In your face:
Biased judgement of fear-anger expressions in violence offenders.

5. Fitting Functions

In [1]:
import numpy as np

from scipy import stats
from scipy.special import erf
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
from scipy.optimize import leastsq

from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
from sklearn import metrics

import pandas as pd
pd.set_option('max_columns', 100)
pd.set_option('max_rows', 1000)

import os
import fnmatch

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline

import seaborn as sns

from myBasics import *

Defining psychometric functions and plotting some examples

Here, we define a logistic psychometric function and first show some examples how it looks like. Later, we fit the function to single participant data and extract the parameters (threshold,slope,guess,lapse) that best describe it. These parameters can be used to reconstruct the functions for each participant and they can be used for other computations, like e.g. comparing thresholds between groups.

Dummy x-scale for plotting:

In [2]:
x = np.linspace(0,1,1000)

Logistic Function:

$F_{L}(x;{\alpha},{\beta})=\dfrac{1}{1+exp(- {\beta}(x-{\alpha}))}$ ; or with guess and lapse parameters: $F_{L}(x;{\alpha},{\beta},{\gamma},{\lambda})=\gamma + (1 - \gamma - \lambda)*\dfrac{1}{1+exp(- {\beta}(x-{\alpha}))}$

In [3]:
# adapted for Python from the Palamedes Toolbox by Nicolaas Prins and Frederick Kingdom (PAL_Logistic.m)
# Prins, N & Kingdom, F. A. A. (2009) Palamedes:  Matlab routines for analyzing psychophysical data.

def logisticFunction(x,threshold,slope,guess,lapse):
    return guess + (1. - guess - lapse)*(1./(1.+np.exp(-slope*(x-threshold))))
In [4]:

Interactive plot to see the effects of wiggling each parameter

In [5]:
# Interactive plots for static html notebooks; using ipywidgets by Jake Vanderplas  

from ipywidgets_static import StaticInteract, RangeWidget, RadioWidget
In [6]:
def iPlot(thresh,slope,guess,lapse):
    # make x-axis fine-grained
    x = np.linspace(0, 1, 1000)
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 6))
    ax.plot(x, logisticFunction(x,thresh,slope,guess,lapse),
            lw=5, alpha=0.8)

    thisEquation = '$F_{L}=%s + (1 - %s - %s)*\\frac{1}{1+exp(- {%s}(x-{%s}))}$' %(guess,guess,lapse,slope,thresh)
    ax.text(1.1, 0.5, thisEquation, fontsize=25)
    return fig
In [7]:
               thresh=RangeWidget(.2, 0.8, 0.1),
               slope=RangeWidget(10, 20, 2),
               guess=RangeWidget(.0, .2, 0.1),
               lapse=RangeWidget(.0, .2, 0.1),
/opt/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/matplotlib/ RuntimeWarning: More than 20 figures have been opened. Figures created through the pyplot interface (`matplotlib.pyplot.figure`) are retained until explicitly closed and may consume too much memory. (To control this warning, see the rcParam `figure.max_open_warning`).
  max_open_warning, RuntimeWarning)

Fitting Functions:

In [8]:
# taken from: Ariel Rokem;
def err_func(params, x, y, func):
        return y - func(x, *params)
In [9]:
def getFit(x,y,func,initalGuesses):
    params, _ = leastsq(err_func,
                        args=(x, y, func),
                        maxfev=1000000000 # a high number, for safety
    return params

Apply functions to data:

In [10]:
df = pd.read_csv('../outputs/genderTable.csv',

df = df[df.columns[:-1]]
In [11]:
00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10
g p fgender
K K013 M 0.25 0.50 0.40 0.55 0.60 0.55 0.80 0.80 1.00 0.90 1.00
K014 F 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.25 0.45 0.70 0.85 0.95 0.95
M 0.20 0.20 0.30 0.35 0.35 0.40 0.45 0.65 0.75 0.90 0.85
K015 F 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.20 0.30 0.45 0.70 0.75 0.90 1.00 0.95
M 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.20 0.35 0.30 0.65 0.70 0.85 1.00 1.00

parameters need to be initalized. Here, we set them as following:

  • threshold: 0.5 (steepest point at 50%)
  • slope: 5 (not equivalent with the first derivative; instad the meaning will differ for each function)
  • guessing: 0 (assuming no guessing)
  • lapses: 0 (assuming no lapses)
In [12]:
initalGuesses = 0.5,5,0,0

Example fitting with mean over all control participants:

In [13]:
y = np.array( df.ix['A'].mean() )
x = np.linspace(0,1,len(y))
In [14]:
params = getFit(x,y,logisticFunction,initalGuesses)
In [15]:
array([ 0.55462598,  7.4084308 ,  0.09465109,  0.08281134])
In [16]:
plt.plot( x, y, 'o' )
params = getFit(x,y,logisticFunction,initalGuesses)
plt.plot( x, logisticFunction( x, *params ) )
plt.text(1.05, 0.5, 
         'threshold: %s\nslope: %s\nguess: %s\nlapse: %s\n' 
         % (round(params[0],2),round(params[1],2),round(params[2],2),round(params[3],2)) 

Interactive plot, to inspect the fitted function for each participant!

