Authors,Year,Stage,Species,Family,Original Name ,Salinity (ppt),N,Survivorship,Survivorship_SD,Time (hr),Extraction_Source,Notes,Full Citation,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Rios-Lopez,2008,Larval,Leptodactylus albilabris,Leptodactylidae,Leptodactylus albilabris,0,60,0.25,0.188,1440,Figure 3A,,"Rios-Lopez, N. 2008. Effects of increased salinity on tadpoles of two anurans from a Caribbean coastal wetland in relation to their natural abundance. Amphibia-Reptilia 29:7-18.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Rios-Lopez,2008,Larval,Leptodactylus albilabris,Leptodactylidae,Leptodactylus albilabris,1,60,0.23,0.04,1440,Figure 3A,,"Rios-Lopez, N. 2008. Effects of increased salinity on tadpoles of two anurans from a Caribbean coastal wetland in relation to their natural abundance. Amphibia-Reptilia 29:7-18.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Rios-Lopez,2008,Larval,Leptodactylus albilabris,Leptodactylidae,Leptodactylus albilabris,2,60,0.41,0.14,1440,Figure 3A,,"Rios-Lopez, N. 2008. Effects of increased salinity on tadpoles of two anurans from a Caribbean coastal wetland in relation to their natural abundance. Amphibia-Reptilia 29:7-18.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Rios-Lopez,2008,Larval,Leptodactylus albilabris,Leptodactylidae,Leptodactylus albilabris,4,60,0.34,0.16,1440,Figure 3A,,"Rios-Lopez, N. 2008. Effects of increased salinity on tadpoles of two anurans from a Caribbean coastal wetland in relation to their natural abundance. Amphibia-Reptilia 29:7-18.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Rios-Lopez,2008,Larval,Leptodactylus albilabris,Leptodactylidae,Leptodactylus albilabris,8,60,0.016,0.037,1440,Figure 3A,,"Rios-Lopez, N. 2008. Effects of increased salinity on tadpoles of two anurans from a Caribbean coastal wetland in relation to their natural abundance. Amphibia-Reptilia 29:7-18.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Rios-Lopez,2008,Larval,Rhinella marina,Bufonidae,Bufo marinus,0,60,0.55,0.22,1440,Figure 3A,,"Rios-Lopez, N. 2008. Effects of increased salinity on tadpoles of two anurans from a Caribbean coastal wetland in relation to their natural abundance. Amphibia-Reptilia 29:7-18.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Rios-Lopez,2008,Larval,Rhinella marina,Bufonidae,Bufo marinus,1,60,0.67,0.19,1440,Figure 3A,,"Rios-Lopez, N. 2008. Effects of increased salinity on tadpoles of two anurans from a Caribbean coastal wetland in relation to their natural abundance. Amphibia-Reptilia 29:7-18.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Rios-Lopez,2008,Larval,Rhinella marina,Bufonidae,Bufo marinus,2,60,0.47,0.08,1440,Figure 3A,,"Rios-Lopez, N. 2008. Effects of increased salinity on tadpoles of two anurans from a Caribbean coastal wetland in relation to their natural abundance. Amphibia-Reptilia 29:7-18.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Rios-Lopez,2008,Larval,Rhinella marina,Bufonidae,Bufo marinus,4,60,0.48,0.14,1440,Figure 3A,,"Rios-Lopez, N. 2008. Effects of increased salinity on tadpoles of two anurans from a Caribbean coastal wetland in relation to their natural abundance. Amphibia-Reptilia 29:7-18.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Rios-Lopez,2008,Larval,Rhinella marina,Bufonidae,Bufo marinus,8,60,0.38,0.11,1440,Figure 3A,,"Rios-Lopez, N. 2008. Effects of increased salinity on tadpoles of two anurans from a Caribbean coastal wetland in relation to their natural abundance. Amphibia-Reptilia 29:7-18.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Langhans et al. ,2009,Larval,Lithobates sylvaticus,Ranidae,Rana sylvatica,0,25,0.92,0.26,264,Figure 1,Day 11 data only,"Langhans, M., B. Peterson, A. Walker, G. R. Smith, and J. E. Rettig. 2009. Effects of salinity on survivorship of wood frog (Rana sylvatica) tadpoles.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Langhans et al. ,2009,Larval,Lithobates sylvaticus,Ranidae,Rana sylvatica,1.4,25,0.44,1.05,264,Figure 1,Day 11 data only,"Langhans, M., B. Peterson, A. Walker, G. R. Smith, and J. E. Rettig. 2009. Effects of salinity on survivorship of wood frog (Rana sylvatica) tadpoles.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Langhans et al. ,2009,Larval,Lithobates sylvaticus,Ranidae,Rana sylvatica,3.5,25,0,0,264,Figure 1,Day 11 data only,"Langhans, M., B. Peterson, A. Walker, G. R. Smith, and J. E. Rettig. 2009. Effects of salinity on survivorship of wood frog (Rana sylvatica) tadpoles.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Langhans et al. ,2009,Larval,Lithobates sylvaticus,Ranidae,Rana sylvatica,5.6,25,0,0,120,Figure 1,Day 5 data only,"Langhans, M., B. Peterson, A. Walker, G. R. Smith, and J. E. Rettig. 2009. Effects of salinity on survivorship of wood frog (Rana sylvatica) tadpoles.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Hsu et al. ,2012,Larval,Fejervarya cancrivora,Dicroglossidae,Fejervarya cancrivora,3,80,1,0,48,Figure 1,,"Hsu, W.-T., C.-S. Wu, J.-C. Lai, Y.-K. Chiao, C.-H. Hsu, and Y.-C. Kam. 2012. Salinity acclimation affects survival and metamorphosis of crab-eating frog tadpoles. Herpetologica 68:14-21.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Hsu et al. ,2012,Larval,Fejervarya cancrivora,Dicroglossidae,Fejervarya cancrivora,6,80,1,0,48,Figure 1,,"Hsu, W.-T., C.-S. Wu, J.-C. Lai, Y.-K. Chiao, C.-H. Hsu, and Y.-C. Kam. 2012. Salinity acclimation affects survival and metamorphosis of crab-eating frog tadpoles. Herpetologica 68:14-21.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Hsu et al. ,2012,Larval,Fejervarya cancrivora,Dicroglossidae,Fejervarya cancrivora,9,80,0.95,0.045,48,Figure 1,,"Hsu, W.-T., C.-S. Wu, J.-C. Lai, Y.-K. Chiao, C.-H. Hsu, and Y.-C. Kam. 2012. Salinity acclimation affects survival and metamorphosis of crab-eating frog tadpoles. Herpetologica 68:14-21.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Hsu et al. ,2012,Larval,Fejervarya cancrivora,Dicroglossidae,Fejervarya cancrivora,10,80,1,0,48,Figure 1,,"Hsu, W.-T., C.-S. Wu, J.-C. Lai, Y.-K. Chiao, C.-H. Hsu, and Y.-C. Kam. 2012. Salinity acclimation affects survival and metamorphosis of crab-eating frog tadpoles. Herpetologica 68:14-21.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Hsu et al. ,2012,Larval,Fejervarya cancrivora,Dicroglossidae,Fejervarya cancrivora,11,80,0.95,0.05,48,Figure 1,,"Hsu, W.-T., C.-S. Wu, J.-C. Lai, Y.-K. Chiao, C.-H. Hsu, and Y.-C. Kam. 2012. Salinity acclimation affects survival and metamorphosis of crab-eating frog tadpoles. Herpetologica 68:14-21.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Hsu et al. ,2012,Larval,Fejervarya cancrivora,Dicroglossidae,Fejervarya cancrivora,12,80,0.67,0.15,48,Figure 1,,"Hsu, W.-T., C.-S. Wu, J.-C. Lai, Y.-K. Chiao, C.-H. Hsu, and Y.-C. Kam. 2012. Salinity acclimation affects survival and metamorphosis of crab-eating frog tadpoles. Herpetologica 68:14-21.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Hsu et al. ,2012,Larval,Fejervarya cancrivora,Dicroglossidae,Fejervarya cancrivora,13,80,0.7,0.233,48,Figure 1,,"Hsu, W.-T., C.-S. Wu, J.-C. Lai, Y.-K. Chiao, C.-H. Hsu, and Y.-C. Kam. 2012. Salinity acclimation affects survival and metamorphosis of crab-eating frog tadpoles. Herpetologica 68:14-21.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Hsu et al. ,2012,Larval,Fejervarya cancrivora,Dicroglossidae,Fejervarya cancrivora,14,80,0.41,0.22,48,Figure 1,,"Hsu, W.-T., C.-S. Wu, J.-C. Lai, Y.-K. Chiao, C.-H. Hsu, and Y.-C. Kam. 2012. Salinity acclimation affects survival and metamorphosis of crab-eating frog tadpoles. Herpetologica 68:14-21.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Hsu et al. ,2012,Larval,Fejervarya cancrivora,Dicroglossidae,Fejervarya cancrivora,15,80,0.48,0.16,48,Figure 1,,"Hsu, W.-T., C.-S. Wu, J.-C. Lai, Y.-K. Chiao, C.-H. Hsu, and Y.-C. Kam. 2012. Salinity acclimation affects survival and metamorphosis of crab-eating frog tadpoles. Herpetologica 68:14-21.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Hsu et al. ,2012,Larval,Fejervarya cancrivora,Dicroglossidae,Fejervarya cancrivora,16,80,0.21,0.19,48,Figure 1,,"Hsu, W.-T., C.-S. Wu, J.-C. Lai, Y.-K. Chiao, C.-H. Hsu, and Y.-C. Kam. 2012. Salinity acclimation affects survival and metamorphosis of crab-eating frog tadpoles. Herpetologica 68:14-21.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Stanescu et al. ,2013,Larval,Pelobates fuscus,Pelobatidae,Pelobates fuscus,0,18,0.83,,2376,Figure 1,"No error, data taken on day 99, Calculated proportion ","St_nescu, F., R. Iosif, D. Sz_kely, P. Sz_kely, D. Ro_ioru, and D. Cog_lniceanu. 2013. Salinity tolerance in Pelobates fuscus (Laurenti, 1768) tadpoles (Amphibia: Pelobatidae). Travaux du Mus_um National d'Histoire Naturelle"" Grigore Antipa"" 56:103-108.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Stanescu et al. ,2013,Larval,Pelobates fuscus,Pelobatidae,Pelobates fuscus,2,18,0.5,,2376,Figure 1,"No error, data taken on day 99, Calculated proportion ","St_nescu, F., R. Iosif, D. Sz_kely, P. Sz_kely, D. Ro_ioru, and D. Cog_lniceanu. 2013. Salinity tolerance in Pelobates fuscus (Laurenti, 1768) tadpoles (Amphibia: Pelobatidae). Travaux du Mus_um National d'Histoire Naturelle"" Grigore Antipa"" 56:103-108.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Stanescu et al. ,2013,Larval,Pelobates fuscus,Pelobatidae,Pelobates fuscus,4,18,0.67,,2376,Figure 1,"No error, data taken on day 99, Calculated proportion ","St_nescu, F., R. Iosif, D. Sz_kely, P. Sz_kely, D. Ro_ioru, and D. Cog_lniceanu. 2013. Salinity tolerance in Pelobates fuscus (Laurenti, 1768) tadpoles (Amphibia: Pelobatidae). Travaux du Mus_um National d'Histoire Naturelle"" Grigore Antipa"" 56:103-108.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Stanescu et al. ,2013,Larval,Pelobates fuscus,Pelobatidae,Pelobates fuscus,8,18,0,,1584,Figure 1,"No error, data taken on day 66, calculated proportion ","St_nescu, F., R. Iosif, D. Sz_kely, P. Sz_kely, D. Ro_ioru, and D. Cog_lniceanu. 2013. Salinity tolerance in Pelobates fuscus (Laurenti, 1768) tadpoles (Amphibia: Pelobatidae). Travaux du Mus_um National d'Histoire Naturelle"" Grigore Antipa"" 56:103-108.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Kearney et al. ,2014,Larval,Litoria ewingii,Hylidae,Litoria ewingii,0.14,20,0.85,,77,Table 1,"data only from 'Constant"" salinity treatment","Kearney, B. D., R. J. Pell, P. G. Byrne, and R. D. Reina. 2014. Anuran larval developmental plasticity and survival in response to variable salinity of ecologically relevant timing and magnitude. Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A: Ecological Genetics and Physiology 321:541-549.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Kearney et al. ,2014,Larval,Litoria ewingii,Hylidae,Litoria ewingii,5.6,20,0.63,,77,Table 1,"data only from 'Constant"" salinity treatment","Kearney, B. D., R. J. Pell, P. G. Byrne, and R. D. Reina. 2014. Anuran larval developmental plasticity and survival in response to variable salinity of ecologically relevant timing and magnitude. Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A: Ecological Genetics and Physiology 321:541-549.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Kearney et al. ,2014,Larval,Litoria ewingii,Hylidae,Litoria ewingii,7.35,20,0.48,,77,Table 1,"data only from 'Constant"" salinity treatment","Kearney, B. D., R. J. Pell, P. G. Byrne, and R. D. Reina. 2014. Anuran larval developmental plasticity and survival in response to variable salinity of ecologically relevant timing and magnitude. Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A: Ecological Genetics and Physiology 321:541-549.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Kearney et al. ,2014,Larval,Litoria ewingii,Hylidae,Litoria ewingii,9.1,20,0.07,,77,Table 1,"data only from 'Constant"" salinity treatment","Kearney, B. D., R. J. Pell, P. G. Byrne, and R. D. Reina. 2014. Anuran larval developmental plasticity and survival in response to variable salinity of ecologically relevant timing and magnitude. Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A: Ecological Genetics and Physiology 321:541-549.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Kearney et al. ,2014,Larval,Litoria ewingii,Hylidae,Litoria ewingii,10.85,20,0,,77,Table 1,"data only from 'Constant"" salinity treatment","Kearney, B. D., R. J. Pell, P. G. Byrne, and R. D. Reina. 2014. Anuran larval developmental plasticity and survival in response to variable salinity of ecologically relevant timing and magnitude. Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A: Ecological Genetics and Physiology 321:541-549.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Wu and Kam,2009,Larval,Fejervarya limnocharis,Dicroglossidae,Fejervarya limnocharis,0,15,0.84,,1488,Figure 2,"Surivivorship averaged between two populations, longer of two times taken. ","Wu, C.-S. and Y.-C. Kam. 2009. Effects of salinity on the survival, growth, development, and metamorphosis of Fejervarya limnocharis tadpoles living in brackish water. Zoolog Sci 26:476-482.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Wu and Kam,2009,Larval,Fejervarya limnocharis,Dicroglossidae,Fejervarya limnocharis,3,15,0.96,,1752,Figure 2,"Surivivorship averaged between two populations, longer of two times taken. ","Wu, C.-S. and Y.-C. Kam. 2009. Effects of salinity on the survival, growth, development, and metamorphosis of Fejervarya limnocharis tadpoles living in brackish water. Zoolog Sci 26:476-482.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Wu and Kam,2009,Larval,Fejervarya limnocharis,Dicroglossidae,Fejervarya limnocharis,5,15,0.96,,1128,Figure 2,"Surivivorship averaged between two populations, longer of two times taken. ","Wu, C.-S. and Y.-C. Kam. 2009. Effects of salinity on the survival, growth, development, and metamorphosis of Fejervarya limnocharis tadpoles living in brackish water. Zoolog Sci 26:476-482.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Wu and Kam,2009,Larval,Fejervarya limnocharis,Dicroglossidae,Fejervarya limnocharis,7,15,1,,1176,Figure 2,"Surivivorship averaged between two populations, longer of two times taken. ","Wu, C.-S. and Y.-C. Kam. 2009. Effects of salinity on the survival, growth, development, and metamorphosis of Fejervarya limnocharis tadpoles living in brackish water. Zoolog Sci 26:476-482.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Wu and Kam,2009,Larval,Fejervarya limnocharis,Dicroglossidae,Fejervarya limnocharis,9,15,0.43,,1680,Figure 2,"Surivivorship averaged between two populations, longer of two times taken. ","Wu, C.-S. and Y.-C. Kam. 2009. Effects of salinity on the survival, growth, development, and metamorphosis of Fejervarya limnocharis tadpoles living in brackish water. Zoolog Sci 26:476-482.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Wu and Kam,2009,Larval,Fejervarya limnocharis,Dicroglossidae,Fejervarya limnocharis,11,15,0,,456,Figure 2,"Surivivorship averaged between two populations, longer of two times taken. ","Wu, C.-S. and Y.-C. Kam. 2009. Effects of salinity on the survival, growth, development, and metamorphosis of Fejervarya limnocharis tadpoles living in brackish water. Zoolog Sci 26:476-482.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Kearney et al. ,2012,Larval,Limnodynastes tasmaniensis,Myobatrachidae,Limnodynastes tasmaniensis,0.4,19,0.85,,500,Table 1,no error given,"Kearney, B. D., P. G. Byrne, and R. D. Reina. 2012. Larval tolerance to salinity in three species of Australian anuran: an indication of saline specialisation in Litoria aurea. PLOS one 7:e43427.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Kearney et al. ,2012,Larval,Limnodynastes tasmaniensis,Myobatrachidae,Limnodynastes tasmaniensis,1.4,20,0.8,,500,Table 1,no error given,"Kearney, B. D., P. G. Byrne, and R. D. Reina. 2012. Larval tolerance to salinity in three species of Australian anuran: an indication of saline specialisation in Litoria aurea. PLOS one 7:e43427.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Kearney et al. ,2012,Larval,Limnodynastes tasmaniensis,Myobatrachidae,Limnodynastes tasmaniensis,3.5,20,0.9,,500,Table 1,no error given,"Kearney, B. D., P. G. Byrne, and R. D. Reina. 