at,95527_at,97095_at,101920_at,103207_at,92551_at,95612_at,162009_f_at,94376_s_at,96891_at,100225_f_at,102105_f_at,102134_f_at,161757_f_at,160518_at,98956_at,95611_at,101445_at,95732_at,160595_at,94534_at,99658_f_at,101001_at,102103_f_at,96916_at,96629_at,98922_at,161492_i_at,102047_at,95462_at,161038_at,98618_at,98999_at,104313_at,99513_at,95063_at,95456_r_at,102848_f_at,93439_f_at,94078_at,97492_at,99631_f_at,99660_f_at,162327_f_at,98072_r_at,101589_at,103944_at,101957_f_at,101004_f_at,92782_at,160377_at,95131_f_at,99111_at,103201_at,97393_at,103203_f_at,103204_r_at
2 behavior 1 63 138 10540 0.007 0.006 1.212 0.565 161232_r_at
3 locomotory behavior 1 23 139 10726 0.007 0.002 3.36 0.259 161232_r_at
2 cellular process 49 3616 138 10540 0.355 0.343 1.035 0.414 102280_at,161232_r_at,161787_f_at,92593_at,95292_at,98140_at,98993_at,99475_at,161134_at,93459_s_at,99439_at,97411_at,97909_at,103910_at,93445_at,96858_at,93228_at,98550_at,99777_s_at,93333_at,94788_f_at,95118_r_at,96710_at,99457_at,100062_at,101958_f_at,103064_at,103797_at,103821_at,160069_at,160496_s_at,92478_at,92647_at,95527_at,97095_at,101920_at,103207_at,92551_at,95612_at,162009_f_at,94376_s_at,96891_at,100225_f_at,102105_f_at,102134_f_at,161757_f_at,160518_at,98956_at,95611_at
3 cell communication 13 1550 139 10726 0.094 0.145 0.647 0.973 102280_at,161232_r_at,161787_f_at,92593_at,95292_at,98140_at,98993_at,99475_at,161134_at,93459_s_at,99439_at,97411_at,97909_at
4 cell adhesion 6 322 161 13100 0.037 0.025 1.516 0.205 102280_at,161232_r_at,161787_f_at,92593_at,95292_at,98140_at
5 cell-cell adhesion 2 44 125 11544 0.016 0.004 4.199 0.082 102280_at,98140_at
6 homophilic cell adhesion 2 31 108 9498 0.019 0.003 5.681 0.048 102280_at,98140_at
5 cell-matrix adhesion 2 50 125 11544 0.016 0.004 3.695 0.102 161787_f_at,95292_at
4 signal transduction 9 1199 161 13100 0.056 0.092 0.611 0.965 98993_at,99475_at,161134_at,93459_s_at,99439_at,161787_f_at,95292_at,97411_at,97909_at
5 cell surface receptor linked signal transduction 5 621 125 11544 0.04 0.054 0.744 0.81 161134_at,93459_s_at,99439_at,161787_f_at,95292_at
6 G-protein coupled receptor protein signaling pathway 3 355 108 9498 0.028 0.037 0.743 0.774 161134_at,93459_s_at,99439_at
6 integrin-mediated signaling pathway 2 45 108 9498 0.019 0.005 3.907 0.093 161787_f_at,95292_at
5 intracellular signaling cascade 3 485 125 11544 0.024 0.042 0.571 0.901 97411_at,97909_at,99475_at
3 cell death 4 207 139 10726 0.029 0.019 1.491 0.281 103910_at,93445_at,96858_at,93228_at
4 programmed cell death 4 192 161 13100 0.025 0.015 1.694 0.211 103910_at,93445_at,96858_at,93228_at
5 apoptosis 4 192 125 11544 0.032 0.017 1.924 0.155 103910_at,93445_at,96858_at,93228_at
6 anti-apoptosis 1 31 108 9498 0.009 0.003 2.84 0.299 93228_at
6 apoptotic program 1 16 108 9498 0.009 0.002 5.512 0.167 96858_at
7 apoptotic mitochondrial changes 1 4 74 6246 0.014 0.001 21.109 0.047 96858_at
7 apoptotic nuclear changes 1 3 74 6246 0.014 0 28.146 0.035 96858_at
8 DNA fragmentation 1 3 25 2164 0.04 0.001 28.777 0.034 96858_at
3 cell differentiation 2 137 139 10726 0.014 0.013 1.127 0.533 93228_at,99475_at
4 lymphocytic blood cell differentiation 1 6 161 13100 0.006 0 13.5 0.072 93228_at
4 neuron differentiation 1 5 161 13100 0.006 0 16.342 0.06 99475_at
5 regulation of neuron differentiation 1 1 125 11544 0.008 0 88.889 0.011 99475_at
6 positive regulation of neuron differentiation 1 1 108 9498 0.009 0 84.182 0.011 99475_at
3 cell growth and/or maintenance 38 2128 139 10726 0.273 0.198 1.378 0.02 97411_at,98550_at,99439_at,99475_at,99777_s_at,93333_at,94788_f_at,95118_r_at,97909_at,96710_at,99457_at,100062_at,101958_f_at,103064_at,103797_at,103821_at,160069_at,160496_s_at,161134_at,92478_at,92647_at,95527_at,97095_at,101920_at,103207_at,92551_at,95612_at,162009_f_at,94376_s_at,103910_at,96891_at,100225_f_at,102105_f_at,102134_f_at,161757_f_at,160518_at,98956_at,95611_at
4 cell growth 1 51 161 13100 0.006 0.004 1.596 0.468 99475_at
