Hyperactivation of the Insulin Signaling Pathway Improves Intracellular Proteostasis by Coordinately Up-regulating the Proteostatic Machinery in Adipocytes
Supplemental Data
- Supplemental Table 1 (.xlsx, 2.4 MB) - Supplemental Table S1. Synthesis and degradation data, related to Figure 1-4. M and H protein across pulse chase and analysis of synthesis and degradation rates.
- Supplemental Table 2 (.xlsx, 240 KB) - Supplemental Table S2??. Long-lived proteins, related to Figure 3. List of long-lived proteins and enrichment of gene ontologies from DAVID
- Supplemental Table 3 (.xlsx, 308 KB) - Supplemental Table S3. Pathway analysis of differentially synthesised proteins by insulin, related to Figure 4. DAVID gene annotation enrichment analysis of differentially synthesised proteins by insulin.
- Supplemental Table 4 (.xlsx, 12 KB) - Supplemental Table S4. Transcription Factor Enrichment Analysis. List of transcription factors predicted to be enriched based on insulin-regulated proteins using the Molecular Signatures Database v4.0(70)??? "C3 motif gene set" (which is based on conserved cis-regulatory motifs between humans and other model organisms) curated from the TRANSFAC (71) database.