2012. Larval tolerance to salinity in three species of Australian anuran: an indication of saline specialisation in Litoria aurea. PLOS one 7:e43427.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Kearney et al. ,2012,Larval,Limnodynastes tasmaniensis,Myobatrachidae,Limnodynastes tasmaniensis,5.6,20,0.35,,500,Table 1,no error given,"Kearney, B. D., P. G. Byrne, and R. D. Reina. 2012. Larval tolerance to salinity in three species of Australian anuran: an indication of saline specialisation in Litoria aurea. PLOS one 7:e43427.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Kearney et al. ,2012,Larval,Neobatrachus sudelli,Myobatrachidae,Neobatrachus sudelli,0.4,20,0.9,,500,Table 1,no error given,"Kearney, B. D., P. G. Byrne, and R. D. Reina. 2012. Larval tolerance to salinity in three species of Australian anuran: an indication of saline specialisation in Litoria aurea. PLOS one 7:e43427.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Kearney et al. ,2012,Larval,Neobatrachus sudelli,Myobatrachidae,Neobatrachus sudelli,1.4,20,0.7,,500,Table 1,no error given,"Kearney, B. D., P. G. Byrne, and R. D. Reina. 2012. Larval tolerance to salinity in three species of Australian anuran: an indication of saline specialisation in Litoria aurea. PLOS one 7:e43427.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Kearney et al. ,2012,Larval,Neobatrachus sudelli,Myobatrachidae,Neobatrachus sudelli,3.5,20,0.8,,500,Table 1,no error given,"Kearney, B. D., P. G. Byrne, and R. D. Reina. 2012. Larval tolerance to salinity in three species of Australian anuran: an indication of saline specialisation in Litoria aurea. PLOS one 7:e43427.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Kearney et al. ,2012,Larval,Neobatrachus sudelli,Myobatrachidae,Neobatrachus sudelli,5.6,20,0,,425,Table 1,no error given,"Kearney, B. D., P. G. Byrne, and R. D. Reina. 2012. Larval tolerance to salinity in three species of Australian anuran: an indication of saline specialisation in Litoria aurea. PLOS one 7:e43427.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Kearney et al. ,2012,Larval,Litoria aurea,Hylidae,Litoria aurea,0.4,20,0.35,,500,Table 1,no error given,"Kearney, B. D., P. G. Byrne, and R. D. Reina. 2012. Larval tolerance to salinity in three species of Australian anuran: an indication of saline specialisation in Litoria aurea. PLOS one 7:e43427.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Kearney et al. ,2012,Larval,Litoria aurea,Hylidae,Litoria aurea,1.4,20,0.55,,500,Table 1,no error given,"Kearney, B. D., P. G. Byrne, and R. D. Reina. 2012. Larval tolerance to salinity in three species of Australian anuran: an indication of saline specialisation in Litoria aurea. PLOS one 7:e43427.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Kearney et al. ,2012,Larval,Litoria aurea,Hylidae,Litoria aurea,3.5,20,0.7,,500,Table 1,no error given,"Kearney, B. D., P. G. Byrne, and R. D. Reina. 2012. Larval tolerance to salinity in three species of Australian anuran: an indication of saline specialisation in Litoria aurea. PLOS one 7:e43427.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Kearney et al. ,2012,Larval,Litoria aurea,Hylidae,Litoria aurea,5.6,20,0.85,,500,Table 1,no error given,"Kearney, B. D., P. G. Byrne, and R. D. Reina. 2012. Larval tolerance to salinity in three species of Australian anuran: an indication of saline specialisation in Litoria aurea. PLOS one 7:e43427.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Brown and Walls,2013,Larval,Hyla cinerea,Hylidae,Hyla cinerea,0.2,30,0.97,,30,Figure 1,Survivorship measured at end of time or at 100% mortality,"Brown, M. E. and S. C. Walls. 2013. Variation in salinity tolerance among larval anurans: Implications for community composition and the spread of an invasive, non-native species. Copeia 2013:543-551.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Brown and Walls,2013,Larval,Hyla cinerea,Hylidae,Hyla cinerea,5,30,1,,30,Figure 1,Survivorship measured at end of time or at 100% mortality,"Brown, M. E. and S. C. Walls. 2013. Variation in salinity tolerance among larval anurans: Implications for community composition and the spread of an invasive, non-native species. Copeia 2013:543-551.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Brown and Walls,2013,Larval,Hyla cinerea,Hylidae,Hyla cinerea,10,30,0.66,,30,Figure 1,Survivorship measured at end of time or at 100% mortality,"Brown, M. E. and S. C. Walls. 2013. Variation in salinity tolerance among larval anurans: Implications for community composition and the spread of an invasive, non-native species. Copeia 2013:543-551.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Brown and Walls,2013,Larval,Hyla cinerea,Hylidae,Hyla cinerea,12,30,0.04,,30,Figure 1,Survivorship measured at end of time or at 100% mortality,"Brown, M. E. and S. C. Walls. 2013. Variation in salinity tolerance among larval anurans: Implications for community composition and the spread of an invasive, non-native species. Copeia 2013:543-551.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Brown and Walls,2013,Larval,Hyla cinerea,Hylidae,Hyla cinerea,14,30,0,,9,Figure 1,Survivorship measured at end of time or at 100% mortality,"Brown, M. E. and S. C. Walls. 2013. Variation in salinity tolerance among larval anurans: Implications for community composition and the spread of an invasive, non-native species. Copeia 2013:543-551.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Brown and Walls,2013,Larval,Hyla cinerea,Hylidae,Hyla cinerea,16,30,0,,6,Figure 1,Survivorship measured at end of time or at 100% mortality,"Brown, M. E. and S. C. Walls. 2013. Variation in salinity tolerance among larval anurans: Implications for community composition and the spread of an invasive, non-native species. Copeia 2013:543-551.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Brown and Walls,2013,Larval,Hyla squirella,Hylidae,Hyla squirella,0.2,30,1,,30,Figure 1,Survivorship measured at end of time or at 100% mortality,"Brown, M. E. and S. C. Walls. 2013. Variation in salinity tolerance among larval anurans: Implications for community composition and the spread of an invasive, non-native species. Copeia 2013:543-551.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Brown and Walls,2013,Larval,Hyla squirella,Hylidae,Hyla squirella,5,30,1,,30,Figure 1,Survivorship measured at end of time or at 100% mortality,"Brown, M. E. and S. C. Walls. 2013. Variation in salinity tolerance among larval anurans: Implications for community composition and the spread of an invasive, non-native species. Copeia 2013:543-551.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Brown and Walls,2013,Larval,Hyla squirella,Hylidae,Hyla squirella,10,30,0.83,,30,Figure 1,Survivorship measured at end of time or at 100% mortality,"Brown, M. E. and S. C. Walls. 2013. Variation in salinity tolerance among larval anurans: Implications for community composition and the spread of an invasive, non-native species. Copeia 2013:543-551.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Brown and Walls,2013,Larval,Hyla squirella,Hylidae,Hyla squirella,12,30,0,,1,Figure 1,Survivorship measured at end of time or at 100% mortality,"Brown, M. E. and S. C. Walls. 2013. Variation in salinity tolerance among larval anurans: Implications for community composition and the spread of an invasive, non-native species. Copeia 2013:543-551.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Brown and Walls,2013,Larval,Hyla squirella,Hylidae,Hyla squirella,14,30,0.03,,30,Figure 1,Survivorship measured at end of time or at 100% mortality,"Brown, M. E. and S. C. Walls. 2013. Variation in salinity tolerance among larval anurans: Implications for community composition and the spread of an invasive, non-native species. Copeia 2013:543-551.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Brown and Walls,2013,Larval,Hyla squirella,Hylidae,Hyla squirella,16,30,0,,5,Figure 1,Survivorship measured at end of time or at 100% mortality,"Brown, M. E. and S. C. Walls. 2013. Variation in salinity tolerance among larval anurans: Implications for community composition and the spread of an invasive, non-native species. Copeia 2013:543-551.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Brown and Walls,2013,Larval,Lithobates sphenocephalus,Ranidae,Lithobates sphenocephalus,0.2,30,0.97,,30,Figure 1,Survivorship measured at end of time or at 100% mortality,"Brown, M. E. and S. C. Walls. 2013. Variation in salinity tolerance among larval anurans: Implications for community composition and the spread of an invasive, non-native species. Copeia 2013:543-551.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Brown and Walls,2013,Larval,Lithobates sphenocephalus,Ranidae,Lithobates sphenocephalus,5,30,1,,30,Figure 1,Survivorship measured at end of time or at 100% mortality,"Brown, M. E. and S. C. Walls. 2013. Variation in salinity tolerance among larval anurans: Implications for community composition and the spread of an invasive, non-native species. Copeia 2013:543-551.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Brown and Walls,2013,Larval,Lithobates sphenocephalus,Ranidae,Lithobates sphenocephalus,10,30,0.54,,30,Figure 1,Survivorship measured at end of time or at 100% mortality,"Brown, M. E. and S. C. Walls. 2013. Variation in salinity tolerance among larval anurans: Implications for community composition and the spread of an invasive, non-native species. Copeia 2013:543-551.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Brown and Walls,2013,Larval,Lithobates sphenocephalus,Ranidae,Lithobates sphenocephalus,12,30,0,,1,Figure 1,Survivorship measured at end of time or at 100% mortality,"Brown, M. E. and S. C. Walls. 2013. Variation in salinity tolerance among larval anurans: Implications for community composition and the spread of an invasive, non-native species. Copeia 2013:543-551.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Brown and Walls,2013,Larval,Lithobates sphenocephalus,Ranidae,Lithobates sphenocephalus,14,30,0,,7,Figure 1,Survivorship measured at end of time or at 100% mortality,"Brown, M. E. and S. C. Walls. 2013. Variation in salinity tolerance among larval anurans: Implications for community composition and the spread of an invasive, non-native species. Copeia 2013:543-551.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Brown and Walls,2013,Larval,Lithobates sphenocephalus,Ranidae,Lithobates sphenocephalus,16,30,0,,5,Figure 1,Survivorship measured at end of time or at 100% mortality,"Brown, M. E. and S. C. Walls. 2013. Variation in salinity tolerance among larval anurans: Implications for community composition and the spread of an invasive, non-native species. Copeia 2013:543-551.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Brown and Walls,2013,Larval,Lithobates catesbeianus,Ranidae,Lithobates catesbeianus,0.2,30,1,,30,Figure 1,Survivorship measured at end of time or at 100% mortality,"Brown, M. E. and S. C. Walls. 2013. Variation in salinity tolerance among larval anurans: Implications for community composition and the spread of an invasive, non-native species. Copeia 2013:543-551.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Brown and Walls,2013,Larval,Lithobates catesbeianus,Ranidae,Lithobates catesbeianus,5,30,1,,30,Figure 1,Survivorship measured at end of time or at 100% mortality,"Brown, M. E. and S. C. Walls. 2013. Variation in salinity tolerance among larval anurans: Implications for community composition and the spread of an invasive, non-native species. Copeia 2013:543-551.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Brown and Walls,2013,Larval,Lithobates catesbeianus,Ranidae,Lithobates catesbeianus,10,30,0.49,,30,Figure 1,Survivorship measured at end of time or at 100% mortality,"Brown, M. E. and S. C. Walls. 2013. Variation in salinity tolerance among larval anurans: Implications for community composition and the spread of an invasive, non-native species. Copeia 2013:543-551.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Brown and Walls,2013,Larval,Lithobates catesbeianus,Ranidae,Lithobates catesbeianus,12,30,0,,28,Figure 1,Survivorship measured at end of time or at 100% mortality,"Brown, M. E. and S. C. Walls. 2013. Variation in salinity tolerance among larval anurans: Implications for community composition and the spread of an invasive, non-native species. Copeia 2013:543-551.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Brown and Walls,2013,Larval,Lithobates catesbeianus,Ranidae,Lithobates catesbeianus,14,30,0,,6,Figure 1,Survivorship measured at end of time or at 100% mortality,"Brown, M. E. and S. C. Walls. 2013. Variation in salinity tolerance among larval anurans: Implications for community composition and the spread of an invasive, non-native species. Copeia 2013:543-551.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Brown and Walls,2013,Larval,Lithobates catesbeianus,Ranidae,Lithobates catesbeianus,16,30,0,,5,Figure 1,Survivorship measured at end of time or at 100% mortality,"Brown, M. E. and S. C. Walls. 2013. Variation in salinity tolerance among larval anurans: Implications for community composition and the spread of an invasive, non-native species. Copeia 2013:543-551.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Brown and Walls,2013,Larval,Anaxyrus terrestris,Bufonidae,Anaxyrus terrestris,0.2,30,1,,30,Figure 1,Survivorship measured at end of time or at 100% mortality,"Brown, M. E. and S. C. Walls. 2013. Variation in salinity tolerance among larval anurans: Implications for community composition and the spread of an invasive, non-native species. Copeia 2013:543-551.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Brown and Walls,2013,Larval,Anaxyrus terrestris,Bufonidae,Anaxyrus terrestris,5,30,1,,30,Figure 1,Survivorship measured at end of time or at 100% mortality,"Brown, M. E. and S. C. Walls. 2013. Variation in salinity tolerance among larval anurans: Implications for community composition and the spread of an invasive, non-native species. Copeia 2013:543-551.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Brown and Walls,2013,Larval,Anaxyrus terrestris,Bufonidae,Anaxyrus terrestris,10,30,0.77,,30,Figure 1,Survivorship measured at end of time or at 100% mortality,"Brown, M. E. and S. C. Walls. 2013. Variation in salinity tolerance among larval anurans: Implications for community composition and the spread of an invasive, non-native species. Copeia 2013:543-551.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Brown and Walls,2013,Larval,Anaxyrus terrestris,Bufonidae,Anaxyrus terrestris,12,30,0,,30,Figure 1,Survivorship measured at end of time or at 100% mortality,"Brown, M. E. and S. C. Walls. 2013. Variation in salinity tolerance among larval anurans: Implications for community composition and the spread of an invasive, non-native species. Copeia 2013:543-551.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Brown and Walls,2013,Larval,Anaxyrus terrestris,Bufonidae,Anaxyrus terrestris,14,30,0,,6,Figure 1,Survivorship measured at end of time or at 100% mortality,"Brown, M. E. and S. C. Walls. 2013. Variation in salinity tolerance among larval anurans: Implications for community composition and the spread of an invasive, non-native species. Copeia 2013:543-551.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Brown and Walls,2013,Larval,Anaxyrus terrestris,Bufonidae,Anaxyrus terrestris,16,30,0,,4,Figure 1,Survivorship measured at end of time or at 100% mortality,"Brown, M. E. and S. C. Walls. 2013. Variation in salinity tolerance among larval anurans: Implications for community composition and the spread of an invasive, non-native species. Copeia 2013:543-551.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Brown and Walls,2013,Larval,Gastrophryne carolinensis,Microhylidae,Gastrophryne carolinensis,0.2,30,0.97,,30,Figure 1,Survivorship measured at end of time or at 100% mortality,"Brown, M. E. and S. C. Walls. 2013. Variation in salinity tolerance among larval anurans: Implications for community composition and the spread of an invasive, non-native species. Copeia 2013:543-551.