library(igraph) library(sna) library(mgcv) library(assortnet) ### functions ## SET UP FUNCTIONS # x <- difference sig <- function(x,sociality,assortment) { if (assortment < 0) { return ( 1/(1 + exp(-20*(abs(x)-(1-sociality)))) ) } else { return ( 1/(1 + exp(-20*(abs(x)-sociality))) ) } } si <- function(x, assortment, sociality) { return(-assortment*(sig(x,sociality,assortment)-0.5)+0.5) } # N individuals, m moving distance (% distance), r range of attraction, thresh threshold edge value generate_network <- function(N, m, r, thresh, binary=FALSE) { x <- runif(N) y <- runif(N) distances <- sqrt(outer(x,x,FUN="-")^2 + outer(y,y,FUN="-")^2) diag(distances) <- NA x <- x-m*(x-x[apply(distances,1,which.min)]) y <- y-m*(y-y[apply(distances,1,which.min)]) distances <- sqrt(outer(x,x,FUN="-")^2 + outer(y,y,FUN="-")^2) <- exp(-(distances^2) / r) diag( <- 0[ < thresh] <- 0 if (binary)[ > 0] <- 1 return( } # network properties m <- 0.15 # moving distance (% distance) has little influence on clustering r <- 0.025 # range of attraction has lots of influence on clustering thresh <- 0.05 #### run simulations for homophily psi <- 4 assortment.values <- seq(0, 1, 0.02) r <- (0.3^2) default.sociality <- 0.3 # 0.3 for homophily works well, 0.2 for heterophily works well include.assortment <- TRUE # whether to weight the social network by preferential affiliation N <- 50 n.replicates <- 50 beta = 0.2 # to store results results results.inds <- list() results.ids <- list() results.nets <- list() network.density <- list() network.assortment <- list() network.clustering <- list() network.modularity <- list() for (l in 1:length(assortment.values)) { assortment <- assortment.values[l] ## Initiate lists results.inds[[length(results.inds)+1]] <- list() results.ids[[length(results.ids)+1]] <- list() results.nets[[length(results.nets)+1]] <- list() network.density[[length(network.density)+1]] <- vector() network.assortment[[length(network.assortment)+1]] <- vector() network.clustering[[length(network.clustering)+1]] <- vector() network.modularity[[length(network.modularity)+1]] <- vector() for (i in 1:n.replicates) { ## SET UP POPULATION inds <- data.frame(id=1:N) inds$Ai <- runif(n=N,min=-1,max=1) #individual direct breeding values inds$Ei <- rnorm(n=N,mean=0,sd=0.25) #individual environmental effects inds$Soc <- default.sociality inds$APi <- inds$Ai + inds$Ei # phenotype before interactions. ## BUILD MATRIX ids <- data.frame(expand.grid(ID1=inds$id,ID2=inds$id)) ids <- ids[-which(ids[,1]==ids[,2]),] ids$APj <- inds$APi[ids$ID2] ids$APi <- inds$APi[ids$ID1] ids$Aj <- inds$Ai[ids$ID2] ids$Ai <- inds$Ai[ids$ID1] # generate the baseline network <- generate_network(N, m, r, thresh) weights <- si(outer((inds$APi),(inds$APi),"-"),assortment,outer(inds$Soc,inds$Soc,"+")) if (include.assortment) { <- * weights } else { <- } ids$edge.w <-[cbind(ids$ID1,ids$ID2)] ids$PjSi <- ids$APj * ids$edge.w ids$AjSi <- ids$Aj * ids$edge.w # Update parameters of interest inds$PjSi <- tapply(ids$AjSi,ids$ID1,FUN=mean) #individual social environment. inds$AjSi <- tapply(ids$AjSi,ids$ID1,FUN=mean) #individual breeding value of social environment. inds$Aj <- tapply(ids$Aj,ids$ID1,FUN=mean) #individual average interactant phenotype inds$Si <- tapply(ids$edge.w,ids$ID1,FUN=mean) #individual average edge strength inds$IGE <- psi*inds$PjSi #indirect effects. inds$SPi <- inds$Ai + inds$Ei + inds$IGE #individual phenotype after interaction. inds$tot.Ai <- inds$Ai * (1 + inds$Si*psi) #individual total breeding value. inds$Degree <- rowSums( ids$SPi <- inds$SPi[ids$ID1] ids$SPj <- inds$SPi[ids$ID2] ## SAVE NETWORK net <- matrix(NA, nrow=N, ncol=N) net[cbind(ids$ID1,ids$ID2)] <- ids$edge.w diag(net) <- 0 assortment.out <- assortment.continuous(, inds$APi, weighted=TRUE, SE=FALSE)$r