Table 1. Molecular mass of Hua -Syn species from Ciphergen SELDI-TOF MS analysis

Hua -Syn Species


Predicted molecular mass, Da

(∆Da from FL)

Observed molecular mass, Da

(∆Da from FL)

SEM (n)

Syn140 (COS1)



3.70 (3)

Syn130 (COS1)

13,277.90 (1,182.26)

13,356.53 (1,182.07)

0.23 (3)

Syn124 (COS1)

12,541.20 (1,918.96)

12,620.78 (1,917.82)

1.39 (4)

Syn123 (COS1)

12,470.12 (1,990.04)

12,544.99 (1,993.61)

1.79 (8)

Syn122 (COS1)

12,341.00 (2,119.16)

12,406.43 (2,132.17)

2.21 (4)

Syn120 (COS1)

12,111.81 (2,348.35)

12,184.74 (2,353.86)

3.46 (8)

SynFL (Human)



4.95 (15)

Syn12 (Human)

12,470.12 (1,990.04)

12,549.69 (1,990.48)

4.46 (15)

SynFL (AT Tg)



3.43 (8)

Syn12 (AT Tg)

12,500.15 (1,990.04)

12,559.44 (1,993.12)

3.52 (8)

The average masses (Da) of immunoprecipitated Hua -Syn species were determined from multiple, independent Ciphergen SELDI-TOF MS analyses. The average masses of a -Syn species from human brain were determined from a -Syn immunoprecipitated from four individuals. The average masses of a -Syn species from A53T transgenic mice (AT Tg) were determined from multiple immunoprecipitations from two mice. The number of determinations (n) are shown. The apparent masses of a -Syn species are 80–60 Da higher than those predicted from the amino acid sequences. The Ala ® Thr substitution contributes to the slightly higher mass of Hua -Syn from Tg mice. Because the mass differences between a -SynFL and a -Syn∆C (∆Da) is consistent with those predicted from the amino acid sequences, the source of increased mass is not within the region removed in a -Syn12. The apparent mass of a -Syn12 and the differences in mass between a -SynFL and a -Syn12 is only consistent with a -Syn12 missing the C-terminal 17 amino acids.