5 regulation of cell growth 1 38 125 11544 0.008 0.003 2.432 0.339 99475_at
4 cell organization and biogenesis 7 530 161 13100 0.043 0.04 1.075 0.478 99777_s_at,93333_at,94788_f_at,95118_r_at,97909_at,96710_at,98550_at
5 cytoplasm organization and biogenesis 5 380 125 11544 0.04 0.033 1.215 0.394 99777_s_at,93333_at,94788_f_at,95118_r_at,97909_at
6 organelle organization and biogenesis 5 318 108 9498 0.046 0.033 1.383 0.295 99777_s_at,93333_at,94788_f_at,95118_r_at,97909_at
7 cytoskeleton organization and biogenesis 5 262 74 6246 0.068 0.042 1.611 0.198 99777_s_at,93333_at,94788_f_at,95118_r_at,97909_at
8 microtubule-based process 4 119 25 2164 0.16 0.055 2.91 0.045 93333_at,94788_f_at,95118_r_at,97909_at
9 microtubule cytoskeleton organization and biogenesis 1 12 14 911 0.071 0.013 5.424 0.171 93333_at
10 microtubule nucleation 1 3 4 197 0.25 0.015 16.415 0.06 93333_at
11 tubulin folding 1 2 2 34 0.5 0.059 8.501 0.116 93333_at
12 chaperonin-mediated tubulin folding 1 1 2 8 0.5 0.125 4 0.25 93333_at
5 nuclear organization and biogenesis 2 112 125 11544 0.016 0.01 1.649 0.343 96710_at,98550_at
6 chromosome organization and biogenesis (sensu Eukarya) 2 108 108 9498 0.019 0.011 1.629 0.348 96710_at,98550_at
7 establishment and/or maintenance of chromatin architecture 2 80 74 6246 0.027 0.013 2.11 0.245 96710_at,98550_at
8 chromatin assembly/disassembly 2 48 25 2164 0.08 0.022 3.607 0.105 96710_at,98550_at
9 nucleosome assembly 2 28 14 911 0.143 0.031 4.647 0.066 96710_at,98550_at
4 cell proliferation 24 501 161 13100 0.149 0.038 3.898 0 99457_at,100062_at,101958_f_at,103064_at,103797_at,103821_at,160069_at,160496_s_at,161134_at,92478_at,92647_at,95527_at,97095_at,101920_at,103207_at,92551_at,95612_at,98550_at,162009_f_at,94376_s_at,103910_at,96891_at,97411_at,99439_at
5 cell cycle 24 435 125 11544 0.192 0.038 5.096 0 100062_at,101958_f_at,103064_at,103797_at,103821_at,160069_at,160496_s_at,161134_at,92478_at,92647_at,95527_at,97095_at,101920_at,103207_at,92551_at,95612_at,98550_at,162009_f_at,94376_s_at,99457_at,103910_at,96891_at,97411_at,99439_at
6 DNA replication and chromosome cycle 11 113 108 9498 0.102 0.012 8.559 0 92478_at,100062_at,101920_at,103207_at,160496_s_at,92551_at,92647_at,95527_at,95612_at,98550_at,162009_f_at
7 chromosome segregation 1 13 74 6246 0.014 0.002 6.495 0.144 92478_at
7 DNA replication 10 94 74 6246 0.135 0.015 8.979 0 100062_at,101920_at,103207_at,160496_s_at,92551_at,92647_at,95527_at,95612_at,98550_at,162009_f_at
8 DNA dependent DNA replication 3 31 25 2164 0.12 0.014 8.374 0.005 100062_at,160496_s_at,162009_f_at
9 DNA replication initiation 2 10 14 911 0.143 0.011 13.011 0.009 100062_at,160496_s_at
9 maintenance of fidelity during DNA dependent DNA replication 1 7 14 911 0.071 0.008 9.301 0.103 162009_f_at
10 mismatch repair 1 7 4 197 0.25 0.036 7.036 0.136 162009_f_at
6 M phase 4 74 108 9498 0.037 0.008 4.755 0.01 92478_at,97095_at,94376_s_at,99457_at
7 M phase of mitotic cell cycle 2 57 74 6246 0.027 0.009 2.961 0.146 92478_at,97095_at
8 mitosis 2 57 25 2164 0.08 0.026 3.037 0.139 92478_at,97095_at
7 nuclear division 4 73 74 6246 0.054 0.012 4.624 0.011 92478_at,97095_at,94376_s_at,99457_at
8 mitosis 2 57 25 2164 0.08 0.026 3.037 0.139 92478_at,97095_at
8 meiosis 2 23 25 2164 0.08 0.011 7.526 0.028 94376_s_at,99457_at
6 mitotic cell cycle 15 173 108 9498 0.139 0.018 7.627 0 92478_at,97095_at,103910_at,103064_at,96891_at,100062_at,101920_at,103207_at,160496_s_at,92551_at,92647_at,95527_at,95612_at,98550_at,162009_f_at
7 M phase of mitotic cell cycle 2 57 74 6246 0.027 0.009 2.961 0.146 92478_at,97095_at
8 mitosis 2 57 25 2164 0.08 0.026 3.037 0.139 92478_at,97095_at
7 G1/S transition of mitotic cell cycle 1 12 74 6246 0.014 0.002 7.036 0.133 103910_at
7 G2/M transition of mitotic cell cycle 1 3 74 6246 0.014 0 28.146 0.035 103064_at
7 S phase of mitotic cell cycle 11 95 74 6246 0.149 0.015 9.773 0 96891_at,100062_at,101920_at,103207_at,160496_s_at,92551_at,92647_at,95527_at,95612_at,98550_at,162009_f_at
