Supplemental Materials
This article contains the following supporting material:
- Supplemental Materials
- Movie 1 - Movie 1. DIC timelapse showing flow coupling and inductopodia formation at 4E8 beads landing on a growth cone; see also Fig. 1B. Time compression = 10x.
- Movie 2 - Movie 2. DIC timelapse and superimposed tracks of 4E8 beads in control (left, cf. Fig 1D) and 50 μM CK666 (right, cf. Fig 1E), illustrating flow coupling and inductopodia behaviors.
- Movie 3 - Movie 3. Region of interest highlighting motility of a tracked bead transitioning from flow coupling to inductopodia formation and motility. See Fig 1 F-H for color coding of motility classification states and velocity vectors.
- Movie 4 - Movie 4. DIC timelapse and superimposed classified motility states of 4E8 beads shown in Fig. 2D-E and Movie 2, in control (left) and 50 μM CK666 (right). See Fig 1F for color coding of motility.
- Movie 5 - Movie 5. DIC timelapse with superimposed force vectors of an optically restrained apCAM bead interacting with a growth cone and generating assembly-driven anterograde (propulsive) force before converting to traction force in control conditions, cf. Fig. 2 C-G.
- Movie 6 - Movie 6. DIC timelapse with superimposed force vectors of an optically restrained apCAM bead that did not generate propulsive /anterograde forces in the presence of 20 μM CK666 (Arp 2/3 inhibitor), cf. Fig. 2 H-J.
- Movie 7 - Movie 7. DIC timelapse with superimposed force vectors of an optically restrained apCAM bead interacting with a growth cone in 20 μM CK689 (inactive analog), illustrating restoration of propulsive force production by actin assembly, cf. Fig. 2 H-J.
- Movie 8 - Movie 8. DIC timelapse of an evoked growth response to stiffly restrained 5 mm apCAM bead, cf. Fig 3 B-C with latency and advance phases labelled.
- Movie 9 - Movie 9. Animated rendering of 3D confocal reconstruction of a phalloidin-stained growth cone fixed at the end of the latency phase, showing the actin cup extending above the P-domain. See Fig. 3D.