PlantaeAsparagalesOrchidaceaeRaskotiBhakta BahadurSchuitemanAndréJinWei-TaoJinXiao-HuaA taxonomic revision of Herminium L. (Orchidoideae, Orchidaceae)PhytoKeys194201720177917410.3897/phytokeys.79.11215 Herminium josephi Rchb.f., Flora 55: 276. 1872.Figs 6D, 7D, 8D, 8G, 9D, 10B, 11A Monorchis josephi(Rchb.f.) O. Schwarz, Mitt. Thüring. Bot. Ges. 1: 95. 1949. Androcorys josephi(Rchb.f.) Agrawala & H.J. Chowdhery, Kew Bull. 65: 106.2010. Herminium grandiflorumLindl. ex Hook.f., Fl. Brit. India 6: 129.1890, nom. invalid. Herminium duthieiHook. f., Fl. Brit. India 6: 130. 1890, syn. nov. Type: INDIA. Garwhal, near Kuris pass, 11000–12000 ft, 10.09.1885, Duthie J. F., 4424 (Holotype: K! [K000079026]). Peristylus duthiei(Hook.f.) Deva & H.B. Naithani, Orchid Fl. N.W. Himalaya: 181.1986, syn. nov. Monorchis duthiei(Hook.f.) O. Schwarz, Mitt. Thüring. Bot. Ges. 1: 95.1949, syn. nov. Herminium forrestiiSchltr., Notes Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinburgh 5: 96.1912. Type: CHINA. Yunnan, Lichiang Range, Forrest G., 2590 (Holotype: E! [E00059065]; Isotype: K! [K000079036]). Monorchis forrestii(Schltr.) O. Schwarz, Mitt. Thüring. Bot. Ges. 1: 95.1949.Type.

INDIA. Sikkim, Hooker, 264 (Holotype: K-LINDL! [K000079043]; Isotypes: K! [K000881604], GH! [GH00100256], P! [P00378620]).


Plant 5–26 cm tall. Tubers ovoid, 10–15 × 5–10 mm. Stem with 2 or 3 tubular sheaths and 2 leaves at base. Leaves opposite or subopposite, oblong-elliptic, sphathulate or lanceolate, 2.5–10 × 0.5–2 cm, apex acute. Inflorescence 6–20 cm; peduncle cylindrical, ebracteate; rachis 1.5–5 cm, subdensely many-flowered; floral bracts ovate-triangular, 2–3 mm, much shorter than pedicel and ovary, apex acute. Flowers green to yellowish green; pedicel and ovary twisted, 4–6 mm, apex strongly beaked. Dorsal sepal broadly ovate, 2.5–3.5 × 1.5–2 mm, apex obtuse; lateral sepals lanceolate, oblique, 3–4.5 × 1–1.5 mm, apex obtuse. Petals ovate-lanceolate, falcate, 3–3.5 × 1–1.5 mm, apex acute. Lip entire, ovate, (3–)4–5 × (2–)3–4 mm, disk with 2 closely spaced, parallel, longitudinal keels in basal half, apex acute. Column 1–1.5 mm; pollinia obovoid; caudicles short, viscidia involute, hornlike, rostellum triangular, stigma transversely oblong, situated below the rostellum.

Flowering time.



Terrestrial in Quercus-Abies forests, forest margins, and alpine meadows at elevations of 1200–4550 m.


Bhutan, China, India, Nepal.

Selected specimens examined.

BHUTAN: Phoji Ding, 3720 m, 03.08.1971, Ramesh Bedi, 618 (K); Gasa Dist., W of Thanza, 4140 m, 04.09.2000, Miehe G. & Miehe S., 00-350-30 (K).

CHINA: Sichuan, Kangding county, 3300 m, 26.07.1934, Smith H., 10832 (PE); Muli county, 2800 m, 02.08.1937, Yu C. T., 7550 (PE); Tibet, Gyirong county, 3100 m, 20.07.1975, Qinghai-Tibet Team, 7665 (PE); Mainming, Namchabarwa NW slope, Pei No. 4 village - Nam La Tso, 3920 m, 12.09.1989, Dickoré B, 4983 (K); Yadong, Chumbi Valley, Kala Gompa, 3350 m, 22.06.1945, Bor and Kirat Ram, 19707 (K); Yatung to Gantsa, 3050–3650 m, 04.08.1936, Spencer Chapman F., 472 (K); Zayu county, Sangjiu, 3400 m, Jin X. H., Wang L. S., Wang Q. et al., ST2778 (PE); Zayu county, 4131 m, 29.08.2010, Jin X. H., Liu B., Quan X., Sun M., Zhao W., SET-ET 1029 (PE); Champitang, 3650 m, 01.08.1936, Spencer Chapman F., 823 (K); Yunnan, Che-tso-lo, 1200 m, 14.09.1924, Tsai H. T., 58580 (K); Fugong county, 4000 m, 24.08.1934, Tsai H. T., 58146 (PE); Lijiang, 3500 m, 03.08.1981, Beijing Hengduan Mountain Team, 02547 (PE); Weixi Lisu county, 3200 m, 19.07.1981, Beijing Hengduan Mountain Team, 01668 (PE).