8 DNA dependent DNA replication 3 31 25 2164 0.12 0.014 8.374 0.005 100062_at,160496_s_at,162009_f_at
9 DNA replication initiation 2 10 14 911 0.143 0.011 13.011 0.009 100062_at,160496_s_at
9 maintenance of fidelity during DNA dependent DNA replication 1 7 14 911 0.071 0.008 9.301 0.103 162009_f_at
10 mismatch repair 1 7 4 197 0.25 0.036 7.036 0.136 162009_f_at
7 DNA replication 10 94 74 6246 0.135 0.015 8.979 0 100062_at,101920_at,103207_at,160496_s_at,92551_at,92647_at,95527_at,95612_at,98550_at,162009_f_at
8 DNA dependent DNA replication 3 31 25 2164 0.12 0.014 8.374 0.005 100062_at,160496_s_at,162009_f_at
9 DNA replication initiation 2 10 14 911 0.143 0.011 13.011 0.009 100062_at,160496_s_at
9 maintenance of fidelity during DNA dependent DNA replication 1 7 14 911 0.071 0.008 9.301 0.103 162009_f_at
10 mismatch repair 1 7 4 197 0.25 0.036 7.036 0.136 162009_f_at
6 regulation of cell cycle 4 204 108 9498 0.037 0.021 1.724 0.202 101958_f_at,97411_at,99439_at,103064_at
7 cell cycle checkpoint 1 10 74 6246 0.014 0.002 8.444 0.112 103064_at
8 DNA damage response, signal transduction resulting in cell cycle arrest 1 7 25 2164 0.04 0.003 12.384 0.078 103064_at
4 transport 8 1083 161 13100 0.05 0.083 0.601 0.961 100225_f_at,102105_f_at,102134_f_at,161757_f_at,94376_s_at,160518_at,98956_at,95611_at
5 hydrogen transport 1 50 125 11544 0.008 0.004 1.848 0.42 102134_f_at
6 proton transport 1 44 108 9498 0.009 0.005 2 0.396 102134_f_at
5 intracellular transport 3 351 125 11544 0.024 0.03 0.789 0.737 160518_at,161757_f_at,98956_at
6 Golgi vesicle transport 1 12 108 9498 0.009 0.001 7.349 0.128 160518_at
7 retrograde (Golgi to ER) transport 1 1 74 6246 0.014 0 84.438 0.012 160518_at
6 intracellular protein transport 2 284 108 9498 0.019 0.03 0.619 0.838 161757_f_at,98956_at
7 protein targeting 2 101 74 6246 0.027 0.016 1.672 0.337 98956_at,161757_f_at
8 protein-nucleus import 1 32 25 2164 0.04 0.015 2.705 0.312 161757_f_at
9 NLS-bearing substrate-nucleus import 1 2 14 911 0.071 0.002 32.468 0.031 161757_f_at
9 protein-nucleus import, docking 1 10 14 911 0.071 0.011 6.505 0.144 161757_f_at
5 ion transport 1 335 125 11544 0.008 0.029 0.276 0.975 102134_f_at
5 lipid transport 1 40 125 11544 0.008 0.003 2.305 0.354 95611_at
5 protein transport 2 297 125 11544 0.016 0.026 0.622 0.836 161757_f_at,98956_at
6 intracellular protein transport 2 284 108 9498 0.019 0.03 0.619 0.838 161757_f_at,98956_at
7 protein targeting 2 101 74 6246 0.027 0.016 1.672 0.337 98956_at,161757_f_at
8 protein-nucleus import 1 32 25 2164 0.04 0.015 2.705 0.312 161757_f_at
9 NLS-bearing substrate-nucleus import 1 2 14 911 0.071 0.002 32.468 0.031 161757_f_at
9 protein-nucleus import, docking 1 10 14 911 0.071 0.011 6.505 0.144 161757_f_at
3 cell motility 2 188 139 10726 0.014 0.018 0.821 0.704 161232_r_at,95292_at
4 cell migration 2 53 161 13100 0.012 0.004 3.067 0.138 161232_r_at,95292_at
2 development 8 990 138 10540 0.058 0.094 0.617 0.954 161232_r_at,161787_f_at,93459_s_at,93228_at,99475_at,160069_at,95292_at,101445_at
3 cell differentiation 2 137 139 10726 0.014 0.013 1.127 0.533 93228_at,99475_at
4 lymphocytic blood cell differentiation 1 6 161 13100 0.006 0 13.5 0.072 93228_at
4 neuron differentiation 1 5 161 13100 0.006 0 16.342 0.06 99475_at
5 regulation of neuron differentiation 1 1 125 11544 0.008 0 88.889 0.011 99475_at
6 positive regulation of neuron differentiation 1 1 108 9498 0.009 0 84.182 0.011 99475_at
3 growth 1 8 139 10726 0.007 0.001 9.587 0.099 99475_at
4 regulation of growth 1 8 161 13100 0.006 0.001 10.18 0.094 99475_at
5 regulation of body size 1 5 125 11544 0.008 0 18.605 0.053 99475_at
3 morphogenesis 4 594 139 10726 0.029 0.055 0.52 0.954 160069_at,95292_at,161232_r_at,93228_at
4 organogenesis 4 544 161 13100 0.025 0.042 0.598 0.906 160069_at,95292_at,161232_r_at,93228_at
5 heart development 1 31 125 11544 0.008 0.003 2.974 0.287 95292_at
5 neurogenesis 1 164 125 11544 0.008 0.014 0.563 0.834 161232_r_at
