Tables S1 (Strains, plasmids, and constructs) and S2 (Primers) and Fig. S1 and S2 (Construction of S. pneumoniae ftsA conditional null [S1] and D39 FLAG-ftsA-ftsZ-Myc ΔsepF markerless [S2] strains), S3 (Characteristics of D39 Δcps FLAG-ftsA ftsZ-Myc strain), S4 (Localization of FtsZ and PG synthesis in cells lacking SepF and GpsB), and S5 (Overexpression of FtsA in D39 ΔsepF mutants)
PDF, 1.3M
Movie S1 (FtsZ localization during FtsA depletion)
AVI, 67K
Movie S2 (FtsZ localization during FtsA depletion)
AVI, 67K