In [17]:
def makeSinglePlot(groupName,participant):

    if groupName == "violence offenders":
        group = 'G'
    elif groupName == "child molesters":
        group = 'K' 
    elif groupName == "general population":
        group = 'A' 
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16, 6))
    myCol = myPal[labelCoding[group]]
    for i,fGender in enumerate(['M','F']):
        ax = plt.subplot(1,2,i+1)
            #select a participant
            thisGroup= group
            groupEntries = [ n for n,x in enumerate( df.index.levels[1] ) if x[0]==thisGroup ] 
            p = df.index.levels[1][groupEntries[participant]]

            # get the data and transform to numpy array
            y = np.array( df.ix[p[0]].ix[p].ix[fGender] )
            x = np.linspace(0,1,len(y))

            # plot the raw data
            ax.plot( x, y,
                        'o',markersize=12, markeredgecolor='grey',markerfacecolor=myCol )
            # plot the fitted data
            params = getFit(x,y,logisticFunction,initalGuesses)
            ax.plot( x, logisticFunction( x, *params ),
                         linewidth=8, alpha=0.6, color=myCol)
            ax.text(.6, .1, 
                             'threshold: %s\nslope: %s\nguess: %s\nlapse: %s\n' 
                             % (round(params[0],2),round(params[1],2),round(params[2],2),round(params[3],2)) 




            ax.set_title('no data')

            plt.suptitle('no data',fontsize=20)
    return fig   
In [18]:
               groupName=RadioWidget(['violence offenders','child molesters','general population']),
               participant=RangeWidget(0, 29, 1)
groupName: violence offenders: child molesters: general population:

Get curve parameters

In [19]:
def makeParamsDict(df):
    # dict to write to
    d = {}
    # loop through group
    for group in df.index.levels[0]:
        # loop through participants of that group
        for p in df.ix[group].index.levels[0]:
            if p[0] == group:
                # loop through face gender
                for fgender in df.ix[group].ix[p].index:
                    # get the data
                    y = np.array( df.ix[group].ix[p].ix[fgender] )
                    x = np.linspace(0,1,len(y))

                    # get parameters from fitting
                    threshold,slope,guess,lapse = getFit(x,y,logisticFunction,initalGuesses)
                    # either fill dict entry or make the entry and fill then
                        d[p][fgender] = {'threshold':threshold,
                        d[p] = { 'F':{}, 'M':{} }
                        d[p][fgender] = {'threshold':threshold,
    # output is the dict
    return d
In [20]:
def makeParamsDf(d):
    # empty dict to write to
    paramsDf = pd.DataFrame()
    # loop through dict
    for entry in d:
        # make a table out of the data of one participant
        thisDf = pd.DataFrame(d[entry])
        thisDf.index = [ [entry]*len(thisDf),thisDf.index]
        # reshape, so that results are all in one row
        thisDf = thisDf.unstack()
        # append to big df
        paramsDf = pd.concat([paramsDf,thisDf])
    # making index nice
    paramsDf = paramsDf.sort_index()
    paramsDf.index = [ [name[0] for name in paramsDf.index ], paramsDf.index ]
    return paramsDf

We get a table with all four curve parameters for each participant and each face type (female,male). These data can be compared between groups or used to reconstruct the respective logistic function.

