function [Nd cref nref] = DynamicsMM_WM_MonocultureDpMM(r0,rint,CSD,A,B,KMM,ExtTh,DilTh,tauf,dtau) %% Returns growth dynamics for monocultures, based on the mechanistic model % This code is free to use for any purposes, provided any publications resulting from the use of this code reference the original code/author. % Author: Babak Momeni (; August 2016 % The code is not guaranteed to be free of errors. Please notify the author of any bugs, and contribute any modifications or bug fixes back to the original author. % nref contains the dynamics of different populations % Nd contains the number of time steps in different passages of growth, in between dilutions %% Well-mixed model for growth of interacting species % UIC: Uniform initial condition % Ex: explicitly including the mediators % MT: multi-target mediators % rndseed = 1389; % rand('twister',rndseed) % DpMM: uptake based on Michaelis-Menten kinetics % Nc = 2; % # of cell types % Nm = 2; % # of mediators % Nr = 300; % number of rounds of propagation % r0 = [0.08; 0.1]; % population reproduction rates, per hour % CSD = 0.9e8; % total initial cells % Ksat = 1e7; % interaction strength saturation level of each population, fmole/ml % K = 1e5; % Michaelis-Menten coefficient, fmole/ml % ExtTh = 0.1; % population extinction threshold % DilTh = 1e8; % coculture dilution threshold tau0 = 0; % tauf = 250; % in hours % dtau = 0.01; % in hours, cell growth update and uptake timescale % at = 0.1; % avg. consumption values (fmole per cell); alpha_ij: population i, resource j % bt = 0.1; % avg. production rates (fmole per cell per hour); beta_ij: population i, resource j % rint = [0 0.1; 0.05 0]; % matrix of interaction coefficients [Nc Nm] = size(rint); % KMM = K*(0.5+rand(Nm,Nc)); % Michaelis-Menten coefficients, fmole/ml %% Parameters % R = [0 1; 1 0]; % P = [1 0; 0 1]; % interaction matrix % alpha = at*(0.5+rand(Nc,Nm)); % consumption rates % beta = bt*(0.5+rand(Nc,Nm)); % mediator release rates % A = (R.*alpha)'; % B = (P.*beta)'; %% Initial state % rp = 1/Nc*ones(1,Nc); % cell distrbution %% Cell-growth time-course taurng = tau0:dtau:tauf; Nt = length(taurng); Nd = zeros(1,Nc); nref = zeros(Nc,Nt); cref = zeros(Nm,Nt,Nc); for ii = 1:Nc, X = zeros(Nc,1); X(ii,1) = CSD; % initial number of each cell type C = zeros(Nm,1); % concentrations of interaction mediators, fmole/ml tau0 = 0; % in hours tau = tau0; Xlm = zeros(Nc,Nt); Clm = zeros(Nm,Nt); rzm = zeros(Nc,Nt); ct = 0; while (tau<=tauf-dtau)&&(sum(Xlm(:,max(ct,1)))