PlantaeAsparagalesOrchidaceaeRaskotiBhakta BahadurSchuitemanAndréJinWei-TaoJinXiao-HuaA taxonomic revision of Herminium L. (Orchidoideae, Orchidaceae)PhytoKeys194201720177917410.3897/phytokeys.79.11215 Herminium humidicola (K.Y. Lang & D.S. Deng) X.H. Jin, Schuit., Raskoti & L.Q. Huang, Cladistics 2015. Frigidorchis humidicola(K. Y. Lang & D. S. Deng) Z. J. Liu & S. C. Chen, J. Fairylake Bot. Gard.6 (3): 17. 2007. Bhutanthera humidicola(K.Y. Lang & D.S. Deng) Ormerod, Taiwania 48: 139. 2003.Basionym.

Peristylus humidicola K. Y. Lang & D. S. Deng, Novon 6: 190. 1996 (‘humidicolus’).


CHINA. Qinghai, Magen county, Dawu Xiang, Muchang, SE of Magen, 3980 m, 05.08.1993, Ho et al., 807 (Holotype: HNWP; Isotype: GH! [GH00243080], PE!).


Plant 3–4.5 cm tall. Tuber globose 10–12 × 5–8 mm. Stem sheathed at base, 2–3 leaved. Leaves crowded, ovate-elliptic to ovate-lanceolate, 2.5–3 × 1–1.5 cm, apex acute; petioles enclosed by 2 tubular sheaths forming a pseudostem 8–12 mm. Inflorescence 1.5–2 cm, equal or exceeding leaves, subcorymbose, densely 4–5-flowered. Flowers greenish-yellow; sepals white-margined apically; petals and lip becoming deep purple after pollination; pedicel and ovary 11–15 mm. Dorsal sepal suborbicular, 3–4.5 × 2.5 mm, margin denticulate toward apex; lateral sepals ovate-elliptic, 4 × 3 mm, slightly longer than dorsal sepal. Petals orbicular, 2–3 × ca.1.5 mm, fleshy, apex obtuse. Lip 3–4 mm, fleshy, spurred, 3-lobed toward its base; lateral lobes triangular, ca. 0.5 mm; mid-lobe lingulate-linear, 2–3 × ca. 0.7 mm; spur 1–2 mm long, rounded-obtuse. Column 1.5 mm, pollinia obovoid, caudicles short, viscidium disc like, rostellum triangular, shortly armed; stigmas clavate, situated below the rostellum. Fruit oblong, 6–10 mm long.

Flowering time.



Terrestrial in alpine meadows and wet valleys at elevations of 3600–4500 m.


Endemic to China (Gansu, Qinghai, Tibet).

Specimen examined.

CHINA: Qinghai, Gande county, Along Road S101 from Gande to Maqin, 4172 m, 08.08.2014 Jin X. H., Jin W.T. and Cui Y.,1451 (PE).