Fig. S1 (CD69 and Foxp3+ pTreg homeostasis in secondary lymphoid organs), S2 (Accuracy of anti-Foxp3 antibodies versus Foxp3 reporter mice), S3 (Foxp3-mRFP+ Treg cell levels in blood of chimeric mice), S4 and S5 (CD69+ hematopoietic stem cell tTregs [S4] and pTregs [S5] after reconstitution), S6 (FACS sorting strategy to isolate CD69+ and CD69− Foxp3-reporter tTreg cells), S7 (Expression of P-Stat5, miR-155 and SOCS-1 target protein), S8 (Expression of miR-155 and target proteins in absence of Jak3-STAT5 signaling pathway), and S9 (Signaling downstream CD69 and miR-155 expression)
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