6 central nervous system development 1 39 108 9498 0.009 0.004 2.253 0.36 161232_r_at
7 brain development 1 29 74 6246 0.014 0.005 2.912 0.293 161232_r_at
5 urogenital system development 1 11 125 11544 0.008 0.001 8.421 0.113 93228_at
3 regulation of gene expression, epigenetic 2 28 139 10726 0.014 0.003 5.513 0.051 101445_at,93228_at
4 DNA methylation 2 21 161 13100 0.012 0.002 7.763 0.027 101445_at,93228_at
2 obsolete biological process 1 3 138 10540 0.007 0 25.893 0.039 95732_at
3 mRNA splicing 1 54 139 10726 0.007 0.005 1.429 0.506 95732_at
2 physiological processes 79 5866 138 10540 0.572 0.557 1.029 0.386 97411_at,98550_at,99439_at,99475_at,99777_s_at,93333_at,94788_f_at,95118_r_at,97909_at,96710_at,99457_at,100062_at,101958_f_at,103064_at,103797_at,103821_at,160069_at,160496_s_at,161134_at,92478_at,92647_at,95527_at,97095_at,101920_at,103207_at,92551_at,95612_at,162009_f_at,94376_s_at,103910_at,96891_at,100225_f_at,102105_f_at,102134_f_at,161757_f_at,160518_at,98956_at,95611_at,160595_at,94534_at,99658_f_at,101001_at,102103_f_at,96916_at,96629_at,98922_at,161492_i_at,102047_at,95462_at,161038_at,98618_at,98999_at,104313_at,99513_at,95063_at,95456_r_at,102848_f_at,93439_f_at,94078_at,96858_at,97492_at,99631_f_at,99660_f_at,162327_f_at,98072_r_at,101589_at,103944_at,101957_f_at,95732_at,101004_f_at,92782_at,101445_at,160377_at,95131_f_at,99111_at,103201_at,97393_at,103203_f_at,103204_r_at
3 cell growth and/or maintenance 38 2128 139 10726 0.273 0.198 1.378 0.02 97411_at,98550_at,99439_at,99475_at,99777_s_at,93333_at,94788_f_at,95118_r_at,97909_at,96710_at,99457_at,100062_at,101958_f_at,103064_at,103797_at,103821_at,160069_at,160496_s_at,161134_at,92478_at,92647_at,95527_at,97095_at,101920_at,103207_at,92551_at,95612_at,162009_f_at,94376_s_at,103910_at,96891_at,100225_f_at,102105_f_at,102134_f_at,161757_f_at,160518_at,98956_at,95611_at
4 cell growth 1 51 161 13100 0.006 0.004 1.596 0.468 99475_at
5 regulation of cell growth 1 38 125 11544 0.008 0.003 2.432 0.339 99475_at
4 cell organization and biogenesis 7 530 161 13100 0.043 0.04 1.075 0.478 99777_s_at,93333_at,94788_f_at,95118_r_at,97909_at,96710_at,98550_at
5 cytoplasm organization and biogenesis 5 380 125 11544 0.04 0.033 1.215 0.394 99777_s_at,93333_at,94788_f_at,95118_r_at,97909_at
6 organelle organization and biogenesis 5 318 108 9498 0.046 0.033 1.383 0.295 99777_s_at,93333_at,94788_f_at,95118_r_at,97909_at
7 cytoskeleton organization and biogenesis 5 262 74 6246 0.068 0.042 1.611 0.198 99777_s_at,93333_at,94788_f_at,95118_r_at,97909_at
8 microtubule-based process 4 119 25 2164 0.16 0.055 2.91 0.045 93333_at,94788_f_at,95118_r_at,97909_at
9 microtubule cytoskeleton organization and biogenesis 1 12 14 911 0.071 0.013 5.424 0.171 93333_at
10 microtubule nucleation 1 3 4 197 0.25 0.015 16.415 0.06 93333_at
11 tubulin folding 1 2 2 34 0.5 0.059 8.501 0.116 93333_at
12 chaperonin-mediated tubulin folding 1 1 2 8 0.5 0.125 4 0.25 93333_at
5 nuclear organization and biogenesis 2 112 125 11544 0.016 0.01 1.649 0.343 96710_at,98550_at
6 chromosome organization and biogenesis (sensu Eukarya) 2 108 108 9498 0.019 0.011 1.629 0.348 96710_at,98550_at
7 establishment and/or maintenance of chromatin architecture 2 80 74 6246 0.027 0.013 2.11 0.245 96710_at,98550_at
8 chromatin assembly/disassembly 2 48 25 2164 0.08 0.022 3.607 0.105 96710_at,98550_at
9 nucleosome assembly 2 28 14 911 0.143 0.031 4.647 0.066 96710_at,98550_at
4 cell proliferation 24 501 161 13100 0.149 0.038 3.898 0 99457_at,100062_at,101958_f_at,103064_at,103797_at,103821_at,160069_at,160496_s_at,161134_at,92478_at,92647_at,95527_at,97095_at,101920_at,103207_at,92551_at,95612_at,98550_at,162009_f_at,94376_s_at,103910_at,96891_at,97411_at,99439_at
5 cell cycle 24 435 125 11544 0.192 0.038 5.096 0 100062_at,101958_f_at,103064_at,103797_at,103821_at,160069_at,160496_s_at,161134_at,92478_at,92647_at,95527_at,97095_at,101920_at,103207_at,92551_at,95612_at,98550_at,162009_f_at,94376_s_at,99457_at,103910_at,96891_at,97411_at,99439_at