network.assortment[[length(network.assortment)]] <- c(network.assortment[[length(network.assortment)]],assortment.out) network.density[[length(network.density)]] <- c(network.density[[length(network.density)]],gden(,mode="graph")) ## STORE RESULTS results.inds[[length(results.inds)]][[i]] <- inds results.ids[[length(results.ids)]][[i]] <- ids results.nets[[length(results.nets)]][[i]] <- net } } ######################## # change in mean phenotype ~ homophily ######################## jpeg(file = 'figure.5.jpeg', height = 1000, width = 1000, pointsize = 6, quality = 100, res = 600) par(mar = c(4, 6, 2, 0.5)) ass <- vector() mean.ige <- vector() for (i in 1:length(results.inds)) { for (j in 1:length(results.inds[[i]])) { ass <- c(ass, network.assortment[[i]][[j]]) mean.ige <- c(mean.ige, mean(results.inds[[i]][[j]]$SPi-results.inds[[i]][[j]]$APi)) } } plot(ass, mean.ige, xlim=c(0,1), ylim=c(-0.2,0.2), xlab="", ylab="", axes = F ,pch=19, cex=0.2, col="#66666666") mtext(side = 1, 'Network homophily', line = 2.5, cex = 1) mtext(side = 2, expression(paste('Change in phenotypic mean (', bar(z), ')')), line = 2.8, cex = 1) box() axis(side = 1, at = seq(0, 1, 0.2), las = 1, cex = 0.8) axis(side = 2, at = seq(-0.2, 0.2, 0.1), las = 1) points(seq(min(ass, na.rm = T), max(ass, na.rm = T), 0.001), predict(gam(mean.ige ~ s(ass, bs = 'cs')), newdata = list(ass = seq(min(ass, na.rm = T), max(ass, na.rm = T), 0.001))), type = 'l', col = 'red') text(0, 0.16*0.85, pos = 4, c(expression(paste(psi['g'], ' = ', 4))), cex = 1.2) text(0, 0.18*0.95, pos = 4, c(expression(paste(N['group'], ' = ', 50))), cex = 1.2) ########################## #### multipanel ########################## jpeg(file = 'figure.6.jpeg', height = 2000, width = 2000, pointsize = 6, quality = 100, res = 600) par(mfrow = c(2,2)) par(mar = c(4, 6, 2, 0.5)) ass <- vector() var.ige <- vector() for (i in 1:length(results.inds)) { for (j in 1:length(results.inds[[i]])) { ass <- c(ass, network.assortment[[i]][[j]]) var.ige <- c(var.ige, var(results.inds[[i]][[j]]$IGE)/var(results.inds[[i]][[j]]$APi)) } } plot(ass, var.ige, xlim=c(0,1), ylim=c(0,0.12), axes = F, xlab="", ylab="" ,pch=19, cex=0.2, col="#66666666") mtext(side = 1, 'Network homophily', line = 2.5, cex = 1) mtext(side = 2, expression(paste('Variance in indirect effects (', sigma['g']^2, ')')), line = 2.8, cex = 1) box() axis(side = 1, at = seq(0, 1, 0.2), las = 1, cex = 0.8) axis(side = 2, at = seq(0, 0.12, 0.03), las = 1) points(seq(min(ass, na.rm = T), max(ass, na.rm = T), 0.001), predict(gam(var.ige ~ s(ass, bs = 'cs')), newdata = list(ass = seq(min(ass, na.rm = T), max(ass, na.rm = T), 0.001))), type = 'l', col = 'red', lwd = 2) text(0, 0.115*0.85, pos = 4, expression(paste(psi['g'], ' = ', 4)), cex = 1.2) text(0, 0.115*0.95, pos = 4, expression(paste(N['group'], ' = ', 50)), cex = 1.2) mtext('a)', side = 1, adj = -0.5, line = -15.4, cex = 2) par(mar = c(4, 6, 2, 0.5)) ass <- vector() cor <- vector() for (i in 1:length(results.inds)) { for (j in 1:length(results.inds[[i]])) { ass <- c(ass, network.assortment[[i]][[j]]) cor <- c(cor,cor(results.inds[[i]][[j]]$Ai, results.inds[[i]][[j]]$AjSi))}} plot(ass, cor, xlim=c(0,1), ylim=c(-1,1), xlab="", ylab="", axes = F ,pch=19, cex=0.2, col="#66666666") mtext(side = 1, 'Network homophily', line = 2.5, cex = 1) mtext(side = 2, 'Direct - indirect genetic effects', line = 3.7, cex = 1) mtext(side = 2, expression(paste('correlation (r'[paste('a,', bar(sa),'\'')], ')')), line = 2.3, cex = 1) box() axis(side = 1, at = seq(0, 1, 0.2), las = 1, cex = 0.8) axis(side = 2, at = seq(-1, 1, 0.5), las = 1) points(seq(min(ass, na.rm = T), max(ass, na.rm = T), 0.001), predict(gam(cor ~ s(ass, bs = 'cs')), newdata = list(ass=seq(min(ass, na.rm = T), max(ass, na.rm = T), 0.001))), type = 'l', col = 'red', lwd = 2) mtext('b)', side = 1, adj = -0.5, line = -15.4, cex = 2) # phenotypic variance ~ homophily par(mar = c(4, 6, 2, 0.5)) ass <- vector() var.pi <- vector() for (i in 