Reference,Experiment,LnRR,duration,Site,Latitude,Longitude,pH,totalC ,TotalN,Obs,Ecosystem,AI,Aridity,Altitude,MAT,MAP,Temperature_seasonality,Precipitation_seasonality,Mean_temperature_diurnal_range,Climate "Janssens et al., 1998. Elevated atmospheric CO2 increases fine root production, respiration, rhizosphere respiration and soil CO2 efflux in Scots pine seedlings. Global Change Biology 4, 871-878.",UA OTC,0.87,210,Antwerp,51.17,4.38,4.3,1.61,0.12,Pinus,F,1.0773,0.4557,12,10.1,779,5502,12,7.5,Temperate "Spinnler et al., 2002. Four-year growth dynamics of beech-spruce model ecosystems under CO2 enrichment on two different forest soils. Trees-Structure and Function 16, 423-436./Hagedorn et al.(2003) The input and fate of new c in two forest soils under elevated co2. Global Change Biology, 9, 862-872.",Birmensdorf (acidic),-0.01,1460,Birmensdorf ,47.35,8.43,,,0.08,Community acidic soil,F,1.533,0,541,8.7,1133,6255,27,7.7,Temperate "Spinnler et al., 2002. Four-year growth dynamics of beech-spruce model ecosystems under CO2 enrichment on two different forest soils. Trees-Structure and Function 16, 423-436./Hagedorn et al.(2003) The input and fate of new c in two forest soils under elevated co2. Global Change Biology, 9, 862-872.",Birmensdorf (calc),0.12,1460,Birmensdorf ,47.35,8.43,,,0.076,Community calc soil,F,1.533,0,541,8.7,1133,6255,27,7.7,Temperate "Moscatelli et al. (2001) Mediterranean natural forest living at elevated carbon dioxide: Soil biological properties and plant biomass growth. Soil Use and Management, 17, 195-202.",Montalto,-0.56,365,Italy,42.37,11.53,7.8,1.18,0.11,Quercus,F,0.6224,0.9106,6,15.7,605,5520,43,8.2,Temperate "Iversen, C. M., Ledford, J., & Norby, R. J. (2008). CO2 enrichment increases carbon and nitrogen input from fine roots in a deciduous forest. New Phytologist, 179(3), 837-847.",ORNL-2,0.75,2190,ORNL,35.9,-84.33,6,2.4,0.2,Liquidambar styraciflua2,F,1.0706,0.4624,240,14,1350,7922,16,13.1,Temperate "Iversenet al. (2012). Soil carbon and nitrogen cycling and storage throughout the soil profile in a sweetgum plantation after 11 years of CO2?enrichment. Global Change Biology, 18(5), 1684-1697.",ORNL-3,0.93,3285,ORNL,35.9,-84.33,6,2.4,0.2,Liquidambar styraciflua3,F,1.0706,0.4624,240,14,1350,7922,16,13.1,Temperate "Norby, R. J.,et al.,(2002). Net primary productivity of a CO2?enriched deciduous forest and the implications for carbon storage. Ecological Applications, 12(5), 1261-1266.",ORNL-1,0.45,621,ORNL,35.9,-84.33,6,2.4,0.2,Liquidambar styraciflua1,F,1.0706,0.4624,240,14,1350,7922,16,13.1,Temperate "Dayet al. (2013). The effects of 11 yr of CO2 enrichment on roots in a Florida scrub?oak ecosystem. New Phytologist, 200(3), 778-787.",KSC,-0.36,4015,KSC,28.6,-80.66,4.1,0.872093023,0.021,Burncomm3,S,0.9694,0.5636,3,21.7,1302,4372,44,9.5,Temperate "Brownet al. (2007). Root biomass and nutrient dynamics in a scrub-oak ecosystem under the influence of elevated atmospheric CO2. Plant and Soil, 292(1-2), 219-232.",KSC,-0.19,2070,KSC,28.6,-80.66,4.1,0.872093023,0.021,Burncomm1,S,0.9694,0.5636,3,21.7,1302,4372,44,9.5,Temperate "Stoveret al (2010). The long-term effects of CO 2 enrichment on fine root productivity, mortality, and survivorship in a scrub-oak ecosystem at Kennedy Space Center, Florida, USA. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 69(2), 214-222.",KSC,0.19,3600,KSC,28.6,-80.66,4.1,0.872093023,0.021,Burncomm2,S,0.9694,0.5636,3,21.7,1302,4372,44,9.5,Temperate "Dayet al. (2013). The effects of 11 yr of CO2 enrichment on roots in a Florida scrub?oak ecosystem. New Phytologist, 200(3), 778-787.",KSC,0.06,4015,KSC,28.6,-80.66,4.1,0.872093023,0.021,Burncomm3,S,0.9694,0.5636,3,21.7,1302,4372,44,9.5,Temperate "Saha et al. (2011) Impact of elevated CO2 on utilization of soil moisture and associated soil biophysical parameters in pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan L.). Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment, 142, 213-221.",India,0.34,110,India,28.63,77.21,7.3,0.3,0.03,Cajanus cajan,A,0.4193,1.1137,218,25.1,711,6761,139,13,Temperate "Matamala, R., & Schlesinger, W. H. (2000). Effects of elevated atmospheric CO2 on fine root production and activity in an intact temperate forest ecosystem. Global Change Biology, 6(8), 967-979.",Duke,0.04,750,Duke,35.95,-79.15,5.41,1.66,0.08,Pinus1,F,0.9135,0.6195,168,14.6,1161,7607,11,13.2,Temperate "Jackson, R. B., Cook, C. W., Pippen, J. S., & Palmer, S. M. (2009). Increased belowground biomass and soil CO2 fluxes after a decade of carbon dioxide enrichment in a warm?temperate forest. Ecology, 90(12), 3352-3366.",Duke,0.21,4380,Duke,35.95,-79.15,5.41,1.66,0.08,Pinus2,F,0.9135,0.6195,168,14.6,1161,7607,11,13.2,Temperate "Phillips, R. P., Finzi, A. C., & Bernhardt, E. S. (2011). Enhanced root exudation induces microbial feedbacks to N cycling in a pine forest under long?term CO2 fumigation. Ecology letters, 14(2), 187-194",Duke,0.27,4410,Duke,35.95,-79.15,5.41,1.66,0.08,Pinus3,F,0.9135,0.6195,168,14.6,1161,7607,11,13.2,Temperate "Taylor et al. (2014). Root length, biomass, tissue chemistry and mycorrhizal colonization following 14 years of CO2 enrichment and 6 years of N fertilization in a warm temperate forest. Tree physiology, 34(9), 955-965.",Duke,0.33,5110,Duke,35.95,-79.15,5.41,1.66,0.08,Pinus4,F,0.9135,0.6195,168,14.6,1161,7607,11,13.2,Temperate "Phillips et al. (2006) Effects of elevated CO2 on fine root dynamics in a Mojave Desert community: a FACE study. Global Change Biology, 12, 61-73.",Mojave Desert,-0.31,730,Mojave Desert,36.81,-115.91,8.5,1.8,0.0821,Community1,S,0.0868,1.4462,942,16.7,131,8216,37,16,Arid "Phillips et al. (2006) Effects of elevated CO2 on fine root dynamics in a Mojave Desert community: a FACE study. Global Change Biology, 12, 61-73.",Mojave Desert,-0.07,730,Mojave Desert,36.81,-115.91,8.5,1.8,0.0821,Larrea sp1,S,0.0868,1.4462,942,16.7,131,8216,37,16,Arid "Phillips et al. (2006) Effects of elevated CO2 on fine root dynamics in a Mojave Desert community: a FACE study. Global Change Biology, 12, 61-73.",Mojave Desert,-0.03,730,Mojave Desert,36.81,-115.91,8.5,1.8,0.0821,Ambrosia1,S,0.0868,1.4462,942,16.7,131,8216,37,16,Arid "Ferguson SD, Nowak RS (2011) Transitory effects of elevated atmospheric CO2 on fine root dynamics in an arid ecosystem do