6 DNA replication and chromosome cycle 11 113 108 9498 0.102 0.012 8.559 0 92478_at,100062_at,101920_at,103207_at,160496_s_at,92551_at,92647_at,95527_at,95612_at,98550_at,162009_f_at
7 chromosome segregation 1 13 74 6246 0.014 0.002 6.495 0.144 92478_at
7 DNA replication 10 94 74 6246 0.135 0.015 8.979 0 100062_at,101920_at,103207_at,160496_s_at,92551_at,92647_at,95527_at,95612_at,98550_at,162009_f_at
8 DNA dependent DNA replication 3 31 25 2164 0.12 0.014 8.374 0.005 100062_at,160496_s_at,162009_f_at
9 DNA replication initiation 2 10 14 911 0.143 0.011 13.011 0.009 100062_at,160496_s_at
9 maintenance of fidelity during DNA dependent DNA replication 1 7 14 911 0.071 0.008 9.301 0.103 162009_f_at
10 mismatch repair 1 7 4 197 0.25 0.036 7.036 0.136 162009_f_at
6 M phase 4 74 108 9498 0.037 0.008 4.755 0.01 92478_at,97095_at,94376_s_at,99457_at
7 M phase of mitotic cell cycle 2 57 74 6246 0.027 0.009 2.961 0.146 92478_at,97095_at
8 mitosis 2 57 25 2164 0.08 0.026 3.037 0.139 92478_at,97095_at
7 nuclear division 4 73 74 6246 0.054 0.012 4.624 0.011 92478_at,97095_at,94376_s_at,99457_at
8 mitosis 2 57 25 2164 0.08 0.026 3.037 0.139 92478_at,97095_at
8 meiosis 2 23 25 2164 0.08 0.011 7.526 0.028 94376_s_at,99457_at
6 mitotic cell cycle 15 173 108 9498 0.139 0.018 7.627 0 92478_at,97095_at,103910_at,103064_at,96891_at,100062_at,101920_at,103207_at,160496_s_at,92551_at,92647_at,95527_at,95612_at,98550_at,162009_f_at
7 M phase of mitotic cell cycle 2 57 74 6246 0.027 0.009 2.961 0.146 92478_at,97095_at
8 mitosis 2 57 25 2164 0.08 0.026 3.037 0.139 92478_at,97095_at
7 G1/S transition of mitotic cell cycle 1 12 74 6246 0.014 0.002 7.036 0.133 103910_at
7 G2/M transition of mitotic cell cycle 1 3 74 6246 0.014 0 28.146 0.035 103064_at
7 S phase of mitotic cell cycle 11 95 74 6246 0.149 0.015 9.773 0 96891_at,100062_at,101920_at,103207_at,160496_s_at,92551_at,92647_at,95527_at,95612_at,98550_at,162009_f_at
8 DNA dependent DNA replication 3 31 25 2164 0.12 0.014 8.374 0.005 100062_at,160496_s_at,162009_f_at
9 DNA replication initiation 2 10 14 911 0.143 0.011 13.011 0.009 100062_at,160496_s_at
9 maintenance of fidelity during DNA dependent DNA replication 1 7 14 911 0.071 0.008 9.301 0.103 162009_f_at
10 mismatch repair 1 7 4 197 0.25 0.036 7.036 0.136 162009_f_at
7 DNA replication 10 94 74 6246 0.135 0.015 8.979 0 100062_at,101920_at,103207_at,160496_s_at,92551_at,92647_at,95527_at,95612_at,98550_at,162009_f_at
8 DNA dependent DNA replication 3 31 25 2164 0.12 0.014 8.374 0.005 100062_at,160496_s_at,162009_f_at
9 DNA replication initiation 2 10 14 911 0.143 0.011 13.011 0.009 100062_at,160496_s_at
9 maintenance of fidelity during DNA dependent DNA replication 1 7 14 911 0.071 0.008 9.301 0.103 162009_f_at
10 mismatch repair 1 7 4 197 0.25 0.036 7.036 0.136 162009_f_at
6 regulation of cell cycle 4 204 108 9498 0.037 0.021 1.724 0.202 101958_f_at,97411_at,99439_at,103064_at
7 cell cycle checkpoint 1 10 74 6246 0.014 0.002 8.444 0.112 103064_at
8 DNA damage response, signal transduction resulting in cell cycle arrest 1 7 25 2164 0.04 0.003 12.384 0.078 103064_at
4 transport 8 1083 161 13100 0.05 0.083 0.601 0.961 100225_f_at,102105_f_at,102134_f_at,161757_f_at,94376_s_at,160518_at,98956_at,95611_at
5 hydrogen transport 1 50 125 11544 0.008 0.004 1.848 0.42 102134_f_at
6 proton transport 1 44 108 9498 0.009 0.005 2 0.396 102134_f_at
5 intracellular transport 3 351 125 11544 0.024 0.03 0.789 0.737 160518_at,161757_f_at,98956_at
6 Golgi vesicle transport 1 12 108 9498 0.009 0.001 7.349 0.128 160518_at
7 retrograde (Golgi to ER) transport 1 1 74 6246 0.014 0 84.438 0.012 160518_at
6 intracellular protein transport 2 284 108 9498 0.019 0.03 0.619 0.838 161757_f_at,98956_at
7 protein targeting 2 101 74 6246 0.027 0.016 1.672 0.337 98956_at,161757_f_at
8 protein-nucleus import 1 32 25 2164 0.04 0.015 2.705 0.312 161757_f_at