INDIA. Sikkim, Lachen, 3353 m, 12.07.1849, Hooker J. D., sn (K); Lachen, 3048–4267 m, 31.07.1849, Hooker J. D., sn (K); Sikkim, 3048–4267 m, Hooker J. D., 264 (K).

NEPAL: Bagamati, Rasuwa District, Ghodatabela, 3000 m, Saiju H. K. and Roy B., 38 (KATH); Rasuwa District, Langtang, 3550 m, 13.07.2001, Bhatta G. D., Karkee D. B. and Pradhan N. B., 119 B (KATH); Gandaki, Kaski District, Ghorepani-Pun Hill, 3100 m, 13.07.1983, Rajbhandari K. R., 7677 (KATH); Janakpur, Dolakha District, Chutra-Charikot, 3820 m, 22.06.1980, Shakya P. R. and Roy B., 8563 (KATH); Dolakha District, Kalinchok Danda, 3600 m, 01.07.1975, Shakya P. R., Rajbhandari K. R., Pradhan P. and Saiju H. K., 2747 (KATH); Sagarmatha, Solukhumbu District, Tanboche-Firiche, 4550 m, Banerji M. L. and Shakya P. R., 5687 (KATH), Solukhumbu district, 4000 m, 22.08.1995, Miyamoto et al., 9592370 (TI); Seti, Darchula District, Chheti-Nechchra, 3400 m, 22.08.1984, Shakya P.R., Adhikari M. K. and Subedhi N. N., 8014 (KATH).


While the type material of H. duthiei is referable to H. josephi, albeit a small-flowered form, most specimens in herbaria labelled as H. duthiei are in fact H. macrophyllum. It is possible that some degree of hybridization occurs between the two species.

Dorsal sepal of Herminium. A H. monorchis B H. chloranthum C H. pygmaeum D H. josephi E H. monophyllum F H. lanceum G H. macrophyllum H H. glossophyllum I H. coeloceras J H. fallax K H. handelii L H. elisabethae M H. himalayanum N H. clavigerum O H. quinquelobum P H. macrophyllum Q H. mannii R H. biporosum.

Lateral sepal of Herminium. A H. monorchis B H. chloranthum C H. pygmaeum D H. josephi E H. monophyllum F H. lanceum G H. macrophyllum H H. glossophyllum I H. coeloceras J H. fallax K H. gracile L H. elisabethae M H. himalayanum N H. clavigerum O H. quinquelobum P H. macrophyllum Q H. lanceum R H. biporosum.

Petal of Herminium. A H. monorchis B H. chloranthum C H. pygmaeum D H. josephi E H. monophyllum F H. lanceum G H. josephi H H. coiloglossum I H. coeloceras J H. fallax K H. himalayanum L H. elisabethae M H. alaschanicum N H. ophioglossoides O H. quinquelobum P H. macrophyllum Q H. ecalcaratum R H. biporosum

Lip of Herminium. A H. monorchis B H. chloranthum C H. pygmaeum D H. josephi E H. monophyllum F H. macrophyllum G H. macrophyllum H H. alaschanicum I H. coeloceras J H. fallax K H. longilobatum L H. elisabethae M H. alaschanicum N H. lanceum O H. quinquelobum P H. kamengense Q H. coiloglossum R H. biporosum.

Column structure in Herminium. A H. monorchis B H. josephi C H. latilabre D H. monophyllum E H. kamengense F H. longilobatum F H. himalayanum H H. mannii I H. fallax.

Pollinia structure in Herminium. A H. josephi B H. macrophyllum C H. pygmaeum D H. handelii E H. lanceum F H. fallax G H. forceps H H. latilabre I H. coeloceras.