Table 4. Estimated toxicity per cell (as pg toxin equivalents unless otherwise noted) reported for Pfiesteria spp. (this study) and other toxic algae

Taxon (Taxa)

Toxin(s) or toxic complex

Estimated pg per cell



Alexandrium spp.

Saxitoxin (equiv. per cell)


Whyte (1)

Dinophysis acuta



Whyte (1)

Dinophysis acuta,

Okadaic acid


MacKenzie et al. (2)

Prorocentrum reticulatum

Okadaic acid analog DTX-3a


Gambierdiscus toxicus

Ciguatera toxin

2–55 mouse units per cell

Bomber et al. (3)

Karenia brevis



Loret et al. (4)



Karenia spp.



Greene et al. (5)

Pfiesteria spp.

PfTx extract

» 0–284

This study

Prorocentrum lima

Okadaic acid


Morton and Tindall (6)

Okadaic acid analog DTX-1



Nodularia spumigena


1.3–2.9 m g/g dry wt

Bolch et al. (7)


Pseudo-nitzschia multiseries

Domoic acid

0–2,200 ng/ml

Evans et al. (8)

Pseudo-nitzschia spp.*

Domoic acid


Rhodes et al. (9)

The referenced toxins and associated activity reported below, including PfTx, were purified by using the best available chromatographic techniques to date as reported by the referenced authors; note that toxin(s) and toxic extracts were isolated or used as purchased (degree of purity not verified).

*Reported as domoic acid-producing Pseudo-nitzschia species.

1. Whyte, J. N. C., ed. (2001) Canadian Technical Report of Fishery and Aquatic Science (Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Ottawa), no. 2386.

2. MacKenzie, L., McNabb, P., Beuzenberg, V., Selwood, A. & Suzuki, T. (2002) Toxicon 40, 1321-1330.

3. Bomber, J. W., Tindall, D. R. & Miller, D. M. (1989) J. Phycol. 25, 617-625.

4. Loret, P., Tengs, T., Villareal, T. A., Singler, H. Richardson, B., McGuire, P., Morton, S. L., Busman, M. & Campbell, L. (2002) J. Plankt. Res. 24, 735-739.

5. Greene R., Kurtz, J. C., Stanley, R. S., Chancy, C. A., Murrell, M. C., Murrell, Genthner, F. J., Rogers, J. E. & Walker, C. C. (2004) in Proceedings, Tenth International Conference on Harmful Algae, eds. Steidinger, K. A., Landsberg, J. A., Tomas, C. R. & Vargo, G. A. (Florida Dept. Environ. Conserv., St. Petersburg), in press.

6. Morton, S. L. & Tindall, D. R. (1995) J. Phycol. 31, 914-922.

7. Bolch, D. J. S., Orr, P. T., Jones, G. J. & Blackburn, S. I. (1999) J. Phycol. 35, 339-355.

8. Evans, K. M., Bates, S. S., Medlin, L. K. & Hayes, P. K. (2004) J. Phycol. 40, 911-920.

9. Rhodes, L., Scholin, C., Garthwaite, I., Haywood, A. & Thomas, A. (1998) in Harmful Algae: Proceedings, Eighth International Conference of Harmful Algae, eds. Reguera, B., Blanco, J., Fernandez, M. C. & Wyatt, T. (Xunta de Galicia and Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO, Paris), pp. 274-277.