9 NLS-bearing substrate-nucleus import 1 2 14 911 0.071 0.002 32.468 0.031 161757_f_at
9 protein-nucleus import, docking 1 10 14 911 0.071 0.011 6.505 0.144 161757_f_at
5 ion transport 1 335 125 11544 0.008 0.029 0.276 0.975 102134_f_at
5 lipid transport 1 40 125 11544 0.008 0.003 2.305 0.354 95611_at
5 protein transport 2 297 125 11544 0.016 0.026 0.622 0.836 161757_f_at,98956_at
6 intracellular protein transport 2 284 108 9498 0.019 0.03 0.619 0.838 161757_f_at,98956_at
7 protein targeting 2 101 74 6246 0.027 0.016 1.672 0.337 98956_at,161757_f_at
8 protein-nucleus import 1 32 25 2164 0.04 0.015 2.705 0.312 161757_f_at
9 NLS-bearing substrate-nucleus import 1 2 14 911 0.071 0.002 32.468 0.031 161757_f_at
9 protein-nucleus import, docking 1 10 14 911 0.071 0.011 6.505 0.144 161757_f_at
3 metabolism 60 3908 139 10726 0.432 0.364 1.185 0.059 160595_at,94534_at,99658_f_at,101001_at,102105_f_at,102103_f_at,96916_at,96629_at,98922_at,161492_i_at,102047_at,95462_at,161038_at,98618_at,98999_at,104313_at,95611_at,99513_at,100225_f_at,95063_at,95456_r_at,102848_f_at,93439_f_at,94078_at,96858_at,97492_at,99631_f_at,99660_f_at,162327_f_at,98072_r_at,94376_s_at,100062_at,101920_at,103207_at,160496_s_at,92551_at,92647_at,95527_at,95612_at,98550_at,162009_f_at,101589_at,96710_at,103944_at,101957_f_at,95732_at,101004_f_at,92782_at,101445_at,101958_f_at,160377_at,95131_f_at,99111_at,103064_at,103201_at,103797_at,97095_at,97393_at,98956_at,161757_f_at
4 amine metabolism 1 148 161 13100 0.006 0.011 0.55 0.841 101001_at
5 biogenic amine metabolism 1 35 125 11544 0.008 0.003 2.64 0.317 101001_at
6 polyamine metabolism 1 13 108 9498 0.009 0.001 6.759 0.138 101001_at
4 biosynthesis 11 652 161 13100 0.068 0.05 1.373 0.179 102105_f_at,102103_f_at,96916_at,96629_at,98922_at,161492_i_at,102047_at,95462_at,161038_at,98618_at,98999_at
5 lipid biosynthesis 1 124 125 11544 0.008 0.011 0.745 0.743 102105_f_at
6 fatty acid biosynthesis 1 40 108 9498 0.009 0.004 2.2 0.368 102105_f_at
7 eicosanoid biosynthesis 1 19 74 6246 0.014 0.003 4.444 0.203 102105_f_at
8 prostanoid biosynthesis 1 9 25 2164 0.04 0.004 9.615 0.099 102105_f_at
9 prostaglandin biosynthesis 1 9 14 911 0.071 0.01 7.23 0.131 102105_f_at
5 macromolecule biosynthesis 7 322 125 11544 0.056 0.028 2.008 0.061 102103_f_at,96916_at,96629_at,98922_at,161492_i_at,102047_at,95462_at
6 protein biosynthesis 7 322 108 9498 0.065 0.034 1.912 0.074 102103_f_at,96916_at,96629_at,98922_at,161492_i_at,102047_at,95462_at
7 amino acid activation 1 36 74 6246 0.014 0.006 2.345 0.35 96629_at
7 glycoprotein biosynthesis 2 52 74 6246 0.027 0.008 3.245 0.126 98922_at,161492_i_at
8 protein amino acid glycosylation 2 52 25 2164 0.08 0.024 3.329 0.12 98922_at,161492_i_at
9 N-linked glycosylation 1 12 14 911 0.071 0.013 5.424 0.171 161492_i_at
7 lipoprotein biosynthesis 1 16 74 6246 0.014 0.003 5.277 0.174 102047_at
8 protein lipidation 1 16 25 2164 0.04 0.007 5.413 0.17 102047_at
9 protein myristoylation 1 3 14 911 0.071 0.003 21.711 0.045 102047_at
10 protein amino acid myristoylation 1 3 4 197 0.25 0.015 16.415 0.06 102047_at
11 N-terminal protein myristoylation 1 3 2 34 0.5 0.088 5.666 0.171 102047_at
12 N-terminal peptidyl-glycine N-myristoylation 1 3 2 8 0.5 0.375 1.333 0.643 102047_at
7 regulation of translation 1 24 74 6246 0.014 0.004 3.518 0.249 95462_at
8 regulation of translational initiation 1 13 25 2164 0.04 0.006 6.656 0.141 95462_at
5 nucleotide biosynthesis 3 74 125 11544 0.024 0.006 3.744 0.046 161038_at,98618_at,98999_at
6 deoxyribonucleotide biosynthesis 1 7 108 9498 0.009 0.001 12.514 0.077 98618_at
7 deoxyribonucleoside diphosphate biosynthesis 1 4 74 6246 0.014 0.001 21.109 0.047 98618_at
8 pyrimidine deoxyribonucleoside diphosphate biosynthesis 1 4 25 2164 0.04 0.002 21.622 0.045 98618_at
9 dTDP biosynthesis 1 4 14 911 0.071 0.004 16.271 0.06 98618_at
7 deoxyribonucleoside triphosphate biosynthesis 1 5 74 6246 0.014 0.001 16.887 0.058 98618_at
