Supplementary Materials
This PDF file includes:
- fig. S1. Characterization of the three kinds of paper (Grade 3MM Chr, Grade 1 Chr, and Grade 1).
- fig. S2. The dry tensile strength and wet tensile strength of the three kinds of paper (Grade 3MM Chr, Grade 1 Chr, and Grade 1).
- fig. S3. Characterization of the widths of the modules in the wet PBCs.
- fig. S4. Wetting behavior of the double-sided adhesive, the white paper, the red paper, and the paper soaked with protein.
- fig. S5. Characterization of the reaction regions on paper after the immunoassay.
- fig. S6. The repeatability of the PBAS.
- table S1. The detection of COC with the PBCs stored for 1 to 60 days.
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