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"[", "3", "]"}]]}], ")"}], "+", InterpretationBox[ SuperscriptBox[ RowBox[{"O", "[", "u", "]"}], "1"], SeriesData[$CellContext`u, 0, {}, 0, 1, 1], Editable->False]}], SeriesData[$CellContext`u, 0, { 6 $CellContext`m[2]/$CellContext`NN[2] - 6 $CellContext`m[3]/$CellContext`NN[3]}, 0, 1, 1], Editable->False], ",", InterpretationBox[ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"(", RowBox[{ FractionBox[ RowBox[{"12", " ", RowBox[{"m", "[", "3", "]"}]}], RowBox[{"NN", "[", "3", "]"}]], "-", FractionBox[ RowBox[{"12", " ", RowBox[{"m", "[", "4", "]"}]}], RowBox[{"NN", "[", "4", "]"}]]}], ")"}], "+", InterpretationBox[ SuperscriptBox[ RowBox[{"O", "[", "u", "]"}], "1"], SeriesData[$CellContext`u, 0, {}, 0, 1, 1], Editable->False]}], SeriesData[$CellContext`u, 0, { 12 $CellContext`m[3]/$CellContext`NN[3] - 12 $CellContext`m[4]/$CellContext`NN[4]}, 0, 1, 1], Editable->False]}], "}"}]}], SequenceForm[ 20, ", tree=", {16, 6, 3, 1, 0}, ", probability=", 0, ", change=", {0, SeriesData[$CellContext`u, 0, {}, 1, 1, 1], 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1, 1], Editable->False]}], SeriesData[$CellContext`u, 0, { 16 $CellContext`m[3]/$CellContext`NN[3] - 16 $CellContext`m[4]/$CellContext`NN[4]}, 0, 1, 1], Editable->False]}], "}"}]}], SequenceForm[ 27, ", tree=", {16, 8, 0, 0, 0}, ", probability=", 8 (1 - $CellContext`v[3]) $CellContext`v[3]^7 + $CellContext`v[3]^8, ", change=", {0, 0, 0, SeriesData[$CellContext`u, 0, {}, 1, 1, 1], SeriesData[$CellContext`u, 0, { 16 $CellContext`m[3]/$CellContext`NN[3] - 16 $CellContext`m[4]/$CellContext`NN[4]}, 0, 1, 1]}], Editable->False]], "Print", CellChangeTimes->{3.715903786565139*^9, 3.716034737836323*^9, 3.71603477168725*^9, 3.7160348676069813`*^9}], Cell[BoxData[ InterpretationBox[ RowBox[{"28", "\[InvisibleSpace]", "\<\", tree=\"\>", "\[InvisibleSpace]", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"16", ",", "8", ",", "1", ",", "0", ",", "0"}], "}"}], "\[InvisibleSpace]", "\<\", probability=\"\>", "\[InvisibleSpace]", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"56", " ", SuperscriptBox[ RowBox[{"(", RowBox[{"1", "-", RowBox[{"v", "[", "3", 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"-", RowBox[{"v", "[", "3", "]"}]}], ")"}], "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox[ RowBox[{"v", "[", "3", "]"}], "4"]}]}], ")"}]}], "\[InvisibleSpace]", "\<\", change=\"\>", "\[InvisibleSpace]", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"0", ",", "0", ",", InterpretationBox[ SuperscriptBox[ RowBox[{"O", "[", "u", "]"}], "1"], SeriesData[$CellContext`u, 0, {}, 1, 1, 1], Editable->False], ",", InterpretationBox[ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"(", RowBox[{ FractionBox[ RowBox[{"4", " ", RowBox[{"m", "[", "2", "]"}]}], RowBox[{"NN", "[", "2", "]"}]], "-", FractionBox[ RowBox[{"4", " ", RowBox[{"m", "[", "3", "]"}]}], RowBox[{"NN", "[", "3", "]"}]]}], ")"}], "+", InterpretationBox[ SuperscriptBox[ RowBox[{"O", "[", "u", "]"}], "1"], SeriesData[$CellContext`u, 0, {}, 0, 1, 1], Editable->False]}], SeriesData[$CellContext`u, 0, { 4 $CellContext`m[2]/$CellContext`NN[2] - 4 $CellContext`m[3]/$CellContext`NN[3]}, 0, 1, 1], Editable->False], ",", InterpretationBox[ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"(", RowBox[{ FractionBox[ RowBox[{"16", " ", RowBox[{"m", "[", "3", "]"}]}], RowBox[{"NN", "[", "3", "]"}]], "-", FractionBox[ RowBox[{"16", " ", RowBox[{"m", "[", "4", "]"}]}], RowBox[{"NN", "[", "4", "]"}]]}], ")"}], "+", InterpretationBox[ SuperscriptBox[ RowBox[{"O", "[", "u", "]"}], "1"], SeriesData[$CellContext`u, 0, {}, 0, 1, 1], Editable->False]}], SeriesData[$CellContext`u, 0, { 16 $CellContext`m[3]/$CellContext`NN[3] - 16 $CellContext`m[4]/$CellContext`NN[4]}, 0, 1, 1], Editable->False]}], "}"}]}], SequenceForm[ 29, ", tree=", {16, 8, 2, 0, 0}, ", probability=", ( 2 (1 - $CellContext`v[2]) $CellContext`v[2] + $CellContext`v[2]^2) ( 56 (1 - $CellContext`v[3])^5 $CellContext`v[3]^3 + 70 (1 - $CellContext`v[3])^4 $CellContext`v[3]^4), ", change=", {0, 0, SeriesData[$CellContext`u, 0, {}, 1, 1, 1], SeriesData[$CellContext`u, 0, { 4 $CellContext`m[2]/$CellContext`NN[2] - 4 $CellContext`m[3]/$CellContext`NN[3]}, 0, 1, 1], SeriesData[$CellContext`u, 0, { 16 $CellContext`m[3]/$CellContext`NN[3] - 16 $CellContext`m[4]/$CellContext`NN[4]}, 0, 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"2", "]"}], "3"]}], ")"}], " ", RowBox[{"(", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"8", " ", SuperscriptBox[ RowBox[{"(", RowBox[{"1", "-", RowBox[{"v", "[", "3", "]"}]}], ")"}], "7"], " ", RowBox[{"v", "[", "3", "]"}]}], "+", RowBox[{"28", " ", SuperscriptBox[ RowBox[{"(", RowBox[{"1", "-", RowBox[{"v", "[", "3", "]"}]}], ")"}], "6"], " ", SuperscriptBox[ RowBox[{"v", "[", "3", "]"}], "2"]}]}], ")"}]}], "\[InvisibleSpace]", "\<\", change=\"\>", "\[InvisibleSpace]", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"0", ",", "0", ",", InterpretationBox[ SuperscriptBox[ RowBox[{"O", "[", "u", "]"}], "1"], SeriesData[$CellContext`u, 0, {}, 1, 1, 1], Editable->False], ",", InterpretationBox[ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"(", RowBox[{ FractionBox[ RowBox[{"6", " ", RowBox[{"m", "[", "2", "]"}]}], RowBox[{"NN", "[", "2", "]"}]], "-", FractionBox[ RowBox[{"6", " ", RowBox[{"m", "[", "3", "]"}]}], RowBox[{"NN", "[", "3", "]"}]]}], ")"}], "+", InterpretationBox[ SuperscriptBox[ RowBox[{"O", "[", "u", "]"}], "1"], SeriesData[$CellContext`u, 0, {}, 0, 1, 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3.716034877961624*^9}] }, Open ]] }, WindowSize->{808, 755}, WindowMargins->{{212, Automatic}, {Automatic, 47}}, FrontEndVersion->"10.0 for Mac OS X x86 (32-bit, 64-bit Kernel) (December 4, \ 2014)", StyleDefinitions->"Default.nb" ] (* End of Notebook Content *) (* Internal cache information *) (*CellTagsOutline CellTagsIndex->{} *) (*CellTagsIndex CellTagsIndex->{} *) (*NotebookFileOutline Notebook[{ Cell[558, 20, 2991, 46, 63, "Input"], Cell[3552, 68, 2472, 62, 97, "Input"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[6049, 134, 19509, 505, 743, "Input"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[25583, 643, 875, 20, 26, "Print"], Cell[26461, 665, 1725, 44, 41, "Print"], Cell[28189, 711, 1726, 44, 41, "Print"], Cell[29918, 757, 2572, 67, 58, "Print"], Cell[32493, 826, 1728, 44, 41, "Print"], Cell[34224, 872, 2573, 67, 58, "Print"], Cell[36800, 941, 1728, 44, 41, "Print"], Cell[38531, 987, 2573, 67, 58, "Print"], Cell[41107, 1056, 2575, 67, 58, "Print"], Cell[43685, 1125, 3426, 91, 58, "Print"], Cell[47114, 1218, 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