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Brown and Walls,2013,Larval,Gastrophryne carolinensis,Microhylidae,Gastrophryne carolinensis,5,30,1,,30,Figure 1,Survivorship measured at end of time or at 100% mortality,"Brown, M. E. and S. C. Walls. 2013. Variation in salinity tolerance among larval anurans: Implications for community composition and the spread of an invasive, non-native species. Copeia 2013:543-551.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Brown and Walls,2013,Larval,Gastrophryne carolinensis,Microhylidae,Gastrophryne carolinensis,10,30,0,,5,Figure 1,Survivorship measured at end of time or at 100% mortality,"Brown, M. E. and S. C. Walls. 2013. Variation in salinity tolerance among larval anurans: Implications for community composition and the spread of an invasive, non-native species. Copeia 2013:543-551.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Brown and Walls,2013,Larval,Gastrophryne carolinensis,Microhylidae,Gastrophryne carolinensis,12,30,0,,5,Figure 1,Survivorship measured at end of time or at 100% mortality,"Brown, M. E. and S. C. Walls. 2013. Variation in salinity tolerance among larval anurans: Implications for community composition and the spread of an invasive, non-native species. Copeia 2013:543-551.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Brown and Walls,2013,Larval,Gastrophryne carolinensis,Microhylidae,Gastrophryne carolinensis,14,30,0,,2,Figure 1,Survivorship measured at end of time or at 100% mortality,"Brown, M. E. and S. C. Walls. 2013. Variation in salinity tolerance among larval anurans: Implications for community composition and the spread of an invasive, non-native species. Copeia 2013:543-551.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Brown and Walls,2013,Larval,Gastrophryne carolinensis,Microhylidae,Gastrophryne carolinensis,16,30,0,,2,Figure 1,Survivorship measured at end of time or at 100% mortality,"Brown, M. E. and S. C. Walls. 2013. Variation in salinity tolerance among larval anurans: Implications for community composition and the spread of an invasive, non-native species. Copeia 2013:543-551.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Brown and Walls,2013,Larval,Osteopilus sepentrionalis,Hylidae,Osteopilus sepentrionalis,0.2,30,1,,30,Figure 1,Survivorship measured at end of time or at 100% mortality,"Brown, M. E. and S. C. Walls. 2013. Variation in salinity tolerance among larval anurans: Implications for community composition and the spread of an invasive, non-native species. Copeia 2013:543-551.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Brown and Walls,2013,Larval,Osteopilus sepentrionalis,Hylidae,Osteopilus sepentrionalis,5,30,1,,30,Figure 1,Survivorship measured at end of time or at 100% mortality,"Brown, M. E. and S. C. Walls. 2013. Variation in salinity tolerance among larval anurans: Implications for community composition and the spread of an invasive, non-native species. Copeia 2013:543-551.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Brown and Walls,2013,Larval,Osteopilus sepentrionalis,Hylidae,Osteopilus sepentrionalis,10,30,1,,30,Figure 1,Survivorship measured at end of time or at 100% mortality,"Brown, M. E. and S. C. Walls. 2013. Variation in salinity tolerance among larval anurans: Implications for community composition and the spread of an invasive, non-native species. Copeia 2013:543-551.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Brown and Walls,2013,Larval,Osteopilus sepentrionalis,Hylidae,Osteopilus sepentrionalis,12,30,0.76,,30,Figure 1,Survivorship measured at end of time or at 100% mortality,"Brown, M. E. and S. C. Walls. 2013. Variation in salinity tolerance among larval anurans: Implications for community composition and the spread of an invasive, non-native species. Copeia 2013:543-551.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Brown and Walls,2013,Larval,Osteopilus sepentrionalis,Hylidae,Osteopilus sepentrionalis,14,30,0,,1,Figure 1,Survivorship measured at end of time or at 100% mortality,"Brown, M. E. and S. C. Walls. 2013. Variation in salinity tolerance among larval anurans: Implications for community composition and the spread of an invasive, non-native species. Copeia 2013:543-551.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Brown and Walls,2013,Larval,Osteopilus sepentrionalis,Hylidae,Osteopilus sepentrionalis,16,30,0,,6,Figure 1,Survivorship measured at end of time or at 100% mortality,"Brown, M. E. and S. C. Walls. 2013. Variation in salinity tolerance among larval anurans: Implications for community composition and the spread of an invasive, non-native species. Copeia 2013:543-551.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Gomez-Mestre and Tejedo,2003,Egg,Epidalea calamita,Bufonidae,Bufo calamita,0,80,0.96,,,Figure 2 ,Survivorship averaged between all pops,"Gomez-Mestre, I., M. Tejedo, and J. Meril_. 2003. Local adaptation of an anuran amphibian to osmotically stressful environments. Evolution 57:1889-1899.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Gomez-Mestre and Tejedo,2003,Egg,Epidalea calamita,Bufonidae,Bufo calamita,6,80,0.98,,,Figure 2 -,Survivorship averaged between all pops,"Gomez-Mestre, I., M. Tejedo, and J. Meril_. 2003. Local adaptation of an anuran amphibian to osmotically stressful environments. Evolution 57:1889-1899.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Gomez-Mestre and Tejedo,2003,Egg,Epidalea calamita,Bufonidae,Bufo calamita,8,80,0.42,,,Figure 2 ,Survivorship averaged between all pops,"Gomez-Mestre, I., M. Tejedo, and J. Meril_. 2003. Local adaptation of an anuran amphibian to osmotically stressful environments. Evolution 57:1889-1899.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Sanzo and Hecnar,2006,Larval,Lithobates sylvaticus,Ranidae,Rana sylvatica,0,40,1,,,Table 1,Calculated by dividing survived by total,"Sanzo, D. and S. J. Hecnar. 2006. Effects of road de-icing salt (NaCl) on larval wood frogs (Rana sylvatica). Environ Pollut 140:247-256.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Sanzo and Hecnar,2006,Larval,Lithobates sylvaticus,Ranidae,Rana sylvatica,3,40,0.88,,,Table 1,Calculated by dividing survived by total,"Sanzo, D. and S. J. Hecnar. 2006. Effects of road de-icing salt (NaCl) on larval wood frogs (Rana sylvatica). Environ Pollut 140:247-256.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Sanzo and Hecnar,2006,Larval,Lithobates sylvaticus,Ranidae,Rana sylvatica,3.75,40,0.73,,,Table 1,Calculated by dividing survived by total,"Sanzo, D. and S. J. Hecnar. 2006. Effects of road de-icing salt (NaCl) on larval wood frogs (Rana sylvatica). Environ Pollut 140:247-256.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Sanzo and Hecnar,2006,Larval,Lithobates sylvaticus,Ranidae,Rana sylvatica,4.5,40,0.7,,,Table 1,Calculated by dividing survived by total,"Sanzo, D. and S. J. Hecnar. 2006. Effects of road de-icing salt (NaCl) on larval wood frogs (Rana sylvatica). Environ Pollut 140:247-256.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Sanzo and Hecnar,2006,Larval,Lithobates sylvaticus,Ranidae,Rana sylvatica,5.25,40,0.4,,,Table 1,Calculated by dividing survived by total,"Sanzo, D. and S. J. Hecnar. 2006. Effects of road de-icing salt (NaCl) on larval wood frogs (Rana sylvatica). Environ Pollut 140:247-256.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Sanzo and Hecnar,2006,Larval,Lithobates sylvaticus,Ranidae,Rana sylvatica,6,40,0.15,,,Table 1,Calculated by dividing survived by total,"Sanzo, D. and S. J. Hecnar. 2006. Effects of road de-icing salt (NaCl) on larval wood frogs (Rana sylvatica). Environ Pollut 140:247-256.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Sanzo and Hecnar,2006,Larval,Lithobates sylvaticus,Ranidae,Rana sylvatica,6.7,40,0,,,Table 1,Calculated by dividing survived by total,"Sanzo, D. and S. J. Hecnar. 2006. Effects of road de-icing salt (NaCl) on larval wood frogs (Rana sylvatica). Environ Pollut 140:247-256.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Sanzo and Hecnar,2006,Larval,Lithobates sylvaticus,Ranidae,Rana sylvatica,7.5,40,0.4,,,Table 1,Calculated by dividing survived by total,"Sanzo, D. and S. J. Hecnar. 2006. Effects of road de-icing salt (NaCl) on larval wood frogs (Rana sylvatica). Environ Pollut 140:247-256.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Sanzo and Hecnar,2006,Larval,Lithobates sylvaticus,Ranidae,Rana sylvatica,8.25,40,0.55,,,Table 1,Calculated by dividing survived by total,"Sanzo, D. and S. J. Hecnar. 2006. Effects of road de-icing salt (NaCl) on larval wood frogs (Rana sylvatica). Environ Pollut 140:247-256.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Sanzo and Hecnar,2006,Larval,Lithobates sylvaticus,Ranidae,Rana sylvatica,9,40,0.23,,,Table 1,Calculated by dividing survived by total,"Sanzo, D. and S. J. Hecnar. 2006. Effects of road de-icing salt (NaCl) on larval wood frogs (Rana sylvatica). Environ Pollut 140:247-256.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Sanzo and Hecnar,2006,Larval,Lithobates sylvaticus,Ranidae,Rana sylvatica,9.75,40,0,,,Table 1,Calculated by dividing survived by total,"Sanzo, D. and S. J. Hecnar. 2006. Effects of road de-icing salt (NaCl) on larval wood frogs (Rana sylvatica). Environ Pollut 140:247-256.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Wu et al. ,2014,Larval,Fejervarya limnocharis,Dicroglossidae,Fejervarya limnocharis,3,10,1,,24,In text + Figure 1,Control ,"Wu, C. S., W. K. Yang, T. H. Lee, I. Gomez_Mestre, and Y. C. Kam. 2014. Salinity acclimation enhances salinity tolerance in tadpoles living in brackish water through increased Na+, K+_ATPase expression. Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A: Ecological Genetics and Physiology 321:57-64.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Wu et al. ,2014,Larval,Fejervarya limnocharis,Dicroglossidae,Fejervarya limnocharis,11,10,0.28,,24,Figure 1,Average of acclimations,"Wu, C. S., W. K. Yang, T. H. Lee, I. Gomez_Mestre, and Y. C. Kam. 2014. Salinity acclimation enhances salinity tolerance in tadpoles living in brackish water through increased Na+, K+_ATPase expression. Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A: Ecological Genetics and Physiology 321:57-64.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Karraker et al. ,2010,Larval,Microhyla ornata,Microhylidae,Microhyla ornata,0,10,0.93,0.06,96,Figure 1,Only taken from no fish treatments,"Karraker, N. E., J. Arrigoni, and D. Dudgeon. 2010. Effects of increased salinity and an introduced predator on lowland amphibians in Southern China: species identity matters. Biological Conservation 143:1079-1086.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Karraker et al. ,2010,Larval,Microhyla ornata,Microhylidae,Microhyla ornata,0.33,10,0.92,0.13,96,Figure 1,Only taken from no fish treatments,"Karraker, N. E., J. Arrigoni, and D. Dudgeon. 2010. Effects of increased salinity and an introduced predator on lowland amphibians in Southern China: species identity matters. Biological Conservation 143:1079-1086.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Karraker et al. ,2010,Larval,Microhyla ornata,Microhylidae,Microhyla ornata,2.2,10,0.91,0.13,96,Figure 1,Only taken from no fish treatments,"Karraker, N. E., J. Arrigoni, and D. Dudgeon. 2010. Effects of increased salinity and an introduced predator on lowland amphibians in Southern China: species identity matters. Biological Conservation 143:1079-1086.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Karraker et al. ,2010,Larval,Microhyla ornata,Microhylidae,Microhyla ornata,6.6,10,0.39,0.5,96,Figure 1,Only taken from no fish treatments,"Karraker, N. E., J. Arrigoni, and D. Dudgeon. 2010. Effects of increased salinity and an introduced predator on lowland amphibians in Southern China: species identity matters. Biological Conservation 143:1079-1086.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Karraker et al. ,2010,Larval,Kaloula pulchra,Microhylidae,Kaloula pulchra,0,10,0.96,0.06,96,Figure 1,Only taken from no fish treatments,"Karraker, N. E., J. Arrigoni, and D. Dudgeon. 2010. Effects of increased salinity and an introduced predator on lowland amphibians in Southern China: species identity matters. Biological Conservation 143:1079-1086.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Karraker et al. ,2010,Larval,Kaloula pulchra,Microhylidae,Kaloula pulchra,0.33,10,0.94,0.13,96,Figure 1,Only taken from no fish treatments,"Karraker, N. E., J. Arrigoni, and D. Dudgeon. 2010. Effects of increased salinity and an introduced predator on lowland amphibians in Southern China: species identity matters. Biological Conservation 143:1079-1086.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Karraker et al. ,2010,Larval,Kaloula pulchra,Microhylidae,Kaloula pulchra,2.2,10,0.9,0.31,96,Figure 1,Only taken from no fish treatments,"Karraker, N. E., J. Arrigoni, and D. Dudgeon. 2010. Effects of increased salinity and an introduced predator on lowland amphibians in Southern China: species identity matters. Biological Conservation 143:1079-1086.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Karraker et al. ,2010,Larval,Kaloula pulchra,Microhylidae,Kaloula pulchra,6.6,10,0.02,0.05,96,Figure 1,Only taken from no fish treatments,"Karraker, N. E., J. Arrigoni, and D. Dudgeon. 2010. Effects of increased salinity and an introduced predator on lowland amphibians in Southern China: species identity matters. Biological Conservation 143:1079-1086.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Karraker et al. ,2010,Larval,Duttaphrynus melanostictus,Bufonidae,Bufo melanostictus,0,10,0.98,0.054,96,Figure 1,Only taken from no fish treatments,"Karraker, N. E., J. Arrigoni, and D. Dudgeon. 2010. Effects of increased salinity and an introduced predator on lowland amphibians in Southern China: species identity matters. Biological Conservation 143:1079-1086.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Karraker et al. ,2010,Larval,Duttaphrynus melanostictus,Bufonidae,Bufo melanostictus,0.33,10,0.96,0.11,96,Figure 1,Only taken from no fish treatments,"Karraker, N. E., J. Arrigoni, and D. Dudgeon. 2010. Effects of increased salinity and an introduced predator on lowland amphibians in Southern China: species identity matters. Biological Conservation 143:1079-1086.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Karraker et al. ,2010,Larval,Duttaphrynus melanostictus,Bufonidae,Bufo melanostictus,2.2,10,0.99,0,96,Figure 1,Only taken from no fish treatments,"Karraker, N. E., J. Arrigoni, and D. Dudgeon. 2010. Effects of increased salinity and an introduced predator on lowland amphibians in Southern China: species identity matters. Biological Conservation 143:1079-1086.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Karraker et al. ,2010,Larval,Duttaphrynus melanostictus,Bufonidae,Bufo melanostictus,6.6,10,0.92,0.24,96,Figure 1,Only taken from no fish treatments,"Karraker, N. E., J. Arrigoni, and D. Dudgeon. 2010. Effects of increased salinity and an introduced predator on lowland amphibians in Southern China: species identity matters. Biological Conservation 143:1079-1086.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Karraker et al. ,2010,Larval,Polypedates megacephalus,Rhacophoridae,Polypedates megacephalus,0,10,0.93,0.13,96,Figure 1,Only taken from no fish treatments,"Karraker, N. E., J. Arrigoni, and D. Dudgeon. 2010. Effects of increased salinity and an introduced predator on lowland amphibians in Southern China: species identity matters. Biological Conservation 143:1079-1086.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Karraker et al. ,2010,Larval,Polypedates megacephalus,Rhacophoridae,Polypedates megacephalus,0.33,10,0.97,0.06,96,Figure 1,Only taken from no fish treatments,"Karraker, N. E., J. Arrigoni, and D. Dudgeon. 2010. Effects of increased salinity and an introduced predator on lowland amphibians in Southern China: species identity matters. Biological Conservation 143:1079-1086.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Karraker et al. ,2010,Larval,Polypedates megacephalus,Rhacophoridae,Polypedates megacephalus,2.2,10,0.99,0.02,96,Figure 1,Only taken from no fish treatments,"Karraker, N. E., J. Arrigoni, and D. Dudgeon. 