Field operation and soil sampling, extraction of high-molecular-weight metagenomic DNA from soil, selection for antibiotic-resistant metagenomic fosmid clones, fosmid sequencing and bioinformatics parameters, PCR and molecular cloning of ARGs, and proteomic analysis (Text S1); antibiotic susceptibility of soil metagenomic fosmid isolates derived from E. coli EPI300-T1R strain (Table S1); elements inferring antibiotic resistance and gene mobility identified bioinformatically from soil-derived metagenomic fosmid clones (Table S2); taxonomic assignment of the fosmid-cloned metagenomic DNA using PhyloPythiaS (Table S3); general macrolide resistance conferred by pppAZI 4 is EF-P independent in E. coli (Table S4).
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Genomic organization and functional annotation of metagenomic resistant fosmids (Data Set S1).
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Proteomic analysis of metagenomic fosmid clone MACRO-AZI 4 and its derivatives (Data Set S2).