AnimaliaColeopteraCurculionidaeBrownSamuel D. J. Austromonticola, a new genus of broad-nosed weevil (Coleoptera, Curculionidae, Entiminae) from montane areas of New ZealandZookeys1010201720177077313010.3897/zookeys.707.12649 Austromonticola planulatus Brownsp. n.Figs 11, 12, 27, 28, 32, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 108, 109, 115Diagnosis.

Body size large, 8 mm in length. Protibia with large denticles on ventral margin (Fig. 32). Elytral disc somewhat flattened with interstriae 3 and 5 raised along length. Females with ventrite 4 with lateral laminae (Fig. 108), ventrite 5 slightly concave medially (Fig. 108); elytra interstriae 1 at top of elytral declivity flat.


Body length 7.59 mm to 8.25 mm (X‒ = 7.92 mm, s = 0.47, n = 2). Integument black. Dorsum covered with fine appressed scales, individual scales barely distinguishable, brownish black, with areas of brownish grey at sides of pronotum and base of rostrum. Femora and tibiae with appressed scales unicolorous, concolorous with elytral scales. Tarsi with integument black to strong red. Rostrum. Length 1.52 mm to 1.71 mm (X‒ = 1.62 mm, s = 0.13, n = 2), width 0.96 mm to 0.99 mm (X‒ = 0.98 mm, s = 0.02, n = 2), length/width ratio 1.58 to 1.73 (X‒ = 1.66, s = 0.10, n = 2). Epifrons with appressed scales imbricate; setae claviform, decumbent, concolorous; median and lateral carinae distinct, lateral carinae especially so. Dorsal carinae arched over antennal insertions. Lateral area ventral of antennal insertions with fine setae and appressed scales. Antennae. Scapes in repose reaching beyond hind margin of eyes; covered with appressed scales and setae. Funicular segments loosely articulated; segments 1 and 2 clavate, subequal, about 2 times longer than 3; segments 3 to 6 clavate, getting progressively shorter; segment 7 subconical. Pronotum. Length 1.92 mm to 2.28 mm (X‒ = 2.10 mm, s = 0.25, n = 2), width 3.22 mm to 3.47 mm (X‒ = 3.35 mm, s = 0.18, n = 2), length/width ratio 0.89 to 0.93 (X‒ = 0.91, s = 0.03, n = 2); in dorsal view widest in anterior 1/4, lateral margins evenly curved. Anterior margin sinuous, posterior margin straight. Disc in dorsal view evenly curved, except for median furrow extending from anterior 1/4 to posterior 1/8, deepest anteriorly; appressed scales imbricate; setae piliform to claviform, decumbent, dark. Postocular lobes strongly developed. Elytra. Length 5.21 mm to 5.39 mm (X‒ = 5.30 mm, s = 0.13, n = 2), width 3.22 mm to 3.47 mm (X‒ = 3.35 mm, s = 0.18, n = 2), length/width ratio 1.50 to 1.67 (X‒ = 1.59, s = 0.12, n = 2). Anterior margin almost straight, humeral angles rounded. Disc subdepressed. Appressed scales imbricate. Setae piliform to claviform, decumbent to semi-erect, concolorous on disc, pale laterally and posteriorly. Striae strongly impressed; interstriae convex; interstriae 1 at top of elytral declivity flat in males, swollen in females; interstriae 3 and 5 raised throughout length in both sexes. Apex in lateral view square in males; slightly produced ventrad and with small subapical tubercles in females. Thoracic ventrites. Mesoventral process narrowly rounded. Metaventrite densely covered with appressed scales. Abdomen. Ventrites densely covered with appressed scales. Males with ventrite 1 flat; ventrite 5 flat. Females with ventrite 1 flat; ventrite 4 with posterior margin produced laterally into small subtriangular laminae (Figs 108, 109); ventrite 5 with median concavity. Apex rounded. Legs. Protibiae with conspicuous denticles on ventral margin. Male genitalia. Figs 67–70. Hemisternites with spiculum relictum inconspicuous, possibly absent. Penis with apex sagittate, broad; ostial region normally developed. Endophallus with papillae; gonoporial sclerite with long, thin posterior lobes. Temones 0.73 times as long as pedon. Female genitalia. Figs 71–75. Distal gonocoxites moderately stout, 1.9 times longer than high. Bursa copulatrix stout, not constricted anterior of proximal gonocoxite; sclerite horseshoe-shaped. Sternite 8 fully sclerotised, apex rounded.

