Environmental Selection, Dispersal, and Organism Interactions Shape Community Assembly in High-Throughput Enrichment Culturing

Supplemental material

  • Supplemental file 1 -

    Read depth of samples following contaminant OTU filtering (Fig. S1); analysis of evenness of each community by Pielou’s evenness metric (Fig. S2); for each OTU, expected number of wells minus the actual measured number of wells in which an OTU was found for each experiment/dilution (Fig. S3).

    PDF, 535K

  • Supplemental file 2 -

    Number of wells with positively identified growth from each of 10 96-well plates comprising five dilutions cultivated both aerobically and anaerobically (Table S1); each OTU identified in this study, including taxonomic identification, frequency of identification in each community, estimated MPN, rarity category, and percentage of cultivable community in inoculum (Table S2); contaminant reads filtered from the data set (Table S3).

    XLSX, 127K