In [21]:
paramsDf = makeParamsDf(makeParamsDict(df))
In [22]:
guess lapse slope threshold guess lapse slope threshold
A A001 0.106096 0.045968 30.023075 0.538619 0.060214 -0.032920 8.437888 0.527474
A002 0.128144 0.050533 11.404248 0.515501 0.141569 -0.056500 6.744358 0.556187
A003 -0.041611 0.187950 5.700279 0.485627 -0.037189 -0.202456 5.246829 0.693392
A004 0.403708 0.180693 17.472763 0.907479 0.356250 0.500000 197.740393 0.796821
A005 0.262098 -0.017575 11.898831 0.471887 0.230314 -0.026271 10.781355 0.476161

Spaghetti plots of fitted functions

In [23]:
def makeGenderSpaghetti(paramsDf,cond,count):
    # resolution of fitted data
    x = np.linspace(0,1,1000)
    ax = plt.subplot(3,2,count)
    # to loop through all cases but have only one legend without redundancies,
    # here we keep track of whether a condition is already labeled
    legTrack = []
    # looping  through the 3 groups
    for group in paramsDf.index.levels[0]:
        # looping through the participants of each group
        for p in paramsDf.ix[group].index:
            if p[0] in group:
                # color and legend setting for that group
                thisCol = myPal[labelCoding[p[0]]]
                thisLeg = myGLabels[p[0]]
                # get the data from the specified row
                theseParams = paramsDf.ix[group].ix[p].ix[cond]
                t = theseParams['threshold']
                s = theseParams['slope']
                g = theseParams['guess']
                l = theseParams['lapse']

                thisList = logisticFunction( x, t,s,g,l )

                # plotting with legend if this is the first instance,
                # otherwise plot without a legend
                if thisLeg not in legTrack:
                # keep track which conditions already have a legend
    # plot formatting
    ax.set_xlabel('Morphing Grade (Fear --> Anger)')
    ax.set_ylabel('% Anger Responses')

    plt.xticks(np.arange(0,1001,200), [str(a)+'%' for a in  np.arange(0,101,20)])
    plt.yticks(np.arange(0,1.01,0.2), [str(a)+'%' for a in  np.arange(0,101,20)])

    plt.ylim(-0.02,1.02); plt.xlim(-0.1,1001)
    if cond == 'M':
        ax.set_title('Male Faces')
    elif cond == 'F':
        ax.set_title('Female Faces')
        # one legend for both plots
        plt.legend(loc='best',bbox_to_anchor=[1, 1])
In [24]:
for i,fgender in enumerate(['M','F']):

eliminate data for which fitting is not possible

In [25]:
eliminated = ['G002','G011','G013','G016','G025','K003','K004','A004']
In [26]:
def showEliminated(paramsDf,eliminated):
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16,6))

    for e,elim in enumerate(eliminated):

        thisDf = paramsDf.ix[elim[0]].ix[elim].ix['M']
        guess = thisDf.ix['guess']
        lapse = thisDf.ix['lapse']
        slope = thisDf.ix['slope']
        threshold = thisDf.ix['threshold']

        ax = plt.subplot(2,len(eliminated),e+1)
        ax.plot( logisticFunction(x,threshold,slope,guess,lapse) )    

        ax.set_title(elim+' M')

    for e,elim in enumerate(eliminated):

        thisDf = paramsDf.ix[elim[0]].ix[elim].ix['F']
        guess = thisDf.ix['guess']
        lapse = thisDf.ix['lapse']
        slope = thisDf.ix['slope']
        threshold = thisDf.ix['threshold']

        ax = plt.subplot(2,len(eliminated),len(eliminated)+e+1)
        ax.plot( logisticFunction(x,threshold,slope,guess,lapse) )

        ax.set_title(elim+' F')
In [27]:
In [28]:
for elim in eliminated:
    paramsDf.drop([elim],level=1, inplace=True)
In [29]:
for i,fgender in enumerate(['M','F']):

save cleaned-up as csv

In [30]:

Plott averaged fitted functions

In [31]:
def makeFittedValuesDf(paramsDf,fGender):
    funcDf = pd.DataFrame()
    for i,group in enumerate( paramsDf.index.levels[0] ):
        for p in paramsDf.index.levels[1]:
            # we need a try/except here, because some participants might have been 
            # removed from the df (but are still in the non-updated index...)
                if group in p:

                    # choose the parameters of one participant
                    thisDf = paramsDf.ix[p[0]].ix[p].ix[fGender]
                    guess = thisDf.ix['guess']
                    lapse = thisDf.ix['lapse']
                    slope = thisDf.ix['slope']
                    threshold = thisDf.ix['threshold']

                    # get the data
                    yFunc = logisticFunction(np.linspace(0,1,1001),threshold,slope,guess,lapse) 
                    thisDf = pd.DataFrame(yFunc).T
                    thisDf.index = [[group],[p]]
                    funcDf = pd.concat([funcDf,thisDf])

                print "...participant %s excluded" % p
    return funcDf

This is a large df, which stores not the raw data of the 11 original steps, but the fitted logistic function's y-values in a 1/1000 resolution.