2010. Effects of increased salinity and an introduced predator on lowland amphibians in Southern China: species identity matters. Biological Conservation 143:1079-1086.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Karraker et al. ,2010,Larval,Polypedates megacephalus,Rhacophoridae,Polypedates megacephalus,6.6,10,0.97,0.07,96,Figure 1,Only taken from no fish treatments,"Karraker, N. E., J. Arrigoni, and D. Dudgeon. 2010. Effects of increased salinity and an introduced predator on lowland amphibians in Southern China: species identity matters. Biological Conservation 143:1079-1086.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Karraker et al. ,2010,Larval,Fejervarya limnocharis,Dicroglossidae,Fejervarya limnocharis,0,10,0.99,0.06,96,Figure 1,Only taken from no fish treatments,"Karraker, N. E., J. Arrigoni, and D. Dudgeon. 2010. Effects of increased salinity and an introduced predator on lowland amphibians in Southern China: species identity matters. Biological Conservation 143:1079-1086.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Karraker et al. ,2010,Larval,Fejervarya limnocharis,Dicroglossidae,Fejervarya limnocharis,0.33,10,1,0,96,Figure 1,Only taken from no fish treatments,"Karraker, N. E., J. Arrigoni, and D. Dudgeon. 2010. Effects of increased salinity and an introduced predator on lowland amphibians in Southern China: species identity matters. Biological Conservation 143:1079-1086.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Karraker et al. ,2010,Larval,Fejervarya limnocharis,Dicroglossidae,Fejervarya limnocharis,2.2,10,1,0,96,Figure 1,Only taken from no fish treatments,"Karraker, N. E., J. Arrigoni, and D. Dudgeon. 2010. Effects of increased salinity and an introduced predator on lowland amphibians in Southern China: species identity matters. Biological Conservation 143:1079-1086.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Karraker et al. ,2010,Larval,Fejervarya limnocharis,Dicroglossidae,Fejervarya limnocharis,6.6,10,1,0,96,Figure 1,Only taken from no fish treatments,"Karraker, N. E., J. Arrigoni, and D. Dudgeon. 2010. Effects of increased salinity and an introduced predator on lowland amphibians in Southern China: species identity matters. Biological Conservation 143:1079-1086.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Bernabo et al. ,2013,Larval,Bufo balaericus,Bufonidae,Bufo balaericus,0,25,0.94,0.08,1008,Table 1 (Figure 1 too),A - Taken at end point or where survivorship = 0,"Bernabo, I., A. Bonacci, F. Coscarelli, M. Tripepi, and E. Brunelli. 2013. Effects of salinity stress on Bufo balearicus and Bufo bufo tadpoles: Tolerance, morphological gill alterations and Na+/K+-ATPase localization. Aquat Toxicol 132:119-133.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Bernabo et al. ,2013,Larval,Bufo balaericus,Bufonidae,Bufo balaericus,1.75,25,0.92,0.06,1008,Table 1 (Figure 1 too),A - Taken at end point or where survivorship = 0,"Bernabo, I., A. Bonacci, F. Coscarelli, M. Tripepi, and E. Brunelli. 2013. Effects of salinity stress on Bufo balearicus and Bufo bufo tadpoles: Tolerance, morphological gill alterations and Na+/K+-ATPase localization. Aquat Toxicol 132:119-133.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Bernabo et al. ,2013,Larval,Bufo balaericus,Bufonidae,Bufo balaericus,3.5,25,0.92,0.05,1008,Table 1 (Figure 1 too),A - Taken at end point or where survivorship = 0,"Bernabo, I., A. Bonacci, F. Coscarelli, M. Tripepi, and E. Brunelli. 2013. Effects of salinity stress on Bufo balearicus and Bufo bufo tadpoles: Tolerance, morphological gill alterations and Na+/K+-ATPase localization. Aquat Toxicol 132:119-133.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Bernabo et al. ,2013,Larval,Bufo balaericus,Bufonidae,Bufo balaericus,5.25,25,0.88,0.06,1032,Table 1 (Figure 1 too),A - Taken at end point or where survivorship = 0,"Bernabo, I., A. Bonacci, F. Coscarelli, M. Tripepi, and E. Brunelli. 2013. Effects of salinity stress on Bufo balearicus and Bufo bufo tadpoles: Tolerance, morphological gill alterations and Na+/K+-ATPase localization. Aquat Toxicol 132:119-133.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Bernabo et al. ,2013,Larval,Bufo balaericus,Bufonidae,Bufo balaericus,7,25,0.8,0.08,1056,Table 1 (Figure 1 too),A - Taken at end point or where survivorship = 0,"Bernabo, I., A. Bonacci, F. Coscarelli, M. Tripepi, and E. Brunelli. 2013. Effects of salinity stress on Bufo balearicus and Bufo bufo tadpoles: Tolerance, morphological gill alterations and Na+/K+-ATPase localization. Aquat Toxicol 132:119-133.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Bernabo et al. ,2013,Larval,Bufo balaericus,Bufonidae,Bufo balaericus,8.75,25,0,0,528,Table 1 (Figure 1 too),A - Taken at end point or where survivorship = 0,"Bernabo, I., A. Bonacci, F. Coscarelli, M. Tripepi, and E. Brunelli. 2013. Effects of salinity stress on Bufo balearicus and Bufo bufo tadpoles: Tolerance, morphological gill alterations and Na+/K+-ATPase localization. Aquat Toxicol 132:119-133.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Bernabo et al. ,2013,Larval,Bufo balaericus,Bufonidae,Bufo balaericus,10.5,25,0,0,528,Table 1 (Figure 1 too),A - Taken at end point or where survivorship = 0,"Bernabo, I., A. Bonacci, F. Coscarelli, M. Tripepi, and E. Brunelli. 2013. Effects of salinity stress on Bufo balearicus and Bufo bufo tadpoles: Tolerance, morphological gill alterations and Na+/K+-ATPase localization. Aquat Toxicol 132:119-133.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Bernabo et al. ,2013,Larval,Bufo balaericus,Bufonidae,Bufo balaericus,12.25,25,0,0,240,Table 1 (Figure 1 too),A - Taken at end point or where survivorship = 0,"Bernabo, I., A. Bonacci, F. Coscarelli, M. Tripepi, and E. Brunelli. 2013. Effects of salinity stress on Bufo balearicus and Bufo bufo tadpoles: Tolerance, morphological gill alterations and Na+/K+-ATPase localization. Aquat Toxicol 132:119-133.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Bernabo et al. ,2013,Larval,Bufo bufo,Bufonidae,Bufo bufo,0,25,0.96,0.75,1008,Table 1 (Figure 1 too),B- Taken at end point or where survivorship = 0,"Bernabo, I., A. Bonacci, F. Coscarelli, M. Tripepi, and E. Brunelli. 2013. Effects of salinity stress on Bufo balearicus and Bufo bufo tadpoles: Tolerance, morphological gill alterations and Na+/K+-ATPase localization. Aquat Toxicol 132:119-133.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Bernabo et al. ,2013,Larval,Bufo bufo,Bufonidae,Bufo bufo,1.75,25,0.96,0.06,984,Table 1 (Figure 1 too),B- Taken at end point or where survivorship = 0,"Bernabo, I., A. Bonacci, F. Coscarelli, M. Tripepi, and E. Brunelli. 2013. Effects of salinity stress on Bufo balearicus and Bufo bufo tadpoles: Tolerance, morphological gill alterations and Na+/K+-ATPase localization. Aquat Toxicol 132:119-133.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Bernabo et al. ,2013,Larval,Bufo bufo,Bufonidae,Bufo bufo,3.5,25,0.92,0.05,1032,Table 1 (Figure 1 too),B- Taken at end point or where survivorship = 0,"Bernabo, I., A. Bonacci, F. Coscarelli, M. Tripepi, and E. Brunelli. 2013. Effects of salinity stress on Bufo balearicus and Bufo bufo tadpoles: Tolerance, morphological gill alterations and Na+/K+-ATPase localization. Aquat Toxicol 132:119-133.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Bernabo et al. ,2013,Larval,Bufo bufo,Bufonidae,Bufo bufo,5.25,25,0.84,0.06,1032,Table 1 (Figure 1 too),B- Taken at end point or where survivorship = 0,"Bernabo, I., A. Bonacci, F. Coscarelli, M. Tripepi, and E. Brunelli. 2013. Effects of salinity stress on Bufo balearicus and Bufo bufo tadpoles: Tolerance, morphological gill alterations and Na+/K+-ATPase localization. Aquat Toxicol 132:119-133.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Bernabo et al. ,2013,Larval,Bufo bufo,Bufonidae,Bufo bufo,7,25,0,0,912,Table 1 (Figure 1 too),B- Taken at end point or where survivorship = 0,"Bernabo, I., A. Bonacci, F. Coscarelli, M. Tripepi, and E. Brunelli. 2013. Effects of salinity stress on Bufo balearicus and Bufo bufo tadpoles: Tolerance, morphological gill alterations and Na+/K+-ATPase localization. Aquat Toxicol 132:119-133.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Bernabo et al. ,2013,Larval,Bufo bufo,Bufonidae,Bufo bufo,8.75,25,0,0,576,Table 1 (Figure 1 too),B- Taken at end point or where survivorship = 0,"Bernabo, I., A. Bonacci, F. Coscarelli, M. Tripepi, and E. Brunelli. 2013. Effects of salinity stress on Bufo balearicus and Bufo bufo tadpoles: Tolerance, morphological gill alterations and Na+/K+-ATPase localization. Aquat Toxicol 132:119-133.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Bernabo et al. ,2013,Larval,Bufo bufo,Bufonidae,Bufo bufo,10.5,25,0,0,264,Table 1 (Figure 1 too),B- Taken at end point or where survivorship = 0,"Bernabo, I., A. Bonacci, F. Coscarelli, M. Tripepi, and E. Brunelli. 2013. Effects of salinity stress on Bufo balearicus and Bufo bufo tadpoles: Tolerance, morphological gill alterations and Na+/K+-ATPase localization. Aquat Toxicol 132:119-133.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Bernabo et al. ,2013,Larval,Bufo bufo,Bufonidae,Bufo bufo,12.25,25,0,0,96,Table 1 (Figure 1 too),B- Taken at end point or where survivorship = 0,"Bernabo, I., A. Bonacci, F. Coscarelli, M. Tripepi, and E. Brunelli. 2013. Effects of salinity stress on Bufo balearicus and Bufo bufo tadpoles: Tolerance, morphological gill alterations and Na+/K+-ATPase localization. Aquat Toxicol 132:119-133.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Christy and Dickman,2002,Larval,Litoria aurea,Hylidae,Litoria aurea,0,20,0.97,,120,Table 2,"Expt. 1 +2- n divided by total (20), average","Christy, M. T. and C. R. Dickman. 2002. Effects of salinity on tadpoles of the green and golden bell frog (Litoria aurea). Amphibia-Reptilia 23:1-11.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Christy and Dickman,2002,Larval,Litoria aurea,Hylidae,Litoria aurea,0.375,20,1,,118,Table 2,Expt. 1 - n divided by total (20),"Christy, M. T. and C. R. Dickman. 2002. Effects of salinity on tadpoles of the green and golden bell frog (Litoria aurea). Amphibia-Reptilia 23:1-11.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Christy and Dickman,2002,Larval,Litoria aurea,Hylidae,Litoria aurea,0.7,20,0.95,,58,Table 2,Expt. 1 - n divided by total (20),"Christy, M. T. and C. R. Dickman. 2002. Effects of salinity on tadpoles of the green and golden bell frog (Litoria aurea). Amphibia-Reptilia 23:1-11.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Christy and Dickman,2002,Larval,Litoria aurea,Hylidae,Litoria aurea,1.05,20,0.95,,31,Table 2,Expt. 1 - n divided by total (20),"Christy, M. T. and C. R. Dickman. 2002. Effects of salinity on tadpoles of the green and golden bell frog (Litoria aurea). Amphibia-Reptilia 23:1-11.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Christy and Dickman,2002,Larval,Litoria aurea,Hylidae,Litoria aurea,1.4,20,0.9,,2,Table 2,Expt. 1 - n divided by total (20),"Christy, M. T. and C. R. Dickman. 2002. Effects of salinity on tadpoles of the green and golden bell frog (Litoria aurea). Amphibia-Reptilia 23:1-11.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Christy and Dickman,2002,Larval,Litoria aurea,Hylidae,Litoria aurea,1.925,20,0.7,,0.5,Table 2,Expt. 1 - n divided by total (20),"Christy, M. T. and C. R. Dickman. 2002. Effects of salinity on tadpoles of the green and golden bell frog (Litoria aurea). Amphibia-Reptilia 23:1-11.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Christy and Dickman,2002,Larval,Litoria aurea,Hylidae,Litoria aurea,3.5,20,0,,0.5,Table 2,Expt. 2 - n divided by total (20),"Christy, M. T. and C. R. Dickman. 2002. Effects of salinity on tadpoles of the green and golden bell frog (Litoria aurea). Amphibia-Reptilia 23:1-11.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Christy and Dickman,2002,Larval,Litoria aurea,Hylidae,Litoria aurea,5.25,20,0,,0.5,Table 2,Expt. 2 - n divided by total (20),"Christy, M. T. and C. R. Dickman. 2002. Effects of salinity on tadpoles of the green and golden bell frog (Litoria aurea). Amphibia-Reptilia 23:1-11.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Christy and Dickman,2002,Larval,Litoria aurea,Hylidae,Litoria aurea,7,20,0,,0.5,Table 2,Expt. 2 - n divided by total (20),"Christy, M. T. and C. R. Dickman. 2002. Effects of salinity on tadpoles of the green and golden bell frog (Litoria aurea). Amphibia-Reptilia 23:1-11.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Christy and Dickman,2002,Larval,Litoria aurea,Hylidae,Litoria aurea,8.75,20,0,,0.5,Table 2,Expt. 2 - n divided by total (20),"Christy, M. T. and C. R. Dickman. 2002. Effects of salinity on tadpoles of the green and golden bell frog (Litoria aurea). Amphibia-Reptilia 23:1-11.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Christy and Dickman,2002,Larval,Litoria aurea,Hylidae,Litoria aurea,1.75,20,1,,0.5,Table 2,Expt. 2 - n divided by total (20),"Christy, M. T. and C. R. Dickman. 2002. Effects of salinity on tadpoles of the green and golden bell frog (Litoria aurea). Amphibia-Reptilia 23:1-11.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Karraker et al. ,2008,Larval,Lithobates sylvaticus,Ranidae,Rana sylvatica,0,500,0.64,,70,Figure 2,Only frog data - larval only,"Karraker, N. E., J. P. Gibbs, and J. R. Vonesh. 2008. Impacts of road deicing salt on the demography of vernal pool-breeding amphibians. Ecological Applications 18:724-734.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Karraker et al. ,2008,Larval,Lithobates sylvaticus,Ranidae,Rana sylvatica,0.035,500,0.54,,70,Figure 2,Only frog data - larval only,"Karraker, N. E., J. P. Gibbs, and J. R. Vonesh. 2008. Impacts of road deicing salt on the demography of vernal pool-breeding amphibians. Ecological Applications 18:724-734.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Karraker et al. ,2008,Larval,Lithobates sylvaticus,Ranidae,Rana sylvatica,0.945,500,0.12,,70,Figure 2,Only frog data - larval only,"Karraker, N. E., J. P. Gibbs, and J. R. Vonesh. 2008. Impacts of road deicing salt on the demography of vernal pool-breeding amphibians. Ecological Applications 18:724-734.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Karraker et al. ,2008,Egg,Lithobates sylvaticus,Ranidae,Rana sylvatica,0,500,0.89,,70,Figure 2,Only frog data - larval only,"Karraker, N. E., J. P. Gibbs, and J. R. Vonesh. 2008. Impacts of road deicing salt on the demography of vernal pool-breeding amphibians. Ecological Applications 18:724-734.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Karraker et al. ,2008,Egg,Lithobates sylvaticus,Ranidae,Rana sylvatica,0.035,500,0.79,,70,Figure 2,Only frog data - larval only,"Karraker, N. E., J. P. Gibbs, and J. R. Vonesh. 2008. Impacts of road deicing salt on the demography of vernal pool-breeding amphibians. Ecological Applications 18:724-734.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Karraker et al. ,2008,Egg,Lithobates sylvaticus,Ranidae,Rana sylvatica,0.945,500,0.45,,70,Figure 2,Only frog data - larval only,"Karraker, N. E., J. P. Gibbs, and J. R. Vonesh. 2008. Impacts of road deicing salt on the demography of vernal pool-breeding amphibians. Ecological Applications 18:724-734.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Munsey ,1972,Adult,Xenopus laevis,Pipidae,Xenopus laevis,0.35,10,1,,8,In text,,"Munsey, L. D. 1972. Salinity tolerance of the African pipid frog, Xenopus laevis. Copeia 1972:584-586.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Munsey ,1972,Adult,Xenopus laevis,Pipidae,Xenopus laevis,0.72,10,1,,8,In text,,"Munsey, L. D. 1972. Salinity tolerance of the African pipid frog, Xenopus laevis. Copeia 1972:584-586.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Munsey ,1972,Adult,Xenopus laevis,Pipidae,Xenopus laevis,1.75,10,1,,8,In text,,"Munsey, L. D. 1972. Salinity tolerance of the African pipid frog, Xenopus laevis. Copeia 1972:584-586.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Munsey ,1972,Adult,Xenopus laevis,Pipidae,Xenopus laevis,3.5,10,1,,55,In text,,"Munsey, L. D. 1972. Salinity tolerance of the African pipid frog, Xenopus laevis. Copeia 1972:584-586.