This PDF file includes:
- fig. S1. Primary structures of MotB and its homologs, MotS and PomB.
- fig. S2. Effect of Na+ concentrations on motor rotation of the flagellar motor in wild-type Bacillus cells expressing both MotAB and MotPS.
- fig. S3. Purification of His6-tagged MotPS by size exclusion chromatography.
- fig. S4. Comparison of simulated AFM images of the MotBC and the MotA tetramer with experimental image of the MotPS complex.
- fig. S5. Two distinct conformations of the PGB domain of MotS.
- fig. S6. Motility of motS mutants.
- table S1. Rotational speed and torque of the wild-type motor.
- table S2. Speed fluctuations of the wild-type, MotAB, and MotPS motor.
- Legends for movies S1 to S8
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Other Supplementary Material for this manuscript includes the following:
- movie S1 (.mov format). Real-time imaging of wild-type MotPS by HS-AFM.
- movie S2 (.mov format). Typical HS-AFM imaging of wild-type MotPS in buffer containing 150 mM NaCl.
- movie S3 (.mov format). Typical HS-AFM imaging of MotPSΔperi in buffer containing 150 mM NaCl.
- movie S4 (.mov format). Typical HS-AFM imaging of MotPSB-PGB in buffer containing 150 mM NaCl.
- movie S5 (.mov format). Real-time imaging of a disorder-to-order transition of MotPS with an increase in the concentration of NaCl.
- movie S6 (.mov format). Real-time imaging of a order-to-disorder transition of MotPS with a decrease in the concentration of NaCl.
- movie S7 (.mov format). Typical HS-AFM imaging of MotPSΔplug in buffer containing 150 mM NaCl.
- movie S8 (.mov format). Typical HS-AFM imaging of MotPSD30A in buffer containing 150 mM NaCl.