In [32]:
funcDf = makeFittedValuesDf(paramsDf,'M')
...participant A004 excluded
...participant G002 excluded
...participant G011 excluded
...participant G013 excluded
...participant G016 excluded
...participant G025 excluded
...participant K003 excluded
...participant K004 excluded
In [33]:
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 ... 951 952 953 954 955 956 957 958 959 960 961 962 963 964 965 966 967 968 969 970 971 972 973 974 975 976 977 978 979 980 981 982 983 984 985 986 987 988 989 990 991 992 993 994 995 996 997 998 999 1000
A A001 0.071434 0.071528 0.071623 0.071718 0.071815 0.071912 0.072010 0.072108 0.072208 0.072308 0.072410 0.072512 0.072614 0.072718 0.072823 0.072928 0.073035 0.073142 0.073250 0.073359 0.073469 0.073579 0.073691 0.073804 0.073917 0.074032 0.074147 0.074263 0.074381 0.074499 0.074618 0.074739 0.074860 0.074982 0.075105 0.075229 0.075355 0.075481 0.075608 0.075737 0.075866 0.075997 0.076128 0.076261 0.076394 0.076529 0.076665 0.076802 0.076940 0.077080 ... 1.006378 1.006595 1.006810 1.007023 1.007235 1.007445 1.007654 1.007861 1.008066 1.008270 1.008471 1.008672 1.008870 1.009068 1.009263 1.009457 1.009650 1.009840 1.010030 1.010218 1.010404 1.010589 1.010772 1.010954 1.011135 1.011313 1.011491 1.011667 1.011842 1.012015 1.012187 1.012358 1.012527 1.012695 1.012861 1.013026 1.013190 1.013352 1.013513 1.013673 1.013832 1.013989 1.014145 1.014300 1.014453 1.014606 1.014757 1.014906 1.015055 1.015202
A002 0.162568 0.162707 0.162847 0.162988 0.163129 0.163272 0.163415 0.163559 0.163704 0.163851 0.163998 0.164146 0.164295 0.164445 0.164596 0.164747 0.164900 0.165054 0.165209 0.165365 0.165522 0.165679 0.165838 0.165998 0.166159 0.166321 0.166484 0.166648 0.166813 0.166979 0.167146 0.167314 0.167484 0.167654 0.167825 0.167998 0.168172 0.168346 0.168522 0.168699 0.168877 0.169057 0.169237 0.169418 0.169601 0.169785 0.169970 0.170156 0.170344 0.170532 ... 0.996840 0.997215 0.997588 0.997958 0.998327 0.998693 0.999057 0.999419 0.999779 1.000137 1.000493 1.000846 1.001198 1.001547 1.001894 1.002240 1.002583 1.002924 1.003263 1.003600 1.003936 1.004269 1.004600 1.004929 1.005256 1.005582 1.005905 1.006226 1.006546 1.006863 1.007179 1.007493 1.007805 1.008115 1.008423 1.008729 1.009033 1.009336 1.009637 1.009936 1.010233 1.010528 1.010822 1.011114 1.011404 1.011692 1.011979 1.012263 1.012546 1.012828
A003 -0.005419 -0.005256 -0.005093 -0.004928 -0.004763 -0.004597 -0.004430 -0.004262 -0.004094 -0.003924 -0.003754 -0.003583 -0.003411 -0.003238 -0.003064 -0.002890 -0.002714 -0.002538 -0.002361 -0.002183 -0.002004 -0.001824 -0.001643 -0.001462 -0.001279 -0.001096 -0.000911 -0.000726 -0.000540 -0.000353 -0.000165 0.000024 0.000214 0.000405 0.000596 0.000789 0.000983 0.001177 0.001373 0.001569 0.001767 0.001965 0.002165 0.002365 0.002566 0.002769 0.002972 0.003177 0.003382 0.003588 ... 0.947579 0.948640 0.949697 0.950751 0.951802 0.952850 0.953894 0.954935 0.955973 0.957007 0.958038 0.959066 0.960091 0.961112 0.962131 0.963145 0.964157 0.965165 0.966170 0.967172 0.968171 0.969166 0.970158 0.971147 0.972133 0.973115 0.974094 0.975070 0.976042 0.977012 0.977978 0.978941 0.979900 0.980857 0.981810 0.982760 0.983707 0.984651 0.985591 0.986528 0.987462 0.988393 0.989321 0.990245 0.991166 0.992084 0.992999 0.993911 0.994819 0.995725
A005 0.234979 0.235029 0.235080 0.235131 0.235183 0.235235 0.235288 0.235342 0.235396 0.235451 0.235506 0.235562 0.235619 0.235676 0.235733 0.235792 0.235851 0.235910 0.235970 0.236031 0.236093 0.236155 0.236218 0.236281 0.236346 0.236411 0.236476 0.236542 0.236609 0.236677 0.236745 0.236815 0.236884 0.236955 0.237027 0.237099 0.237172 0.237245 0.237320 0.237395 0.237471 0.237548 0.237626 0.237704 0.237783 0.237864 0.237945 0.238027 0.238109 0.238193 ... 1.021540 1.021591 1.021640 1.021690 1.021739 1.021787 1.021835 1.021882 1.021929 1.021975 1.022021 1.022066 1.022111 1.022156 1.022200 1.022243 1.022286 1.022328 1.022371 1.022412 1.022453 1.022494 1.022534 1.022574 1.022614 1.022653 1.022691 1.022730 1.022767 1.022805 1.022842 1.022878 1.022915 1.022951 1.022986 1.023021 1.023056 1.023090 1.023124 1.023158 1.023191 1.023224 1.023256 1.023289 1.023321 1.023352 1.023383 1.023414 1.023445 1.023475
A006 0.252291 0.252324 0.252357 0.252390 0.252424 0.252458 0.252492 0.252527 0.252562 0.252598 0.252634 0.252670 0.252707 0.252744 0.252782 0.252819 0.252858 0.252896 0.252935 0.252975 0.253015 0.253055 0.253096 0.253137 0.253179 0.253221 0.253264 0.253307 0.253350 0.253394 0.253438 0.253483 0.253528 0.253574 0.253621 0.253667 0.253715 0.253762 0.253811 0.253859 0.253909 0.253959 0.254009 0.254060 0.254111 0.254163 0.254216 0.254269 0.254322 0.254377 ... 0.947198 0.947264 0.947329 0.947394 0.947458 0.947521 0.947583 0.947645 0.947706 0.947767 0.947827 0.947886 0.947944 0.948003 0.948060 0.948117 0.948173 0.948229 0.948284 0.948338 0.948392 0.948446 0.948498 0.948551 0.948602 0.948653 0.948704 0.948754 0.948804 0.948853 0.948901 0.948949 0.948997 0.949044 0.949090 0.949136 0.949182 0.949227 0.949272 0.949316 0.949359 0.949403 0.949445 0.949488 0.949530 0.949571 0.949612 0.949653 0.949693 0.949733

