PlantaeAsparagalesOrchidaceaeRaskotiBhakta BahadurSchuitemanAndréJinWei-TaoJinXiao-HuaA taxonomic revision of Herminium L. (Orchidoideae, Orchidaceae)PhytoKeys194201720177917410.3897/phytokeys.79.11215 Herminium pusillum Ohwi & Fukuy., Bot. Mag. (Tokyo). 48 (571): 430. 1934. Androcorys pusillus(Ohwi & Fukuy.) Masam., Hokuriku J. Bot. 12: 88. 1963. Androcorys japonensisMaek., J. Jap. Bot. 12: 96. 1936. Type: JAPAN. Hondo, Shinano Prov., Mt. Yuo, 18.08.1902, Yabe Y. s.n. (Holotype: Herb. Univ. Imp. Tokyo).Type.

CHINA. Taiwan. Taichu (Mt. Niitakayama), 07.1933, Ohwi J., (TAI!).


Plant 10–22 cm tall. Tuber globose, 5–7 mm in diam. Stem slender, with 1–3 tubular sheaths and 1 leaf at base. Leaf ovate, 2–4.5 × 1–2.2 cm, apex obtuse. Inflorescence 5–10 cm, rachis ca. 2.5 cm, 8–13-flowered; floral bracts ovate, ca. 1.5 mm, shorter than ovary. Flowers green; ovary and pedicel, fusiform, slightly beaked, 3–4 mm. Dorsal sepal erect, broadly ovate, concave, 1–1.2 × ca. 1 mm, margin irregularly ciliated, apex obtuse; lateral sepals spreading, oblong, 2–3 × 0.7–1 mm, margin ciliated, apex obtuse. Petals oblong, concave, 1.2–1.5 × ca. 1 mm, base cuneate, apex obtuse. Lip lingulate, 2–2.2 × ca. 0.7 mm, fleshy, base dilated, apex obtuse. Column short, anther with 2 divergent, hooded locules and broad connective; pollinia 2, clavate, attached to a viscidium by short caudicle; rostellum triangular; stigmalobes 2, pulvinate, attached to base of rostellum.

Flowering time.



Terrestrial in forest margins and alpine valleys at elevations of 2500–3500 m.


China, Korea, Japan.

Specimens examined.

CHINA: TAIWAN, Hualien county, Nanhuchih shelter, 3100–3400 m, 07.07.2005, Chuan T., 215 (TAIF).