Record #1 of 1 ID: DARE-12012014207 AU: Adebajo CO AU: Talwalkar JA AU: Poterucha JJ AU: Kim WR AU: Charlton MR TI: Ultrasound-based transient elastography for the detection of hepatic fibrosis in patients with recurrent hepatitis C virus after liver transplantation: a systematic review and meta-analysis (Provisional abstract) SO: Liver Transplantation YR: 2012 VL: 18 NO: 3 PG: 323-331 KY: Body Mass Index;Elasticity Imaging Techniques [methods];Hepatitis C [complications];Liver Cirrhosis [ultrasonography];Liver Transplantation [adverse effects];Recurrence;ROC Curve;Adult[checkword];Aged[checkword];Female[checkword];Humans[checkword];Male[checkword];Middle Aged[checkword] US: