function [rint_SatLV Si_SatLV] = DeriveBFSatLVMMSS_WM_DpMM_r21(Nr,r0,rint,CSD,A,B,KMM,tauf,r0_est,rs_est,Si_est) %% Estimates canonical pairwise model interaction parameters (Step 2) % This code is free to use for any purposes, provided any publications resulting from the use of this code reference the original code/author. % Author: Babak Momeni (; August 2016 % The code is not guaranteed to be free of errors. Please notify the author of any bugs, and contribute any modifications or bug fixes back to the original author. %% Deriving equivalent fitness model for chemically interacting species % r0: population reproduction rates, per hour % rint: matrix of interaction coefficients % A: consumption matrix % B: production matrix % Si: population levels for influence saturation % CSD: total initial cells % dtau: simulation time-step % tauf: total simulation time global n1 n2 Nt taufe dtau ExtTh DilTh r0i rsi Sii % Nc: # of cell types % Nm: # of mediators Nc = size(A,1); %% Cell-growth time-course tau0 = 0; taurng = tau0:dtau:tauf; rint_SatLV = zeros(Nc,Nc); Si_SatLV = zeros(Nc,Nc); for ii = 1:Nc, for jj = ii+1:Nc, % focal pair %% Initial state rpp = zeros(1,Nc); rpp([ii jj]) = [0.5 0.5]; % initial composition [Nd cref nref] = DynamicsMMSS_WM_NetworkDpMM(Nr,r0,rpp,rint,CSD,A,B,KMM,ExtTh,DilTh,tauf,dtau); n1 = nref(ii,sum(Nd(1:Nr-1))+1:sum(Nd(1:Nr))); n2 = nref(jj,sum(Nd(1:Nr-1))+1:sum(Nd(1:Nr))); taufe = taurng(Nd(Nr)); % figure % semilogy(taurng(1:Nd(Nr)),n1,'b') % hold on % semilogy(taurng(1:Nd(Nr)),n2,'r') % xlabel('Time (hrs)') % ylabel('Populations') % pause x0 = [4 4 6 6]; r0i = r0_est([ii jj]); rsi = rs_est([ii jj]); Sii = Si_est([ii jj]); Nt = Nd(Nr); x = lsqnonlin(@FitCost_BFSatLV_r21,x0); rint_SatLV(ii,jj) = 0.01*x(1); rint_SatLV(jj,ii) = 0.01*x(2); Si_SatLV(ii,jj) = 10.^x(3); Si_SatLV(jj,ii) = 10.^x(4); % disp([ii jj x]) end end return;