Parameters of the 2-liter-scale wort fermentations with the wild-type and variant strains (Table S2); concentrations of nine yeast-derived aroma compounds (Table S3); chromosome copy numbers (Table S4); copy numbers of genes related to maltose transport in the wild-type and variant strains (Table S5); optical densities of the isolates (Fig. S1); concentrations of maltotriose, maltose, and monosaccharides (Fig. S2); DNA fingerprints (Fig. S3); correlation between the maximum maltose consumption rate and the combined copy number of genes related to maltose transport (Fig. S4); Circos-style plots of all the yeast strains used in the study (Fig. S5 to S16).
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Unique SNPs, indels, and SVs that were detected in the eight variant strains (Table S1).