Supplementary Materials
This PDF file includes:
- section S1. dc conductivity of h-RMnO3
- section S2. SIM electronics and the calibration process
- section S3. FEA of the tip-sample interaction
- section S4. SIM data on polished HoMnO3 samples
- section S5. SIM circuits and impedance match at different frequencies
- section S6. More SIM data at various frequencies
- section S7. Repeated line scans for improving the signal-to-noise ratio
- section S8. Details of the full model calculations
- fig. S1. Measurement of the dc resistivity of YMnO3.
- fig. S2. SIM electronics and the calibration process.
- fig. S3. FEA of the tip-sample interaction.
- fig. S4. SIM data on polished HoMnO3 samples.
- fig. S5. Impedance-match sections at different frequencies.
- fig. S6. SIM images at various frequencies.
- fig. S7. SIM experiments with repeated line scans.
- fig. S8. First principles–based model calculations.
- References (52–57)
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