Supplementary Materials
This PDF file includes:
- fig. S1. PCA decomposition and reconstruction of PPI.
- fig. S2. Cryosphere forcing specifications used in the CESM numerical experiments.
- fig. S3. Sensitivity response of the first coupled PPI and Z850 modes to cryospheric forcing.
- fig. S4. Comparison of surface air temperature in December between reanalysis data and numerical experiments.
- fig. S5. Time series of monthly WSI, ATGI, and PPI over the ECP region for January.
- table S1. A list of acronyms used in this study.
- table S2. Correlations among ventilation indices, PM observations, and cryospheric forcing factors.
- table S3. Climate and synoptic weather indices in the PCA.
- table S4. Correlation statistics among PCs and climate indices.
- table S5. PCR coefficients of the detrended PPI onto PC.
- table S6. The CMIP5 ensemble simulations used in this study.
- Reference (44)
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