Non-Frankia Actinomycetes Isolated from Surface-Sterilized Roots of Casuarina equisetifolia Fix Nitrogen
Appl. Environ. Microbiol. Valdés et al. 71: 460 Supplemental material
Files in this Data Supplement:
- Supplemental file 1 - Figure 1 is an alignment of the deduced amino acids derived from the Mexican isolates and those from cultured and uncultured Frankia strains. Also included are two outgroups: the nifH sequence from Rhizobium etli and the frxC sequence from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. PDF document, 419K.
- Supplemental file 2 - Figure 2 is a neighbor-joining tree and is complementary to Figure 3 in the text. The difference is that the bonafide Frankia strain CcI3 (isolated from Casuarina cunninghamiana) is included in the tree instead of the Frankia strain IPNCe16 (isolated from Casuarina equisetifolia growing in Mexico). PDF document, 20.2K.
- Supplemental file 3 - Supplementary Figure 3 is a neighbor-joining tree band on complete 16s rDNA sequences from 2 Mexican isolates, 14 members of Micromonosporaceae, and 5 members of Thermomonosporaceae. It shows L5's close affiliation to M. aurantiaca and 7501's relationship to the Thermomonosporaceae. PDF document, 36.7K.