5 rows × 1001 columns

Do this for both female and male faces, then concatenate.

In [34]:
def mergeFuncDf(paramsDf):    
    outFunc = pd.DataFrame()
    for fGender in ['M','F']:
        thisFunc = makeFittedValuesDf(paramsDf,fGender)
        thisFunc.columns = [ [fGender]*len(thisFunc.columns), thisFunc.columns ]
        outFunc = pd.concat([outFunc,thisFunc],axis=1)
    return outFunc
In [35]:
logFuncDf = mergeFuncDf(paramsDf)
...participant A004 excluded
...participant G002 excluded
...participant G011 excluded
...participant G013 excluded
...participant G016 excluded
...participant G025 excluded
...participant K003 excluded
...participant K004 excluded
...participant A004 excluded
...participant G002 excluded
...participant G011 excluded
...participant G013 excluded
...participant G016 excluded
...participant G025 excluded
...participant K003 excluded
...participant K004 excluded
In [36]:
M ... F
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 ... 951 952 953 954 955 956 957 958 959 960 961 962 963 964 965 966 967 968 969 970 971 972 973 974 975 976 977 978 979 980 981 982 983 984 985 986 987 988 989 990 991 992 993 994 995 996 997 998 999 1000
A A001 0.071434 0.071528 0.071623 0.071718 0.071815 0.071912 0.072010 0.072108 0.072208 0.072308 0.072410 0.072512 0.072614 0.072718 0.072823 0.072928 0.073035 0.073142 0.073250 0.073359 0.073469 0.073579 0.073691 0.073804 0.073917 0.074032 0.074147 0.074263 0.074381 0.074499 0.074618 0.074739 0.074860 0.074982 0.075105 0.075229 0.075355 0.075481 0.075608 0.075737 0.075866 0.075997 0.076128 0.076261 0.076394 0.076529 0.076665 0.076802 0.076940 0.077080 ... 0.954028 0.954028 0.954028 0.954028 0.954028 0.954029 0.954029 0.954029 0.954029 0.954029 0.954029 0.954029 0.954029 0.954029 0.954029 0.954029 0.954029 0.954030 0.954030 0.954030 0.954030 0.954030 0.954030 0.954030 0.954030 0.954030 0.954030 0.954030 0.954030 0.954030 0.954030 0.954030 0.954030 0.954030 0.954030 0.954030 0.954030 0.954030 0.954031 0.954031 0.954031 0.954031 0.954031 0.954031 0.954031 0.954031 0.954031 0.954031 0.954031 0.954031
A002 0.162568 0.162707 0.162847 0.162988 0.163129 0.163272 0.163415 0.163559 0.163704 0.163851 0.163998 0.164146 0.164295 0.164445 0.164596 0.164747 0.164900 0.165054 0.165209 0.165365 0.165522 0.165679 0.165838 0.165998 0.166159 0.166321 0.166484 0.166648 0.166813 0.166979 0.167146 0.167314 0.167484 0.167654 0.167825 0.167998 0.168172 0.168346 0.168522 0.168699 0.168877 0.169057 0.169237 0.169418 0.169601 0.169785 0.169970 0.170156 0.170344 0.170532 ... 0.943784 0.943848 0.943911 0.943974 0.944036 0.944097 0.944157 0.944217 0.944276 0.944335 0.944393 0.944450 0.944506 0.944562 0.944617 0.944672 0.944726 0.944780 0.944832 0.944885 0.944936 0.944987 0.945038 0.945088 0.945137 0.945186 0.945234 0.945282 0.945329 0.945376 0.945422 0.945468 0.945513 0.945558 0.945602 0.945645 0.945688 0.945731 0.945773 0.945815 0.945856 0.945897 0.945937 0.945977 0.946017 0.946055 0.946094 0.946132 0.946170 0.946207
