Transconjugant calculations (Supplemental Information 1 [SI-1]); calculation of frequency of recalcitrant cells in microcosm experiments (SI-2); PMA exposure protocol and validation (SI-3); calculation of detection limit for culture-based methods (SI-4); plasmid integrity quantification by electroporation (SI-5); PMA validation on sludge samples (Table S1); blaNDM-1 decay curves for PMA-treated biomass samples from anaerobic sludge mesocosms at 0 and 100 μg of meropenem/liter (Fig. S1); blaNDM-1 decay curves for PMA-treated biomass samples from aerobic sludge mesocosms at 0, 1, 10, and 100 μg of meropenem/liter (Fig. S2); average MLSS for all replicate anaerobic and aerobic mesocosms (Fig. S3).
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