8 pyrimidine deoxyribonucleoside triphosphate biosynthesis 1 5 25 2164 0.04 0.002 17.316 0.056 98618_at
9 dTTP biosynthesis 1 5 14 911 0.071 0.005 13.011 0.075 98618_at
6 nucleoside monophosphate biosynthesis 1 15 108 9498 0.009 0.002 5.861 0.158 161038_at
7 ribonucleoside monophosphate biosynthesis 1 13 74 6246 0.014 0.002 6.495 0.144 161038_at
6 purine nucleotide biosynthesis 1 45 108 9498 0.009 0.005 1.954 0.403 98999_at
7 purine ribonucleotide biosynthesis 1 42 74 6246 0.014 0.007 2.01 0.395 98999_at
4 carbohydrate metabolism 2 231 161 13100 0.012 0.018 0.704 0.78 104313_at,94534_at
5 main pathways of carbohydrate metabolism 1 84 125 11544 0.008 0.007 1.099 0.601 94534_at
6 tricarboxylic acid cycle 1 19 108 9498 0.009 0.002 4.63 0.195 94534_at
4 catabolism 5 631 161 13100 0.031 0.048 0.645 0.893 95611_at,99513_at,100225_f_at,95063_at,95456_r_at
5 lipid catabolism 2 44 125 11544 0.016 0.004 4.199 0.082 95611_at,99513_at
6 membrane lipid catabolism 1 4 108 9498 0.009 0 22.048 0.045 99513_at
7 phospholipid catabolism 1 2 74 6246 0.014 0 42.219 0.024 99513_at
5 macromolecule catabolism 4 470 125 11544 0.032 0.041 0.786 0.755 100225_f_at,95063_at,95456_r_at,99513_at
6 protein catabolism 4 466 108 9498 0.037 0.049 0.755 0.783 100225_f_at,95063_at,95456_r_at,99513_at
7 proteolysis and peptidolysis 2 457 74 6246 0.027 0.073 0.369 0.976 95456_r_at,99513_at
4 electron transport 8 313 161 13100 0.05 0.024 2.08 0.04 102848_f_at,93439_f_at,94078_at,96858_at,97492_at,99631_f_at,99660_f_at,162327_f_at
5 ATP synthesis coupled electron transport 1 7 125 11544 0.008 0.001 13.115 0.073 162327_f_at
6 ATP synthesis coupled electron transport (sensu Eukarya) 1 7 108 9498 0.009 0.001 12.514 0.077 162327_f_at
7 mitochondrial electron transport, NADH to ubiquinone 1 6 74 6246 0.014 0.001 14.073 0.069 162327_f_at
4 lipid metabolism 3 285 161 13100 0.019 0.022 0.856 0.684 95611_at,102105_f_at,99513_at
5 lipid biosynthesis 1 124 125 11544 0.008 0.011 0.745 0.743 102105_f_at
6 fatty acid biosynthesis 1 40 108 9498 0.009 0.004 2.2 0.368 102105_f_at
7 eicosanoid biosynthesis 1 19 74 6246 0.014 0.003 4.444 0.203 102105_f_at
8 prostanoid biosynthesis 1 9 25 2164 0.04 0.004 9.615 0.099 102105_f_at
9 prostaglandin biosynthesis 1 9 14 911 0.071 0.01 7.23 0.131 102105_f_at
5 lipid catabolism 2 44 125 11544 0.016 0.004 4.199 0.082 95611_at,99513_at
6 membrane lipid catabolism 1 4 108 9498 0.009 0 22.048 0.045 99513_at
7 phospholipid catabolism 1 2 74 6246 0.014 0 42.219 0.024 99513_at
5 fatty acid metabolism 1 85 125 11544 0.008 0.007 1.087 0.605 102105_f_at
6 fatty acid biosynthesis 1 40 108 9498 0.009 0.004 2.2 0.368 102105_f_at
7 eicosanoid biosynthesis 1 19 74 6246 0.014 0.003 4.444 0.203 102105_f_at
8 prostanoid biosynthesis 1 9 25 2164 0.04 0.004 9.615 0.099 102105_f_at
9 prostaglandin biosynthesis 1 9 14 911 0.071 0.01 7.23 0.131 102105_f_at
6 eicosanoid metabolism 1 23 108 9498 0.009 0.002 3.826 0.232 102105_f_at
7 eicosanoid biosynthesis 1 19 74 6246 0.014 0.003 4.444 0.203 102105_f_at
8 prostanoid biosynthesis 1 9 25 2164 0.04 0.004 9.615 0.099 102105_f_at
9 prostaglandin biosynthesis 1 9 14 911 0.071 0.01 7.23 0.131 102105_f_at
7 prostanoid metabolism 1 13 74 6246 0.014 0.002 6.495 0.144 102105_f_at
8 prostanoid biosynthesis 1 9 25 2164 0.04 0.004 9.615 0.099 102105_f_at
9 prostaglandin biosynthesis 1 9 14 911 0.071 0.01 7.23 0.131 102105_f_at
8 prostaglandin metabolism 1 13 25 2164 0.04 0.006 6.656 0.141 102105_f_at
9 prostaglandin biosynthesis 1 9 14 911 0.071 0.01 7.23 0.131 102105_f_at
4 nucleobase, nucleoside, nucleotide and nucleic acid metabolism 25 1530 161 13100 0.155 0.117 1.33 0.084 98072_r_at,94376_s_at,100062_at,101920_at,103207_at,160496_s_at,92551_at,92647_at,95527_at,95612_at,98550_at,162009_f_at,101589_at,96710_at,103944_at,101957_f_at,161038_at,95732_at,101004_f_at,92782_at,101445_at,101958_f_at,160377_at,95131_f_at,99111_at
5 DNA metabolism 15 302 125 11544 0.12 0.026 4.587 0 94376_s_at,100062_at,101920_at,103207_at,160496_s_at,92551_at,92647_at,95527_at,95612_at,98550_at,162009_f_at,101589_at,96710_at,103944_at,101957_f_at
