Host-Specific Glycans Are Correlated with Susceptibility to Infection by Lagoviruses, but Not with Their Virulence

Supplemental material

  • Supplemental file 1 -

    Legends to Tables S1 to S8

    Table S1 (Glycan microarray data from a GI.1a (RHDVa/G6) strain.)

    Table S2 (Glycan microarray data from a GI.4a (RCV-A1) strain.)

    Table S3 (Glycan microarray data from a GI.3 (RCV-E1) strain.)

    Table S4 (Glycan microarray data from a GI.4d (RCV-E2) strain.)

    Table S5 (Glycan microarray data from a GI.2 (RHDV2) strain.)

    Table S6 (Glycan microarray data from a GII.1 (EBHSV) strain.)

    Table S7 (Neoglycoconjugates used to determine the carbohydrate binding specificities of GI.2 lagovirus strains in ELISA.)

    Table S8 (Nomenclature concordance.)

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