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Munsey ,1972,Adult,Xenopus laevis,Pipidae,Xenopus laevis,8.75,10,1,,55,In text,,"Munsey, L. D. 1972. Salinity tolerance of the African pipid frog, Xenopus laevis. Copeia 1972:584-586.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Munsey ,1972,Adult,Xenopus laevis,Pipidae,Xenopus laevis,12.25,10,0.5,,82,In text,,"Munsey, L. D. 1972. Salinity tolerance of the African pipid frog, Xenopus laevis. Copeia 1972:584-586.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Munsey ,1972,Adult,Xenopus laevis,Pipidae,Xenopus laevis,18,10,0.2,,0,In text,,"Munsey, L. D. 1972. Salinity tolerance of the African pipid frog, Xenopus laevis. Copeia 1972:584-586.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Wu et al. ,2012,Larval,Fejervarya limnocharis,Dicroglossidae,Fejervarya limnocharis,3,20,0.93,,1464,Figure 2,LLL treatment only,"Wu, C.-S., I. Gomez-Mestre, and Y.-C. Kam. 2012. Irreversibility of a bad start: early exposure to osmotic stress limits growth and adaptive developmental plasticity. Oecologia 169:15-22.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Wu et al. ,2012,Larval,Fejervarya limnocharis,Dicroglossidae,Fejervarya limnocharis,9,20,0.3,,1464,Figure 2,HHH treatment only,"Wu, C.-S., I. Gomez-Mestre, and Y.-C. Kam. 2012. Irreversibility of a bad start: early exposure to osmotic stress limits growth and adaptive developmental plasticity. Oecologia 169:15-22.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Karraker and Ruthig ,2009,Egg,Lithobates clamitans,Ranidae,Rana clamitans,1,30,0.95,0.02,,Figure 1,"Rana only, Boiled Pond water treatments only","Karraker, N. E. and G. R. Ruthig. 2009. Effect of road deicing salt on the susceptibility of amphibian embryos to infection by water molds. Environmental Research 109:40-45.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Karraker and Ruthig ,2009,Egg,Lithobates clamitans,Ranidae,Rana clamitans,0.33,30,0.95,0.07,,Figure 1,"Rana only, Boiled Pond water treatments only","Karraker, N. E. and G. R. Ruthig. 2009. Effect of road deicing salt on the susceptibility of amphibian embryos to infection by water molds. Environmental Research 109:40-45.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Karraker and Ruthig ,2009,Egg,Lithobates clamitans,Ranidae,Rana clamitans,0.145,30,0.95,0.07,,Figure 1,"Rana only, Boiled Pond water treatments only","Karraker, N. E. and G. R. Ruthig. 2009. Effect of road deicing salt on the susceptibility of amphibian embryos to infection by water molds. Environmental Research 109:40-45.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Karraker and Ruthig ,2009,Egg,Lithobates clamitans,Ranidae,Rana clamitans,0.465,30,0.94,0.065,,Figure 1,"Rana only, Boiled Pond water treatments only","Karraker, N. E. and G. R. Ruthig. 2009. Effect of road deicing salt on the susceptibility of amphibian embryos to infection by water molds. Environmental Research 109:40-45.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Karraker and Ruthig ,2009,Egg,Lithobates clamitans,Ranidae,Rana clamitans,0.945,30,0.94,0.08,,Figure 1,"Rana only, Boiled Pond water treatments only","Karraker, N. E. and G. R. Ruthig. 2009. Effect of road deicing salt on the susceptibility of amphibian embryos to infection by water molds. Environmental Research 109:40-45.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Shinn et al. ,2013,Larval,Pelophylax perezi,Ranidae,Pelophylax perezi,0,12,0.61,0.3,384,Figure 1F,Only 0 mg/L Nitrite treatment (only NaCl),"Shinn, C., A. Marco, and L. Serrano. 2013. Influence of low levels of water salinity on toxicity of nitrite to anuran larvae. Chemosphere 92:1154-1160.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Shinn et al. ,2013,Larval,Pelophylax perezi,Ranidae,Pelophylax perezi,0.4,12,0.13,0.04,384,Figure 1F,Only 0 mg/L Nitrite treatment (only NaCl),"Shinn, C., A. Marco, and L. Serrano. 2013. Influence of low levels of water salinity on toxicity of nitrite to anuran larvae. Chemosphere 92:1154-1160.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Shinn et al. ,2013,Larval,Pelophylax perezi,Ranidae,Pelophylax perezi,2,12,0.95,0.03,384,Figure 1F,Only 0 mg/L Nitrite treatment (only NaCl),"Shinn, C., A. Marco, and L. Serrano. 2013. Influence of low levels of water salinity on toxicity of nitrite to anuran larvae. Chemosphere 92:1154-1160.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Collins and Russell,2009,Larval,Lithobates sylvaticus,Ranidae,Rana sylvatica,1.7,24,0.5,,96,Figure 3,"Ambystoma excluded, median","Collins, S. J. and R. W. Russell. 2009. Toxicity of road salt to Nova Scotia amphibians. Environ Pollut 157:320-324.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Collins and Russell,2009,Larval,Acris gryllus,Hylidae,Acris gryllus,3,24,0.5,,96,Figure 3,"Ambystoma excluded, median","Collins, S. J. and R. W. Russell. 2009. Toxicity of road salt to Nova Scotia amphibians. Environ Pollut 157:320-324.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Collins and Russell,2009,Larval,Lithobates clamitans,Ranidae,Rana clamitans,3.1,24,0.5,,96,Figure 3,"Ambystoma excluded, median","Collins, S. J. and R. W. Russell. 2009. Toxicity of road salt to Nova Scotia amphibians. Environ Pollut 157:320-324.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Collins and Russell,2009,Larval,Anaxyrus americanus,Bufonidae,Bufo americanus,4,24,0.5,,96,Figure 3,"Ambystoma excluded, median","Collins, S. J. and R. W. Russell. 2009. Toxicity of road salt to Nova Scotia amphibians. Environ Pollut 157:320-324.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Jones et al. ,2015,Larval,Lithobates clamitans,Ranidae,Rana clamitans,0,2,0.89,,96,Figure 1,All points for each salinity averaged. NaCl only,"Jones, B., J. W. Snodgrass, and D. R. Ownby. 2015. Relative Toxicity of NaCl and Road Deicing Salt to Developing Amphibians. Copeia 2015:72-77.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Jones et al. ,2015,Larval,Lithobates clamitans,Ranidae,Rana clamitans,1,7,0.97,,96,Figure 1,All points for each salinity averaged. NaCl only,"Jones, B., J. W. Snodgrass, and D. R. Ownby. 2015. Relative Toxicity of NaCl and Road Deicing Salt to Developing Amphibians. Copeia 2015:72-77.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Jones et al. ,2015,Larval,Lithobates clamitans,Ranidae,Rana clamitans,2,13,0.64,,96,Figure 1,All points for each salinity averaged. NaCl only,"Jones, B., J. W. Snodgrass, and D. R. Ownby. 2015. Relative Toxicity of NaCl and Road Deicing Salt to Developing Amphibians. Copeia 2015:72-77.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Jones et al. ,2015,Larval,Lithobates clamitans,Ranidae,Rana clamitans,2.5,3,0.44,,96,Figure 1,All points for each salinity averaged. NaCl only,"Jones, B., J. W. Snodgrass, and D. R. Ownby. 2015. Relative Toxicity of NaCl and Road Deicing Salt to Developing Amphibians. Copeia 2015:72-77.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Jones et al. ,2015,Larval,Lithobates clamitans,Ranidae,Rana clamitans,3,2,0.13,,96,Figure 1,All points for each salinity averaged. NaCl only,"Jones, B., J. W. Snodgrass, and D. R. Ownby. 2015. Relative Toxicity of NaCl and Road Deicing Salt to Developing Amphibians. Copeia 2015:72-77.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Jones et al. ,2015,Larval,Lithobates clamitans,Ranidae,Rana clamitans,4,1,0,,96,Figure 1,All points for each salinity averaged. NaCl only,"Jones, B., J. W. Snodgrass, and D. R. Ownby. 2015. Relative Toxicity of NaCl and Road Deicing Salt to Developing Amphibians. Copeia 2015:72-77.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Haramura,2007,Egg,Buergeria japonica,Rhacophoridae,Buergeria japonica,0,,0.93,0.04,96,Figure 1,Data taken on day 4,"Haramura, T. 2007. Salinity tolerance of eggs of Buergeria japonica (Amphibia, Anura) inhabiting coastal areas. Zoolog Sci 24:820-823.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Haramura,2007,Egg,Buergeria japonica,Rhacophoridae,Buergeria japonica,1,,0.85,0.08,96,Figure 1,Data taken on day 4,"Haramura, T. 2007. Salinity tolerance of eggs of Buergeria japonica (Amphibia, Anura) inhabiting coastal areas. Zoolog Sci 24:820-823.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Haramura,2007,Egg,Buergeria japonica,Rhacophoridae,Buergeria japonica,2,,0.2,0.14,96,Figure 1,Data taken on day 4,"Haramura, T. 2007. Salinity tolerance of eggs of Buergeria japonica (Amphibia, Anura) inhabiting coastal areas. Zoolog Sci 24:820-823.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Haramura,2007,Egg,Buergeria japonica,Rhacophoridae,Buergeria japonica,3,,0.25,0.17,96,Figure 1,Data taken on day 4,"Haramura, T. 2007. Salinity tolerance of eggs of Buergeria japonica (Amphibia, Anura) inhabiting coastal areas. Zoolog Sci 24:820-823.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Haramura,2007,Egg,Buergeria japonica,Rhacophoridae,Buergeria japonica,4,,0,0,96,Figure 1,Data taken on day 4,"Haramura, T. 2007. Salinity tolerance of eggs of Buergeria japonica (Amphibia, Anura) inhabiting coastal areas. Zoolog Sci 24:820-823.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Haramura,2007,Egg,Buergeria japonica,Rhacophoridae,Buergeria japonica,5,,0,0,96,Figure 1,Data taken on day 4,"Haramura, T. 2007. Salinity tolerance of eggs of Buergeria japonica (Amphibia, Anura) inhabiting coastal areas. Zoolog Sci 24:820-823.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Crother and Fontenot ,2006,Larval,Hyla cinerea,Hylidae,Hyla cinerea,0,,0.96,,96,"Page 40, Figure 2","Top graph, survivorship averaged among 96 h exposure and populations","Crother, B. I. and C. L. Fontenot. Amphibian and Reptile Monitoring in the Ponchartrain-Maurepas Region. Lake Pontchartrain Basin Research Program (PBRP):35.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Crother and Fontenot ,2006,Larval,Hyla cinerea,Hylidae,Hyla cinerea,2,,0.93,,96,"Page 40, Figure 2","Top graph, survivorship averaged among 96 h exposure and populations","Crother, B. I. and C. L. Fontenot. Amphibian and Reptile Monitoring in the Ponchartrain-Maurepas Region. Lake Pontchartrain Basin Research Program (PBRP):35.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Crother and Fontenot ,2006,Larval,Hyla cinerea,Hylidae,Hyla cinerea,4,,0.99,,96,"Page 40, Figure 2","Top graph, survivorship averaged among 96 h exposure and populations","Crother, B. I. and C. L. Fontenot. Amphibian and Reptile Monitoring in the Ponchartrain-Maurepas Region. Lake Pontchartrain Basin Research Program (PBRP):35.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Crother and Fontenot ,2006,Larval,Hyla cinerea,Hylidae,Hyla cinerea,6,,0.98,,96,"Page 40, Figure 2","Top graph, survivorship averaged among 96 h exposure and populations","Crother, B. I. and C. L. Fontenot. Amphibian and Reptile Monitoring in the Ponchartrain-Maurepas Region. Lake Pontchartrain Basin Research Program (PBRP):35.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Crother and Fontenot ,2006,Larval,Hyla cinerea,Hylidae,Hyla cinerea,8,,0.87,,96,"Page 40, Figure 2","Top graph, survivorship averaged among 96 h exposure and populations","Crother, B. I. and C. L. Fontenot. Amphibian and Reptile Monitoring in the Ponchartrain-Maurepas Region. Lake Pontchartrain Basin Research Program (PBRP):35.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Crother and Fontenot ,2006,Larval,Hyla cinerea,Hylidae,Hyla cinerea,10,,0.58,,96,"Page 40, Figure 2","Top graph, survivorship averaged among 96 h exposure and populations","Crother, B. I. and C. L. Fontenot. Amphibian and Reptile Monitoring in the Ponchartrain-Maurepas Region. Lake Pontchartrain Basin Research Program (PBRP):35.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Crother and Fontenot ,2006,Larval,Hyla cinerea,Hylidae,Hyla cinerea,12,,0.27,,96,"Page 40, Figure 2","Top graph, survivorship averaged among 96 h exposure and populations","Crother, B. I. and C. L. Fontenot. Amphibian and Reptile Monitoring in the Ponchartrain-Maurepas Region. Lake Pontchartrain Basin Research Program (PBRP):35.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Wood and Welch ,2015,Larval,Anaxyrus terrestris,Bufonidae,Anaxyrus terrestris,0.4,320,0.95,0.31,504,Figure 1A,"No pesticide only, brackish and freshwater averaged together","Wood, L. and A. M. Welch. 2015. Assessment of interactive effects of elevated salinity and three pesticides on life history and behavior of southern toad (Anaxyrus terrestris) tadpoles. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 34:667-676.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Wood and Welch ,2015,Larval,Anaxyrus terrestris,Bufonidae,Anaxyrus terrestris,4,320,0.95,0.31,504,Figure 1A,No pesticide only,"Wood, L. and A. M. Welch. 2015. Assessment of interactive effects of elevated salinity and three pesticides on life history and behavior of southern toad (Anaxyrus terrestris) tadpoles. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 34:667-676.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Nakkrasae et al. ,2015,Larval,Hoplobatrachus rugulosus,Dicroglossidae,Hoplobatrachus rugulosus,0,320,0.95,0.35,96,Figure 1,Data taken on day 4 unless reaching complete mortality before then,"Nakkrasae, L. i., S. Phummisutthigoon, and N. Charoenphandhu. 2015. Low salinity increases survival, body weight and development in tadpoles of the Chinese edible frog Hoplobatrachus rugulosus. Aquaculture Research.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Nakkrasae et al. ,2015,Larval,Hoplobatrachus rugulosus,Dicroglossidae,Hoplobatrachus rugulosus,1,150,0.98,0,96,Figure 1,Data taken on day 4 unless reaching complete mortality before then,"Nakkrasae, L. i., S. Phummisutthigoon, and N. Charoenphandhu. 2015. Low salinity increases survival, body weight and development in tadpoles of the Chinese edible frog Hoplobatrachus rugulosus. Aquaculture Research.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Nakkrasae et al. ,2015,Larval,Hoplobatrachus rugulosus,Dicroglossidae,Hoplobatrachus rugulosus,2,150,0.98,0,96,Figure 1,Data taken on day 4 unless reaching complete mortality before then,"Nakkrasae, L. i., S. Phummisutthigoon, and N. Charoenphandhu. 2015. Low salinity increases survival, body weight and development in tadpoles of the Chinese edible frog Hoplobatrachus rugulosus. Aquaculture Research.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Nakkrasae et al. ,2015,Larval,Hoplobatrachus rugulosus,Dicroglossidae,Hoplobatrachus rugulosus,3,150,0.98,0,96,Figure 1,Data taken on day 4 unless reaching complete mortality before then,"Nakkrasae, L. i., S. Phummisutthigoon, and N. Charoenphandhu. 2015. Low salinity increases survival, body weight and development in tadpoles of the Chinese edible frog Hoplobatrachus rugulosus. Aquaculture Research.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Nakkrasae et al. ,2015,Larval,Hoplobatrachus rugulosus,Dicroglossidae,Hoplobatrachus rugulosus,4,150,0.98,0,96,Figure 1,Data taken on day 4 unless reaching complete mortality before then,"Nakkrasae, L. i., S. Phummisutthigoon, and N. Charoenphandhu. 2015. Low salinity increases survival, body weight and development in tadpoles of the Chinese edible frog Hoplobatrachus rugulosus. Aquaculture Research.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Nakkrasae et al. ,2015,Larval,Hoplobatrachus rugulosus,Dicroglossidae,Hoplobatrachus rugulosus,5,150,0.98,0,96,Figure 1,Data taken on day 4 unless reaching complete mortality before then,"Nakkrasae, L. i., S. Phummisutthigoon, and N. Charoenphandhu. 2015. Low salinity increases survival, body weight and development in tadpoles of the Chinese edible frog Hoplobatrachus rugulosus. Aquaculture Research.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Nakkrasae et al. ,2015,Larval,Hoplobatrachus rugulosus,Dicroglossidae,Hoplobatrachus rugulosus,6,150,0.98,0,96,Figure 1,Data taken on day 4 unless reaching complete mortality before then,"Nakkrasae, L. i., S. Phummisutthigoon, and N. Charoenphandhu. 2015. Low salinity increases survival, body weight and development in tadpoles of the Chinese edible frog Hoplobatrachus rugulosus. Aquaculture Research.