Supplementary Materials

This PDF file includes:

  • fig. S1. Comparision of the differences of the major proteins identified from TMS/mouse mammary tissue ECM versus those from lrECM hydrogel.
  • fig. S2. Monitor tumor growth with x-ray–based imaging.
  • fig. S3. Tumor development from the cancer cell–laden scaffolds in mice mammary tissues.
  • fig. S4. Quantification of the capillary areas on the cross sections of the tumors.
  • fig. S5. Histological examination of the tumors developed from the cancer cells grown on the PLGA scaffolds.
  • fig. S6. Analysis of T47D and BT474 cell proliferation on the different scaffolds and the potential of using the systems in drug screening.
  • fig. S7. Cancer cell survival and growth status on TMS after drug treatment.
  • fig. S8. Cancer cell survival and growth status on PLGA scaffolds after drug treatment.
  • table S1. The major proteins identified in the lrECM.
  • Legend for movie S1

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Other Supplementary Material for this manuscript includes the following:

  • movie S1. (.mp4 format). Testing the sponginess of the TMS scaffolds.

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