not increase long-term soil carbon input from fine root litter. New Phytologist, 190, 953-967",Mojave Desert,0.14,2765,Mojave Desert,36.81,-115.91,8.5,1.8,0.0821,Larrea sp2,S,0.0868,1.4462,942,16.7,131,8216,37,16,Arid "Ferguson SD, Nowak RS (2011) Transitory effects of elevated atmospheric CO2 on fine root dynamics in an arid ecosystem do not increase long-term soil carbon input from fine root litter. New Phytologist, 190, 953-968",Mojave Desert,0.06,2765,Mojave Desert,36.81,-115.91,8.5,1.8,0.0821,Ambrosia2,S,0.0868,1.4462,942,16.7,131,8216,37,16,Arid "Ferguson SD, Nowak RS (2011) Transitory effects of elevated atmospheric CO2 on fine root dynamics in an arid ecosystem do not increase long-term soil carbon input from fine root litter. New Phytologist, 190, 953-969",Mojave Desert,0.04,2765,Mojave Desert,36.81,-115.91,8.5,1.8,0.0821,Community2,S,0.0868,1.4462,942,16.7,131,8216,37,16,Arid "Higgins et al. (2002) Root production and demography in a california annual grassland under elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide. Global Change Biology, 8, 841-850.",Jasper,-0.06,1825,Jasper,37.4,-122.21,6,1.2,0.12,Community,G,0.5731,0.9599,187,13.7,643,3409,87,11.5,Temperate "LeCain et al. (2006). Root biomass of individual species, and root size characteristics after five years of CO 2 enrichment on native shortgrass steppe. Plant and Soil, 279(1), 219-228.",Colorado,0.08,1050,Colorado OTC,40.83,-104.47,7.7,0.71,0.085,Community1,G,0.3092,1.2238,1592,8.5,359,8751,66,16.8,Arid "LeCain et al. (2006). Root biomass of individual species, and root size characteristics after five years of CO 2 enrichment on native shortgrass steppe. Plant and Soil, 279(1), 219-228.",Colorado,-0.27,1050,Colorado OTC,40.83,-104.47,7.7,0.71,0.085,Bouteloua gracilis1,G,0.3092,1.2238,1592,8.5,359,8751,66,16.8,Arid "LeCain et al. (2006). Root biomass of individual species, and root size characteristics after five years of CO 2 enrichment on native shortgrass steppe. Plant and Soil, 279(1), 219-228.",Colorado,0.32,1050,Colorado OTC,40.83,-104.47,7.7,0.71,0.085,Stipa comata1,G,0.3092,1.2238,1592,8.5,359,8751,66,16.8,Arid "LeCain et al. (2006). Root biomass of individual species, and root size characteristics after five years of CO 2 enrichment on native shortgrass steppe. Plant and Soil, 279(1), 219-228.",Colorado,-0.13,1050,Colorado OTC,40.83,-104.47,7.7,0.71,0.085,Pascopyrum smithii1,G,0.3092,1.2238,1592,8.5,359,8751,66,16.8,Arid "Milchunas, D. G., Mosier, A. R., Morgan, J. A., LeCain, D. R., King, J. Y., & Nelson, J. A. (2005). Root production and tissue quality in a shortgrass steppe exposed to elevated CO 2: using a new ingrowth method. Plant and Soil, 268(1), 111-122.",Colorado,0.34,1050,Colorado OTC,40.83,-104.47,7.7,0.71,0.085,Community2,G,0.3092,1.2238,1592,8.5,359,8751,66,16.8,Arid "Morganet al. (2011). C4 grasses prosper as carbon dioxide eliminates desiccation in warmed semi-arid grassland. Nature, 476(7359), 202-205.",Colorado,0.13,1170,Colorado FACE,41.18,-104.9,7.9,1.4,0.12,Community3,G,0.371,1.162,1903,7.1,380,8103,56,14.7,Arid "Carrilloet al. (2014). Disentangling root responses to climate change