A003 -0.005419 -0.005256 -0.005093 -0.004928 -0.004763 -0.004597 -0.004430 -0.004262 -0.004094 -0.003924 -0.003754 -0.003583 -0.003411 -0.003238 -0.003064 -0.002890 -0.002714 -0.002538 -0.002361 -0.002183 -0.002004 -0.001824 -0.001643 -0.001462 -0.001279 -0.001096 -0.000911 -0.000726 -0.000540 -0.000353 -0.000165 0.000024 0.000214 0.000405 0.000596 0.000789 0.000983 0.001177 0.001373 0.001569 0.001767 0.001965 0.002165 0.002365 0.002566 0.002769 0.002972 0.003177 0.003382 0.003588 ... 0.755863 0.756162 0.756459 0.756754 0.757048 0.757341 0.757632 0.757922 0.758210 0.758497 0.758782 0.759066 0.759349 0.759630 0.759910 0.760188 0.760465 0.760741 0.761015 0.761288 0.761559 0.761829 0.762098 0.762365 0.762631 0.762896 0.763160 0.763422 0.763682 0.763942 0.764200 0.764457 0.764712 0.764966 0.765219 0.765471 0.765721 0.765971 0.766218 0.766465 0.766710 0.766955 0.767197 0.767439 0.767679 0.767919 0.768157 0.768393 0.768629 0.768863
A005 0.234979 0.235029 0.235080 0.235131 0.235183 0.235235 0.235288 0.235342 0.235396 0.235451 0.235506 0.235562 0.235619 0.235676 0.235733 0.235792 0.235851 0.235910 0.235970 0.236031 0.236093 0.236155 0.236218 0.236281 0.236346 0.236411 0.236476 0.236542 0.236609 0.236677 0.236745 0.236815 0.236884 0.236955 0.237027 0.237099 0.237172 0.237245 0.237320 0.237395 0.237471 0.237548 0.237626 0.237704 0.237783 0.237864 0.237945 0.238027 0.238109 0.238193 ... 1.015058 1.015088 1.015117 1.015146 1.015175 1.015203 1.015231 1.015259 1.015286 1.015313 1.015340 1.015366 1.015392 1.015418 1.015443 1.015468 1.015493 1.015518 1.015542 1.015566 1.015590 1.015613 1.015636 1.015659 1.015682 1.015704 1.015726 1.015748 1.015770 1.015791 1.015812 1.015833 1.015853 1.015874 1.015894 1.015914 1.015933 1.015953 1.015972 1.015991 1.016009 1.016028 1.016046 1.016064 1.016082 1.016100 1.016117 1.016134 1.016151 1.016168
A006 0.252291 0.252324 0.252357 0.252390 0.252424 0.252458 0.252492 0.252527 0.252562 0.252598 0.252634 0.252670 0.252707 0.252744 0.252782 0.252819 0.252858 0.252896 0.252935 0.252975 0.253015 0.253055 0.253096 0.253137 0.253179 0.253221 0.253264 0.253307 0.253350 0.253394 0.253438 0.253483 0.253528 0.253574 0.253621 0.253667 0.253715 0.253762 0.253811 0.253859 0.253909 0.253959 0.254009 0.254060 0.254111 0.254163 0.254216 0.254269 0.254322 0.254377 ... 0.913736 0.914347 0.914954 0.915560 0.916162 0.916762 0.917360 0.917954 0.918546 0.919136 0.919722 0.920307 0.920888 0.921467 0.922044 0.922617 0.923189 0.923757 0.924324 0.924887 0.925448 0.926007 0.926563 0.927116 0.927667 0.928216 0.928762 0.929305 0.929846 0.930385 0.930921 0.931454 0.931986 0.932514 0.933041 0.933565 0.934086 0.934605 0.935122 0.935636 0.936148 0.936658 0.937165 0.937670 0.938172 0.938672 0.939170 0.939665 0.940159 0.940649

