PlantaeAsparagalesOrchidaceaeRaskotiBhakta BahadurSchuitemanAndréJinWei-TaoJinXiao-HuaA taxonomic revision of Herminium L. (Orchidoideae, Orchidaceae)PhytoKeys194201720177917410.3897/phytokeys.79.11215 Herminium longilobatum S.N. Hegde & A.N. Rao, Himalayan Pl. J. 1(2): 47. 1982.Fig. 10FType.

Yarlung Zangbo–Brahmaputra Region, Towang, 2800 m, Hegde, 3208-A (Holotype: TIPI!).


Plant 30–50 cm tall. Tubers ovoid, globose to oblong. Stem with 2 tubular sheaths at base and few well-spaced leaves near middle. Leaves 8–20 × 0.5–1.5 cm, linear to oblong, acuminate. Inflorescence 8–30 cm; peduncle cylindrical, with peduncle-scales 0.5–2.4 cm; rachis 5–18 cm, densely many flowered; floral bracts ovate-lanceolate, 1.5–5 mm, shorter than ovary, apex acuminate. Flowers pale green; ca. 4 mm across, pedicel and ovary arcuate, 4–7 mm, shortly beaked. Dorsal sepals 2.0 × 1.5 mm, concave, ovate, apex subacute. Petals lanceolate, 2.0 × 1.5 mm, apex subacute. Lip oblong, 3-lobed, with a callus at base, midlobe very short, lanceolate, obtuse; lateral lobes 10 mm long, more than 10 times longer than the midlobe, filiform, coiled. Column 1 mm, short; anther cells 2, parallel; staminodes 2, lateral; rostellum 2-lobed; stigmas 2, transversely oblong, divergent. Fruit oblong, 7 mm long.

Flowering: August–September.


Terrestrial in oak forest at elevations of 2500–2800 m.


China, India, Nepal.

Specimen examined.

Yarlung Zangbo–Brahmaputra Region: Kameng district, Towang, Hegde, 3208 A-C (Orchid Herbarium, Tipi); Phudong-Dirang, Hajra 54808 (ASSAM). NEPAL: Sagarmatha, Solukhumbu district, below Sete, 2500 m, Raskoti B. B., 01299 (KATH).


Herminium longilobatum is similar to Herminium lanceum but the lateral lobes of lip are much longer (10 vs. 3 mm) and the lip often has a callus at the base.

Column structure in Herminium. A H. monorchis B H. josephi C H. latilabre D H. monophyllum E H. kamengense F H. longilobatum F H. himalayanum H H. mannii I H. fallax.