AnimaliaRodentiaEchimyidaeGutiérrezEliécer E.Marinho-FilhoJaderThe mammalian faunas endemic to the Cerrado and the CaatingaZookeys1012017201764410515710.3897/zookeys.644.10827 Thrichomys inermis (Pictet, 1843)Distribution.

Thrichomys inermis is endemic to the Caatinga (contra Carmignotto et al. 2012, Paglia et al. 2012), and has been recorded in the Brazilian state of Bahia (Pereira and Geise 2009, Pessôa et al. 2015a). Alleged records of the species for the Brazilian state of Tocantins, from what seems to correspond to the Cerrado biome, reported in abstracts of meeting presentations have permeated through the literature – e.g., cited by Oliveira and Bonvicino (2006), Bonvicino et al. (2008), Pessôa et al. (2015a) – but, to the best of our knowledge, tangible evidence of the species being present in states and biomes other than Bahia and the Caatinga, respectively, is still lacking. The aforementioned abstracts are as follows:

Carvalho AH, Fagundes V (2005) Área de ocorrência de três táxons do gênero Thrichomys (Echimyidae, Rodentia) baseados em identificação cariotípica. In: Fagundes V, Costa LP, Leite YLR, Mendes SL (Eds), Livros de resumos, III Congresso Brasileiro de Mastozoologia. Espírito Santo, Aracruz, p. 102.

Carvalho AH, Lopes MOG, Svartman M (2008) Cariótipo de Thrichomys inermis (Rodentia, Echimyidae) do Tocantins. XXVII Congresso Brasileiro de Zoologia, Curitiba.

Conservation status.

The red list of the IUCN ver. 3.1 assigned the category “Least Concern” to Thrichomys inermis (see Bonvicino and Geise 2008b). The species was not included in the official list of threatened species of Brazil (ICMBIO-MMA 2016).

CarmignottoAPde VivoMLangguthA (2012) Mammals of the Cerrado and Caatinga: distribution patterns of the tropical open biomes of Central South América. In: Patterson BD, Costa LP (Eds) Bones, clones, and biomes: the history and geography of Recent Neotropical mammals. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, Illinois, 203–229. PagliaAPFonsecaGABRylandsABHerrmannGAguiarLMSChiarelloAGLeiteYLRCostaLPSicilianoSKierulffMCMMendesSLTavaresVCMittermeierRAPattonJL (2012) Annotated Checklist of Brazilian Mammals. 2nd Edition. Occasional Papers in Conservation Biology 6: 1–76. files/annotated_checklist_of_brazilian_mammals_2nd_edition.pdf PereiraLGGeiseL (2009) Non-flying mammals of Chapada Diamantina (Bahia, Brazil). Biota Neotropica 9: 185–196. PessôaLMTavaresWCNevesACAda SilvaALG (2015a) Genus Thrichomys E.- L. Trouessart, 1880. In: Patton JL, Pardiñas UFJ, D’Elía G (Eds) Mammals of South America (Vol. 2) – Rodents. The University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 989–999. OliveiraJABonvicinoCR (2006) Ordem Rodentia. In: dos Reis NR, Peracchi AL, Pedro WA, Lima IP (Eds) Mamíferos do Brasil. Londrina, Paraná, 347–406. BonvicinoCROliveiraJAD’AndreaPS (2008) Guia dos roedores do Brasil, com chaves para gêneros baseadas em caracteres externos. Centro Pan-Americano de Febre Aftosa, OPAS/OMS, Rio de Janeiro. BonvicinoCRGeiseL (2008b) Thrichomys inermis. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2008: e.T136355A4279753. [Downloaded 15 October 2016] ICMBio-MMA (Instituto Chico Mendes, Ministério do Meio Ambiemte) (2016) Executive summary of Brazil red book of threatened species of fauna. Instituto Chico Mendes de Conservação da Biodiversidade. [Accessed on December 19th, 2016]