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Nakkrasae et al. ,2015,Larval,Hoplobatrachus rugulosus,Dicroglossidae,Hoplobatrachus rugulosus,7,150,0.95,0,96,Figure 1,Data taken on day 4 unless reaching complete mortality before then,"Nakkrasae, L. i., S. Phummisutthigoon, and N. Charoenphandhu. 2015. Low salinity increases survival, body weight and development in tadpoles of the Chinese edible frog Hoplobatrachus rugulosus. Aquaculture Research.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Nakkrasae et al. ,2015,Larval,Hoplobatrachus rugulosus,Dicroglossidae,Hoplobatrachus rugulosus,8,150,0.94,0,96,Figure 1,Data taken on day 4 unless reaching complete mortality before then,"Nakkrasae, L. i., S. Phummisutthigoon, and N. Charoenphandhu. 2015. Low salinity increases survival, body weight and development in tadpoles of the Chinese edible frog Hoplobatrachus rugulosus. Aquaculture Research.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Nakkrasae et al. ,2015,Larval,Hoplobatrachus rugulosus,Dicroglossidae,Hoplobatrachus rugulosus,9,150,0.79,0,96,Figure 1,Data taken on day 4 unless reaching complete mortality before then,"Nakkrasae, L. i., S. Phummisutthigoon, and N. Charoenphandhu. 2015. Low salinity increases survival, body weight and development in tadpoles of the Chinese edible frog Hoplobatrachus rugulosus. Aquaculture Research.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Nakkrasae et al. ,2015,Larval,Hoplobatrachus rugulosus,Dicroglossidae,Hoplobatrachus rugulosus,10,150,0,0,12,Figure 1,Data taken on day 4 unless reaching complete mortality before then,"Nakkrasae, L. i., S. Phummisutthigoon, and N. Charoenphandhu. 2015. Low salinity increases survival, body weight and development in tadpoles of the Chinese edible frog Hoplobatrachus rugulosus. Aquaculture Research.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Uchiyama and Yoshizawa ,1992,Larval,Fejervarya cancrivora,Dicroglossidae,Rana cancrivora,0,5,1,0,48,Table 1,"Only 21-22 stages, acclimated to 10% SW only ","Uchiyama, M. and H. Yoshizawa. 1992. Salinity tolerance and structure of external and internal gills in tadpoles of the crab-eating frog, Rana cancrivora. Cell and Tissue Research 267:35-44.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Uchiyama and Yoshizawa ,1992,Larval,Fejervarya cancrivora,Dicroglossidae,Rana cancrivora,3.5,5,1,0,48,Table 1,"Only 21-22 stages, acclimated to 10% SW only ","Uchiyama, M. and H. Yoshizawa. 1992. Salinity tolerance and structure of external and internal gills in tadpoles of the crab-eating frog, Rana cancrivora. Cell and Tissue Research 267:35-44.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Uchiyama and Yoshizawa ,1992,Larval,Fejervarya cancrivora,Dicroglossidae,Rana cancrivora,7,5,1,0,48,Table 1,"Only 21-22 stages, acclimated to 10% SW only ","Uchiyama, M. and H. Yoshizawa. 1992. Salinity tolerance and structure of external and internal gills in tadpoles of the crab-eating frog, Rana cancrivora. Cell and Tissue Research 267:35-44.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Uchiyama and Yoshizawa ,1992,Larval,Fejervarya cancrivora,Dicroglossidae,Rana cancrivora,14,5,1,0,48,Table 1,"Only 21-22 stages, acclimated to 10% SW only ","Uchiyama, M. and H. Yoshizawa. 1992. Salinity tolerance and structure of external and internal gills in tadpoles of the crab-eating frog, Rana cancrivora. Cell and Tissue Research 267:35-44.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Uchiyama and Yoshizawa ,1992,Larval,Fejervarya cancrivora,Dicroglossidae,Rana cancrivora,17.5,5,0,0,48,Table 1,"Only 21-22 stages, acclimated to 10% SW only ","Uchiyama, M. and H. Yoshizawa. 1992. Salinity tolerance and structure of external and internal gills in tadpoles of the crab-eating frog, Rana cancrivora. Cell and Tissue Research 267:35-44.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Uchiyama and Yoshizawa ,1992,Larval,Fejervarya cancrivora,Dicroglossidae,Rana cancrivora,21,5,0,0,48,Table 1,"Only 21-22 stages, acclimated to 10% SW only ","Uchiyama, M. and H. Yoshizawa. 1992. Salinity tolerance and structure of external and internal gills in tadpoles of the crab-eating frog, Rana cancrivora. Cell and Tissue Research 267:35-44.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Uchiyama and Yoshizawa ,1992,Larval,Fejervarya cancrivora,Dicroglossidae,Rana cancrivora,28,5,0,0,48,Table 1,"Only 21-22 stages, acclimated to 10% SW only ","Uchiyama, M. and H. Yoshizawa. 1992. Salinity tolerance and structure of external and internal gills in tadpoles of the crab-eating frog, Rana cancrivora. Cell and Tissue Research 267:35-44.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Uchiyama and Yoshizawa ,1992,Larval,Fejervarya cancrivora,Dicroglossidae,Rana cancrivora,35,5,0,0,48,Table 1,"Only 21-22 stages, acclimated to 10% SW only ","Uchiyama, M. and H. Yoshizawa. 1992. Salinity tolerance and structure of external and internal gills in tadpoles of the crab-eating frog, Rana cancrivora. Cell and Tissue Research 267:35-44.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Karraker ,2007,Egg,Lithobates clamitans,Ranidae,Rana clamitans,0,1275,0.97,1.18,1392,Figure 2,A only - life stage is kept separate,"Karraker, N. E. 2007. Are embryonic and larval green frogs (Rana clamitans) insensitive to road deicing salt. Herpetological Conservation and Biology 2:35-41.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Karraker ,2007,Egg,Lithobates clamitans,Ranidae,Rana clamitans,0.033,1275,0.98,0.506,1392,Figure 2,A only - life stage is kept separate,"Karraker, N. E. 2007. Are embryonic and larval green frogs (Rana clamitans) insensitive to road deicing salt. Herpetological Conservation and Biology 2:35-41.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Karraker ,2007,Egg,Lithobates clamitans,Ranidae,Rana clamitans,0.145,1275,0.95,1,1392,Figure 2,A only - life stage is kept separate,"Karraker, N. E. 2007. Are embryonic and larval green frogs (Rana clamitans) insensitive to road deicing salt. Herpetological Conservation and Biology 2:35-41.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Karraker ,2007,Egg,Lithobates clamitans,Ranidae,Rana clamitans,0.465,1275,0.95,0.93,1392,Figure 2,A only - life stage is kept separate,"Karraker, N. E. 2007. Are embryonic and larval green frogs (Rana clamitans) insensitive to road deicing salt. Herpetological Conservation and Biology 2:35-41.",,,,,,,,,,,,,1,0 Karraker ,2007,Egg,Lithobates clamitans,Ranidae,Rana clamitans,0.945,1275,0.94,1.01,1392,Figure 2,A only - life stage is kept separate,"Karraker, N. E. 2007. Are embryonic and larval green frogs (Rana clamitans) insensitive to road deicing salt. Herpetological Conservation and Biology 2:35-41.",,,,,,,,,,,,,2,0.033 Karraker ,2007,Larval,Lithobates clamitans,Ranidae,Rana clamitans,0,1275,0.93,1.94,1392,Figure 2,A only - life stage is kept separate,"Karraker, N. E. 2007. Are embryonic and larval green frogs (Rana clamitans) insensitive to road deicing salt. Herpetological Conservation and Biology 2:35-41.",,,,,,,,,,,,,3,0.145 Karraker ,2007,Larval,Lithobates clamitans,Ranidae,Rana clamitans,0.033,1275,0.92,2.95,1392,Figure 2,A only - life stage is kept separate,"Karraker, N. E. 2007. Are embryonic and larval green frogs (Rana clamitans) insensitive to road deicing salt. Herpetological Conservation and Biology 2:35-41.",,,,,,,,,,,,,4,0.465 Karraker ,2007,Larval,Lithobates clamitans,Ranidae,Rana clamitans,0.145,1275,0.94,2.02,1392,Figure 2,A only - life stage is kept separate,"Karraker, N. E. 2007. Are embryonic and larval green frogs (Rana clamitans) insensitive to road deicing salt. Herpetological Conservation and Biology 2:35-41.",,,,,,,,,,,,,5,0.945 Karraker ,2007,Larval,Lithobates clamitans,Ranidae,Rana clamitans,0.465,1275,0.92,1.93,1392,Figure 2,A only - life stage is kept separate,"Karraker, N. E. 2007. Are embryonic and larval green frogs (Rana clamitans) insensitive to road deicing salt. Herpetological Conservation and Biology 2:35-41.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Karraker ,2007,Larval,Lithobates clamitans,Ranidae,Rana clamitans,0.945,1275,0.88,2.95,1392,Figure 2,A only - life stage is kept separate,"Karraker, N. E. 2007. Are embryonic and larval green frogs (Rana clamitans) insensitive to road deicing salt. Herpetological Conservation and Biology 2:35-41.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Alexander et al. ,2012,Egg,Incilius nebulifer,Bufonidae,Incilius nebulifer,0,199,0.97,,168,Table 2,,"Alexander, L. G., S. P. Lailvaux, J. H. Pechmann, and P. J. DeVries. 2012. Effects of salinity on early life stages of the Gulf Coast toad, Incilius nebulifer (Anura: Bufonidae). Copeia 2012:106-114.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Alexander et al. ,2012,Egg,Incilius nebulifer,Bufonidae,Incilius nebulifer,2,192,0.99,,168,Table 2,,"Alexander, L. G., S. P. Lailvaux, J. H. Pechmann, and P. J. DeVries. 2012. Effects of salinity on early life stages of the Gulf Coast toad, Incilius nebulifer (Anura: Bufonidae). Copeia 2012:106-114.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Alexander et al. ,2012,Egg,Incilius nebulifer,Bufonidae,Incilius nebulifer,4,198,0.96,,168,Table 2,,"Alexander, L. G., S. P. Lailvaux, J. H. Pechmann, and P. J. DeVries. 2012. Effects of salinity on early life stages of the Gulf Coast toad, Incilius nebulifer (Anura: Bufonidae). Copeia 2012:106-114.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Alexander et al. ,2012,Egg,Incilius nebulifer,Bufonidae,Incilius nebulifer,6,203,0.74,,168,Table 2,,"Alexander, L. G., S. P. Lailvaux, J. H. Pechmann, and P. J. DeVries. 2012. Effects of salinity on early life stages of the Gulf Coast toad, Incilius nebulifer (Anura: Bufonidae). Copeia 2012:106-114.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Alexander et al. ,2012,Egg,Incilius nebulifer,Bufonidae,Incilius nebulifer,8,196,0,,168,Table 2,,"Alexander, L. G., S. P. Lailvaux, J. H. Pechmann, and P. J. DeVries. 2012. Effects of salinity on early life stages of the Gulf Coast toad, Incilius nebulifer (Anura: Bufonidae). Copeia 2012:106-114.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Alexander et al. ,2012,Egg,Incilius nebulifer,Bufonidae,Incilius nebulifer,10,195,0,,168,Table 2,,"Alexander, L. G., S. P. Lailvaux, J. H. Pechmann, and P. J. DeVries. 2012. Effects of salinity on early life stages of the Gulf Coast toad, Incilius nebulifer (Anura: Bufonidae). Copeia 2012:106-114.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Alexander et al. ,2012,Larval,Incilius nebulifer,Bufonidae,Incilius nebulifer,0,36,1,,,Methods - Text,,"Alexander, L. G., S. P. Lailvaux, J. H. Pechmann, and P. J. DeVries. 2012. Effects of salinity on early life stages of the Gulf Coast toad, Incilius nebulifer (Anura: Bufonidae). Copeia 2012:106-114.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Alexander et al. ,2012,Larval,Incilius nebulifer,Bufonidae,Incilius nebulifer,2,36,0.99,,,Methods - Text,,"Alexander, L. G., S. P. Lailvaux, J. H. Pechmann, and P. J. DeVries. 2012. Effects of salinity on early life stages of the Gulf Coast toad, Incilius nebulifer (Anura: Bufonidae). Copeia 2012:106-114.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Alexander et al. ,2012,Larval,Incilius nebulifer,Bufonidae,Incilius nebulifer,4,36,0.99,,,Methods - Text,,"Alexander, L. G., S. P. Lailvaux, J. H. Pechmann, and P. J. DeVries. 2012. Effects of salinity on early life stages of the Gulf Coast toad, Incilius nebulifer (Anura: Bufonidae). Copeia 2012:106-114.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Alexander et al. ,2012,Larval,Incilius nebulifer,Bufonidae,Incilius nebulifer,6,36,0.55,,,Methods - Text,,"Alexander, L. G., S. P. Lailvaux, J. H. Pechmann, and P. J. DeVries. 2012. Effects of salinity on early life stages of the Gulf Coast toad, Incilius nebulifer (Anura: Bufonidae). Copeia 2012:106-114.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Harless et al. ,2011,Larval,Lithobates sylvaticus,Ranidae,Rana sylvatica,0,40,1,0,96,Figure 1 ,NaCl panel only,"Harless, M. L., C. J. Huckins, J. B. Grant, and T. G. Pypker. 2011. Effects of six chemical deicers on larval wood frogs (Rana sylvatica). Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 30:1637-1641.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Harless et al. ,2011,Larval,Lithobates sylvaticus,Ranidae,Rana sylvatica,1,40,0.98,0.02,96,Figure 1 ,NaCl panel only,"Harless, M. L., C. J. Huckins, J. B. Grant, and T. G. Pypker. 2011. Effects of six chemical deicers on larval wood frogs (Rana sylvatica). Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 30:1637-1641.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Harless et al. ,2011,Larval,Lithobates sylvaticus,Ranidae,Rana sylvatica,2,40,0.98,0.02,96,Figure 1,NaCl panel only,"Harless, M. L., C. J. Huckins, J. B. Grant, and T. G. Pypker. 2011. Effects of six chemical deicers on larval wood frogs (Rana sylvatica). Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 30:1637-1641.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Harless et al. ,2011,Larval,Lithobates sylvaticus,Ranidae,Rana sylvatica,3,40,1,0,96,Figure 1,NaCl panel only,"Harless, M. L., C. J. Huckins, J. B. Grant, and T. G. Pypker. 2011. Effects of six chemical deicers on larval wood frogs (Rana sylvatica). Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 30:1637-1641.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Harless et al. ,2011,Larval,Lithobates sylvaticus,Ranidae,Rana sylvatica,4,40,0.99,0.02,96,Figure 1,NaCl panel only,"Harless, M. L., C. J. Huckins, J. B. Grant, and T. G. Pypker. 2011. Effects of six chemical deicers on larval wood frogs (Rana sylvatica). Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 30:1637-1641.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Harless et al. ,2011,Larval,Lithobates sylvaticus,Ranidae,Rana sylvatica,6,40,0.7,0.23,96,Figure 1,NaCl panel only,"Harless, M. L., C. J. Huckins, J. B. Grant, and T. G. Pypker. 2011. Effects of six chemical deicers on larval wood frogs (Rana sylvatica). Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 30:1637-1641.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Harless et al. ,2011,Larval,Lithobates sylvaticus,Ranidae,Rana sylvatica,10,40,0,0,96,Figure 1,NaCl panel only,"Harless, M. L., C. J. Huckins, J. B. Grant, and T. G. Pypker. 2011. Effects of six chemical deicers on larval wood frogs (Rana sylvatica). Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 30:1637-1641.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Harless et al. ,2011,Larval,Lithobates sylvaticus,Ranidae,Rana sylvatica,16,40,0,0,96,Figure 1,NaCl panel only,"Harless, M. L., C. J. Huckins, J. B. Grant, and T. G. Pypker. 2011. Effects of six chemical deicers on larval wood frogs (Rana sylvatica). Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 30:1637-1641.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Ortiz-Santaliestra et al. ,2010,Egg,Pelophylax perezi,Ranidae,Pelophylax perezi,0,20,1,0,288,Figure 1 ,Only 0 Nitrate treatments used.,"Ortiz-Santaliestra, M. E., M. J. Fern_ndez-Ben_itez, M. Lizana, and A. Marco. 2010. Adaptation to osmotic stress provides protection against ammonium nitrate in Pelophylax perezi embryos. Environ Pollut 158:934-940.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Ortiz-Santaliestra et al. ,2010,Egg,Pelophylax perezi,Ranidae,Pelophylax perezi,0.4,20,0.99,0.02,288,Figure 1 ,Only 0 Nitrate treatments used.,"Ortiz-Santaliestra, M. E., M. J. Fern_ndez-Ben_itez, M. Lizana, and A. Marco. 2010. Adaptation to osmotic stress provides protection against ammonium nitrate in Pelophylax perezi embryos. Environ Pollut 158:934-940.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Ortiz-Santaliestra et al. ,2010,Egg,Pelophylax perezi,Ranidae,Pelophylax perezi,2,20,1,0,288,Figure 1 ,Only 0 Nitrate treatments used.,"Ortiz-Santaliestra, M. E., M. J. Fern_ndez-Ben_itez, M. Lizana, and A. Marco. 2010. Adaptation to osmotic stress provides protection against ammonium nitrate in Pelophylax perezi embryos. Environ Pollut 158:934-940.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Petranka and Doyle ,2010,Larval,Lithobates sylvaticus,Ranidae,Lithobates sylvaticus,0,440,0.79,,408,Figure 1A,Experiment 2 only,"Petranka, J. W. and E. J. Doyle. 