in a semiarid grassland. Oecologia, 175(2), 699-711.",Colorado,0.18,1535,Colorado FACE,41.18,-104.9,7.9,1.4,0.12,Community4,G,0.371,1.162,1903,7.1,380,8103,56,14.7,Arid "Zak et al. (2000). Atmospheric Co2, Soil?N Availability, And Allocation Of Biomass And Nitrogen By Populus Tremuloides. Ecological Applications, 10(1), 34-46.",Michigan ln,0.15,730,Michigan ,45.57,-84.66,6.74,0.36,0.026,Populus ln2,F,0.9281,0.6049,219,5.9,788,9640,24,11,Continental "Zak et al. (2000). Atmospheric Co2, Soil?N Availability, And Allocation Of Biomass And Nitrogen By Populus Tremuloides. Ecological Applications, 10(1), 34-46.",Michigan hn,0.45,730,Michigan,45.57,-84.66,6.08,1.2,0.09,Populushn2,F,0.9281,0.6049,219,5.9,788,9640,24,11,Continental "Pregitzer et al. (1995). Atmospheric CO2, soil nitrogen and turnover of fine roots. New Phytologist, 129(4), 579-585.",Michigan ln,0.28,158,Michigan,45.57,-84.66,6.3,0.36,0.04,Populus ln1,F,0.9281,0.6049,219,5.9,788,9640,24,11,Continental "Pregitzer et al. (1995). Atmospheric CO2, soil nitrogen and turnover of fine roots. New Phytologist, 129(4), 579-585.",Michigan hn,0.52,158,Michigan,45.57,-84.66,6,,0.15,Populusln2,F,0.9281,0.6049,219,5.9,788,9640,24,11,Continental "Kinget al.(2001). Fine-root biomass and fluxes of soil carbon in young stands of paper birch and trembling aspen as affected by elevated atmospheric CO2 and tropospheric O3. Oecologia, 128(2), 237-250.",Rhinelander,0.61,290,Rhinelander,45.66,-89.61,5.7,1.61,0.125,Birch/Aspen1,F,0.9342,0.5988,487,4.3,796,11047,45,12.4,Continental "Kinget al.(2001). Fine-root biomass and fluxes of soil carbon in young stands of paper birch and trembling aspen as affected by elevated atmospheric CO2 and tropospheric O3. Oecologia, 128(2), 237-250.",Rhinelander,0.72,290,Rhinelander,45.66,-89.61,5.7,1.61,0.125,Aspen1,F,0.9342,0.5988,487,4.3,796,11047,45,12.4,Continental "Pregitzeet al. (2008). Soil respiration, root biomass, and root turnover following long?term exposure of northern forests to elevated atmospheric CO2 and tropospheric O3. New Phytologist, 180(1), 153-161.",Rhinelander,0.18,2482,Rhinelander,45.66,-89.61,5.7,1.61,0.125,Birch/Aspen2,F,0.9342,0.5988,487,4.3,796,11047,45,12.4,Continental "Pregitzeet al. (2008). Soil respiration, root biomass, and root turnover following long?term exposure of northern forests to elevated atmospheric CO2 and tropospheric O3. New Phytologist, 180(1), 153-161.",Rhinelander,0.25,2482,Rhinelander,45.66,-89.61,5.7,1.61,0.125,Maple/Aspen2,F,0.9342,0.5988,487,4.3,796,11047,45,12.4,Continental "Pregitzeet al. (2008). Soil respiration, root biomass, and root turnover following long?term exposure of northern forests to elevated atmospheric CO2 and tropospheric O3. New Phytologist, 180(1), 153-161.",Rhinelander,0.26,2482,Rhinelander,45.66,-89.61,5.7,1.61,0.125,Aspen2,F,0.9342,0.5988,487,4.3,796,11047,45,12.4,Continental Reich et al unpublished data,Biocon,0.154,4380,Biocon,45.4,-123.18,5.41,0.632,0.057,Community,G,1.447,0.086,170,10.4,1397,5065,70,11.9,Temperate Pineiro et al. unpublished data,Euc,-0.036,820,EucFACE,-33.4,150.98,5.5,1.02,0.067,Euc,F,0.8004,0.7326,4,17.5,1007,4307,31,12,Temperate