This PDF file includes:
- fig. S1. Sketch of the structures of PP separator and Li atom after geometry optimizations.
- fig. S2. Images of q-PET nonwoven fabric.
- fig. S3. SEM and elemental mapping images showing the homogenous distribution of C, N, and O in the q-PET fiber.
- fig. S4. EDX spectrum under SEM mode.
- fig. S5. Cycling performances of Li/Cu cells.
- fig. S6. Digital picture of q-PET interlayer after 30 cycles.
- fig. S7. Effectiveness of lithiophilic effect only.
- fig. S8. SEM images of Li deposition on q-PET fiber–modified electrodes after
10 cycles.
- fig. S9. Galvanostatic cycling performance of symmetrical cells.
- fig. S10. Galvanostatic cycling performance of symmetrical cells at 5 mA cm−2 with high areal capacities of 2, 5, or 10 mA·hour cm−2.
- fig. S11. Charge-discharge profiles of the Li/LFP cells at different cycles.
- fig. S12. Voltage profiles of Li/LFP and Li/LTO half cells with or without q-PET (first cycle).
- table S1. Binding energies using DFT calculations.
- table S2. Elemental analysis (Dumas combustion).
- table S3. Li CE of q-PET–modified cells compared with other state-of-the-art modifications.
- Legends for movies S1 and S2
- References (38–45)
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Other Supplementary Material for this manuscript includes the following:
- movie S1 (.mp4 format). Shape of a droplet (ether-based electrolyte) on the bare lithium foil.
- movie S2 (.mp4 format). Spreading behavior of a droplet (ether-based electrolyte) on the q-PET/Li composite anode.