2010. Effects of road salts on the composition of seasonal pond communities: can the use of road salts enhance mosquito recruitment? Aquatic Ecology 44:155-166.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Petranka and Doyle ,2010,Larval,Lithobates sylvaticus,Ranidae,Lithobates sylvaticus,0.75,440,0.68,,408,Figure 1A,Experiment 2 only,"Petranka, J. W. and E. J. Doyle. 2010. Effects of road salts on the composition of seasonal pond communities: can the use of road salts enhance mosquito recruitment? Aquatic Ecology 44:155-166.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Petranka and Doyle ,2010,Larval,Lithobates sylvaticus,Ranidae,Lithobates sylvaticus,1.125,440,0.65,,408,Figure 1A,Experiment 2 only,"Petranka, J. W. and E. J. Doyle. 2010. Effects of road salts on the composition of seasonal pond communities: can the use of road salts enhance mosquito recruitment? Aquatic Ecology 44:155-166.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Petranka and Doyle ,2010,Larval,Lithobates sylvaticus,Ranidae,Lithobates sylvaticus,1.5,440,0.46,,408,Figure 1A,Experiment 2 only,"Petranka, J. W. and E. J. Doyle. 2010. Effects of road salts on the composition of seasonal pond communities: can the use of road salts enhance mosquito recruitment? Aquatic Ecology 44:155-166.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Petranka and Doyle ,2010,Larval,Lithobates sylvaticus,Ranidae,Lithobates sylvaticus,1.875,440,0.54,,408,Figure 1A,Experiment 2 only,"Petranka, J. W. and E. J. Doyle. 2010. Effects of road salts on the composition of seasonal pond communities: can the use of road salts enhance mosquito recruitment? Aquatic Ecology 44:155-166.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Petranka and Doyle ,2010,Larval,Lithobates sylvaticus,Ranidae,Lithobates sylvaticus,2.625,440,0.36,,408,Figure 1A,Experiment 2 only,"Petranka, J. W. and E. J. Doyle. 2010. Effects of road salts on the composition of seasonal pond communities: can the use of road salts enhance mosquito recruitment? Aquatic Ecology 44:155-166.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Petranka and Doyle ,2010,Larval,Lithobates sylvaticus,Ranidae,Lithobates sylvaticus,3,440,0.65,,408,Figure 1A,Experiment 2 only,"Petranka, J. W. and E. J. Doyle. 2010. Effects of road salts on the composition of seasonal pond communities: can the use of road salts enhance mosquito recruitment? Aquatic Ecology 44:155-166.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Petranka and Doyle ,2010,Larval,Lithobates sylvaticus,Ranidae,Lithobates sylvaticus,3.375,440,0.44,,408,Figure 1A,Experiment 2 only,"Petranka, J. W. and E. J. Doyle. 2010. Effects of road salts on the composition of seasonal pond communities: can the use of road salts enhance mosquito recruitment? Aquatic Ecology 44:155-166.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Petranka and Doyle ,2010,Larval,Lithobates sylvaticus,Ranidae,Lithobates sylvaticus,3.75,440,0.29,,408,Figure 1A,Experiment 2 only,"Petranka, J. W. and E. J. Doyle. 2010. Effects of road salts on the composition of seasonal pond communities: can the use of road salts enhance mosquito recruitment? Aquatic Ecology 44:155-166.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Petranka and Doyle ,2010,Larval,Lithobates sylvaticus,Ranidae,Lithobates sylvaticus,4.125,440,0.65,,408,Figure 1A,Experiment 2 only,"Petranka, J. W. and E. J. Doyle. 2010. Effects of road salts on the composition of seasonal pond communities: can the use of road salts enhance mosquito recruitment? Aquatic Ecology 44:155-166.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Petranka and Doyle ,2010,Larval,Lithobates sylvaticus,Ranidae,Lithobates sylvaticus,4.5,440,0.27,,408,Figure 1A,Experiment 2 only,"Petranka, J. W. and E. J. Doyle. 2010. Effects of road salts on the composition of seasonal pond communities: can the use of road salts enhance mosquito recruitment? Aquatic Ecology 44:155-166.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Petranka and Doyle ,2010,Larval,Lithobates sylvaticus,Ranidae,Lithobates sylvaticus,5.625,440,0,,408,Figure 1A,Experiment 2 only,"Petranka, J. W. and E. J. Doyle. 2010. Effects of road salts on the composition of seasonal pond communities: can the use of road salts enhance mosquito recruitment? Aquatic Ecology 44:155-166.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Petranka and Doyle ,2010,Larval,Lithobates sylvaticus,Ranidae,Lithobates sylvaticus,6,440,0,,408,Figure 1A,Experiment 2 only,"Petranka, J. W. and E. J. Doyle. 2010. Effects of road salts on the composition of seasonal pond communities: can the use of road salts enhance mosquito recruitment? Aquatic Ecology 44:155-166.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Brand et al. ,2010,Egg,Hyla versicolor,Hylidae,Hyla versicolor,0.945,12,0.83,,192,Figure 2,Estimate from estimated line at each conductivity iteration,"Brand, A. B., J. W. Snodgrass, M. T. Gallagher, R. E. Casey, and R. Van Meter. 2010. Lethal and sublethal effects of embryonic and larval exposure of Hyla versicolor to stormwater pond sediments. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 58:325-331.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Brand et al. ,2010,Egg,Hyla versicolor,Hylidae,Hyla versicolor,1.26,12,0.64,,192,Figure 2,Estimate from estimated line at each conductivity iteration,"Brand, A. B., J. W. Snodgrass, M. T. Gallagher, R. E. Casey, and R. Van Meter. 2010. Lethal and sublethal effects of embryonic and larval exposure of Hyla versicolor to stormwater pond sediments. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 58:325-331.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Brand et al. ,2010,Egg,Hyla versicolor,Hylidae,Hyla versicolor,1.41,12,0.44,,192,Figure 2,Estimate from estimated line at each conductivity iteration,"Brand, A. B., J. W. Snodgrass, M. T. Gallagher, R. E. Casey, and R. Van Meter. 2010. Lethal and sublethal effects of embryonic and larval exposure of Hyla versicolor to stormwater pond sediments. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 58:325-331.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Brand et al. ,2010,Egg,Hyla versicolor,Hylidae,Hyla versicolor,1.5,12,0.24,,192,Figure 2,Estimate from estimated line at each conductivity iteration,"Brand, A. B., J. W. Snodgrass, M. T. Gallagher, R. E. Casey, and R. Van Meter. 2010. Lethal and sublethal effects of embryonic and larval exposure of Hyla versicolor to stormwater pond sediments. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 58:325-331.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Matlaga et al. ,2014,Egg,Lithobates catesbeianus,Ranidae,Lithobates catesbeianus,0,12,0.975,4.5,144,Table 1,,"Matlaga, T. H., C. A. Phillips, and D. J. Soucek. 2014. Insensitivity to road salt: an advantage for the American bullfrog? Hydrobiologia 721:1-8.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Matlaga et al. ,2014,Egg,Lithobates catesbeianus,Ranidae,Lithobates catesbeianus,0.1,12,0.967,4.85,144,Table 1,,"Matlaga, T. H., C. A. Phillips, and D. J. Soucek. 2014. Insensitivity to road salt: an advantage for the American bullfrog? Hydrobiologia 721:1-8.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Matlaga et al. ,2014,Egg,Lithobates catesbeianus,Ranidae,Lithobates catesbeianus,0.5,12,0.992,2.77,144,Table 1,,"Matlaga, T. H., C. A. Phillips, and D. J. Soucek. 2014. Insensitivity to road salt: an advantage for the American bullfrog? Hydrobiologia 721:1-8.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Matlaga et al. ,2014,Egg,Lithobates catesbeianus,Ranidae,Lithobates catesbeianus,1,12,0.975,4.5,144,Table 1,,"Matlaga, T. H., C. A. Phillips, and D. J. Soucek. 2014. Insensitivity to road salt: an advantage for the American bullfrog? Hydrobiologia 721:1-8.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Matlaga et al. ,2014,Larval,Lithobates catesbeianus,Ranidae,Lithobates catesbeianus,0,12,0.908,10.05,1440,Table 1,,"Matlaga, T. H., C. A. Phillips, and D. J. Soucek. 2014. Insensitivity to road salt: an advantage for the American bullfrog? Hydrobiologia 721:1-8.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Matlaga et al. ,2014,Larval,Lithobates catesbeianus,Ranidae,Lithobates catesbeianus,0.1,12,0.95,6.9,1440,Table 1,,"Matlaga, T. H., C. A. Phillips, and D. J. Soucek. 2014. Insensitivity to road salt: an advantage for the American bullfrog? Hydrobiologia 721:1-8.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Matlaga et al. ,2014,Larval,Lithobates catesbeianus,Ranidae,Lithobates catesbeianus,0.5,12,0.958,5.19,1440,Table 1,,"Matlaga, T. H., C. A. Phillips, and D. J. Soucek. 2014. Insensitivity to road salt: an advantage for the American bullfrog? Hydrobiologia 721:1-8.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Matlaga et al. ,2014,Larval,Lithobates catesbeianus,Ranidae,Lithobates catesbeianus,1,12,0.958,5.19,1440,Table 1,,"Matlaga, T. H., C. A. Phillips, and D. J. Soucek. 2014. Insensitivity to road salt: an advantage for the American bullfrog? Hydrobiologia 721:1-8.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Denoel et al. ,2010,Larval,Rana temporaria,Ranidae,Rana temporaria,0,100,0.88,0.6,1440,Figure 3B,,"DenoÔl, M., M. Bichot, G. F. Ficetola, J. Delcourt, M. Ylieff, P. Kestemont, and P. Poncin. 2010. Cumulative effects of road de-icing salt on amphibian behavior. Aquat Toxicol 99:275-280.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Denoel et al. ,2010,Larval,Rana temporaria,Ranidae,Rana temporaria,0.5,100,1,0,1440,Figure 3B,,"DenoÔl, M., M. Bichot, G. F. Ficetola, J. Delcourt, M. Ylieff, P. Kestemont, and P. Poncin. 2010. Cumulative effects of road de-icing salt on amphibian behavior. Aquat Toxicol 99:275-280.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Denoel et al. ,2010,Larval,Rana temporaria,Ranidae,Rana temporaria,1,100,1,0,1440,Figure 3B,,"DenoÔl, M., M. Bichot, G. F. Ficetola, J. Delcourt, M. Ylieff, P. Kestemont, and P. Poncin. 2010. Cumulative effects of road de-icing salt on amphibian behavior. Aquat Toxicol 99:275-280.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Denoel et al. ,2010,Larval,Rana temporaria,Ranidae,Rana temporaria,1.5,100,0.88,0.59,1440,Figure 3B,,"DenoÔl, M., M. Bichot, G. F. Ficetola, J. Delcourt, M. Ylieff, P. Kestemont, and P. Poncin. 2010. Cumulative effects of road de-icing salt on amphibian behavior. Aquat Toxicol 99:275-280.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Chinathamby et al. ,2006,Larval,Litoria ewingii,Hylidae,Litoria ewingii,0,36,0.92,,504,Table 1,,"Chinathamby, K., R. D. Reina, P. C. Bailey, and B. K. Lees. 2006. Effects of salinity on the survival, growth and development of tadpoles of the brown tree frog, Litoria ewingii. Australian Journal of Zoology 54:97-105.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Chinathamby et al. ,2006,Larval,Litoria ewingii,Hylidae,Litoria ewingii,1.4,36,0.86,,504,Table 1,,"Chinathamby, K., R. D. Reina, P. C. Bailey, and B. K. Lees. 2006. Effects of salinity on the survival, growth and development of tadpoles of the brown tree frog, Litoria ewingii. Australian Journal of Zoology 54:97-105.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Chinathamby et al. ,2006,Larval,Litoria ewingii,Hylidae,Litoria ewingii,2.8,36,0.94,,504,Table 1,,"Chinathamby, K., R. D. Reina, P. C. Bailey, and B. K. Lees. 2006. Effects of salinity on the survival, growth and development of tadpoles of the brown tree frog, Litoria ewingii. Australian Journal of Zoology 54:97-105.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Chinathamby et al. ,2006,Larval,Litoria ewingii,Hylidae,Litoria ewingii,4.2,36,0.92,,504,Table 1,,"Chinathamby, K., R. D. Reina, P. C. Bailey, and B. K. Lees. 2006. Effects of salinity on the survival, growth and development of tadpoles of the brown tree frog, Litoria ewingii. Australian Journal of Zoology 54:97-105.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Chinathamby et al. ,2006,Larval,Litoria ewingii,Hylidae,Litoria ewingii,5.6,36,0.39,,504,Table 1,,"Chinathamby, K., R. D. Reina, P. C. Bailey, and B. K. Lees. 2006. Effects of salinity on the survival, growth and development of tadpoles of the brown tree frog, Litoria ewingii. Australian Journal of Zoology 54:97-105.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Viertel ,1999,Egg,Rana temporaria,Ranidae,Rana temporaria,0.2,150,0.987,,96,Table 2,Percent at stage 22/1,"Viertel, B. 1999. Salt tolerance of Rana temporaria: spawning site selection and survival during embryonic development (Amphibia, Anura). Amphibia-Reptilia 20:161-171.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Viertel ,1999,Egg,Rana temporaria,Ranidae,Rana temporaria,0.4,149,0.987,,96,Table 2,Percent at stage 22/2,"Viertel, B. 1999. Salt tolerance of Rana temporaria: spawning site selection and survival during embryonic development (Amphibia, Anura). Amphibia-Reptilia 20:161-171.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Viertel ,1999,Egg,Rana temporaria,Ranidae,Rana temporaria,0.6,151,0.987,,96,Table 2,Percent at stage 22/3,"Viertel, B. 1999. Salt tolerance of Rana temporaria: spawning site selection and survival during embryonic development (Amphibia, Anura). Amphibia-Reptilia 20:161-171.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Viertel ,1999,Egg,Rana temporaria,Ranidae,Rana temporaria,0.8,147,0.986,,96,Table 2,Percent at stage 22/4,"Viertel, B. 1999. Salt tolerance of Rana temporaria: spawning site selection and survival during embryonic development (Amphibia, Anura). Amphibia-Reptilia 20:161-171.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Viertel ,1999,Egg,Rana temporaria,Ranidae,Rana temporaria,1,158,0.994,,96,Table 2,Percent at stage 22/5,"Viertel, B. 1999. Salt tolerance of Rana temporaria: spawning site selection and survival during embryonic development (Amphibia, Anura). Amphibia-Reptilia 20:161-171.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Viertel ,1999,Egg,Rana temporaria,Ranidae,Rana temporaria,1.2,174,0.994,,96,Table 2,Percent at stage 22/6,"Viertel, B. 1999. Salt tolerance of Rana temporaria: spawning site selection and survival during embryonic development (Amphibia, Anura). Amphibia-Reptilia 20:161-171.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Viertel ,1999,Egg,Rana temporaria,Ranidae,Rana temporaria,1.4,165,0.988,,96,Table 2,Percent at stage 22/7,"Viertel, B. 1999. Salt tolerance of Rana temporaria: spawning site selection and survival during embryonic development (Amphibia, Anura). Amphibia-Reptilia 20:161-171.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Viertel ,1999,Egg,Rana temporaria,Ranidae,Rana temporaria,1.6,179,0.978,,96,Table 2,Percent at stage 22/8,"Viertel, B. 1999. Salt tolerance of Rana temporaria: spawning site selection and survival during embryonic development (Amphibia, Anura). Amphibia-Reptilia 20:161-171.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Viertel ,1999,Egg,Rana temporaria,Ranidae,Rana temporaria,1.9,143,0.979,,96,Table 2,Percent at stage 22/9,"Viertel, B. 1999. Salt tolerance of Rana temporaria: spawning site selection and survival during embryonic development (Amphibia, Anura). Amphibia-Reptilia 20:161-171.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Viertel ,1999,Egg,Rana temporaria,Ranidae,Rana temporaria,2.1,159,0.987,,96,Table 2,Percent at stage 22/10,"Viertel, B. 1999. Salt tolerance of Rana temporaria: spawning site selection and survival during embryonic development (Amphibia, Anura). Amphibia-Reptilia 20:161-171.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Viertel ,1999,Egg,Rana temporaria,Ranidae,Rana temporaria,2.2,151,0.974,,96,Table 2,Percent at stage 22/11,"Viertel, B. 1999. Salt tolerance of Rana temporaria: spawning site selection and survival during embryonic development (Amphibia, Anura). Amphibia-Reptilia 20:161-171.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Viertel ,1999,Egg,Rana temporaria,Ranidae,Rana temporaria,2.3,164,0.799,,96,Table 2,Percent at stage 22/12,"Viertel, B. 1999. Salt tolerance of Rana temporaria: spawning site selection and survival during embryonic development (Amphibia, Anura). Amphibia-Reptilia 20:161-171.