Supplementary Materials
This PDF file includes:
- fig. S1. Characterization of the rs4349147 DHS and the rs4349147 KO clone.
- fig. S2. Characterization of the rs4349147 G/−, rs4349147 −/A, and −/A Δrs4349147 clones.
- fig. S3. HIV infectability and differential expression of IL-32 isoforms between WT, rs4349147 G/−, and rs4349147 −/A clonal Jurkat cell lines.
- fig. S4. Analysis of genes that are at least twofold differentially expressed in rs4349147 −/A compared to rs4349147 G/− and WT clonal Jurkat cell lines.
- fig. S5. Endogenous lentiviral overexpression of IL-32 isoforms in CD4+ cells results in altered HIV susceptibility and proinflammatory cytokine expression.
- fig. S6. UCSC genome browser graphic of DNase I hypersensitivity (upper track, black, blue, purple) and mRNA sequencing (lower track, green) data obtained from the Human Epigenome Atlas.
- table S1. Overview of SNPs.
- table S2. List of differentially regulated genes.
- table S3. GO term analysis of −/A versus WT and G/− down-regulated genes.
- table S4. Cytokine secretion in Jurkat cells as measured by Proteome Profiler Human XL Cytokine Array kit.
- table S5. Cytokine secretion in CD4+ T cells after stimulation and infection with HIV as measured by Proteome Profiler Human XL Cytokine Array kit.
- table S6. Primer sequences used.
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