5 rows × 2002 columns

Plot fitted functions

In [37]:
def plotSmoothFuncs(funcDf,myGroups,numSteps=1001,myMax=1.02,myPal=myPal,myLabels=labelCoding):
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16,6))

    for j,fGender in enumerate(['M','F']):
        ax = plt.subplot(1,2,j+1)
        # now loop through all groups, including the violence offenders (G)
        for i,group in enumerate(myGroups):

            # get mean value of that group
            meanFunc = funcDf[fGender].ix[group].mean()
            # get standard deviation of that group
            stdFunc = funcDf[fGender].ix[group].std(ddof=1)
            # get group size
            n = len(funcDf[fGender].ix[group])
            # compute 95% confidence interval
            ciFunc = (stdFunc/np.sqrt( n ) )*1.96
            # compute the lower and upper bounds of the CI
            upperBound = meanFunc + ciFunc
            lowerBound = meanFunc - ciFunc
            # plot the mean value
            ax.plot(np.linspace(0,1,numSteps), meanFunc,
            # plot the error/CI bounds
            ax.fill_between( np.linspace(0,1,numSteps) , lowerBound, upperBound, 
                             color=myPal[myLabels[group]], alpha=0.3)
            ax.set_xlabel('Morphing Grade (Fear --> Anger)')
            ax.set_ylabel('% Anger Responses')

            plt.xticks(np.arange(0,1.01,0.2), [str(a)+'%' for a in  np.arange(0,101,20)])
            plt.yticks(np.arange(0,1.01,0.2), [str(a)+'%' for a in  np.arange(0,101,20)])

            plt.ylim(-0.02,myMax); plt.xlim(-0.01,1.02)
            if fGender == 'M':
                ax.set_title('Male Faces')
            elif fGender == 'F':
                ax.set_title('Female Faces')
In [38]:
In [39]:

plot curve parameters

Get a new column indicating group membership

In [40]:
groupCol = []
for entry in paramsDf.index.levels[1]:
        groupCol.append(labelCoding[entry[0]] )
        print entry # previously eliminated cases are excluded
In [41]:
paramsDf['group'] = groupCol

Table now has new column:

In [42]:
F M group
guess lapse slope threshold guess lapse slope threshold
A A001 0.106096 0.045968 30.023075 0.538619 0.060214 -0.032920 8.437888 0.527474 2
A002 0.128144 0.050533 11.404248 0.515501 0.141569 -0.056500 6.744358 0.556187 2
A003 -0.041611 0.187950 5.700279 0.485627 -0.037189 -0.202456 5.246829 0.693392 2
A005 0.262098 -0.017575 11.898831 0.471887 0.230314 -0.026271 10.781355 0.476161 2
A006 0.035116 -0.034113 5.780194 0.607114 0.249233 0.046546 10.672619 0.509249 2

Plot the curve parameters

Only the threshold value:

In [43]:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,8))

for i,fGender in enumerate(['M','F']):
    ax = fig.add_subplot('12'+str(i+1))

                  jitter=True, edgecolor='white',palette=myPal,size=9,linewidth=1,ax=ax)
    if fGender == 'M':
        ax.set_title('Male Faces')
    else :
        ax.set_title('Female Faces')        
    if i==0:
        ax.set_ylabel('Anger Threshold')
    plt.yticks(np.arange(0,1.01,0.1), [str(a)+'%' for a in  np.arange(0,101,10)])

#plt.suptitle('Threshold of fitted function',fontsize=20, position=(0.51,1.1))

All curve parameters:

In [44]:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(20,12))
i = 1
for fGender in ['M','F']:
    for param in ['threshold','slope','guess','lapse']:

        ax = fig.add_subplot(int('24'+str(i)))

