Marion et al. 10.1073/pnas.0405353101. |
Fig. 7. The three catalytic subunits of PKA act redundantly to promote Sfp1 localization. Sfp1-GFP localization in wild-type cells, the bcy1D strain, and bcy1D strains containing a single catalytic subunit of PKA, untreated or treated with rapamycin (45 min after addition of 100 nM rapamycin).
Fig. 8. Osmotic and oxidative stress can regulate Sfp1 localization independently of the PKA pathway. Sfp1-GFP localization in PKA-deficient (tpk1D tpk2D tpk3D msn2D msn4D ) and PKA wild-type (msn2D msn4D ) strains, untreated or treated with 0.5 M NaCl (15 min after addition) or 0.4 mM H2O2 (30 min after addition).