Supplementary Materials
This PDF file includes:
- Supplementary Notes
- fig. S1. Location of Dome Fuji, East Antarctica.
- fig. S2. Dome Fuji data on a depth scale.
- fig. S3. Matching of Dome Fuji and Dome C ice-core records.
- fig. S4. Return time of AIM compared with the Red Sea relative sea level.
- fig. S5. Comparison of AIM identification with various smoothings of the isotopic record.
- fig. S6. As in Fig. 3A, but with various smoothings of the isotopic record.
- fig. S7. Data for AIM detection.
- fig. S8. Time evolution results of the MIROC climate model simulation with freshwater hosing.
- fig. S9. Simulation results with the MIROC climate model for surface air temperature change.
- fig. S10. Results of MIROC climate model simulation of wind speed.
- fig. S11. Results of MIROC climate model simulation of AMOC.
- fig. S12. Results of MIROC climate model simulation of sea ice and convection in Northern Hemisphere.
- fig. S13. As in fig. S12, but for the Southern Ocean.
- fig. S14. Bed elevation around the ice coring site at Dome Fuji.
- table S1. Overview of forcings imposed on MIROC AOGCM in the present study.
- table S2. Thresholds for AIM detection.
- References (82–85)
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