6 DNA packaging 3 93 108 9498 0.028 0.01 2.838 0.089 101589_at,96710_at,98550_at
7 establishment and/or maintenance of chromatin architecture 2 80 74 6246 0.027 0.013 2.11 0.245 96710_at,98550_at
8 chromatin assembly/disassembly 2 48 25 2164 0.08 0.022 3.607 0.105 96710_at,98550_at
9 nucleosome assembly 2 28 14 911 0.143 0.031 4.647 0.066 96710_at,98550_at
6 DNA recombination 2 25 108 9498 0.019 0.003 7.042 0.032 103944_at,92551_at
6 DNA repair 8 99 108 9498 0.074 0.01 7.108 0 101957_f_at,103944_at,162009_f_at,92551_at,92647_at,94376_s_at,95527_at,95612_at
7 base-excision repair 1 8 74 6246 0.014 0.001 10.555 0.091 101957_f_at
5 nucleoside metabolism 1 15 125 11544 0.008 0.001 6.154 0.151 161038_at
5 RNA metabolism 2 132 125 11544 0.016 0.011 1.4 0.42 95732_at,101004_f_at
6 RNA processing 2 126 108 9498 0.019 0.013 1.396 0.421 95732_at,101004_f_at
7 mRNA processing 2 84 74 6246 0.027 0.013 2.01 0.262 95732_at,101004_f_at
8 nuclear mRNA splicing, via spliceosome 1 NA 25 2164 0.04 NA NA NA 101004_f_at
9 spliceosome assembly 1 19 14 911 0.071 0.021 3.424 0.257 101004_f_at
10 mRNA splice site selection 1 16 4 197 0.25 0.081 3.078 0.289 101004_f_at
5 transcription 8 1086 125 11544 0.064 0.094 0.68 0.912 92782_at,100062_at,101445_at,101958_f_at,160377_at,160496_s_at,95131_f_at,99111_at
6 regulation of transcription 8 1026 108 9498 0.074 0.108 0.686 0.909 92782_at,100062_at,101445_at,101958_f_at,160377_at,160496_s_at,95131_f_at,99111_at
7 regulation of transcription, DNA-dependent 7 1013 74 6246 0.095 0.162 0.583 0.967 100062_at,101445_at,101958_f_at,160377_at,160496_s_at,95131_f_at,99111_at
4 phosphorus metabolism 6 488 161 13100 0.037 0.037 1.001 0.558 162327_f_at,103064_at,103201_at,103797_at,97095_at,97393_at
5 phosphate metabolism 6 488 125 11544 0.048 0.042 1.136 0.435 162327_f_at,103064_at,103201_at,103797_at,97095_at,97393_at
6 phosphorylation 6 395 108 9498 0.056 0.042 1.336 0.293 162327_f_at,103064_at,103201_at,103797_at,97095_at,97393_at
7 mitochondrial electron transport, NADH to ubiquinone 1 6 74 6246 0.014 0.001 14.073 0.069 162327_f_at
7 protein amino acid phosphorylation 5 379 74 6246 0.068 0.061 1.114 0.469 103064_at,103201_at,103797_at,97095_at,97393_at
6 ATP synthesis coupled electron transport (sensu Eukarya) 1 7 108 9498 0.009 0.001 12.514 0.077 162327_f_at
7 mitochondrial electron transport, NADH to ubiquinone 1 6 74 6246 0.014 0.001 14.073 0.069 162327_f_at
5 ATP synthesis coupled electron transport 1 7 125 11544 0.008 0.001 13.115 0.073 162327_f_at
6 ATP synthesis coupled electron transport (sensu Eukarya) 1 7 108 9498 0.009 0.001 12.514 0.077 162327_f_at
7 mitochondrial electron transport, NADH to ubiquinone 1 6 74 6246 0.014 0.001 14.073 0.069 162327_f_at
4 protein metabolism 19 1458 161 13100 0.118 0.111 1.06 0.429 98956_at,161757_f_at,102103_f_at,96916_at,96629_at,98922_at,161492_i_at,102047_at,95462_at,100225_f_at,95063_at,95456_r_at,99513_at,103064_at,103201_at,103797_at,97095_at,97393_at,101957_f_at
5 protein modification 9 654 125 11544 0.072 0.057 1.271 0.277 98922_at,161492_i_at,102047_at,103064_at,103201_at,103797_at,97095_at,97393_at,101957_f_at
6 protein amino acid ADP-ribosylation 1 12 108 9498 0.009 0.001 7.349 0.128 101957_f_at
3 response to endogenous stimulus 9 119 139 10726 0.065 0.011 5.839 0 103064_at,101957_f_at,103944_at,162009_f_at,92551_at,92647_at,94376_s_at,95527_at,95612_at
4 response to DNA damage stimulus 9 119 161 13100 0.056 0.009 6.156 0 103064_at,101957_f_at,103944_at,162009_f_at,92551_at,92647_at,94376_s_at,95527_at,95612_at
3 response to external stimulus 2 666 139 10726 0.014 0.062 0.232 0.999 103203_f_at,103204_r_at
4 response to biotic stimulus 2 516 161 13100 0.012 0.039 0.315 0.989 103203_f_at,103204_r_at
5 defense response 2 471 125 11544 0.016 0.041 0.392 0.966 103203_f_at,103204_r_at
6 immune response 2 362 108 9498 0.019 0.038 0.486 0.922 103203_f_at,103204_r_at