WEBEXTRA Box: Illustrative examples from journals’ instructions for authors


Text in journal’s ‘Instructions for Authors’ (2003)


Randomized controlled trials should be presented according to the CONSORT guidelines (JAMA 2001;285:1987-1991 or http://www.consort-statement.org). At manuscript submission, authors must provide the CONSORT checklist with a diagram that illustrates the progress of patients through the trial, including recruitment, enrollment, randomization, withdrawal and completion, and a detailed description of the randomization procedure. The CONSORT checklist can be found on www.gastrojournal.org under the Instructions to Authors. Manuscripts that fail to comply with CONSORT guidelines will not be reviewed for publication.

Ann Neurol

Clinical trial reports must be written in accordance with the CONSORT reporting guidelines

Diabetes Care

Authors of reports of randomized controlled trials are required to use the instructions and checklist in the Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials (CONSORT) Statement, these instructions and checklist are designed to ensure that information pertinent to the trial is included in the study report.

Arch Dermatol

The checklist (Table 1) should be completed and submitted with the manuscript. In addition, include a flow diagram illustrating the progress of patients throughout the trial (Figure 1).


Please report these in accordance with the CONSORT (Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials) statement.  This ensures that you provide enough information for editors, peer reviewers, and readers to see how the trial was performed and to judge whether the findings are likely to be reliable. 


Randomised controlled trials should be presented in a manner and format consistent with the Revised CONSORT statement


For randomised control trials authors are strongly encouraged to follow the recommendations made in the CONSORT statement.


Authors of clinical trials (regardless of size) are encouraged to consult the guidelines published by the CONSORT group.

Br J Surgery

Investigators embarking on randomized controlled studies may wish to consider the CONSORT statement

WEBEXTRA Appendix: Journals within the sample that referred to CONSORT in their instructions to authors in 2003

The strength of direction regarding use of the statement was: required (3), must (5) should (18), strongly encouraged (1), encouraged (2), recommended (2), please (2), may wish to consider (1), see (1). One journal referred to CONSORT with no directive comment.

Academic Emergency Medicine


Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics


Annals of Emergency Medicine

Annals of Internal Medicine

Annals of Neurology

Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases

Archives of Dermatology

Archives of General Psychiatry

Archives of Internal Medicine

Archives of Ophthalmology


British Journal of Dermatology

British Journal of Surgery

Canadian Medical Association Journal

Diabetes Care



Human Reproduction

Intensive Care Medicine

JAMA-Journal of the American Medical Association

Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery: American

Journal of General Internal Medicine

Journal of Hepatology

Journal of Nutrition

Journal of Pathology

Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry

Journal of the American Geriatrics Society

Journal of the National Cancer Institute


Mayo Clinic Proceedings