DNA sequences.

No DNA sequences obtained.

Type material examined.

Holotype. Female (NZAC). Specimen pinned through right elytron; abdomen removed and mounted in DMHF on white card pinned below specimen, genitalia dissected, ventrites coated in gold for SEM; otherwise entire. Labelled ‘Mt Bitterness / St Mary Range CO:NZ / 1830–1900 m / P.M.Johns & / M.H.Ingerfeld / 6–7.II.78’ [printed, white card], ‘stonefield with / occ. mat plants’ [printed, white card], ‘Irenimus taxonomy / and systematics / SDJ Brown / PhD Thesis 2012–2015 / IRE7625’ [printed, cream card], ‘HOLOTYPE / Austromonticola / planulatus / Brown 2017’ [printed, red card].

Paratypes. A total of 1 specimen (1 male) designated as paratype, bearing blue paratype label. Paratype specimen deposited in CMNZ.

CO: Mt Bitterness [44°45.24'S, 170°18.198'E, A], 6–7 Feb 1978, Johns PM, Ingerfeld MH, 1830-1900 m, Stonefield with occasional mat plants (CMNZ: 1).


Fig. 115. South Island: CO: St Marys Range.

Elevational range.

Label data: 1865 m (n = 2).Georeferenced data: 1905 m (n = 2).


From the Latin adjective planus, ‘flat, even’, combined with the the diminutive -ulus and the possessive -atus, referring to the almost level dorsum of this species, as compared with others in the genus; the species name is an adjective.


Collected in fellfield. No plant associations recorded.

Habitus photographs of Austromonticola males. 9, 10 A. postinventus 11, 12 A. planulatus 13, 14 A. inflatus 15, 16 A. caelibatus, holotype. Scale bars = 1 mm.

Habitus photographs of Austromonticola females. 25, 26 A. postinventus, holotype 27, 28 A. planulatus, holotype 29, 30 A. inflatus, holotype. Scale bars = 1 mm.

Left protibia, anterior view. 31 Austromonticola inflatus, holotype 32 Austromonticola planulatus, holotype. Scale bar = 1 mm.

Genitalia of Austromonticola planulatus. 67 penis, dorsal view 68 aedeagus, lateral view 69 male hemisternites 8 and spiculum gastrale, lateral view (muscles between hemisternites 8 and basal plate indicated) 70 male hemisternites 8 and spiculum gastrale with basal plate, ventral view 71 tergite 8, dorsal view 72 ovipositor, dorsal view 73 bursal sclerite, anterior view 74 ovipositor and spermatheca, lateral view 75 female sternite 8, ventral view. Scale bars = 0.5 mm; 67–70 at same scale; 71–75 at same scale.

SEM photographs of abdominal ventrites 4 and 5 of Austromonticola females. 106, 107 A. inflatus, holotype 108, 109 A. planulatus, holotype 110, 111 A. postinventus, holotype. Left: ventral view. Right: ventroposterolateral view. Scale bars = 0.5 mm.

Distributions of Austromonticola inflatus (circles), A. caelibatus (squares), A. postinventus (triangles) and A. planulatus (stars).

BrownSDJ (2017) A revision of the New Zealand weevil genus Irenimus Pascoe, 1876 (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Entiminae). Zootaxa 4263(1): 142.