1:length(results.inds)) { for (j in 1:length(results.inds[[i]])) { ass <- c(ass, network.assortment[[i]][[j]]) var.pi <- c(var.pi, (var(results.inds[[i]][[j]]$SPi)-var(results.inds[[i]][[j]]$APi))/var(results.inds[[i]][[j]]$APi) )}} plot(ass, var.pi, xlim=c(0,1), ylim=c(-0.06,0.75), axes = F, xlab="", ylab="" ,pch=19, cex=0.2, col="#66666666") mtext(side = 1, 'Network homophily', line = 2.5, cex = 1) #mtext(side = 2, expression(paste('Change in phenotypic variance (', sigma[bar('z')]^2, ')')), line = 2.8, cex = 1) mtext(side = 2, 'Relative change', line = 3.7, cex = 1) mtext(side = 2, expression(paste('in phenotypic variance (', sigma[bar('z')]^2, ')')), line = 2.3, cex = 1) box() axis(side = 1, at = seq(0, 1, 0.2), las = 0.8) axis(side = 2, at = seq(0, 0.75, 0.25), las = 1) points(seq(min(ass, na.rm = T), max(ass, na.rm = T), 0.001), predict(gam(var.pi ~ s(ass, bs = 'cs')), newdata = list(ass=seq(min(ass, na.rm = T), max(ass, na.rm = T), 0.001))), type = 'l', col = 'red', lwd = 2) mtext('c)', side = 1, adj = -0.5, line = -15.4, cex = 2) # genotypic variance ~ homophily par(mar = c(4, 6, 2, 0.5)) ass <- vector() <- vector() for (i in 1:length(results.inds)) { for (j in 1:length(results.inds[[i]])) { ass <- c(ass, network.assortment[[i]][[j]]) <- c(, (var(results.inds[[i]][[j]]$tot.Ai)-var(results.inds[[i]][[j]]$Ai))/var(results.inds[[i]][[j]]$Ai) )}} plot(ass,, xlim=c(0,1), ylim=c(0, 1.6), axes = F, xlab="", ylab="" ,pch=19, cex=0.2, col="#66666666") mtext(side = 1, 'Network homophily', line = 2.5, cex = 1) #mtext(side = 2, expression(paste('Change in genetic variance (', sigma['A']^2, ')')), line = 2.8, cex = 1) mtext(side = 2, 'Relative change', line = 3.7, cex = 1) mtext(side = 2, expression(paste('in genetic variance (', sigma['A']^2, ')')), line = 2.3, cex = 1) box() axis(side = 1, at = seq(0, 1, 0.2), las = 0.8) axis(side = 2, at = seq(0, 1.5, 0.3), las = 1) points(seq(min(ass, na.rm = T), max(ass, na.rm = T), 0.001), predict(gam( ~ s(ass, bs = 'cs')), newdata = list(ass=seq(min(ass, na.rm = T), max(ass, na.rm = T), 0.001))), type = 'l', col = 'red', lwd = 2) mtext('d)', side = 1, adj = -0.5, line = -15.4, cex = 2) ######################## #response to selection by homophily ######################## jpeg(file = 'figure.7.jpeg', height = 1000, width = 1000, pointsize = 6, quality = 100, res = 600) par(mar = c(4, 6, 2, 0.5)) ass <- vector() response <- vector() for (i in 1:length(results.inds)) { for (j in 1:length(results.inds[[i]])) { ass <- c(ass, network.assortment[[i]][[j]]) response <- c(response, beta * cov(results.inds[[i]][[j]]$tot.Ai, results.inds[[i]][[j]]$SPi)) }} plot(response ~ ass, xlim=c(0,1), ylim=c(0,0.17), axes = F, xlab="", ylab="" ,pch=19, cex=0.2, col="#66666666") mtext(side = 1, 'Network homophily', line = 2.5, cex = 1) mtext(side = 2, expression(paste('Response to selection (', Delta,'z', ')', sep = '')), line = 2.8, cex = 1) axis(side = 1, at = seq(0, 1, 0.2), las = 1, cex = 0.8) axis(side = 2, at = seq(0, 0.16, 0.04), las = 1, cex = 0.8) box() text(1, 0.005, pos = 2, expression(paste(psi['g'], ' = ', 4)), cex = 1.2) text(1, 0.02, pos = 2, expression(paste(N['group'], ' = ', 50)), cex = 1.2) text(1, 0.038, pos = 2, expression(paste(beta, ' = ', 0.2)), cex = 1.2) points(seq(min(ass, na.rm = T),max(ass, na.rm = T),0.001), predict(gam(response ~ s(ass, bs = 'cs')), newdata = list(ass = seq(min(ass, na.rm = T),max(ass, na.rm = T),0.001))), type = 'l', col = 'red', lwd = 2) text(1, 0.35*0.8, pos = 2, expression(paste(psi['g'], ' = ', 0.4)), cex = 1.2) text(1, 0.35*0.9, pos = 2, expression(paste(N['group'], ' = ', 50)), cex = 1.2) ##### compute standardised psi psi.standardised <- array(dim = length(results.inds), data = NA) for (i in 2:length(results.inds)){ psi.standardised[i] <- coef(lm( scale(unlist(lapply(results.inds[[i]], '[', 'SPi'))) ~ scale(unlist(lapply(results.inds[[i]], '[', 'PjSi'))) ))[2] }