Reusch et al. 10.1073/pnas.0500008102.

Supporting Information

Files in this Data Supplement:

Supporting Figure 4
Supporting Figure 5
Supporting Table 2

Fig. 4. Clonal map of a Zostera marina meadow. The spatial structure of genotypes and location of target clones as donor material for the experiment are shown. Samples were taken at 33.3-cm intervals. Each number refers to a unique genotype. Zeros represent canopy gaps. Colored areas represent the eight largest genotypes, six of which (designated A–F) were chosen for the experiment.

Fig. 5. Experimental layout of field experiment on the effects of eelgrass genotypic diversity. All blocks were arranged parallel to the shore in a depth of 1.6–1.8 m. Distance among blocks was 2 m. Letters refer to the clone designation. Each subplot measured 50 × 50 cm.

Table 2. List of fish species using eelgrass meadows at the study site

Species name

Common name

Commercial importance

Gasterosteus aculeatus

Three-spined stickleback


Spinachia spinachia

Sea stickleback


Nerophis ophidion

Straightnose pipefish


Limanda limanda



Salmo trutta

Sea trout


Gobius niger

Black goby


Gobiusculus flavescens

Two-spotted goby


Zoarces viviparus

Viviparous blenny


Perca fluviatilis

European perch


Clupea harengus

Atlantic herring
