Supplementary Materials
This PDF file includes:
- Description of model scenarios and results
- Model inputs
- Wave data collection
- Model calibration
- Offshore wave climate
- fig. S1. Schematic representation of the inputs into the wave dissipation simulations for the six scenarios (P1 to P3 and S1 to S3) described in the main text.
- fig. S2. Changes in back-reef wave height for different scenarios and energy regimes.
- fig. S3. Locations of the cross-reef bathymetric profiles and of the wave measurements for the four reef sites in Moorea and Tahiti.
- fig. S4. Global map of sea-level rise predictions by 2100 by the IPCC for the RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 scenarios.
- fig. S5. Example of time-averaged and individual wave heights for Tiahura near breakpoint.
- fig. S6. Comparison of the modeled and measured wave for each deployment location on the reef flats and lagoon of the four sites in Moorea and Tahiti.
- fig. S7. Example time series for Ha’apiti, Moorea.
- fig. S8. Summary of long-term offshore wave data (1979–2013) for Tahiti and Moorea from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration WAVEWATCH III ( (150.05°W, 17.94°S).
- fig. S9. Comparison of the measrured offshore significant wave height (Hso) used to calibrate the XBeach wave model (study period) and the long-term averages
from CRIOBE and Moorea LTER (4) measurements (long-term) for each reef site.
- table S1. Sources of bathymetric data sets for Moorea and Tahiti.
- References (58, 59)
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