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Viertel ,1999,Egg,Rana temporaria,Ranidae,Rana temporaria,2.8,144,0.847,,96,Table 2,Percent at stage 22/13,"Viertel, B. 1999. Salt tolerance of Rana temporaria: spawning site selection and survival during embryonic development (Amphibia, Anura). Amphibia-Reptilia 20:161-171.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Viertel ,1999,Egg,Rana temporaria,Ranidae,Rana temporaria,3.1,157,0.879,,96,Table 2,Percent at stage 22/14,"Viertel, B. 1999. Salt tolerance of Rana temporaria: spawning site selection and survival during embryonic development (Amphibia, Anura). Amphibia-Reptilia 20:161-171.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Viertel ,1999,Egg,Rana temporaria,Ranidae,Rana temporaria,3.5,155,0.645,,96,Table 2,Percent at stage 22/15,"Viertel, B. 1999. Salt tolerance of Rana temporaria: spawning site selection and survival during embryonic development (Amphibia, Anura). Amphibia-Reptilia 20:161-171.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Viertel ,1999,Egg,Rana temporaria,Ranidae,Rana temporaria,3.9,144,0.785,,96,Table 2,Percent at stage 22/16,"Viertel, B. 1999. Salt tolerance of Rana temporaria: spawning site selection and survival during embryonic development (Amphibia, Anura). Amphibia-Reptilia 20:161-171.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Viertel ,1999,Egg,Rana temporaria,Ranidae,Rana temporaria,4.1,122,0.59,,96,Table 2,Percent at stage 22/17,"Viertel, B. 1999. Salt tolerance of Rana temporaria: spawning site selection and survival during embryonic development (Amphibia, Anura). Amphibia-Reptilia 20:161-171.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Viertel ,1999,Egg,Rana temporaria,Ranidae,Rana temporaria,4.5,180,0.767,,96,Table 2,Percent at stage 22/18,"Viertel, B. 1999. Salt tolerance of Rana temporaria: spawning site selection and survival during embryonic development (Amphibia, Anura). Amphibia-Reptilia 20:161-171.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Viertel ,1999,Egg,Rana temporaria,Ranidae,Rana temporaria,4.9,156,0.551,,96,Table 2,Percent at stage 22/19,"Viertel, B. 1999. Salt tolerance of Rana temporaria: spawning site selection and survival during embryonic development (Amphibia, Anura). Amphibia-Reptilia 20:161-171.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Viertel ,1999,Egg,Rana temporaria,Ranidae,Rana temporaria,5.2,143,0.524,,96,Table 2,Percent at stage 22/20,"Viertel, B. 1999. Salt tolerance of Rana temporaria: spawning site selection and survival during embryonic development (Amphibia, Anura). Amphibia-Reptilia 20:161-171.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Viertel ,1999,Egg,Rana temporaria,Ranidae,Rana temporaria,5.3,117,0.05,,96,Table 2,Percent at stage 22/21,"Viertel, B. 1999. Salt tolerance of Rana temporaria: spawning site selection and survival during embryonic development (Amphibia, Anura). Amphibia-Reptilia 20:161-171.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Viertel ,1999,Egg,Rana temporaria,Ranidae,Rana temporaria,5.8,220,0,,96,Table 2,Percent at stage 22/22,"Viertel, B. 1999. Salt tolerance of Rana temporaria: spawning site selection and survival during embryonic development (Amphibia, Anura). Amphibia-Reptilia 20:161-171.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Viertel ,1999,Egg,Rana temporaria,Ranidae,Rana temporaria,6.2,170,0,,96,Table 2,Percent at stage 22/23,"Viertel, B. 1999. Salt tolerance of Rana temporaria: spawning site selection and survival during embryonic development (Amphibia, Anura). Amphibia-Reptilia 20:161-171.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Roberts ,1970,Larval,Pseudacris regilla,Hylidae,Hyla regilla,9.5,72,0.5,,,Table 2,Average of different populations - assume linearity,"Roberts, J. 1970. Variations in salinity tolerance in the Pacific Treefrog, Hyla regilla. Oregon [dissertation]. Corvallis, OR: Oregon State University.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Roberts ,1970,Adult,Pseudacris regilla,Hylidae,Hyla regilla,7.97,72,0.5,,,Table 2,Average of different populations - assume linearity,"Roberts, J. 1970. Variations in salinity tolerance in the Pacific Treefrog, Hyla regilla. Oregon [dissertation]. Corvallis, OR: Oregon State University.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Roberts ,1970,Egg,Pseudacris regilla,Hylidae,Hyla regilla,4,72,0.5,,,Table 2,Average of different populations - assume linearity,"Roberts, J. 1970. Variations in salinity tolerance in the Pacific Treefrog, Hyla regilla. Oregon [dissertation]. Corvallis, OR: Oregon State University.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Dougherty and Smith ,2006,Larval,Lithobates clamitans,Ranidae,Rana clamitans,0,25,1,,168,Figure 3,NaCl Only,"Dougherty, C. K. and G. R. Smith. 2006. Acute effects of road de-icers on the tadpoles of three anurans. Applied Herpetology 3:87-93.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Dougherty and Smith ,2006,Larval,Lithobates clamitans,Ranidae,Rana clamitans,0.008,25,0.897,,168,Figure 3,NaCl Only,"Dougherty, C. K. and G. R. Smith. 2006. Acute effects of road de-icers on the tadpoles of three anurans. Applied Herpetology 3:87-93.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Dougherty and Smith ,2006,Larval,Lithobates clamitans,Ranidae,Rana clamitans,0.016,25,0.72,,168,Figure 3,NaCl Only,"Dougherty, C. K. and G. R. Smith. 2006. Acute effects of road de-icers on the tadpoles of three anurans. Applied Herpetology 3:87-93.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Dougherty and Smith ,2006,Larval,Lithobates clamitans,Ranidae,Rana clamitans,0.033,25,0.79,,168,Figure 3,NaCl Only,"Dougherty, C. K. and G. R. Smith. 2006. Acute effects of road de-icers on the tadpoles of three anurans. Applied Herpetology 3:87-93.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Dougherty and Smith ,2006,Larval,Lithobates clamitans,Ranidae,Rana clamitans,0.066,25,0.69,,168,Figure 3,NaCl Only,"Dougherty, C. K. and G. R. Smith. 2006. Acute effects of road de-icers on the tadpoles of three anurans. Applied Herpetology 3:87-93.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Dougherty and Smith ,2006,Larval,Lithobates clamitans,Ranidae,Rana clamitans,0.1318,25,0.79,,168,Figure 3,NaCl Only,"Dougherty, C. K. and G. R. Smith. 2006. Acute effects of road de-icers on the tadpoles of three anurans. Applied Herpetology 3:87-93.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Dougherty and Smith ,2006,Larval,Lithobates clamitans,Ranidae,Rana clamitans,0.2637,25,0.59,,168,Figure 3,NaCl Only,"Dougherty, C. K. and G. R. Smith. 2006. Acute effects of road de-icers on the tadpoles of three anurans. Applied Herpetology 3:87-93.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Dougherty and Smith ,2006,Larval,Xenopus laevis,Pipidae,Xenopus laevis,1.317,25,0.5,,,Table 2,NaCl Only,"Dougherty, C. K. and G. R. Smith. 2006. Acute effects of road de-icers on the tadpoles of three anurans. Applied Herpetology 3:87-93.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Brady ,2013,Larval,Lithobates sylvaticus,Ranidae,Rana sylvatica,0.5,40,0.93,,96,Figure 3B,Averaged both populations- Roadside salt = 95% NaCl. Assuming linearity ,"Brady, S. P. 2013. Microgeographic maladaptive performance and deme depression in response to roads and runoff. PeerJ 1:e163.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Brady ,2013,Larval,Lithobates sylvaticus,Ranidae,Rana sylvatica,3,40,0.925,,96,Figure 3B,Averaged both populations- Roadside salt = 95% NaCl. Assuming linearity ,"Brady, S. P. 2013. Microgeographic maladaptive performance and deme depression in response to roads and runoff. PeerJ 1:e163.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Brady ,2013,Larval,Lithobates sylvaticus,Ranidae,Rana sylvatica,5,40,0.87,,96,Figure 3B,Averaged both populations- Roadside salt = 95% NaCl. Assuming linearity ,"Brady, S. P. 2013. Microgeographic maladaptive performance and deme depression in response to roads and runoff. PeerJ 1:e163.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Brady ,2013,Larval,Lithobates sylvaticus,Ranidae,Rana sylvatica,7,40,0.455,,96,Figure 3B,Averaged both populations- Roadside salt = 95% NaCl. Assuming linearity ,"Brady, S. P. 2013. Microgeographic maladaptive performance and deme depression in response to roads and runoff. PeerJ 1:e163.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Brady ,2013,Larval,Lithobates sylvaticus,Ranidae,Rana sylvatica,10,40,0,,96,Figure 3B,Averaged both populations- Roadside salt = 95% NaCl. Assuming linearity ,"Brady, S. P. 2013. Microgeographic maladaptive performance and deme depression in response to roads and runoff. PeerJ 1:e163.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Wijethunga et al. ,2016,Egg,Rhinella marina,Bufonidae,Rhinella marina,0.04,10,0.33,,1008,Fig 1A,,"Wijethunga, U., M. Greenlees, and R. Shine. 2016. Living up to its name? The effect of salinity on development, growth, and phenotype of the ""marineî toad (Rhinella marina). Journal of Comparative Physiology B 186:205-213.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Wijethunga et al. ,2016,Egg,Rhinella marina,Bufonidae,Rhinella marina,0.13,10,0.48,,1008,Fig 1A,,"Wijethunga, U., M. Greenlees, and R. Shine. 2016. Living up to its name? The effect of salinity on development, growth, and phenotype of the ""marineî toad (Rhinella marina). Journal of Comparative Physiology B 186:205-213.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Wijethunga et al. ,2016,Egg,Rhinella marina,Bufonidae,Rhinella marina,0.44,10,0.32,,1008,Fig 1A,,"Wijethunga, U., M. Greenlees, and R. Shine. 2016. Living up to its name? The effect of salinity on development, growth, and phenotype of the ""marineî toad (Rhinella marina). Journal of Comparative Physiology B 186:205-213.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Wijethunga et al. ,2016,Egg,Rhinella marina,Bufonidae,Rhinella marina,0.84,10,0.25,,1008,Fig 1A,,"Wijethunga, U., M. Greenlees, and R. Shine. 2016. Living up to its name? The effect of salinity on development, growth, and phenotype of the ""marineî toad (Rhinella marina). Journal of Comparative Physiology B 186:205-213.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Wijethunga et al. ,2016,Egg,Rhinella marina,Bufonidae,Rhinella marina,1.24,10,0.44,,1008,Fig 1A,,"Wijethunga, U., M. Greenlees, and R. Shine. 2016. Living up to its name? The effect of salinity on development, growth, and phenotype of the ""marineî toad (Rhinella marina). Journal of Comparative Physiology B 186:205-213.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Wijethunga et al. ,2016,Larval,Rhinella marina,Bufonidae,Rhinella marina,0.04,10,0.477,0.09 SE,1008,Fig 1B,Data taken at 6 weeks,"Wijethunga, U., M. Greenlees, and R. Shine. 2016. Living up to its name? The effect of salinity on development, growth, and phenotype of the ""marineî toad (Rhinella marina). Journal of Comparative Physiology B 186:205-213.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Wijethunga et al. ,2016,Larval,Rhinella marina,Bufonidae,Rhinella marina,0.13,10,0.78,0.03 SE,1008,Fig 1B,Data taken at 6 weeks,"Wijethunga, U., M. Greenlees, and R. Shine. 2016. Living up to its name? The effect of salinity on development, growth, and phenotype of the ""marineî toad (Rhinella marina). Journal of Comparative Physiology B 186:205-213.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Wijethunga et al. ,2016,Larval,Rhinella marina,Bufonidae,Rhinella marina,0.44,10,0.77,.04 SE,1008,Fig 1B,Data taken at 6 weeks,"Wijethunga, U., M. Greenlees, and R. Shine. 2016. Living up to its name? The effect of salinity on development, growth, and phenotype of the ""marineî toad (Rhinella marina). Journal of Comparative Physiology B 186:205-213.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Wijethunga et al. ,2016,Larval,Rhinella marina,Bufonidae,Rhinella marina,0.84,10,0.77,.036 SE,1008,Fig 1B,Data taken at 6 weeks,"Wijethunga, U., M. Greenlees, and R. Shine. 2016. Living up to its name? The effect of salinity on development, growth, and phenotype of the ""marineî toad (Rhinella marina). Journal of Comparative Physiology B 186:205-213.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Wijethunga et al. ,2016,Larval,Rhinella marina,Bufonidae,Rhinella marina,1.24,10,0.67,0.029 SE,1008,Fig 1B,Data taken at 6 weeks,"Wijethunga, U., M. Greenlees, and R. Shine. 2016. Living up to its name? The effect of salinity on development, growth, and phenotype of the ""marineî toad (Rhinella marina). Journal of Comparative Physiology B 186:205-213.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Gordon et al. ,1961,Adult,Fejervarya cancrivora,Dicroglossidae,Rana cancrivora,18,5,0.8,,168,In text,"Adults only that were not acclimated ""Almost no mortality"" = conservatively subtracted 0.2. ","Gordon, M. S., K. Schmidt-Nielsen, and H. M. Kelly. 1961. Osmotic regulation in the crab-eating frog (Rana cancrivora). Journal of Experimental Biology 38:659-678.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Gordon et al. ,1961,Adult,Fejervarya cancrivora,Dicroglossidae,Rana cancrivora,24.5,5,0,,12,In text,Adults only that were not acclimated,"Gordon, M. S., K. Schmidt-Nielsen, and H. M. Kelly. 1961. Osmotic regulation in the crab-eating frog (Rana cancrivora). Journal of Experimental Biology 38:659-678.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Gordon et al. ,1961,Adult,Fejervarya cancrivora,Dicroglossidae,Rana cancrivora,28,5,0,,12,In text,Adults only that were not acclimated,"Gordon, M. S., K. Schmidt-Nielsen, and H. M. Kelly. 1961. Osmotic regulation in the crab-eating frog (Rana cancrivora). Journal of Experimental Biology 38:659-678.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Gordon et al. ,1961,Adult,Fejervarya cancrivora,Dicroglossidae,Rana cancrivora,35,5,0,,12,In text,Adults only that were not acclimated,"Gordon, M. S., K. Schmidt-Nielsen, and H. M. Kelly. 1961. Osmotic regulation in the crab-eating frog (Rana cancrivora). Journal of Experimental Biology 38:659-678.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Haramura ,2016,Egg,Buergeria japonica,Rhacophoridae,Buergeria japonica,0,20,0.995,,51,Table 1,,"Haramura, T. 2016. Hatching plasticity in response to salinity levels in a rhacophorid frog inhabiting coastal area. Journal of Zoology 299:125-131.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Haramura ,2016,Egg,Buergeria japonica,Rhacophoridae,Buergeria japonica,1,20,0.8278,,42,Table 1,,"Haramura, T. 2016. Hatching plasticity in response to salinity levels in a rhacophorid frog inhabiting coastal area. Journal of Zoology 299:125-131.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Haramura ,2016,Egg,Buergeria japonica,Rhacophoridae,Buergeria japonica,2,20,0.6111,,42,Table 1,,"Haramura, T. 2016. Hatching plasticity in response to salinity levels in a rhacophorid frog inhabiting coastal area. Journal of Zoology 299:125-131.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Haramura ,2016,Egg,Buergeria japonica,Rhacophoridae,Buergeria japonica,5,20,0.3256,,38,Table 1,,"Haramura, T. 2016. Hatching plasticity in response to salinity levels in a rhacophorid frog inhabiting coastal area. Journal of Zoology 299:125-131.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Haramura ,2016,Egg,Buergeria japonica,Rhacophoridae,Buergeria japonica,10,20,0.2383,,38,Table 1,,"Haramura, T. 2016. Hatching plasticity in response to salinity levels in a rhacophorid frog inhabiting coastal area. Journal of Zoology 299:125-131.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Haramura ,2016,Egg,Buergeria japonica,Rhacophoridae,Buergeria japonica,20,20,0.2345,,38,Table 1,,"Haramura, T. 2016. Hatching plasticity in response to salinity levels in a rhacophorid frog inhabiting coastal area. Journal of Zoology 299:125-131.",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Haramura ,2016,Egg,Buergeria japonica,Rhacophoridae,Buergeria japonica,30,20,0.2056,,38,Table 1,,"Haramura, T. 2016. Hatching plasticity in response to salinity levels in a rhacophorid frog inhabiting coastal area. Journal of Zoology 299:125-131.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,