                          jitter=True, edgecolor='white',palette=myPal,ax=ax)
        i+= 1

inferential statistics

In [45]:
def makeMannUTests(df):
    bigDf = pd.DataFrame()
    d = {}
    for comp in [('G','K'),('G','A'),('K','A')]:
        for variable in df.columns:
            group1 = df.ix[comp[0]][variable]
            group2 = df.ix[comp[1]][variable]
            U,p = stats.mannwhitneyu(group1,group2)
            if p<0.05:
                thisSig = '*'
                thisSig = 'n.s.'
            d[variable] = {'U':round(U,2),'p':round(p,3),'sig':thisSig}
        thisDf = pd.DataFrame(d)
        thisDf = thisDf.reindex_axis(['U','p','sig'], axis=0)
        thisDf.index = [ [comp[0]+' > '+comp[1]]*len(thisDf.index),thisDf.index ]

        bigDf = pd.concat([bigDf,thisDf])
    return bigDf.T
In [46]:
G > K G > A K > A
U p sig U p sig U p sig
guess 197 0.131 n.s. 252 0.169 n.s. 89 0.763 n.s.
lapse 193 0.168 n.s. 218 0.64 n.s. 78 0.417 n.s.
slope 206 0.072 n.s. 207 0.862 n.s. 64 0.144 n.s.
threshold 114 0.249 n.s. 104 0.011 * 79 0.444 n.s.
In [47]:
G > K G > A K > A
U p sig U p sig U p sig
guess 193 0.168 n.s. 244 0.245 n.s. 90 0.798 n.s.
lapse 157 0.833 n.s. 167 0.385 n.s. 76 0.365 n.s.
slope 179 0.355 n.s. 229 0.446 n.s. 98 0.944 n.s.
threshold 133 0.592 n.s. 137 0.095 n.s. 74 0.318 n.s.

Correlate with AFAS

get the AFAS data, clean up and merge:

In [48]:
afasDf = pd.read_csv('../outputs/meanAFAS.csv',index_col=[0,1])
In [49]:
for elim in eliminated:
    afasDf.drop([elim],level=1, inplace=True)
In [50]:
assert ( afasDf.index == paramsDf.index ).all()
In [51]:
mergeDf = pd.DataFrame([ afasDf['Overall'], paramsDf['M']['threshold'], afasDf['group'] ]).T
In [52]:
sns.jointplot("Overall", "threshold", data=mergeDf, kind="reg",
              xlim=(0, 4), ylim=(0, 1),stat_func=None,
              scatter_kws={"s": 70,"edgecolor":"white","linewidth":1}


sns.lmplot(x="Overall", y="threshold", data=mergeDf,hue="group",ci=None,truncate=True,palette=myPal,
           scatter_kws={"s": 70,"edgecolor":"white","linewidth":1}
(0, 4)
In [53]:
r, p = stats.spearmanr(afasDf['Overall'], paramsDf['M']['threshold'])
print "r:",r,"p:",p
r: -0.271747990354 p: 0.049022490739
In [54]:
r, p = stats.pearsonr(afasDf['Overall'], paramsDf['M']['threshold'])
print "r:",r,"p:",p
r: -0.378826197719 p: 0.00515447315191
In [55]:
for scale in afasDf.columns[:-1]:
    print "\n",scale
    r, p = stats.spearmanr(afasDf[scale], paramsDf['M']['threshold'])
    print "Spearman r:",r,"p:",p
    r, p = stats.pearsonr(afasDf[scale], paramsDf['M']['threshold'])
    print "Pearson r:",r,"p:",p
Spearman r: -0.221010906663 p: 0.11175521498
Pearson r: -0.355250849129 p: 0.00904502534878

Spearman r: -0.295655082027 p: 0.0316041082614
Pearson r: -0.384477110938 p: 0.0044769476685

Spearman r: -0.271747990354 p: 0.049022490739
Pearson r: -0.378826197719 p: 0.00515447315191

Export threshold parameters to JASP

In [56]:
jaspParams = paramsDf.copy(deep=True)
jaspParams.columns = jaspParams.columns.reorder_levels([1,0])
jaspParams = jaspParams['threshold'].copy(deep=True)

group = []
for x in jaspParams.index.levels[1]:
        print x

jaspParams['group'] = group
In [57]:
F M group
A A001 0.538619 0.527474 2
A002 0.515501 0.556187 2
A003 0.485627 0.693392 2
A005 0.471887 0.476161 2
A006 0.607114 0.509249 2
In [58]: